Memory effects in gel-solid transformations: coordinately unsaturated

Direct Observation of Coordinatively Unsaturated Sites on the Surface of a ... Thermal Evolution of 4- and 5-fold Coordinated Al-Sites in Aluminum Hyd...
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Chem. Mater. 1993,5, 1204-1210


Memory Effects in Gel-Solid Transformations: Coordinately Unsaturated A1 Sites in Nanosized Aluminas Dominique Coster and Jose J. Fripiat* Department of Chemistry and Laboratory for Surface Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, P.O.Box 413, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 Received February 19, 1993. Revised Manuscript Received May 4, 1993 Precursors of aluminas rich in pentacoordinated aluminum are generated by a new sol-gel route. The critical step of the process is a limited hydrolysis of aluminum tri.sec.butoxide in non-aqueous media. The gel-solid transformation is investigated by 27Alhigh-resolution MAS NMR and nitrogen adsorption. The structural and textural evolutions of the gel by thermal activation up t o 700 OC are self-determined. As the octahedral condensation in the gel increases, the AIVconcentration in the solid increases: this observation evidences a structural memory. The percentage of small pores ( d < 6 nm) in the transition alumina is correlated to the chemical shift of the A P line in the gel. Thus, a textural memory effect is also observed. A general mechanism for the AIV formation is proposed, and the metastability of this coordinately unsaturated aluminum site is demonstrated.

Introduction The 27Alhigh-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance of finely ground gibbsite' or boehmite2 shows the following characteristics. Beside the main peak corresponding to 6-fold coordinated aluminum (Alw)a contributionassigned to pentacoordinated species (AP) is also observed as well as a weak signal attributable to 4-fold coordinated aluminum (AIIV). In the unground precursor, the only observable species is AP'. Mechanical grinding increases the specific area of boehmite from 9 to 130 m2g1. After calcining the unground precursor to 600 "C a transition (X-ray amorphous) alumina is obtained in which the relative AITVcontent is about 50% of the relative A P content, as expected in a pseudo-spinel structure. During this process, and because of dehydroxylation, the surface area is multiplied by a factor of -10 but no bulk Alv is detectable. On the contrary, calcining the ground boehmite to 600 "C somewhat increases the AIIVcontent, and the ratio A1lV:AIV:AIV1 is 1:1:2. The specific surface area remains about the same (-100 m2 cl). Thus, grinding introduces coordinately unsaturated AIv sites (CUS) while thermal activation does not. In spite of the important structure reconstruction provoked by dehydroxylation,the calcined solid keeps the memory of the structural defects created by the mechanical action. Recently, Wood et aL3 have published a procedure for obtaining solids rich in A P based on the solution chemistry of aluminum. The gels giving successful results, in terms of the relative abundance in AIv, were obtained by a twostep technique. The hydrolysis of either AlCl3 or Al(NO& was carried out in aqueous solution using 2.5 equiv of either urea or hexamethylenetetramine per aluminum and the mixture is aged at 90 "C for 3 days. Afterward, 0.5 equiv of ammonium bicarbonate is added, and the gel is immediately washed by centrifugation and dried at 85 "C. (1) Paramzin, J. M.; Zolotovskii,B. P.; Krivoruchko, 0. P.; Buyanov, R. A. Proc. VZIntern. Symp. Heterogeneous Catal. Sofia, Part 2 1987, 369. (2) Chen, J. R.;Davis; J. G.; Fripiat, J. J. J . Catal. 1992, 133, 263. (3) Wood,T.E.;Siedle, A. R.; Hill,J. R.; Skarjune,R. P.; Goodbrake, C. J. Mater. Res. Symp. VllO 1990, 97.


