MEETINGS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Mar 25, 1991 - 25th ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting. The Silver Anniversary ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, hosted by the Delaware Section,...
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25th ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting The Silver Anniversary ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, hosted by the Delaware Section, will be held at the University of Delaware's Clayton Hall Conference Facility, May 21-23. The program features over 275 papers in 27 sessions. Ten invited symposia will be presented incorporating many eminent speakers in diverse areas: 25 Years of Excellence in Organic Chemistry; Recent Advances in Heterocycle Chemistry; Atherosclerosis and Hyperlipidemia Agents; Coagulation and Thrombosis; Modified Nucleotides as Biochemical Probes; Careers in Chemical Information; Student Award Symposium of the Chromatography Forum of the Delaware Valley; Technician Affiliate Symposium; and Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory Curricula. As a very special event, an invited symposium on Advances in NMR will honor Frank Bovey, AT&T Bell Laboratories, the 1991 winner of the Delaware Section's Carothers Award. In addition, workshops will address Occupational Safety & Health Administration safety issues for the laboratory and the role of mentoring in chemical education. A special minicourse on organic chemical nomenclature, taught by Michael Stemniski, will be offered by the Delaware Section Technician Affiliate (prior registration is required). ACS Employment and Career Services will hold a National Employment Clearing House (NECH) on Tuesday, May 21, and Wednesday, May 22, from 8 AM to 5 PM and from 8 AM to noon on Thursday, May 23. Candidates and employers may register in the NECH area beginning Tuesday morning. For information and registration forms, call John Michael Sophos, (800) 227-5558, No. 4. An exhibition of manufacturers and suppliers of laboratory equipment, apparatus, and services will be held in the Clayton Hall lobby, central to the meeting rooms, on Tuesday and Wednesday, and Thursday morning. All meals served at the Clayton Hall facility will be by preregistration. No meal signup will be available at the site. Tuesday's luncheon buffet will be followed by brief opening ceremonies welcoming all participants to the 25th MARM. David Roselle, president of the University of Delaware, will provide an official welcome from the university, and Joseph Dixon, chairman of the ACS Board of Directors, will welcome participants on behalf of ACS. A reception will be held Tuesday evening prior to the 25th Anniversary Banquet. A cash bar will be offered to supplement complimentary hors d'oeuvres. Delaware Lt. Gov. Dale Wolf, a chemist and former chemical industry executive, has been invited to discuss how an education in chemistry prepared him for his unusual career path, and to offer predictions of what the role of chemists in society in the next 25 years might be. On Wednesday, a luncheon will honor the MARM High School Teacher of the Year and the 1991 winner of the E. Emmet Reid Award for excellence in college-level chemical education. Alan L. McClelland (Director, Science Alliance) will introduce "Science Alliance—What You Can Do To Help Science Education." Wednesday evening provides a reception and banquet to honor Frank Bovey of AT&T Bell Laboratories as the 1991 Carothers awardee. Thursday's luncheon will fea-

ture Ned Heindel, professor at Lehigh University and a MARM region director of ACS, as speaker. Meeting participants are encouraged to preregister for this meeting using the registration form on page 48. On-site registration will be available beginning at 8 AM on Tuesday, May 21, and during the remainder of the meeting. Advance registrants may pick up their registration materials, badge, program, and abstract booklet, and meal tickets at the registration desk. Parking is limited at the Clayton Hall Conference facility. Parking permits and maps to the facility will be distributed in the preregistration materials sent with a letter of confirmation. Blocks of rooms at local hotels have been reserved. Names, addresses, and phone numbers of participating hotels are listed on the form on page 48. Participants are encouraged to contact the hotels directly, before May 10, to guarantee accommodation. Mention the ACS MARM to ensure the conference rate. Newark, Del., is accessible by air (Philadelphia International Airport), train (Amtrak Station, Wilmington, Del.), and car via 1-95 (Exit 1, Newark). The Clayton Hall Conference Facility is located on Rte. 896, easily found off 1-95 by following the Clayton Hall logo signs. If you travel by air to Philadelphia, there are convenient limousine services; the fare is approximately $20 one way. From the Amtrak Station in Wilmington, Newark can be reached by cab. Bus service is available on Delaware Area Rapid Transit (DART) for transport to and within Newark. DART route No. 16 serves the Holiday Inn, the Sheraton Motor Lodge, Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge, and Comfort Inn (20 to 30 minutes travel time). For further information about the meeting, contact the following organizers: general chairman David Eaton, (302) 6952181; program chairmen George Trainor, (302) 695-3580 and D. Amy Trainor, (302) 886-2666. For registration information contact Jayne Allen, (302) 695-1496.


