Members Elected - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - Robert Bordeaux, Lem C. Curlin, Leonard F. Humphrey 1 , Elizabeth Launspach, Mary Gear Moore, William M. Shine, Kurt H. Spitzmueller 1 ...
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October 10, 1940 Charte· A. Kraut, A. B. Lamb, Thomas Midgiey, Jr., CharlM L. Parsons. Term expirêê December, 1940: G. J. Essslcn, Term expiree December, 1941: Walter A. Schmidt. Term expiree December, 1943: Erie M. Billings. Exchange (established 1007). Chairman, E. J. Crane· Editor, Chemical Abstract*, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; H. E. Howe, A. B. Lamb. Hazardous Chemicals and Explosives, to Cooperate with National Fire Protection Association Committee on the same subject (established 1923). Chairman, O. W. Jones. U. S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Penna.; F. F. Chapman, A. H. Nuckolls. Industrial Alcohol (established 1021). Chairman, Martin H. Ittner, Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co., Jersey City, N. J.; R. F. Bacon. J. H. Beal, J. Q. Davidson. W. H. Dow, E. H. KUlhener. R. H. McKee. H. W. Rhodehamel. Licensing Inquiry (esUblished 1030). Chairman, Frederic W. Willard, 12 Hawthorn Place, Summit. N. J.; Arthur Guillaudeu. H. S. Lukens, Foster D. Snell. Membership (established 1870). Chairman, W. D. Collins. U. S. Geological Survey, Washington. D. C ; H. E. Howe. Charles L. Parsons. National Research Council Representatives from A. C. S., Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Terme expire July 1, 1941: H. E. Howe. A. M. Patterson. Terme expire July 1, 1942: Per K. Frolich, John R. Johnson. Term* expire July 1,1943: Q. J. Eeeelen, Paul M. Gross. Nomenclature, Spelling, and Pronunciation (established 1804). Chairman, E. J. Crane. Editor, Chemical Abstract*, Ohio State University. Columbus. Ohio; Board of Editors of the Journal of the American Chemical Society; Editor of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: L. T. Cmpell, Λ. Μ. Patterson. Paper (established 1008). Chairman, Byron L. Wehmhoff, 110 Aspen St., Chevy Chase, Md.; B. W. Scribner, H. J. Skinner. Patent and Related Legislation (estab­ lished 1800). Chairman, Walter A. Schmidt. 1016 West Ninth St.. Los Angeles, Calif.; Robert T. Baldwin. F. E. Barrows. Bruce K. Brown. Carleton Ellis. Henry Howard, Nel­ son Littell. J. C. Morrell. C. H. Potter, O. W. Storey. Preparation and Publication of a List of Ring Systems Used in Organic Chemistry, Joint with the National Research Council (established 1022). Chairman. Austin M. Patterson, Antioch College. Yellow Springs. Ohio; M. T. Bogrrt. L. T. Cape!I. C. D. Hurd. W. A. Noye». Professional Status (established 1035). Chairman, Thomas Midgiey, Jr.. Worthington, Ohio; Webster N. Jones. Donald B. Keyes, Charles D. Lowry. Jr., William McPherson, H. L. Trumbull. Professional Training of Chemists (estab­ lished 1036). Chairman, Robert E. Swain, Chemistry Building, Stanford University. Calif. Secretary, Erie M. Billings. 343 State St., Rochester, Ν. Υ. Term expires April 30, 1941: Robert E. Swain. Term expiree April 30,1942: A. W. Hixson. Term expiree April 30,1943: Roger Adams. Term expires April 30, 1944: Harry B. Weiser. Term expiree April 30, 1945: W. A. Noye·. Jr. Term expires April 30, 1946: Erie M. Bill­ ings. Soap and Soap Products (established 1035). Chairman, F. W. Smither. National Bureau of Standards. Washington, D. C ; R. E. Divine. J. E. Doherty. C. P. Long. E. B. Millard, M. L. Sheely. H. P. Trevithick. Standard Apparatus (established 1017).



