Metal complexes of fluorophosphines. 4. Reactions of mononuclear

R. B. King, and J. Gimeno. Inorg. Chem. , 1978, 17 (9), pp 2390–2395. DOI: 10.1021/ic50187a011. Publication Date: September 1978. ACS Legacy Archive...
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R . B. King and J. Gimeno

2390 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 17, No. 9, I978

Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602

Metal Complexes of Fluorophosphines. 4. Reactions of Mononuclear Metal Carbonyls with Methylaminobis(difluorophosphine)1,2 R. B. KING* and J. GIMEN03 Received December 23, 1977

Ultraviolet irradiation of the metal hexacarbonyls M(C0)6 (M = Cr, Mo, W) with excess CH,N(PF,), in diethyl ether results in complete displacement of all six carbonyl groups to give white volatile [CH3N(PF2),],M(M = Cr, Mo, W). Ultraviolet irradiation of Fe(C0)5with CH,N(PF,), gives either yellow liquid [CH3N(PF,),],FeC0 or orange crystalline [CH,N(PF,)2],Fe2(CO), depending upon the reaction conditions. Reaction of Fe3(C0),, with CH,N(PF,), in boiling tetrahydrofuran gives yellow crystalline [CH,N(PF2)2Fe(CO)3]2which readily loses carbon monoxide upon standing or heating in solution to form [CW3N(PF2)2]2Fe2(CO)5. Reaction of Fe2(C0)9with CH3N(PF2)2at room temperature gives a mixture of yellow liquid CH,N(PF,),[ Fe(CO)4]2and red-orange crystalline CI13N(PF2)2Fe2(C0)7.Reactions of Ni(CO)4 yellow with CH3N(PFJ2 give white volatile insoluble ([CH3N(PF2)2]2Ni),,, colorless crystalline { [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni]2, depending upon the reaction conditions. The carbonyl [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2(CO)2, and/or yellow [CH3N(PF2)2]2Ni2(C0)3 groups in [CH,N(PF,),],Ni,(CO), are readily replaced with a variety of ligands at room temperature even in the absence of ultraviolet irradiation to give complexes of the type [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2L2 (L = (CI3,0)$, (C2H50)3P,(C6H5),P, monodentate CH3N(PF2),, and (CH3),CNC).

Introduction During the last two decades extensive chemistry of transition metals in low and even negative oxidation states has been developed using strong a-acceptor monodentate ligands such as carbon monoxide4 and phosphorus t r i f l ~ o r i d e .However, ~ very little analogous low oxidation state metal chemistry has been developed using chelating strong a-acceptor ligands even though such ligands should form even more stable low oxidation state transition-metal derivatives because of the added stabilization from the chelate effect. The difficulty with such chemistry appears to be the introduction of strongly R-accepting donor groups into a structure capable of functioning as a chelate ligand. Thus, carbon monoxide cannot be incorporated into a polydentate ligand, and even the design of a multidentate chelating poly(isocyanide) poses difficulties because of the nearly linear hybridization of the isocyanide carbon atoms. At the present time the most promising approach to a chelating strong r-acceptor ligand is the design of a poly(fluorophosphine) containing several RPF, donor units so situated that two or more of these trivalent phosphorus atoms can bond to a single metal atom. Unfortunately, most previously r e p ~ r t e dmethods ~.~ of preparing trivalent phosphorus ligands containing PCHzCH2P structural units are not readily adapted to preparations of F2PCH2CH2PF2 and its homologues although Morse and Morse8-lo have obtained such compounds by the addition of P2F, to olefins. However, their preparative methods are not readily scaled up since they involve handling the unstable and not particularly readily prepared P2F4. Furthermore, published worklo suggests that once obtained the RPF2derivatives ( R = hydrocarbon group bonded through a n sp3 carbon such as methyl and ethyl as well as CH2CH2 bridges) are unstable themselves with respect to disproportionation to give the corresponding RPF4 derivatives. These considerations led us to consider other possible types of chelating poly(fluorophosphine) ligands without saturated hydrocarbon bridges between the donor phosphorus atoms. An attractive donor unit for such polydentate ligands is RR'NPF2 since aminodifluorophosphines of this type are now wellknown" to function as effective monodentate ligands in transition-metal chemistry. An already known class of potentially bidentate ligands containing this type of donor unit includes the alkylaminobis(diflurophosphines) RN(PF2)* ( R = CH3,12C2H5,I2C6HSl3). Such bidentate ligands have already been shown14 to form complexes of the type C2H5N(PF2)2M(C0)4( M = Cr, Mo, W). Furthermore, some ligands of the type RN(PF2)z ( e g , R = CH3, C2HS,C6H,) are readily 0020-1669/78/ 1317-2390$01.OO/O

accessible in quantities of 100 g or larger by reaction of the primary amine RNH, with excess phosphorus trichloride followed by fluorination. This paper describes the reactions of the simple monometallic carbonyls M(CO), (M = Cr, Mo, W), Fe(CO),, and N i ( C 0 ) 4 with the ligand CH,N(PF,),. In the cases of the metal hexacarbonyls pairwise substitution of all six carbonyl groups occurs under photochemical conditions thereby leading readily to the stable carbonyl-free complexes [CH,N(PF,),],M ( M = Cr, Mo, W).2a Similar reactions of Fe(CO), and N i ( C 0 ) 4 with CH3N(PFz)2lead to a more complex variety of products including bimetallic derivatives where CH3N(PF2), functions as a bridging rather than a chelating ligand. Details of these preparative studies, including the chemical and spectroscopic characterization of the products, are presented in this paper.