TUESDAY 8:00 AM-5:00 PM—Meeting Registration, Clayton Hall Lobby 8:00 AM-5:00 PM—ACS Employment Clearing House Registration, Clayton 110 8:00 AM-5:00 PM—Organic Chemistry Nomenclature Minicourse. Pencader 115A 9:00 AM-6:00 PM—Exhibition, Clayton Hall Lobby Noon—Welcoming Luncheon Buffet, Clayton 101A 2:00-5:00 PM—Workshop on the OSHA Laboratory Standard. Pencader 103 5:00-6:00 PM—25th Anniversary Reception, Clayton Hall Lobby 6:00 PM—25th Anniversary Banquet, Clayton 101A

8:00 AM-5:00 PM—ACS Employment Clearing House Registration, Clayton 110 9:00 AM-6:00 PM—Exhibition, Clayton Hall Lobby Noon—Education Awards Luncheon, Clayton 101A 5:00-6:00 PM—Carothers Award Reception, Clayton Hall Lobby 6:00 PM—Carothers Award Banquet, Clayton 101A

THURSDAY 8:00 AM-noon—Meeting Registration, Clayton Hall Lobby 8:00 AM-noon—ACS Employment Clearing House Registration, Clayton 110 9:00 AM-noon—Exhibition, Clayton Hall Lobby Noon—Closing Luncheon Buffet, Room 101A 2:00-3:00 PM—Local Section Officers and Councilors Meeting, Room C121 3:00-4:00 PM—MARM Steering Committee Meeting, Room C121

WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM-5:00 PM—Meeting Registration, Clayton Hall Lobby

March 25, 1991 C&EN




W. Barber, Presiding 9:00—1. Application of a Recursive Digital Filter for Parameter Estimation in Step Voltammetry. R. S. Bear, S. D. Brown 9:25—2. Mass Transport Dependence of the Transient Response of Glass pH Electrodes in Dilute Solutions of Strong Acids. K. W. Pratt, W. F. Koch 9:50—3. Determination of the Kinetic Parameters of Hemoglobin's Heterogeneous Electron Transfer. J. E. Detrich, L. H. Rickard 10:15—4. pH-Dependent 13C Chemical Shifts and Relaxation Rates of a Micellized Amphoteric Surfactant and Their Correlation with Micelle Growth. P. J. O'Connor, L. S. Romsted 10:40—5. Simultaneous Determination of Counterion, Alcohol, and Water Concentrations at a Three-Component Microemulsion Interface Using Product Distributions from a Dediazoniation Reaction. A. Chaudhurl, L. S. Romsted 11:05—6. Adsorption Characteristics of Toxic Gases on Various Synthetic and Natural Tubing. G. G. Howard, J. Skrutskie, S. H. Hoke 11:30—7. Old-Fashioned Approach to a New Problem: Using Fluorescence Polarization To Look at Immobilized Reagents. C. P. Hallen, M. A. Ditzler


2:55—18. Separation of the Components of a Commercial Dye: Disperse Blue 56. N. H. Nemeroff, Luis Mas, J. Rivlin 3:25—19. Selective Deacetylation of Sucrose Octaacetate and Chromatographic Separation of Sucrose Heptaacets: Its Potential Use as a Chiral Synthon. P. S. Shah, J. G. Brand, N. H. Nemeroff, K. M. O'Malley 3:40—20. Efficient Synthesis and Chromatographic Separation of a Novel 3,4 Disubstituted Pyrrole Derivative: Methyl 4-(1-ferrocenyl)pyrrole-3-carboxylate. N. H. Nemeroff, M. E. McDonnell 3:55—21. HPLC of 2-