Thermal activation above 300 "C gives a solid rich in AIV. This detailed procedure is reported because it has inspired our work. As widely recognized, the solution chemistry of aluminum is very complex, and Wood et aL3 give an excellent review of the diversity of aluminum cation speciation. However, the role of their different additives is not clear. Most probably, the bicarbonate provokes the flocculation, but the action of urea is difficult to visualize. In 1933 Bunn4observed that the growth of NH4C1 crystals is very different in the presence or absence of urea. One molecule of urea to twelve molecules of NH4Cl is sufficient to inhibit the growth in the axial direction. The reason is a strong adsorption of urea on the corresponding plane. The lesson of this early observation is that urea seems to be an inhibitor of crystal growth. Thus, the urea might restrict the condensation of octahedral units in the alumina gel precursor, or it may complex the A1 oligomers, as suggested by Wood et aL3 The 27AlNMR spectrum of the AP+solution hydrolyzed in the presence of urea published by these authors shows a very broad line extending from -100 to +100 ppm, from which emerges a sharp AIIV resonance line at about 60 ppm, while in the corresponding gel (dried at 85 "C) broad AlW and AIIVlines are observed. A high background in the 30-40 ppm region may prevent the observation of the AIV line. The latter is distinctly observed after thermal activation of the gel at, and above, 200 "C. The high relative concentration of AIV in these solids is assigned by Wood et al. to the creation of oxygen vacancies driven by the movement of aluminum from octahedral to tetrahedral sites. Thus, the suggested mechanism is essentially thermal. Alternately, it might be that urea replaces oxygen octahedral ligands leaving CUS after thermal activation. Thus, the mechanical grinding of aluminum hydroxides and the aqueous hydrolysis of aluminum salts in the presence of urea generate precursors containing AIV. To gain information on these aluminas rich in Alv, we have chosen another approach of preparation based on a (4)Bunn, C. W. R o c . R. SOC.London A 1933,141, 567.

1993 American Chemical Society

Memory Effects in Sol-Gel-Solid Transformations

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sol-gel process in nonaqueous solvents. There have been numerous studies on the molecular structure of aluminum alkoxides. Among the recent ones, Kriz et aL5have shown the existence in benzene solution of A1 alkoxides polymers with A1 in 4-, 5-, and 6-fold coordination. From a detailed analysis of 13different alkoxides, dimeric (2AlW),trimeric + 1 AIm), cyclic (4 A P ) , and tricyclic (AIv1 3 (2 AIN) polymeric species have been identified. Surprisingly, the limited hydrolysis of Al-alkoxide in nonaqueous solvents has drawn almost no attention up to now. Our basic idea has been to induce a very restricted hydrolysis in order to produce larger polymeric species. Then, the sol is transformed rapidly into a gel by flocculation. The calcination eliminates the organic residues and generates a solid rich in coordinatively unsaturated AIVsites. The mechanisms of sol-gel transformation have been reviewed by Brinker and Scherer? but mostly in aqueous conditions. For instance, in the Yoldas process aluminum tri-sec-butoxide is hydrolyzed in acidic conditions leading to a fibrillar boehmite. In restricting the amount of water it was hoped that the sol and gel, obtained after the flocculation, would keep structural features such as AIw and AIv. By contrast, in acidic aqueous conditions the aluminum gel contains AIVT only as the result of hydrolysis and alcoxolation.6 This contribution will demonstrate that the early development of the sol determines almost completely its evolution into the gel and into the calcined solid. Even a thermal treatment (up to 700 "C)cannot erase the gel memory in spite of a complete removal of carbon.