Experimental Section Microanalyses were performed by Atlantic Microanalytical Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. (C, H, and N), and Galbraith Laboratories, Inc., Knoxville, Tenn. (P and F). Molecular weights were determined in benzene solutions using either a Mechrolab Model 301 vapor pressure osmometer located in the laboratory of Professor G. E. Boyd at the University of Georgia or a Perkin-Elmer Model 115 vapor pressure osmometer located in the laboratory of Professor R. UsBn at the Departamentode Quimica Inorganica, Universidad de Zaragoza. Spain. Melting points were taken in capillaries and are uncorrected. Infrared spectra were taken in KBr pellets or the indicated solvents and recorded on a Perkin-Elmer Model 257 or a Perkin-Elmer Model 621 spectrophotometer with grating optics. Each spectrum was calibrated against the 1601-cm-' band of polystyrene film. Mass spectra were taken at 70 eV on the University of Georgia Perkin-Elmer Hitachi RMU-6 mass spectrometer. Only the most intense ions are given along with their relative intensities in parentheses after the ion formula. Proton NMR spectra were recorded in CDCI3solutions on a Varian T-60 spectrometer at 60 MHz. Phosphorus-31 and carbon-13 NMR spectra were taken in CH2C12or CDC1, solutions, respectively, and recorded at 40.3 and 25.0336 MHz, respectively, on a Jeolco PFT- 100 spectrometer operating in the pulsed Fourier transform mode with proton noise decoupling and a deuterium lock. The phosphorus-31 NMR chemical shifts are reported relative to external 85% H,PO, with positive numbers denoting upfield chemical shifts. The phosphorus-3 1 NMR spectra of the complexes CH3T\;(PF2),Fe2(C0)7 and [CH3N(PF2),]2Ni2(C0)3like that of the free ligandI5 could be analyzed as X2AAX2 systems16 whereas the resolution of the phosphorus-31 NMR spectra of the remaining complexes was only sufficient for simple first-order analyses as AX2 or AA'X2 systems. The carbon-13 chemical shifts (6) are reported relative to internal tetramethylsilanewith positive numbers indicating downfield chemical shifts. In order to allow observation of the carbon-13 resonances of 0 1978 American Chemical Society

Metal Complexes of Fluorophosphines the metal carbonyl groups, chromium (111) acetylacetonate was used as a shiftless relaxation reagent.I7 A nitrogen atmosphere was always provided for the following three operations: (a) carrying out reactions; (b) handling air-sensitive organometallic compounds, particularly in solution; and (c) filling evacuated vessels containing potentially air-sensitive materials. Ultraviolet irradiations were performed using an immersion Englehard-Hanovia 450-W mercury ultraviolet lamp with a water-cooled Pyrex jacket. Tetrahydrofuran and diethyl ether were freshly distilled over LiAlH4 or CaH2. The metal carbonyls M(CO)6 (M = Cr, Mo, W: Pressure Chemical Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.), Fe(CO)5 (GAF Corp., New York, N.Y.), and Ni(C0)4 (Matheson Co., Morrow, Ga.) were purchased from the indicated sources. The metal carbonyls Fe2(C0)918and Fe3(C0)1219 were prepared by the cited published procedures. Preparation of CH3N(PF2)2.The preparation reported by NixonI2 was scaled up considerably to provide the large quantities of CH3N(PF2)2required for this and related research using the methods described below. (a) Preparation of CH3N(PC12)2. A mixture of 85 g (1.25 mol) of methylamine hydrochloride (dried overnight at 100 OC (0.1 mm)), 420 mL (661 g, 4.8 1 mol) of phosphorus trichloride, and 500 mL of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethanewas boiled under reflux with magnetic stirring for 10 days. Excess phosphorus trichloride and tetrachloroethane were removed by distillation at atmospheric pressure. Vacuum distillation of the residue gave 245 g (84% yield) of CH3N(PC12),,bp 80-90 OC (0.3 mm). (b) Preparation of CH3N(PF2)2. A mixture of 245 g (1.05 mol) of CH3N(PC12)2,350 g (1.53 mol) of antimony trifluoride (purchased from Ozark-Mahoning Corp., Tulsa, Okla.), and 500 mL of methylcyclohexane was warmed gently with a heat gun under an efficient reflux condenser topped with a -78 OC condenser. After the reaction started, gentle reflux was maintained for 1 h. Distillation of the resulting mixture at atmospheric pressure gave 133 g (76% yield) of CH3N(PF2)2:bp 45 OC (lit.I2 bp 40-42 "C); phosphorus-31 NMR 6 -140.8, J'J(PF)I = 1264 Hz, 13J(PF)I= 44 Hz, I2J(PP)l = 442 HZ (MI5 6 -141.5, IIJ(PF)I = 1264 Hz, I3J(PF)I = 47 Hz, 12J(PP)I = 437 Hz). Preparation of [CH3N(PF2)2]3Cr.A mixture of 2.20 g (10 mmol) of Cr(C0)6, 8.40 g (50.3 mmol) of CH3N(PF2)2,and 250 mL of diethyl ether was exposed to the ultraviolet irradiation from the immersion lamp for 22 h. Filtration of the resulting reaction solution through Celite followed by evaporation and washing with cold pentane gave 3.02 g (55% yield) of [CH3N(PF2)2]3Cr.Sublimation at 90 OC (0.1 mm) gave the analytical sample: mp 182-183 OC; IR (KBr) 2955 (vw), 1173 (m), 831 (s), 788 (w), 673 (m) cm-'; proton NMR (CDC13) T 7.27; carbon-13 NMR (CDC13) 6 29.3; phosphorus-31 NMR (CH2C12)6 -180.3 (I'J(PF)I = 1250 Hz); mass spectrum [CH3N(PF2)213Cr+(231, [CHJW"2)2I2Cr+ (361, CHJW"2)2CrF+ (13), CH3N(PF2)2Cr+(100). Anal. Calcd for C3H9CrF12N3P6:C, 6.5; H, 1.6; F, 41.2; N, 7.6, P, 33.6; mol wt 553. Found: C, 6.6; H, 1.9; F, 42.0; N, 7.7; P, 34.4; mol wt 498. Preparation of [CH3N(PF2)2]3Mo.A mixture of 1.31 g ( 5 mmol) of Mo(CO)6, 5.0 g (30 mmol) of CH3N(PF2)2,and 250 mL of diethyl ether was exposed to the ultraviolet irradiation from the immersion lamp for 18 h. Evaporation of solvent from the filtered solution and cooling gave 1.67 g (56% yield) of white [CH3N(PF2)2]3M~. Sublimation at 70-80 OC (0.1 mm) gave the analytical sample: mp 216-218 OC; IR (KBr) 2965 (vw), 1173 (s), 835 (vs), 800 (s), 665 (m) cm-I; proton NMR (CDC13) T 7.31; carbon-13 NMR (CDCl,) 6 28.7; phosphorus-31 NMR (tetrahydrofuran) 6 -157.6 (['J(PF)I = 1220 Hz); mass spectrum [CH3N(PF2)2]3Mo+(loo), [CH3N(PF2)212MoF+ (lo), [ C H ~ N ( P F ~ ) ~ I ~(2019 M OC+H ~ N ( P F ~ ) ~ M (60), O+ CH3NPF2Mot (25). Anal. Calcd for C3H9F12MoN3P6:C, 6.0; H, 1.5; F, 38.2; N, 7.0; P, 31.1; mol wt 597. Found: C, 6.2; H, 1.6; F, 37.9; N, 7.1; P, 31.1; mol wt 605. Preparation of [CH3N(PF2)2]3W.A mixture of 1.76 g ( 5 mmol) of W(CO)6, 4.86 g (29 mmol) of CH3N(PF2)2,and 250 mL of diethyl ether was exposed to ultraviolet irradiation from the immersion lamp for 56 h. Evaporation of solvent from the filtered solution and treatment with cold pentane gave 1.58 g (46% yield) of slightly yellowish [CH3N(PF2)2]3W.Sublimation at 90-100 OC (0.1 mm) gave the white analytical sample: mp 221-223 OC; IR (KBr) 2970 (vw),1178 (s), 865 (sh), 838 (vs), 802 (m), 670 (w) cm-'; proton NMR (CDC13) T 7.33; carbon-13 NMR (CDC13) 6 29.9; phosphorus-31 NMR (acetone) 6 -125.2 (JIJ(PF)(= 1226 Hz); mass spectrum

Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 17, No. 9, 1978 2391 [CH3N(PF2)213Wt (loo), [CH3N(PF2)212WFt (121, CH3N(PF2)2Wt (94). Anal. Calcd for C3H9FI2N3P6W:C, 5.3; H, 1.3; F, 33.3; N, 6.1; P, 27.1; mol wt 685. Found: C, 5.2; H, 1.3; F, 33.0; N, 6.1; P, 27.3; mol wt 691. Preparation of [CH3N(PF2)d2FeC0.A mixture of 1.55 g (8 mmol) of Fe(CO)5, 5.26 g (31.5 mmol) of CH3N(PF2)2,and 300 mL of tetrahydrofuran was exposed to the ultraviolet irradiation from the immersion lamp for 5 h. Solvent was then removed from the reaction mixture of 25 "C (25 mm). A hexane solution of the oily residue was chromatographed on a 1.5 X 30 cm Florisil column. Elution of the yellow band with hexane gave a yellow liquid. Evaporative distillation of this liquid at 80 OC (0.3 mm) gave 1.65 g (49% yield) of yellow liquid [CH3N(PF2)2]2FeC0IR (hexane) v(C0) 1990 cm-'; proton NMR (CDC13) T 7.38 (apparent triplet, J = 12 Hz); phosphorus-31 NMR (CH2C12) 6 -151.0 (IIJ(PF)I = 1250 Hz). Anal. Calcd for C3H6F8FeNP40:C , 8.6; H, 1.6; F, 36.4; N, 6.7; P, 29.7. Found: C, 8.5; H, 1.6; F, 34.6; N, 6.9; P, 28.1. Preparation of [CH3N(PF2)2]2Fe2(CO)5 from Fe(CO)s. A mixture of 1.95 g (10 mmol) of Fe(CO)S, 1.67 g (10 mmol) of CH3N(PF2),, and 250 mL of degassed pentane was exposed to the ultraviolet irradiation from the immersion lamp for 90 min. The resulting orange-yellow precipitate was filtered and washed with pentane to give 1.14 g (39% yield) of [CH3N(PF2)2]2Fe2(C0)5.A low-temperature crystallization of this product from a mixture of dichloromethane and hexane gave the orange crystalline analytical sample: mp 192-193 OC; IR (hexane) u(C0) 2066 (m), 2026 (s), 1992 (s), 1978 (m), 1786 (m) crn-'; phosphorus-31 NMR (acetone) 6 -187.1 (broad triplet, J = 1140 f 100 Hz). Anal. Calcd for C7H6F8Fe2N205P4: C, 14.3; H, 1.0; F, 25.9; N, 4.8; P, 21.1. Found: C, 14.4; H, 1.1; F, 25.8; N, 4.8; P, 21.2. Similar results were obtained by carrying out the ultraviolet irradiation of Fe(CO)Sand CH3N(PF2)2in a 1:l molar ratio in diethyl ether rather than pentane solution. However, in this case the [CH3N(PF2)2]2Fe2(CO)sdid not precipitate spontaneously from the reaction mixture. Instead it was isolated by evaporation of the solvent followed by chromatography on Florisil using a mixture of hexane and dichloromethane for the eluent. Reaction of Fe3(C0)12with CH3N(PF2)2in Tetrahydrofuran. A mixture of 1.00 g (1.98 mmol) of Fe3(C0)12,1.20 g (7.2 mmol) of CH3N(PF2)2,and 100 mL of tetrahydrofuran was stirred at room temperature overnight and then boiled under reflux for 1 h. Solvent was then removed at -25 OC (25 mm). The yellow crystalline solid was crystallized from a mixture of dichloromethane and hexane by slow evaporation to give 0.42 g (23% yield) of yellow [CH3N(PF2)2Fe(CO)3]2:mp 128-129 OC; IR in (dichloromethane) u(C0) 2040 (w), 2037 (w), 2033 (m), 2011 (s), 2005 (s), 1974 (s) cm-'. Anal. Calcd for CsH6F8Fe2N206P4: c , 15.7; H, 1.@ F, 24.8; N, 4.6; P, 20.2; mol wt 614. Found: C, 15.7; H, 1.0; F, 24.5; N, 4.6; P, 19.5; mol wt 591. Chromatography of the filtrates from the crystallization of [CH3N(PF2)2Fe(CO)3]2 on Florisil followed by elution of the resulting orange-yellow band with 1:1 dichloromethane-hexane and evaporation of the eluate gave 0.43 g (25% yield) of orange [CH3N(PF2),I2Fe2(C0)5 identified by elemental analyses and comparison of its infrared spectrum in the u(C0) region with that of material prepared from Fe(CO), and CH3N(PF2)2as described above. Reaction or Fe2(C0)9with CH3N(PF2),. A mixture of 10.9 g (30 mmol) of Fe2(C0)9,5.0 g (30 mmol) of CH3N(PF2)2,and 200 mL of diethyl ether was stirred at room temperature for 3 h. The Fe2(C0)9 dissolved with gas evolution to form a red-orange solution. Solvent was removed from this solution at -25 OC (35 mm). The residue was chromatographedon a Florisil column in hexane solution. Elution of the first yellow band with hexane gave 3.8 g (25% yield on the basis of Fe2(C0),) of yellow liquid CH3N(PF2)2[Fe(CO)4]2: IR (hexane) v(C0) 2090 (m), 2023 (s), 2017 (s), 1996 (s), 1985 (s), 1976 (s) cm-I; proton NMR (CDC13) T 7.13 (doublet, J = 12 Hz), T 7.23 (doublet, J = 12 Hz); carbon-13 NMR (CDC13) 6 211.1, 210.4, 209.7, 34.2, 27.6; phosphorus-31NMR (CH2C12)6 -197.6 (triplet, J = 1203 Hz) and 6 194.2 (J = 1150 Hz). The analytical sample was purified by repeated evaporative distillation at 45 OC (0.05 mm) but was never obtained completely pure. Anal. Calcd for C9H3F4Fe2N08P2:C, 21.5; H, 0.6; N, 2.8; mol wt 503. Found: C, 22.6; H, 0.8; N, 3.4; mol wt 490. After elution of the CH3N(PF2),[Fe(C0),I2 the chromatogram was eluted with a 1:l mixture of dichloromethane and hexane. Evaporation of the eluate followed by crystallization from a mixture

