JOHN G. ASTON. A Comparison of the Adiabatic and Isothermal Calorimeter. D. H. ANDREWS. Planning Calorimetry for the Future. GEORGE GUTHERIE...
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MEETINGS A N D PROGRAMS C a l o r i m e t r y Conference T o Be Held a t Northwestern The Fifth Calorimetry Conference will meet Sept. 5 at t h e Technological Insti­ tute of Northwestern University, Evanston, 111., at 9:00 A.M. T h e conference is des­ ignated a memorial t o the late Hugh Huff­ man, who in the past initiated and planned the conferences. The program follows:

York, eastern vice president; Kenneth Flint, Flint, Eaton & Co., Decatur, III, central vice president; Philip Bates, Rexall Drug Co., Los Angeles, western vice presi­ dent; Fred Niisch, Smith-Dorsey Co., Lincoln, Neb., treasurer; and John Closs, executive secretary. The association has opened a New York headquarters office at 5 0 0 Fifth Ave. with Dr. Closs i n charge.

Power Show t o Disclose Improved D. R. STULL. Introductory remarks. G. S. PARKS. Hugh Huffman and His Smoke C o n t r o l Equipment Research Work. Current efforts to activate N e w York A. B. SCOTT OR GEO. FURUKAWA. Cal­ City's smoke control ordinance lend special orimetry in the Range 1° to 20° K. ALLAN C. WERNER. Calorimetry from interest to the 19th Exposition of Power 25° to 300° C. and Mechanical Engineering, t o be held GEO. FURUKAWA. Progress Report of in Grand Central Palace Nov. 2 7 to national Bureau of Standards Measure­ Dec. 2 . A large proportion of the exhibits ments on the Standard Samples. will deal with fuels, fuel handling and JOHN G. ASTON. A Comparison of t h e Adiabatic and Lsothermal Calorimeter. combustion, and a number will reveal D. H . ANDREWS. Pkmning Calorimetry improvements directly aimed at the sup­ for the Future. pression of fumes and dust. GEORGE GUTHERXE. Machine Compu­ This year's exposition will be held tation of ReeiMmnce t*. Temperature under the auspices of the American Society Tables for Platinum Resistance Thermom­ eters from 15° to 90* K. of Mechanical Engineers. The- local sec­ R. S. CRAIG. Calorimetry with a Colhns tion o f AS M E has cooperated with civic Cryostat. authorities in their efforts to reduce pollu­ FREDERIC C. SCEDSJHTT. Liquid Ammonia tion of the N e w York atmosphere by legal Calorimeters and Some Heats of Reaction. means· PHILIP M. ANDRESS. A Six-Dial Thermofree Potentiometer. W. P. HETTNGER JR. et al.


Adiabatic Temperature Control. RANDOLPH C. WELHOIT AND M A L C O L M

DOLE. Use of a Watt Hour Meter in Calorimetry. Demonstration of Precision Resistance Recorder ( b y representative of Leeds and Northrup C o . ) . The group luncheon will b e held at the Georgian Hotel at 12 noon. Election of chairman will b e held at the business meeting 2:00 to 2:30.

McAuliffe t o Address A r m e d Forces Chemical Association A meeting of the directors of the Armed Forces Chemical Association will b e held at the Stevens Hotel, Chicago, Sept. β, beginning at 3:00 P . M . This assembly fol­ lows the plan in former years of getting together during the fall meeting of the

iMfernatfoscil Meeting on Analysis a n d Assays An international meeting o n analysis and assays will h e held in Paris from Nov. 2 0 to 2 4 under the sponsorship o f the Société de Chimie Industrielle. An exposition of laboratory material and apparatus for industrial control will b e held from Nov. 1 8 t o 24, also in Paris. Original papers are invited. Special sections will b e held o n methods, physical-chemical techniques, chemical analysis of minerals, organic chemical analysis, and biochemical analysis, and industrial hygiene. Additional information may be obtained from Société de Chimie Industrielle, 29, Rue Saint-Dominique, Paris 7 e France.

O i l Chemists t o H a v e Dinner M e e t i n g


ner given the evening of Sept. 6 by the Chicago chapter of the association Gen. Anthony C. McAuliffe will b e the principal speaker.

N e w Officials of Α Ρ Μ Α Take Office Howard Fonda, vice president of Burroughs-Wellcome & Co. ( U . S. A . ) Inc., has taken office as president of the Ameri­ can Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Asso­ ciation succeeding Theodore G. Klumpp of Winthrop-Stearns Inc. Other officers of the association are Ronald Helps, Schieffelin & Co., N e w V O L U M E

2 8, N O . 3 4

The Northeast Oil Chemists' Society will hold its next dinner meeting at Building Trades Employers Association, 2 Park Ave., N e w York City. The speaker of the evening will be A. W. Segebreckt, eastern manager of the chemical division of Armour & Co., w h o will talk on Industrial Chemicals from Fats. Charge for the dinner will b e $3.50 per plate.

Cosmetic Chemists to M e e t in N e w York The fall meeting of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists will be held in New York o n Wednesday, D e c . 6, 1950, at the


2 1, 1 9 5 0

Biltmore Hotel. This will b e the regular annual meeting at which technical papers will b e read and discussed. Communications concerning technical papers should be addressed t o the chairman of the program committee, Kenneth L. Russell, Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co., 105 Hudson St., Jersey City 2 , N. J.

Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy Conference The 1951 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy will be held at the William Perm Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Feb. 2 8 to March 2, 1951. The conference is jointly sponsored by the Analytical Chemistry Group of the Pittsburgh Section of the ACS a n d the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh. An exposition of modern laboratory equipment will be a feature of t h e conference.

Scientific Research Society Installs China Lake Branch The China Lake Branch of the Scientific Research Society of America w a s installed at the Naval Ordnance Test Station, Inyokern, China Lake, Calif., o n July 27. Officers elected were: president, C. T. Elvey; vice president, W . B. Plum; executive secretary, John A. Quense; and treasurer, Allen E . Olsen.

Society of Applied Spectroscopy To Plan f o r Coming Y e a r The Society for Applied Spectroscopy will meet Sept. 12 in N e w York. A n informal dinner is scheduled at 6:00 P . M . at Tosca's, 118 Fulton St., and the business meeting will follow at 8 : 0 0 P.M. i n the Socony-Vacuum Training Center, 6 3 Park Row. Plans for the coming season will be outlined by the new officers and committees.

Mechanical Engineers t o M e e t in Worcester The American Society of Mechanical Engineers will hold its 1950 fall meeting in Worcester, Mass., at the Hotel Sheraton. Sept. 19 to 2 1 . Papers are scheduled on Heat Transfer, Management, Rubber and Plastics, Power, Machine Design, Materials Handling, Production Engineering, and Wood Industries.

CALEMPAR OF EVENTS American Chemical Society 118th National Meeting, Chicago, I1L Sept. 3 - 8 , 1950. Sixth National Chemical Exposition, Chicago Section, Coliseum, Chicago, I1L Sept. 5 - 9 . 119th National Meeting (divided). Boston, Mass. April 1-5, 1951; Cleveland, Ohio, April 8 - 1 2 , 1951. Other Organizations International Meeting of the Associations for the Advancement of Science. Paris, Sept. 11-12. 2907