Experimental Section Materials. A0.4 M Al tri-sec-butoxide in sec-butanol solution was added to an urea solution in sec-butanol so that the urea/Al molar ratio was 4/3. Water was added to that mixture in order to achieve a molar ratio H20/A1 = 0.7. In a variant procedure glacial acetic acid was used in order to yield the same HzO/Al ratio. In that case, the water being produced by in situ esterification of the acid by the alcohol is more homogeneously distributed in the reacting mixture. Whatever the nature of the mixture, the sol was aged at 85 OC for 3 days upon stirring. During that period of time partial hydrolysis of the butoxide occurred. After the aging period ammonium bicarbonate was added at room temperature (molar ratio bicarbonate/Al 0.5) under stirring in order to precipitate the gel. If ammonium bicarbonate is not used, the yield in gel was very low, most of the sol being washed out. The gel was thoroughly washed by centrifugation with secbutanol in order to get rid of the unreacted Al tri-aec-butoxide. Thereafter, it was freeze dried and then dried between 70 and 85 "C for 12h toremove the solvent and stored over P205. Unless otherwise noted, the standard calcination procedure used to produced the solid consisted in increasing the temperature at 150 "C/h to 550 "C, and in keeping this temperature constant for 20 h. The solid was stored over P~05. The gel and solid are characterized by three digits referring to the gel preparation. The first, second, and third digits correspond to the addition of urea, ammonium bicarbonate, and water, respectively. The code is eventually followed by symbols referring to some particular aspects of the procedure which will be commented on. For instance, the solid 012 is obtained after standard calcination of the 012 gel. The latter has been prepared without urea, the regular amount of NHdHC03 has been used, while the water content is the double of the standard procedure. The symbol Ac refers to the gel prepared using the acetic acid ( 5 ) Kriz,O.;Casensky,B.;Lycka,A.;Fusek, J.;Hermanek,S.J. Magn. Reson. 1984, 60,375. (6)Brinker, C. J.; Scherer, G. W. Sol-Gel Science; Academic Press: New York, 1990.

esterification (for instance, 00Ac means no urea, no ammonium bicarbonate). Eleven gels and solids were characterized as described in the next paragraph, CharacterizationTechniques. The gels were characterized by differential thermal (DTA) or thermogravimetric (TGA) analysis, the rate of the temperature increase being 10 OC/min. Weight losses were also measured separately between 85 and lo00 "C. The nAl nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the gels and of the solids were obtained under the following conditions: magic angle spinning (MAS)-12 kHz; Larmor frequency 130.3 MHz; pulse lengths 0.5 fits; delay between pulses 50 ma; number of accumulations: between 2 and 4 X lo3. Other experiments such as nutation and proton-aluminum cross-polarization will be reported elsewhere. The complete Nz adsorption-desorption isotherms were measured on solids outgassed at 300 "C for 2 h before the run,using the Omnisorb 100 (Coulter Co.) in the static mode. The poresize distribution was measured using the technique of Barret et a1.I Carbon and nitrogen analyses were carried out on six gels. The results were interpreted as follows: The nitrogen content was assigned to either residual urea or ammonium bicarbonate. The carbon content, minus that in urea or bicarbonate, was attributed to residual A1sec-butoxyl linkages, still present in the gel because of the restricted hydrolysis. The difference between the total weight loss and the sum (sec-butoxyls + urea or NHIHC03) was considered as the amount of water retained in the gel. These calculations must be considered as approximate, because the retention of the solvent is neglected. Note that there was no nitrogen left in the solids and that their carbon content was less than 0.3 % . A typical 111 gel was examined by transmission electron microscopy at high resolution. Also, X-ray (Cu Ka) diffractograms were recorded in a high-temperature chamber in which a 111gel was heated at 100,300,500,650,750,900, and 1100 OC for 1h. A broad and weak reflection was observed at d = 3.5 A from 100to 900 "C. This result will not be commented on further, since the solids are X-ray amorphous. Note, however, that on heatingto 1100"C the reflectionstypical of a-Al203were observed. No reflection attributable to ammonium bicarbonate was observed after treatment at 100 OC.