2392 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 17, No. 9, 1978 of dichloromethaneand hexane gave 0.37 g (2.6% yield) of red-orange crystalline CH3N(PF2)2Fe2(C0)7: mp 75-77 OC; IR (pentane) u(C0) 2090 (m), 2040 (s), 2025 (s), 2000 (s), 1995 (vs), 1982 (m), 1805 (s) cm-'; proton NMR (CDC1,) T 7.00 (triplet, J = 7 Hz); carbon-13 NMR (CDCI,) 6 215.2, 30.7; phosphorus-31 NMR (CH2C12)6 -186.4 (X2AAX2pattern: I'J(PP)I = 1190 Hz, 13J(PF)I= 16 Hz, 12J(PP)I = 283 Hz). Anal. Calcd for C8H3F4Fe2N07P2: C, 20.2; H, 0.6; F, 16.0; N, 2.9; P, 13.0; mol wt 475. Found: C, 20.3; H, 0.7; F, 16.2; N , 3.1; P, 13.2; mol wt 490. In other similar experiments on a smaller scale and on solutions 2 or 3 times more dilute the yield of CH3N(PF2)2Fe2(C0)7 from equimolar quantities of FQ(CO)~and CH3N(PF2)2rose to 4-5% based on total Fe2(C0)9introduced. Reactions of Ni(CO), with CH,N(PF,),. (a) Photochemical Reaction with Excess Ligand. A solution of 1.17 g (7 mmol) of Ni(C0)4, 3.0 g (18 mmol) of CH,N(PF2),, and 400 mL of diethyl ether was exposed for 3 h to the ultraviolet irradiation from the immersion lamp using a -78 "C condenser to ensure retention of the toxic and volatile Ni(CO), in the reaction mixture. Removal of diethyl ether from the reaction mixture gave a liquid which exhibited a single infrared u(C0) band at -2050 cm-'. Heating this liquid at -150 O C (0.4 mm) did not result in distillation but instead in solidification to give 1.6 g (58% yield) of white solid {[CH,N(PF2)2]2Ni],.This solid gave a light yellow sublimate, mp 211-213 OC, when heated at 210 OC (0.4 mm) and was insoluble or very sparingly soluble in dichloromethane, chloroform, and acetone; infrared spectrum in KBr: 2965 (vw), 1467 (vw, br), 1210 (vw, sh), 1189 (w), 1103 (vw, sh), 1045 (m), 947 (w), 865 (s), 809 (s), 684 (m) cm-I; mass spectrum [CH3N(PF2)214Ni2+(1 11, [CH3N(PFJ2I3Ni2+(621, [CHSN(PF2)2]2Ni2+(loo), CH3N(PF2)2Ni2PF2NCH3+ (19), CH,N(PF2)2Ni2PFNCH3+(26), [CH3N(PF2)2]2Ni2F+ ( 4 9 , CH3N(PF2)2Nit(68). Because of the very limited solubility of this compound neither its NMR spectra nor its molecular weight in solution could be determined. Anal. Calcd for C ~ H ~ F B N ~C, N 6.1; ~ P H, ~ : 1.5; N, 7.1. Found: C, 6.1, 6.1; H, 1.6, 1.5; N, 7.2, 7.2. (b) Isolation of the Intermediate from the Photochemical Reaction. A mixture of 1.0 g (6 mmol) of Ni(C0)4, 4.0 g (24 mmol) of CH3N(PF2)2,and 400 mL of diethyl ether was exposed for 3 h to the ultraviolet irradiation from the immersion lamp. Solvent was then removed from the reaction mixture at -25 O C (25 mm). The residue was purified by low-temperature (-78 "C) crystallizationfrom pentane. Material prepared by this method melted at or near rmm temperature but heating this product at 100 O C (0.1 mm) gave 0.5 g (15% yield) of colorless crystals of [CH3N(PF2)2]6Ni2, mp 83-85 O C , which were soluble in organic solvents: proton NMR (CDC1,) T 7.04 (broad, W,,, = 16 Hz); carbon-13NMR (CDCI,) 6 26.9 and 24.3 of relative heights 31:37; phosphorus-31 NMR (CDC1,) 6-151.7 (I'J(PF)I 0 1250 Hz), 6 -137.3 (IIJ(PF)I = 1270 Hz, 12J(PP)I = 265 Hz). Anal. Calcd for C6H18F24N6Ni2P12:C, 6.4; H, 1.6;N, 7.5; mol W t 1119.4. Found: C, 6.7; H, 1.6; N,7.7; mol wt 1190. A similar product was isolated from the reaction of 0.85 g (5 mmol) of Ni(C0)4 with 3.25 g (19 mmol) of CH3N(PF2), in 100 mL of boiling hexane for 3 h. (c) Photochemical Reaction of Ni(C0)4 with CH3N(PF2)2in a 2:3 Molar Ratio. A mixture of 2.77 g (16.2 mmol) of Ni(C0)4, 4.0 g

(24 mmol) of CH3N(PF2)2,and 300 mL of diethyl ether was stirred for 30 min at room temperature and then exposed to the ultraviolet irradiation from the immersion lamp until evolution of CO ceased (- 1 h). Solvent was removed from the reaction mixture at -25 OC (35 mm). During this process the originally colorless solution became yellow. Low-temperature crystallization of the residue from pentane or hexane gave 3.30 g (60% yield) of [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2(C0)2.A second low-temperature crystallization from pentane gave the analytical sample as yellow needles: mp 98-100 OC; IR (hexane) u(C0) 2070 (s), 2055 (s) cm-l; proton NMR (CDCl,) T 6.95 (broad, W,,,= 12 Hz); carbon-13 NMR (CDCI,) 6 189.2,26.4;phosphorus-31 NMR (CDC1,) 6 -153.9 (broad triplet: J = 1130 k 100 Hz); mass spectrum (chamber temperature 135 OC, sample temperature 80 "C) [CH3N(PF2)214Ni2+(lo), [CH3N(PFd2I3Ni2+(571, [CH,N(PF2)21zNi2f (loo), CH3N(PF2)2Ni2PF2NCH3t(19), CH3N(PF2)2Ni2PFNCH3+(30), CH3N(PF2)2Ni2F+(38), CH3N(PF2)2Ni+ (38). Anal. Calcd for C5H9FI2N3Ni2o2P6: C, 8.9; H, 1.3; N, 6.2; mol wt 674.4. Found: C, 8.8; H, 1.5; N, 6.6; mol wt 689. The same product was also obtained in similar yield by allowing Ni(C0)4 and CH3N(PF2)2to react under similar conditions in a 1:l rather than 2:3 molar ratio.