Chairman, W. D. Collins. U. 8. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C ; W. A. Boughton. J. V. Freeman, R. A. Osborn, Edward Wichers, H. H. Willard. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage, to Cooperate with the Committee of the American Public Health Association (established 1020). Chairman, Arthur M. Busweh\ University of Illinois. Urbana. 111.; W. D. Collins. C. R. Hoover. F. W. Mohlman. F. G. Straub. Standardization of Biological Stains (es­ tablished 1024). A. C. S. Représentatif on the Commission: John T. Scanlan, Eastern Regional Research Laboratory, U. 8. Department of Agriculture, 18 West Chelten Ave.. Philadelphia, Penna. Standardised Methods for Vitamin Research (eeU bushed 1921). Chairman, U.C. Sherman, Columbia University· New York. N. Y.; E. A. Doisy. A. D. Emmett. E. V. McCollum. Ε. Μ. Nelson. Supervision of Chemical ingineeting Cata­ log (established 1015). W. R. Veasey. Dow Chemical Co., Inc., Midland, Mich. Supervisory on Standard Methods of Analysis (established 1010). Chairman, Hobart H. Willard. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor. Mich.; B. L. Clarke. I. M. Kolthoff. G. E. F. Lundell. W. W. 8kinner. Women's Service (established 1027). Chairman, May L. Whitsitt. Department of Chemistry. Southern Methodist University· Dallas. Tex.; Mildred Adams. H. Marjorie Crawford. Mildred W. Grafflin. Gertrude Vermillion. Helen B. Wigman.

Chapters of Studtnt Affiliât» Albright College. Reading, Penna. Auburn Chemical Society of Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Biimingham-Southern College. Birmingham. Ala. Butler University, Indianapolis. Ind. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. Calif. Central College. Fayette. Mo. College of Puget Sound, Tacoma. Wash. College of St. Thomas. St. Paul, Minn. College of Wooster, Wooster. Ohio Colorado State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Fort Collins, Colo. Fordham University. New York, Ν. Υ. Grove City College. Grove City, Penna. Hamline University. St. Paul. Minn. Indiana University. Bloomington. Ind. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa Jamestown College. Jamestown, N. Dak. Lafayette College, Easton, Penna. Loyola University, Los Angeles, Calif. Manhattan College, New York. Ν. Υ. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cam­ bridge, Mass. Montana State University. Missoula. Mont. Niagara University, Niagara University, N.Y. Ohio Northern University. Ada. Ohio Ohio University. Athene. Ohio Oregon State College. Corvallis. Oreg. Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. Brooklyn. N.Y. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy. Ν. Υ. Rhode Island State College, Kingston. R. I. Rice Institute. Houston. Tex. St. John's University, Brooklyn, Ν. Υ. St. Louis University, 8t. Louis. Mo. Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Tea. Texas Technological College. Lubbock. Tex Union College. Schenectady. Ν. Υ. University of California. Berkeley. Calif. University of Colorado. Boulder. Colo. University of Detroit, Detroit. Mich. University of Florida. Gainesville. Fla. University of Kentucky. Lexington. Ky.

859 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Minn. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Penna. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. Psnna. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg. Va. Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. eves»

Members Elected DCptCfllDCf 1 ΙΟ wCtOOCf I AKRON SBOTIOM. D. Gordon Smith1. BATON ROUOB 8RCTION. Charles N. Kim-

berlin, Jr. CAuronxtA SECTION. Philip Dirstine*. CHICAGO SECTION.

Robert Bordeaux.

Lem C. Curlin, Leonard F. Humphrey1. Elisabeth Launspach, Mary Gear Moore, William M. 8hine, Kurt H. SpitarnvjUer1. CLEVELAND SECTION.

man, Sherwin Chase1.

Donald E. Bow·


Austin H. Beebe,

Maurice G. Bell. W. E. Botwright1, John M. Clark. Carl E. 1Heussner, William H. Hubner. Paul J. Keller , Robert Louis Kreua. Gerald E. Markie. Lewis J. Minor». Robert C. Oieeo. David H. Osgood. Neal N. Plourde». Walton A. Rodger1. Royer J. 8chlingman. Albert M. Shannon. Mary Virginia Sink. EASTERN NEW YORK SET-HOW. Maynard






Roebke'. LEHIOH VALLEY SECTION. Earl J. Serfass. MARYLAND SECTION. C. E. Brambel, H.



C. G. Barrel.

NEW YORK SECTION. Harold Baer». John D. Csarnecki1. Carl D. Fischer1, Samtrt Hartley Greenatein1. Wm. M. Grosvenor. Jr., Charles P. Huttrer.1 Newton H. Ketcham», J. Rodger Neabtt 1. Jaroslav Jan Peel, William Dayton Powers . Leon M. Prince. Jr., Leon Révisa1, Saul H. Rubin. Henri 8. Sack, Herbert B. 8liger. Harold E. Weisteg, James F. Widman. NORTH





D'AngWo». Alexander J. Geiges. Jr.. Carat Willem Horsting. Charles P. Ron. Glen M. Smyth. NORTHEASTERN SECTION.

Alphonso F.

Foraiati. J. Bart MoCendkss». Thomas F. Nealon, Henry T. Woloamald>. » Junior m — h t .




Harry Kuner, William Creteher Walker1.