Results Gels. The gels have been characterized by TEM, 27Al MAS NMR, as well as by chemical analyses. It should be emphasized that these characterizations were performed after the gels have been dried in the temperature range 70-85 "Cin the air and that during drying it is likely that some additional hydrolysis occurred. Moreover, a fraction of the residual urea and/or NHdHC03 have been driven out. The morphological features of a typical 111gel are shown in Figure 1. Small particles, with diameters smaller than 300 A, are entangled in fluffy large and porous aggregates. The electron diffraction of aggregates reveals two faint and broad halos corresponding to d spacings of cv 2.00 and 1.15 A. Some spots are observed occasionally, but they never form an interpretable pattern. The results of the chemical analysis and weight losses are listed in Table I. It includes the molar ratios H20/A1 sec-butoxy/Al, and the number of (OH plus sec-butoxyls) ligands per AI. The number of AI-0-A1 ligands is, of course, not computable. The results in Table I do not show a clear relationship between the sol preparation and the molar ratios. The deconvolution and the characteristic of the 27Al MAS NMR spectra of the gels are shown in Table I1 while Figure 2a gives an example of the 27Alspectrum. The 4-, (7) Barret, E. P.; Joyner, L. G.; Halenda, P. H. J. Am. Chem. SOC.

1961, 73, 373.

1206 Chem. Mater., Vol. 5, No.9, 1993

Coster and Fripiat

I Figure 1. High-resolution transmission electronmicrograph of the 111 gel. Table I. Results of the Chemical Analysis of the Gels Expressed as Molar Ratios H*O/AI. sec-Butoxyl/Al: Number of Ligands per AI (ligd/AI) Is (2H*O/AI #echut/Al)






111 As 011 001 101 111 NFD' 112

0.558 0.478 0.659 0.649 1.010 0.860

0.154 0.299 0.150 0.523 0.329 0.804




1.468 1.923 2.349 2.524

DSymbolA is used to differentiate from other 111 gels. b N F D means not freeze-dried. 5-, and 6-fold coordinated AI (AIIV,AIV,and AIv1)resonance

lines are well separated. The first striking observation in Table I1is the increase ofthe A1"'contrihution as the Al"'1ine isshifteddownfield. It is known that this line shifts downfield as the degree of polymerization, or of condensation, of the AI octahedra increases.8 Thus, the increase in AI"' content corresponds to an increase in the degree of polymerization of the octahedra. Reciprocally, the gels with a lower degree of polymerization have a larger contribution of AIVand AIv1. In Table I1 the only exception to the rule is the OOAc gel which has the highest AI"' content, while the AIV1line has a large upfield shift. This may he due to the blockage (8)Bottero. J. Y.:Axelm, M.; Teehoubar, D.; Cases, J. M.; Fripiat, J. J.; Fiessinger. F. J. Colloid Interface Sei. 1987, 117. 14.

Table 11. "AI MAS NMR Results Obtained for the Gel code AIVrshift(ppm) %AIrV %AIv %AI" lll"W2' lllA 111 011 lllW2' 001 101 lllNFD 112 012 WAC

3.55 4.87 4.67 5.45 5.48 6.0 6.95 7.22

30.4 24.2 24.6 21.8 21.4 21.4 20 10.7 13.5 12.2 -0




7.9 4.4


38 27.4 22.8 23.6 25 25 13.3 9.7 13.5 4.0 6.6

31.6 4R.4 ....

52.6 54.6 53.6 53.6 66.7 79.6 73.0 83.8 93.4

* nW2 is a gel in which the excess alkoxide has not been washed beforefreezedryinganddrying. W2 isasymboluaedtodistinguish a 111 gel preparation from


others, as is symbol A.

of the polymerization by the formation of A I U A c . It is also observed that increasing the amount of liquid water in the sol precursor (see gels 112 and 012, for instance) or skipping the freeze-drying step produce gels with higher AIV1condensation. Another interesting observation is reported in Figure 3. Here, the relative AIv1intensity is shown with respect to the average number of OH plus sec-butosyl ligands per AI (Table I). The larger this number, the larger is the AI"' Contribution and the higher the shift of the AIV1line. 2. Solids. A. Structural Aspects. The solids obtained after calcining the gels a t 550 "C do not contain nitrogen and the carbon content is less than 0.3%. A

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.. . *




. .. I

0 '


10 20 30 40 %Alvin the Solid (Expected)


Figure 4. Structuralmemory: % AIv in the solids us (th.% Alv(2)) obtained from eq 2. 150