R. B. King and J. Gimeno (d) Thermal Reaction with Equimolar Quantities of Ni(CO)4and CH,N(PF,),. A mixture of 2.41 g (14.1 mmol) of Ni(C0)4, 2.33

g (14.0 mmol) of CH3N(PF2),, and 100 mL of hexane was boiled under reflux for 1 h using a -78 OC condenser. The reaction mixture

successively became light yellow, yellow, light red, red, and finally dark yellow with some evidence for decomposition and with continual evolution of carbon monoxide. The reaction mixture was filtered through Celite. Hexane was removed at -25 "C (25 mm). The resulting yellow oil was purified by low-temperature crystallization from pentane to give 2.02 g (53% yield) of yellow needles of [CH3N(PF2)2]2Ni2(C0)3: mp 55-57 OC; IR (hexane) v ( C 0 ) 2070 (s), 2055 (s), 1891 (s) cm-', proton NMR (CDCI,) T 7.05 (triplet, J = 6 Hz); carbon-13 NMR (CDCI3/CS2)6 221.6 (broad), 26.7; phosphorus-31 NMR (CH2CI2)6 -152.9 (X2AAX2pattern: I'J(PF)I = 1238 Hz, 13J(PF)I = 54 Hz, 12J(PP)I = 537 Hz). Anal. Calcd C, 11.2; H, 1.1; N, 5.2; mol wt 535.4. Found: for C5H6F8N2Ni2O3: C, 11.1, 11.1; H, 1.2, 1.2; N,5.4, 5.3; mol wt 511. Reactions of [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2(CO)2.(a) With Trimethyl Phosphite. A solution of 0.48 g (0.71 mmol) of [CH3N(PF2)2]3-

Ni2(C0)2in 100 mL of hexane was treated with 0.6 mL (0.63 g, 5.1 mmol) of trimethyl phosphite at room temperature. Immediate CO evolution occurred. The reaction mixture was stirred for 30 min at room temperature and then boiled under reflux for an additional 30 min. Removal of solvent at -25 "C (25 mm) followed by crystallization of the residue from a mixture of dichloromethane and hexane gave 0.54 g (88% yield) of white crystalline [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2[P(OCH3)3]2: mp 191-193 OC; proton NMR (CDCI3) 7 6.38 (doublet, J = 10 Hz) and T 7.05 (broad singlet) of approximate relative intensities 18:9 corresponding to the OCH, and NCH, protons, respectively; carbon-13 NMR (CDCI,) 6 50.6 and 26.4 (broad) corresponding to the OCH, and NCH, carbons, respectively. Anal. Calcd for C9H27F12N3Ni206P8: C, 12.5; H, 3.1; N, 4.8. Found: C, 12.5; H, 3.1; N, 4.9. (b) With Triethyl Phosphite. A solution of 0.50 g (0.74 mmol) of [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2(C0)2 in 50 mL of hexane was treated with 1.04 mL (1.00 g, 6 mmol) of triethyl phosphite at room temperature. Isolation of product by a procedure completely analogous to that given above for the preparation of [CH3N(PF2)213Ni2[P(OCH3)312 gave 0.59 g (84% yield) of white crystalline [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2[P(OC2H5)3]z: mp 181-183 OC; proton NMR (CDCI,) T 6.08 (multiplet), 7.1 (broad singlet), and 8.89 (triplet, J = 7 Hz) of approximate relative intensities 12:9:18 corresponding to the ethyl CH2, the NCH,, and the ethyl CH, protons, respectively; carbon-13 NMR (CDC1,) 6 59.4,26.2 (broad), and 16.2 corresponding to the OCHz, NCH,, and ethyl CH3 carbons, respectively. Anal. Calcd for C15H39Fl2N&06P8: C, 18.9; H, 4.1; N, 4.4; mol Wt 950.4. Found: C, 19.0; H, 4.1; N, 4.4; mol wt 953. (c) With Triphenylphosphine. A solution of 0.60 g (0.89 mmol) of [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2(C0)2 in 70 mL of hexane was treated with 0.52 g (2 mmol) of triphenylphosphine. Immediate gas evolution occurred with the concurrent formation of a precipitate. After the solution was boiled under reflux for 15 min, the precipitate was filtered, washed with hot hexane, and dried to give 0.9 g (89% yield) of light yellow [CH3N(PF2)213Ni2[P(C6H5)3]2: mp 270 "C dec; proton NMR (CDCI,) T 2.65 (multiplet) and 7.25 (broad) of approximate relative intensities 30:9 corresponding to the C6H5and CH,N protons, reC, 41.0; H, 3.4; N, spectively. Anal. Calcd for C39H39F12N3Ni2P8: 3.7. Found: C, 40.7; H, 3.4; N, 3.8. (d) With tert-Butyl Isocyanide. A solution of 0.59 g (0.87 mmol) of [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2(C0)2 in 70 mL of hexane was treated with 0.5 mL (0.38 g, 4.6 mmol) of tert-butyl isocyanide.20 Immediate CO evolution occurred. After the solution was stirred for 30 min at room temperature, evaporation of the hexane and removal of the product by filtration gave 0.33 g (48% yield) of [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2[CNC(CH3),I2. Recrystallization from pentane gave the white analytical sample: mp 173-175 OC; proton NMR (CDCI,) T 7.09 (broad singlet) and 8.55 (singlet) of approximate relative intensities 9:18 corresponding to the methyl protons of the (CH3)3CNCand CH3N(PF2)2ligands, respectively; carbon-13 NMR (CDCI,) 6 148.0 (very weak, broad), C, 19.9; H, 56.5, 30.2, 25.5. Anal. Calcd for C13H2,F12N5Ni2P6: 3.4; N, 8.9; mol wt 784.4. Found: C, 20.0; H, 3.4; N, 8.9; mol wt 779. (e) With CH3N(PF2),. A mixture of 1.0 g (1.5 mmol) of [CH,N(PF2)2]3Ni2(C0)2r 0.8 g (4.8 mmol) of CH3N(PF2),,and 70 mL of hexane was stirred for 30 h at room temperature. Partial removal of hexane in a nitrogen stream followed by cooling to -78

Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 17, No. 9, 1978 2393

Metal Complexes of Fluorophosphines

OC led to the crystallization of 1.07 g (75% yield) of [CH3N(PF2)2]5Ni2. Low-temperature recrystallization of this product from pentane gave the analytical sample: mp 88-90 OC; proton NMR (CDCl,) T 7.1 (broad singlet);carbon-13 NMR (CDC13)6 26.8, 24.0. Anal. Calcd for CIHIIF20N5Ni2PIo: . - .. C, 6.3; H, 1.6; N, 7.3, Found: C, 6.4;H, 1.8; N,-7.6: -Reactions of [CH3N(PF2)2]2Ni2(CO)3 with Trialkyl Phosphites. (a) Trimethvl Phosphite. Reaction of 0.5 e. (0.93 mmol) of [CHT N(PF2);]zNiz(dO)3with 0.6 mL (0.63 5.1 mmol) of trimethil phosphite in 70 mL of boiling hexane for 16 h gave 0.25 g (47% yield on the basis of CH3N(PF2)2ligands) of [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2[P(OCH3)3]2,mp 190-192 OC,after low-temperaturecrystallization from hexane. (b) Triethyl Phosphite. Reaction of 1.13 g (2.1 mmol) of [CH3N(PF2)2]2Ni2(C0)3 with 2.08 mL (2.00 g, 12.1 mmol) of triethyl phosphite in 70 mL of boiling hexane for 20 h gave 0.44 g (33% yield on the basis of CH3N(PF2), ligands) of [CH3N(PF,)2]3Ni2[P(OC2H5)3]2, mp 183-185 OC, after low-temperature crystallization from hexane.

Ultraviolet irradiation of equimolar quantities of Fe(CO)5 with CH3N(PF2), in a less polar solvent than the strong donor tetrahydrofuran such as diethyl ether or pentane does not give [CH3N(PF2)2]2FeC0(11) as the major product. Instead, an orange crystalline bimetallic complex [CH3N(PF2)2]2Fe2(CO)5 is obtained. Structure I11 for this complex has been confirmed

Results (1) Chromium, Molybdenum, and Tungsten Derivatives.

by X-ray crystallography.2b A characteristic feature of this structure is the metal-metal bond bridged by two CH3N(PF2)2 ligands and one carbonyl group. The bridging carbonyl group in structure I11 leads to an infrared v ( C 0 ) frequency at 1786 cm-' in addition to the expected four v(C0) frequencies in the range 2066-1978 cm-' arising from the four terminal carbonyl groups. Reactions of CH3N(PF2)2were also investigated with the polynuclear iron carbonyls Fe3(C0)12and Fe2(C0)9which are more reactive than Fe(CO),. Thermal reactions of Fe3(C0)12 with CH3N(PF2), in boiling tetrahydrofuran result in rupture of the iron triangle to give ultimately the orange bimetallic product [CH3N(PF2)2]2Fez(C0)5 (111) mentioned above. If the reaction in boiling tetrahydrofuran is conducted for a short time, a second bimetallic product, yellow [CH3N(PF2)2Fe(C0),I2, is isolated. This yellow product has been shown by X-ray crystallography" to have the structure IV containing two nearly squarepyramidal iron atoms in contrast to the usual trigonal-bipyramidal iron atoms found in five-coordinate iron(0) complexes. Formation of the bimetallic complex [ C H 3 N ( P R ) 2 F e ( C 0 ) 3 ] 2(IV) instead of the still unknown monometallic complex CH3N(PF2)2Fe(C0)3suggests some difficulty for the very small bite bidentate CH3N(PF2), ligand to span adjacent coordination positions in some five-coordinate complexes. Dimerization of CH3N(PF2),Fe(CO), to [CH3N(PF2)2Fe(CO)3]2,thereby converting the four-membered ring of a biligate monometallic CH,N(PF2), ligand to a larger ring of a biligate bimetallic CH3N(PF2)2ligand, relieves some steric strain. The diiron hexacarbonyl derivative [CH3N(PF2)Fe(CO),12 (IV) itself is also unstable under certain conditions. In solution it loses carbon monoxide to form the diiron pentacarbonyl derivative [CH3N(PF2)2],Fe2(CO)5 (111). The iron carbonyl Fe2(C0)9 is normally still more reactive than Fe3(C0)', since Fe2(C0)9 dissociates into unreactive Fe(CO)5 and reactive F e ( C 0 ) 4 units at or near room temperature. Treatment of Fe2(C0)9with CH3N(PF2), at room temperature was found to give two products. One product is a yellow liquid of stoichiometry CH,N(PF,),[Fe(CO),], and presumed structure V. This compound could not be obtained

Ultraviolet irradiation of the metal hexacarbonyls M ( C 0 ) 6 ( M = Cr, Mo, W) with CH3N(PF2), readily substitutes all six carbonyl groups to give the corresponding [CH3N(PF2),13M derivatives. These products, like the metal hexacarbonyls M ( C 0 ) 6 and the trifluorophosphine complexes21 M(PF3)6, a r e white volatile relatively air-stable solids. The chromium compound [CH3N(PF2)2]3Crcan even be distilled unchanged at -256 OC (1 atm) in a capillary. The infrared and N M R spectra (proton, carbon-13, and phosphorus-3 1) of the [CH3N(PF2)2]3Mcomplexes are all consistent with their formulation as the zerovalent tris(bidentate) chelates I ( M =





