Metal Chelates Is Theme of Summer Symposium - ACS Publications

Metal Chelates Is Theme of Summer Symposium. Sixteenth Annual Symposium, sponsored by Division of Analytical Chemistry and. Analytical Chemistry, to b...
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Metal Chelates Is Theme of Summer Symposium Sixteenth A n n u a l S y m p o s i u m , sponsored b y Division of A n a l y t i c a l Chemistry a n d Analytical

Chemistry, to be held a t The University of A r i z o n a

M area of analytical chemistry u n d e r ETAL C H E L A T E S will b e t h e


discussion a t t h e 16th annual S u m m e r Symposium a t T h e University of Arizona, J u n e 19 t o 2 1 . I n all, 17 technical papers a r e scheduled for presentation b y a u t h o r s representing a variety of educational, governmental, a n d industrial organizations. T h r e e special events a r e scheduled. An o u t d o o r western-style barbecue will be held t h e evening of J u n e 19 on scenic M t . Lemon, t h e symposium b a n q u e t t h e evening of J u n e 20, a n d a n all-day t r i p to t h e National Observatory on K i t t P e a k on S a t u r d a y , J u n e 22. Please note t h a t t h e K i t t P e a k t r i p is scheduled for t h e d a y following t h e Symposium, when you m a k e y o u r travel plans. D r . L . T . Hallett, E d i t o r of





M a s t e r of Ceremonies a t t h e symposium b a n q u e t . T h e b a n q u e t speaker is D r . G e r a r d P . Kuiper, Director of t h e University of Arizona L u n a r a n d Planet a r y L a b o r a t o r y , w h o will speak on " T h e Composition of P l a n e t a r y A t mospheres." D r . K u i p e r was Director of t h e Yerkes Observatory a t t h e U n i versity of Chicago before assuming his present position. H e also serves as a consultant t o t h e National Aeronautics and Space Administration, t h e R a n g e r and Surveyor P r o g r a m s . T o u r s t o t h e Desert M u s e u m a n d t o Nogales, Mexico, will b e scheduled a c cording t o d e m a n d a t t h e time of registration. A t o u r of t h e University's nuclear reactor, as well as of t h e lunar observatory's laboratories, will b e scheduled in addition t o t h e open house a t t h e chemistry d e p a r t m e n t . T h e University of Arizona is only a few minutes travel b y rapid t r a n s i t from downtown Tucson. Housing a r rangements include t h e availability of rooms a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y dormitories and a t t h e Flamingo Hotel. R o o m s in the d o r m i t o r y a r e priced a t $4.00 p e r person (single) for periods of one t o four days, a n d $2.50 p e r person (double), also for periods of one t o four days. T h e Flamingo Hotel is located a t

San Xavier Mission, built by the Papago Indians around 1792, is located 10 miles south of Tucson, Ariz. The church is still used by the Indians as a place of worship 1300 N o r t h Stone Avenue. R o o m s here range from $6.50 single, $7.50 double, a n d $8.50 twin bedroom. All technical p a p e r s will b e presented in t h e Liberal A r t s Auditorium. D r s . Quintus F e r n a n d o , H e n r y Freiser, a n d E d w a r d N . Wise, acted in concert as a trio in charge of t h e p r o g r a m a n d local arrangements.


PROGRAM Wednesday


Chelometry. H . Flaschka, Georgia Institute of Technology. 10:30 Intermission. 10:45 Polyelectrolyte-Metal Ligand Complexes. K . J. Liu and H . P . Gregor, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. 11:30 Gas Phase Chromatographic Separation of Metal Chelates. Robert E . Sievers, Aeronautical R e search Laboratories, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

June 19

9:00 Kinetic Factors in Chelometric Titrations with Visual E n d - P o i n t s . Charles N . Reilley and David A. Aikens, University of North Carolina. 9:45 Photometric Titrations as a Means to Increase Selectivity of


June 19

2:00 Application of E D T A to Analysis of Non-Ferrous Materials. G. J. Abel, Jr., L. W. Anderson, and K. C. Braun, American Smelting and Refining Co. 2:45 T h e Role of Chelating Agents in Ferrous Analysis. John Hague, N a tional Bureau of Standards. 3:30 Intermission. 3:45 Inhibition of Metalloenzymes by VOL. 35, NO. 4, APRIL 1963


45 A


Preregistration C o u p o n — 1 6 t h A n n u a l Summer Symposium Division of Analytical Chemistry and ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

Chelating Agents. Bert L. Vallée, Harvard Medical School. 4:30 Chelates in Radio- and Nuclear Chemistry. H. L. Finston, Brookhaven National Laboratory.