Chemical Shift (ppm) Figure2. Frombottomtotop: (a) 111Agel; (b) 111 solidobtained

upon calcination at 550 OC;(c) solid after calcination at 750 OC. AI"'Chemlcal Shift in the Gel ('10)

70 -


60 b

50 -





9% Alv in the solid = 73.2 - 7.33 (A1" chemical shift

. 1.2

1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 Number of Ligands per AI



Figure 3. Either the %AIv in the gel or 10 times the AIw line chemical shift in the gel us the number of OH and sec-butoxyl ligands per AI (see Table I). Table 111. nAl MAS NMR Results Obtained for the Solid Calcined at 550 OC for 20 h. The Code Is the Same as in Table I1 (See Text for th.%Alv(l)and th.%AlV(2)) code %Arv %Av %Am th.%AIV(l) th.%AlV(2, lllnWl 111 A 111 011 lllW2 001 101 lllNFD 112 012 OOAc

30.6 23.3 26.3 29.5 27.2 29.1 25.4 30.9 24.9 22.5 29.4

45.5 40.9 35.9 34.2 40.5 31.7 16.4 17.8 19.3 15.3 46.3

chemical shifts are between 8 and 9 ppm. On the average, the Alxv content is 27.2% f 3.4%. In a spinel-like transition alumina the Al"/AP ratio is 1/2. It is evident that the solids obtained here are far away from this composition. Since the A1" contents are approximately constant, the AIVand A P contents are inversely related. If one compares the characteristics of the gel (Table 11) to the properties of the solids (Table III), it appears that the Alv contents in the solid decreases as the degree of polymerization of the octahedral units in the gel increases. The Alv content in the solid is linearly related to the Alw chemical shift of the gel by the following equation:

23.9 35.8 37.8 36.4 32.4 39.2 58.2 51.3 55.8 62.1 24.3

48.3 42.1 39.8 33.9 33.7 29.7 22.5 20.5 16.9 15.3 41.8

48.7 39.8 36.2 33.5 34.1 32 22 19 19.1 13.3

typical 27AlMAS NMR spectrum is shown in Figure 2b. Table I11gives the Alw,AIv, and Alvl relative contents in the solids calcined for 20 h at 550 O C . After calcination at 750 "C,the Alv line has almost disappeared (Figure 2c). It will be shown elsewhere that there are still a nonnegligible content in Alv in the subsurface layer.9 The f i t interesting observation in Table I11 is the quasiconstancy of the Al" content. In addition, the A P line (9) Coster, D.; d'Espinose, J. B.; Fripiat, J. J., manuscript in preparation.

in the gel, ppm) R2 = 0.897 (1) The %Alv in the solid calculated from eq 1is called the th.%AIV(l,in Table 111. Taking into account the Alv content of the gel improves the regression and it is observed that

9% Alv in the solid = 43.0 - 4.03 (A1" chemical shift in the gel, ppm) + 0.53 ( % Alv in the gel)

R2 = 0.924 (2) The % AIv in the solid calculated from eq 2 is th. % Alv(2, in Table 111. Taking the percentage of Alv in the gel into account improves the correlation coefficient. This is not surprising since the results in Table I1 show clearly that in the gels the Alv content decreases as the Alw line shifts downfield. In Figure 4 the measured Alv relative content in the solid is plotted against the theoretical Alv content (th. % AlV(2,) obtained from the eq 2. The slope is 1,and the intercept is 0. The remarkable conclusion obtained from Figure 4 is that the solids keep the memory of the structural features of the gels. This is astonishing when one thinks about the deep structural rearrangement occurring during calcination. The sec-butoxyl residues burn producing C02 and HzOand the residual water is removed. The solids calcined at 550 O C contain less than 1%water. The Alv species in the solids may be considered as coordinately unsaturated sites (CUS). In the gels where the AIv and AlIV contents are in the same order of magnitude (see Table 11)it seems that a low average ratio ligands/Al favors the formation of the Alv and Al" species which should be linked to scarcely polymerized Alw. In

Coster and Fripiat

1208 Chem. Mater., Vol. 5, No. 9,1993



0 0

w Q


80 v) v)





LJ n


E0 7 .-





9.100 3

8 a









Ii +..