Cr, Mo, W). Thus, the infrared spectra of the CH3N(PF2),13M complexes exhibit the expected strong v(P-F) frequencies at 831-838 cm-'. The proton and carbon-13 N M R spectra each exhibit a single resonance owing to the three equivalent methyl groups. Similarly the phosphorus-3 1 N M R spectra exhibit a single broad triplet suggesting equivalence of all six phosphorus atoms and inability to resolve the longer range 1(2J(PP)l and I3J(PF)I couplings. The mass spectra of the [CH3N(PF2),],M complexes all exhibit intense molecular ions and the fragment ions CH3N(PF2)2M+. The relative abundances of the [CH3N(PF2),I2Mf ions in the mass spectra of the [CH3N(PF2)2]3M complexes decrease rather markedly upon increase in the atomic number of M apparently at the expense of [CH3N(PF2)2]2MFf. (2) Iron Derivatives. Since Fe(CO)s has an odd number of carbonyl groups, it is not possible to replace all of its carbonyl groups with bidentate CH3N(PF2)2ligands to form a monometallic zerovalent [CH3N(PF2)2], Fe complex with the favored 18-electron configuration of the next rare gas.22,23 Ultraviolet irradiation of Fe(CO)S with excess CH3N(PF2)2 in the polar solvent tetrahydrofuran was found to give the monocarbonyl [CH3N(PF2)2]2FeC0as a yellow volatile liquid. The spectroscopic data are consistent with structure I1 for this complex. T h e relatively high position for a n L,FeCO derivative of the single v(C0) frequency a t 1990 cm-' confirms the expected high n-acceptor properties of the phosphorus atoms in CH3N(PF2),.









completely pure. Furthermore, the presence of two phosphorus-3 1 triplets in the most highly purified samples suggest a mixture of stereoisomers possibly involving apical vs. equatorial monosubstitution.

2394 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 17, No. 9, 1978 The second product from the reaction of Fe2(C0)9 and CH,N(PF,),, normally formed in much smaller yield than V, is red-orange crystalline CH3N(PF2)2Fe2(C0)7 of apparent structure VI. In VI the bridging carbonyl group exhibits a characteristic u(C0) frequency a t 1805 cm-I in addition to six v(C0) frequencies in the range 2090-1982 cm-’ for the six terminal carbonyl groups. The phosphorus-3 1 N M R spectrum of CH3N(PF2)2Fe2(C0)7(VI) exhibits a clear X2AAX2pattern like the free ligand CH3N(PF2)2;from the spectrum of VI meaningful values for the three major coupling constants I*J(PF)I, 13J(PF)I,and 12J(PP)Ican be derived. This contrasts with the phosphorus-3 1 N M R spectrum of [CH3N(PF2)2]2Fe2(CO)5(111) where the peaks are too broad for such detailed analysis and even a reasonably accurate estimate for I’J(PF)I cannot be obtained. Reaction of [(C6H&P]2CH2 with Fe2(C0)9 has been reportedz4 to give a diiron heptacarbonyl complex CH2[P(C6H5)2]2Fe2(C0)7 shown by X-ray crystallography to have a structure similar to structure VI proposed for CH3N(PF2)2Fe2(C0)7. (3) Nickel Derivatives. If the ligand CH3N(PF2), replaces all carbonyl groups in N i ( C 0 ) 4 similar to its replacement of all six carbonyl groups in Cr(C0)6 to form [CH3N(PF2),I3Cr, the resulting product should be a volatile monometallic complex [CH3N(PF2),I2Ni. Ultraviolet irradiation of N i ( C 0 ) 4 with CH,N(PF2), was found to give a liquid which upon attempted vacuum distillation solidifies to give a product of composition ([CH,N(PF,),],Ni),. The insolubility of ( [CH3N(PF2)212Ni),in organic solvents and its volatility only a t -200 O C (0.4 mm) as contrasted with the solubility of [CH,N(PF2)J ,Cr in organic solvents and its volatility even at 90 “C (0.1 mm) precludes formulation of the nickel complex as the mononuclear [CH3N(PF2)2]2Ni.The mass spectrum of ([CH,N(PF,),]Ni], vapor exhibits high abundances of the binuclear ions [CH3N(PF2),],Ni2+ (n = 4, 3, 2) suggesting that this complex vaporizes as the dimer [CH3N(PF2),I4Ni2, possibly with structure VI1 containing two biligate bimetallic



(“bridging”) and two biligate monometallic (“terminal”) CH,N(PF,), ligands. However, the insolubility of solid ([CH,N(PF,)2]2Ni), suggests that in the solid state this complex is a coordination polymer of the type VI11 which forms reversibly the dimer VI1 on thermal “cracking”. An intermediate in the formation of ( [CH3N(PF2)2]2Ni\, from N i ( C 0 ) 4 and CH3N(PF2),in a photochemical reaction is a low-melting solid of stoichiometry [CH3N(PF2),I3Ni. Molecular weight determinations indicate this species to be the dimer ( [CH,N(PF,)],Ni),. The presence of two different types of CH,N(PF,), ligands is indicated by the presence of two methyl carbon-13 resonances (6 26.9 and 24.3) and two overlapping phosphorus-3 1 triplets. Structure IX is suggested

iH3 P0”Y ’ ‘ CH3


P’ F2



F2 FP’2 N I P F 2






P I F2 F2




I \ F2

P.N/PF2 F2 1 CH3


for ([Ci13N(PF2)2] 3Ni}2which contains two bridging biligate

R. B. King and J. Gimeno bimetallic and four terminal monoligate monometallic CH,N(PF,), ligands. Conversion of the bimetallic 1 [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni)2(IX) to the polymeric ([CH3N(PF2)2]2Ni], (VIII) can be interpreted as a novel type of coordination polymerization in which the uncoordinated ends of half of the monoligate monometallic CH3N(PF2)zligands in IX displace the remaining half of the monoligate monometallic CH3N(PF2), ligands to form new bridges between pairs of nickel atoms. The compounds ( [CH3N(PF2),],NiI2 (IX) and ([CH3N(PF,),],Ni], (VIII) are formed from reactions of Ni(C0)4 with excess CH3N(PF2)2.Reactions of Ni(C0)4 with CH3N(PFZ), using limited quantities of CH3N(PF2), give still different products. Thus, ultraviolet irradiation of N i ( C 0 ) 4 with CH,N(PF,), in molar ratios in the range 1:l to 2:3 gives the yellow crystalline bimetallic complex [CH3N(PFz)2]3Ni2(C0)2. The presence of only one carbon- 13 methyl resonance and only one phosphorus-31 N M R triplet for this complex suggests structure X (L = CO) in which all three CH,N(PF,), bridges are equivalent. The two terminal carbonyl groups in X (L = CO) at opposite ends of the molecule give two closely spaced v ( C 0 ) frequencies in the infrared spectrum. The proposed structure X (L = CO) for [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2(C0)2 is similar