University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, June 19—21, 1963. Thursday Name (print) Business or Professional Connection M a i l Address Street and Number City



Registration fee for A C S members and non-chemists Registration fee for non-member chemists or chemical engineers. (


$4.00 $8.00

Please indicate choice of roommate if double room is desired No choice




This form should be returned before May 30 to Ε. Ν. Wise, Chemistry Dept., University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona with a $4.00 registration deposit. Make checks payable to Analytical Summer Symposium.





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2 0 9 2 N. LINCOLN AVE. / ALTADENA, CALIF. / SY 4 - 2 5 8 8 (AC 213) Circle No. 141 on Readers' Service Card 46 A









9:00 Extraction of Metal Ions with Chelating Acids. David Dyrssen, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. 9:45 Some Variables in the Solvent E x traction of Metal Chelates. George K. Schweitzer, T h e University of Tennessee. 10:30 Intermission. 10:45 Chemical Principles in the E x traction of Elements with 1,1,1-Trifluoro - 3,2 - thenoylacetone ( T T A ) . Oscar Menis, Nuclear Materials and Engineering Corporation.

12th Annual Conference on Applications of X-Ray Analysis



2:00 New Chelating Agents which are S- and P - Donors. Gerold Schwarzenbach, Eidg. Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland. 2:45 Electrochemical Behavior of Metal Chelates. Robert L. Pecsok, University of California, Los Angeles. 3:30 Metal Chelates of 8-Mercaptoquinoline. Alfio Corsini, Quintus Fernando, and Henry Freiser, Universitv of Arizona.

) I w i l l make reservation d i r e c t l y with a hotel or motel


June 20

9:00 T h e Chemistry and Analytical Applications of the uic-Dioximes. Charles V. Banks, Iowa State University. 9:45 Some New Organic Analytical Reagents for Metals. R. Belcher, The University of Birmingham, England. 10:30 Intermission. 10:45 Complexes and Complexing Agents in Inorganic Analysis. Philip W. West, Louisiana State University.


) Room reservation in University Dormitory ( Two in double room at $2.50 each per day ( Single room at $4.00 per day


T h e Conference will meet August 7 to 9, at t h e Albany Hotel, Denver, Colo. Sessions are scheduled on x-ray diffraction, emission spectrography, absorption and microscopy, and i n s t r u m e n t a tion. I n addition D r . J . B . N e w k i r k of Cornell University, I t h a c a , Ν . Υ., has suggested a session devoted t o nonmetallics, in particular s t r u c t u r e and transformation studies in these m a t e ­ rials. Those interested in contributing to such a session should write t o D r . N e w k i r k with a carbon copy t o D r . Mueller. Titles and a b s t r a c t s in dupli­ cate are due April 15; m a n u s c r i p t s with consent to publish in copyrighted p r o ­ ceedings are due J u l y 15. M o r e infor­ m a t i o n is available from W . M . M u e l ­ ler, D e n v e r Research I n s t i t u t e , Uni­ versity of Denver, D e n v e r 10, Colo.


Environmental Measurements Symposium The Division of Air Pollution and Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control of the Public Health Service are sponsoring a symposium on environmental measurements, Aug. 26 to 28, Cincinnati, Ohio. The object of the symposium is to discuss the design of environmental measurement systems and the interpretation of data, stressing the following: sampling, detecting, recording, validating, interpreting, and drawing conclusions. Additional information may be obtained from John S. Nader, Chief Physical Research & Development Laboratory of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Div. of Air Pollution, Public Health Service, Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio.

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Infrared Spectroscopy Courses The University of Minnesota will offer two courses in infrared spectroscopy. The first course, "Techniques of Infrared Spectroscopy," will be held from July 30 to Aug. 30, followed by the second course, "Chemical Interpretation of Infrared Spectra," from Aug. 5 to 9. The courses are related but participants may register for either or both. The lecture courses begin with the fundamentals and carry through to include recent developments; discussion seminars provide opportunity for treatment of advanced topics. Participants should have at least basic training in chemistry and physics, but not necessarily experience in spectroscopy. Enrollment for each course is limited; those interested should write to the Director, Center for Continuation Study, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minn.




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Gas Chromatography Course The University of Rhode Island is offering an introductory course in gas chromatography from July 22 to 26. The course will consist of five days of lectures and laboratory sessions. In addition, informal seminars will be held on a variety of special topics. Assisting with the lectures will be W. D. Cooke of Cornell and L. B. Rogers of Purdue. Commercial instruments will be available for inspection and demonstration. The fee is $75. Additional information may be obtained by writing to Dr. D. M. Rosie, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I.

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Circle No. 14 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 3 5 , N O . 4 , APRIL 1 9 6 3