-300 0













Degrees C


50 0 -50 Chemical Shift (ppm)












Chemical Shift (ppm)

Figure 5. *'A MAS NMR spectra of gels: A (from bottom to top): 111A,001 and 012. B: corresponding solids (calcination at 550 "C for 20 h).

spite of the fact that calcination increases the Alvl condensation to its maximum, the structural rearrangement increases the Alvcontribution,while the AIN contents increase toward the value observed in pseudo-spinels.2The gel is transformed to the pseudo-spinel structure (Figure IC)when calcined a t a temperature higher than 700 "C, probably because of an increased mobility of the structural elements in the aluminum lattice. Figure 5 illustrates the structural relationship between gels and solids. It is interesting at this point to examine an example of the TGA, DTG, and DTA diagrams shown in Figure 6. All the DTA traces obtained for eleven gels (see Table 11) are similar. There is first an endothermic effect which has its maximum near 200 O C and a shoulder near 100 OC. It is followed by a high exothermic effect extending from 250 to 500 OC in which a t least three contributions overlap.

Figure 6. DTA, DTG, TGA diagrams of gel 111 (-200 mg of material). The DTG trace has been multiplied by 400.

The endothermic peak must correspond mainly to the removal of urea and to partial dehydroxylaion while the exothermic peak is due to the combustion of the secbutoxyl residues. Urea melts at 135 "C and decomposes above 135 OC. Ammonium bicarbonate, which may be present in small amounts, melts at 107.5 OC and sublimates above that temperature. The boiling point of sec-butanol is 99.5 OC. These figures are taken from the CRC handbook.'O Thus, if small amounts of urea, bicarbonate, and isobutanol remain in the gel, they may contribute to the exothermic effect and may be responsible for the shoulder observed near 100 OC. The DTG traces, which are the derivatives of the TGA (Figure6), show consistently three main features: a deep minimum near 200 O C which corresponds to the minimum of the endothermic peak, a shoulder or a peak at -300 "C and a second one near 500 O C . These shoulders or peaks correspond to the two contributions to the exothermic effect observed by DTA. They can be interpreted as follows: The sec-butoxyl residues are burned in two steps and an additional exothermic effect overlaps with the last step of the dehydroxylation process (vide infra). The 27AlMAS NMR spectra observed in calcining the gels a t increasing temperatures show that the AIVrelative content increases up to 450 OC and remains constant up to -650 "C. Of course, these temperatures obtained for long time (20 h) calcinations cannot be compared with the features inTGA or DTA, since the latter are obtained for a dynamic process whereby the heating rate is 10 OC/min. The metastability of the alumina rich in AIV is demonstrated by the following experiments (see Figure 7). Solids 111 nW1 and 111 W2 were exposed for 24 h at 100% relative humidity at room temperature and the 27Al MAS NMR spectra were recorded immediately after contact. Then the solids were recalcined a t 550 OC. As shown in Table IV, the AllVcontents did not change much, but the AlV contents decreased very significantly. It (10) CRCHandbook of ChemistryandPhysics, 62nded,;TheChemical Rubber Co.: Cleveland, 1971-1972. (11) The '3M" gels prepared by us were obtained from Al(NO3)s.and urea according to the procedure described in ref 3 and some minor modifications suggested by personal communication with Dr. Wood.