PiTTSBvaoB 8ECTIO.V. Arthur C. Dubbe, E. Gerald Meyer1, William B. Miller, George DeWitt Nicklin. John P. Riott, John J. Roemer, Kuan Han Sun.

terest. The globe and books are intended to suggest world literature and the evapo­ rating dish with rising vapors suggests the boiling down process which Chemical Ab­ stracts, "key to the world's chemical litera­ ture", represented by the C. A. monogram, accomplishes.



Arthur L. Barney1,

Dorr to Receive Perlcin Medal

John C. Crane. ROCHESTER SECTION. Rrwin D. Ward1.

Vol. 18, No. 19 A . C S. Monographs Correction f Ν THE report of the Council Meeting at X

Detroit, page 798 of the NEWS EDITION

for September 25, it is stated that W. Albert Noyes, Jr., has been elected Editor of Scientific Monographs for a period of three years beginning January 1, 1941. This error was made in proofreading. William A. Noyes, who has long served as editor of these monographs, was unani­ mously re-elected.











Ernest R. Behrend



Ί^ΗΚΕΘΤ R. BEHREND, founder and presi-


Bruce B. Ben-

1 digo1, Melvin Goldberg , John T. Mountain, 1 Alexander Sadie .






worth N. 8tull. WESTERN Nk sr YORK 8ECTION.


Allan Camelford, Daniel D. Lanning. WISCONSIN SECTION. B. Connor Johnson.

No 8ECTION. M. C. Forbes», Heins Heinemann, Elsie L. Kokes1. 1 Junior member. *>%·

On the Spot TOURING the "Howe's About ItM chemi*-* cal quig conducted at Detroit, tee

Τ V. Ν. DORR has been elected to receive ° · the Perkin Medal of the Society of Chemical Industry for 1941. The medal is awarded annually for valuable work in applied chemistry. The selection is made by a committee representing the five chemical societies in the United States. Dr. Dorr's many inventions include the Dorr classifier, the Dorr thickener, the Dorr agitator and continuous a,«inter current décantation. He is the active head of The Dorr Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., which he organised. The medal will be presented on January 10, 1941, at a meeting to be held at The Chemists' Club, 52 East 41st S t , New York, Ν. Υ. Details will be announced later.

NBWB EDITION, 18, 810 (September 25,

1040), the experts were put on the spot by being asked to mention three objects seen on the spot twice a month on the cover of Chemical AbetracU. The experts seemed to be undercover men for they could not remember. Perhaps a word about the significance of thfe Chemical AbetracU em· blem will be good for memories and of in*

dent of the Hammermill Paper Co., died in Erie, Penna., on September 22. He was 71 years old. Dr. Behrend was born in Coeslin, Germany, where hie father was a paper manufacturer, and at­ tended the Universitiee of Dresden and Charlottenburg before coming to the United States in 1896. Five years later he became an American citizen. In 1898, with his father and brother, he founded the Hammermill Paper Co., and the next year became president and general manager. He was a pioneer in the manufacture of fine writing papers from spruce wood and invented high­ speed watermarking. The company was the first in the United States to make all* sulfite bond paper. Dr. Behrend was a member of the board of trustees of the Institute of Paper Chemistry at Lawrence College, and for his contributions to the paper industry Thiel College, Greenville, Penna., recently awarded him an honorary degree of doc­ tor of science. He became a member of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY in 1928.

Buffalo Group to Meet T P H E fall meeting of the Buffalo Group, X Division of Rubber Chemistry of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL 8OCIBTT, will be

held at the Hotel Lenox, Buffalo, Ν. Υ., October 17. Dinner will be served at 6:80 P. ii. Charles Sumners of the Niagara Hudson System will diseuse necessities of defense preparations, and the main speaker, F. M. Andrews of the newly formed Hydrocarbon Chemical & Rubber Co., will talk on the manufacture and properties of AmeripoL

Oscar L Biebinger fkecAB L. BiEBiNoibE, president of the v Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, died in St. Louis, Mo., September 17 at the age of 80. Mr. Biebinger was born and educated in St. Louis. He became a member of the Mallinckrodt organisation in November, 1888, in charge of account­ ing, was ejected secretary and a member of the directorate in 1898, and since 1926 had been president of the company. Mr. Biebinger joined the AMEEICAK CHEMICAL SOCTETT in 1932.

Peint end Varnish Chemistry Correction Τ Ν ΤΗ» history of this division published "•* in the News EDITION, 17,678 (Novem­ ber 10, 1089), H. A. Nelson was er­ roneously given as secretary of the divi­ sion for 1081. R. J. Moore was secretary at that time.

Sir H . C Carpenter CIB



° died in Swansea, Wales, on Septem­ ber 14 at the age of 65. For many years he had been professor of metallurgy in the Royal School of Mines in London. He had received the Carnegie gold medal