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100 50 0 -50 Chemical Shift (ppm)


Figure 7. 27Al MAS NMR spectra of (from bottom to top): l l l W 2 solid, the same exposed to saturated water vapor, and the hydrated solid recalcined for 20 h at 500 O C after rehydration. Table IV. nAl MAS NMR Results Obtained for the Solids before Rehydration or after Rehydration and Recalcination at 550 OC for 20 h code % AIN % AIV % Alw lllnWl

lllnWlr lllW2 lllW2P a

30.6 24.4 27.2 29.1

45.5 28.2 40.5 10.8

23.9 47.9 32.4 60



lllA 111 OOAc 011 lllW2 001 112 101 lllNFD

0.401 0.36 0.112 0.401 0.759 0.617

0.916 0.84 0.713

91 86 82 69 59 53 44 30 40

278 287 202 330 301 273 343 258 288

decreases further after a second cycle of rehydration and calcination (not shown). Thus, rehydration and recalcination eliminate progressivelythe CUS. How easily a solid calcined at 550 "C for 20 h readsorbs water was unexpected. The 27Al MAS NMR spectra taken on solids exposed to the atmosphere for more than 1 week did not change appreciably with respect to those recorded after calcination and storage over P206. B. Textural Aspects. From the Na adsorptiondesorption isotherms, the BET surface area, and the pore volume (Pv) distribution are computed, see Table V. The pore-size distributions GPvlPv6d exhibit a narrow peak for pore diameters (d) between 4 and 5.5 nm. The amplitude of this maxima decreases with decreasing AIV contents in the solids (see Figure 8 and Table 111). Since the relative concentration of AIV (CUS) sites in the bulk is related to the pore distribution, there should be a correlation between the percent of small pores (d < 6 nm)





Pore Diameter (nm) Figure 8. Relative pore-size distribution (lIPv)(bPv/bd)with respect to the diameter d (nm) in six solids obtained from gels: (1) l l l A (41%);(2) OOAc (46.3%);(3) 011 (34.2%);(41012 (15.3%); (5) 001 (31.7%); (6) 112 (19.3%). The number is parentheses corresponds to the relative AlVcontent. 100

r means rehydrated.

Table V. Textural Characteristics of the Solids: Pv < 6 nm: Cumulative Pore Volume (mL/g) in Pores with Diameters < 6 nm; %Pv < 6 nm: Volume Percent of These Pores. A. BET Surface Area (Nz,-196 "C) code Pv"




2 0 a





. . .

5 6 7 Al"'Chemica1 Shift (ppm)

Figure 9. Textural memory: percent cumulative pore volume in pores with diameter smaller than 6 nm in the solid us the degree of condensation of the Al octahedra in the gel.

in the solids and the degree of polymerization of the octahedra in the gels. The percent cumulative pore volumes in pores with a diameter smaller than 6 nm ( % P v < 6 nm) are given in Table V, while the correlation with the Alw line chemical shift in the corresponding gel is obvious in Figure 9. This correlation indicates that the texture of the solid keeps in memory the degree of condensation of the octahedra in the gel. Thus, in addition to the structural memory displayed in Figure 4, there is a textural memory (Figure 9). Maybe the existence of a narrow pore distribution in the 111solids and the relationship between the distribution and the AIVcontent explains the metastability reported in Table V. By capillary condensation at 100% relative humidity these pores are filled with water, and in addition crevices not available to N2 are available to water. The

1210 Chem. Mater., Vol. 5, No. 9,1993



chemical driving force corresponding to the AIV H2O Alvl reaction may be large enough to allow H2O to diffuse towards surfaces unavailable to N2, such as internal surfaces at grain boundaries where CUS may be concentrated. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that there is apparently no correlation between the relative AIV content and the surface area of the solid (Tables I11 and V), measured with Nz.

Discussion and Conclusion The initial motivation of this contribution was to demonstrate the memory effect in gel-solid transformation. The preparation procedure has been varied to obtain non-equivalent gels. It has been observed (Figures 4 and 5) that the evolution of the gel upon thermal activation is determined by its initial structure. The chemical shift of the Alvl and the AlV content are the important information characterizing the gel and they enable one to predict the thermal evolution. The notion of structural memory is based on this observation. Textural memory effects have also been evidenced (Figures 8 and 91, i.e., the pore size distribution and the total volume of small pores are related to the extent of polymerization monitored by the AIV1chemical shift in the gel. These effects are not trivial considering (i) the severity of the thermal treatment, the extent of the weight loss and the intensity of the endoand exothermic effects (Figure 6) during calcination, and (ii) the modifications of the preparation procedure and the difficulty to control all the factors involved. For instance, the freeze-drying step is difficult to master. Its efficiencyis affected by the residual amount of sec-butanol left after centrifugation. Moreover, the drying process has been carried out at temperatures between 70 and 85 "C. The specificrole of the different additives are not always easy to evidence, but the following conclusions can be drawn: the partial hydrolysis induced by the limited amount of water present in the system is the most critical parameter. When the water content increases, the polymerization is enhanced. The effect of ammonium bicarbonate is evident. In spite of its poor solubility in secbutanol, it induces the flocculation of the gel. The role of urea is not clear. It seems to prevent the octahedral condensation (compare AIV1shift for l l l A or 111and 011 in Table 11),but the comparison of gels 101and 011 shows a reverse tendency. To what extent the large amount of water produced above 300 "C in the combustion of the sec-butoxyl residues is important in the structural rearrangement is an open question. As already mentioned before, the "3M process" described by Wood et aL6 also leads to AIV rich solids. Gels and solids produced by both synthesis pathways have been compared.ll From the DTA point of view, the results are very different. Of course, the 3M gel does not show the large exothermic effect between 300and 500 "C. Moreover, an endo- and exothermic peak is observed near 300 and

Coster and Fripiat 900 "C, respectively. The last one is barely observed in our DTA diagrams. In both cases, the DTG is mainly characterized by a minimum near 200 "C. The sharp minimum near 400-410 "C observed for the 3M gel might correspond to the shallow features that we record between 400 and 500 "C. From the 27AlNMR point of view, it is important to mention that the A P I line shift for the 3M gels is always between 8and 9 ppm. No structural memory can be evidenced. The surface areas of the 3M solid (gels calcined at 550 OC for 20 h) were always between -100 that is appreciably smaller than those and -160 m2 gl, reported in Table V. The pore-size distribution of the 3M solids did not show the well-pronounced maxima exhibited by our solids (Figure 8). These differences are concurrent with the fact that in the water the degree of condensation of the octahedral units is high. The numerous differences between samples produced by the two methods raise one inevitable question. Why do they lead to similar unusual aluminas? The 3M gels are prepared in aqueous solution whereas an excess of water poisoned the formation of AIVin the alkoxide route. Moreover, urea does not play a central role in our procedure as it does in the 3M gel preparation. Nevertheless, the similarity between the solids could be traced to what is happening in the sol. In both cases, small A1 oligomers are produced because either urea stop the crystal growth (3M) or the limited amount of water prevents extensive polymerization in the alkoxide procedure. During precipitation and drying, the small oligomers agglomerate into larger particles. At the intergranular border, the number of CUS is high and the pentacoordinated aluminum is revealed by the calcination. A similar picture could be drawn for the grinding process. Hence, the intergranular surface (only partially accessible to N2) seems to be the important factor related to the AIVcontent. To what extent a similar explanation could be extended to the solids rich in AIV described by Nazar et a1.'2 in unknown. These authors have observed that the sulfate of an All3 polyoxycation dimer, calcined at increasing temperature, undergoes a deep structural rearrangement. Below 200 "C, the 27AlNMR features are similar to those described for A113,8 namely, resonances corresponding to A P andAIV1.Above 500 "C, the 27AlMAS NMR spectrum is similar to that shown in Figure 2b. The role of the sulfate is not known. We have observed a similar behavior in calcining an aluminum acetate obtained by precitation from an Al(N03)2solution, except that the starting acetate contained AIV1only.

Acknowledgment. This work has been made possible by DOE Grant DOE-FG02-90ER1430. Discussions with T. E. Wood are deeply acknowledged. We thank Dr. J. M. Dominguez of the Mexican Institute of Petroleum (Materials and Catalysis Division) for the TEM picture. (12) Nazar, L. F.;Fu, G.;Bain, A. D.J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1992, 251.