X XI to that determined25for the bimetallic cobalt carbonyl complex [CH3N(PF2)2]3C02(CO)2 except for the obvious stereochemical changes associated with removal of the metal-metal bond in going from cobalt to nickel. Reaction of equimolar quantities of N i ( C 0 ) 4 with CH3N(PF2)zin boiling hexane was found to give a yellow crystalline complex [CH3N(PF2)2]2Ni2(C0)3 of apparent structure XI similar to r e p ~ r t e d (bid)2Ni2(C0)3 ~~,~~ complexes (bid = bidentate trivalent phosphorus ligand) such as [S(P[CF,]2)2]2Ni2(CO)3,the structure of which has been determined by X-ray crystallography.2x The infrared spectrum of X I exhibits a v ( C 0 ) frequency a t 1891 cm-’ assigned to the bridging carbonyl group in addition to terminal v ( C 0 ) frequencies at 2070 and 2055 cm-’ similar to reported infrared u(C0) frequency patterns for related (bid)2Ni2(C0)3complexes. A curious property of yellow [CH3N(PF2)2]2Ni2(C0)3 is its tendency to become dark red reversibly upon heating above its melting point. A pure dark red species could not be isolated from this pyrolysis product; instead, the dark red material fomed on such heating gradually reverted to yellow [CH3N(PF2)2] ,Ni2(C0), upon standing at room temperature. A characteristic property of the nickel carbonyl complexes [CH,N(PF2)2]3Ni2(C0)2(X: L = CO) and [CH,N(PF2)2]2Ni2(C0)3 (XI) is the facile replacement of their carbonyl groups with donor ligands such as phosphines, phosphites. and isocyanides. Thus, treatment of the dicarbonyl [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2(C0)2(X: L = CO) with such ligands L (L = (CH,O),P, (C2HS0),P, (C6H5),P, (CH3),CNC) in hexane at room temperature results in rapid effervescence of CO leading to replacement of both terminal carbonyl groups to give the corresponding white to pale yellow carbonyl-free complexes [CH3N(PFz)z]3NizL2 (X). Analogous treatment of [CH,N(PF2)2]3Ni2(C0)2 with excess CH,N(PFz), a t room temperature gives [CH3N(PF2)2]sNi2,apparently X (L = monodentate CH3N(PF2),). Heating the tricarbonyl [CH3N(PF2)2]2Ni2(C0)3 with the trialkyl phosphites (RO),P

Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 17, No. 9, 1978 2395

Metal Complexes of Fluorophosphines (R = CH3, C2H5)in boiling hexane also results in formation of the same [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2[P(OR)3]2 (X: L = (RO)3P; R = CH,, C2H-j) derivatives. These latter reactions involve more extensive reorganization of the [CH3N(PF2)2]nNi2 backbone of the system. The [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2L2 (X: L = (C H 3 0 )3P, (C,H,O) 3P, (C,H,) 3P, (CH3)3CNC) derivatives have been characterized not only by elemental analyses but also by their proton N M R spectra, integration of which showed the correct ratios of the L protons to the CH3N(PF2)2protons.

Discussion The “bite” of CH3N(PF2)2functioning as a biligate monometallic ligand is small since a four-membered chelate ring (XII) is formed. Thus, the higher the coordination number of the central metal atom, the more likely the CH3N(PF2)2 is to function as a biligate monometallic ligand rather than, for example, as a biligate bimetallic ligand as exemplified by XI11 or XIV. CH3















\ I M-M XI11




C 0

xv The effect of the coordination number of the central metal atom on the preferred coordination type of the CH3N(PF2)2 is illustrated very well in the products obtained from reactions of CH3N(PF2)2with the monometallic metal carbonyls discussed in this paper. Thus, the octahedral metal carbonyls M ( C 0 ) 6 (coordination number six) readily form the biligate monometallic complexes [CH3N(PF2),13M(I: M = Cr, Mo, W), which exhibit exceptional thermal and oxidative stabilities. Reaction of the five-coordinate Fe(CO)5 with CH3N(PF2), under forcing conditions can be made to give the biligate monometallic derivative [CH3N(PF2)2]2FeC0(11) but reactions of iron carbonyls with CH3N(PF2), under most conditions give one or more of the biligate bimetallic iron carbonyl derivatives 111, IV, V, and VI. None of the products isolated from the reactions of the four-coordinate N i ( C 0 ) 4 with CH,N(PF2)2 (VIII, IX, X (L = CO), and XI) appear to contain biligate monometallic C H 3 N ( P F & ligands. However, there is mass spectral evidence for the existence in the vapor phase of the dimer [CH3N(PF2)2J4Ni2 (VII) which is difficult to formulate without biligate monometallic CH3N(PF2), ligands. Bimetallic metal carbonyl derivatives of the transition metals of even atomic number involved in this work containing one or more bridging biligate bimetallic CH3N(PF2)2 ligands and a metal-metal bond require an odd number of metal carbonyl groups to achieve the favored rare-gas electronic configuration. As a consequence of this requirement, the structural element XV is frequently found in such complexes in which a metal-metal bond is bridged not only by one or two CH3N(PF2)2 ligands but also by a single bridging carbonyl group thereby leaving an equal number of carbonyl groups for each metal atom. Compounds of this type discussed in this paper are [CH3N(PF,)212Fe2(CO), (III), CH3N(PF2)2Fe2(C0)7 (VI), and [CH3N(PF2)2]2Ni2(C0)3 (XI). On the other hand, we have not found any bimetallic compounds in this work containing bridging carbonyl groups without metal-metal bonds even though bridging CH3N(PF2), ligands in complexes such as [CHW”2)2Fe(C0)312 ( I V , C H ~ N ( P F ~ ) Z [ F ~ ( C O(V), )& (X: L = CO) might be expected and [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2(CO)2

to hold two transition metals close enough to allow bridging carbonyls. Apparently for bridging carbonyl groups to be feasible in polymetallic transition-metal derivatives, the two transition metals being bridged must be so close together that formation of a metal-metal bond must also occur.

Acknowledgment. W e are indebted to the U S . Air Force Office of Scientific Research for partial support of this work under Grant AFOSR-75-2869. J.G. is indebted to the Program of Cultural Cooperation between the U S A . and Spain, administered by the Fulbright Commission of Spain, for a fellowship. We thank Dr. Main Chang for running the mass spectra for us. We also acknowledge the technical assistance of Mr. Courtney Pape in running some of the carbon-1 3 and phosphorus-3 1 N M R spectra. Registry No. [CH3N(PF2)zI3Crr63404-40-0; [CH$T(PF2)2]3Mo, 63353-75-3; [CH3N(PF2)2]3W, 63371-85-7; [CH3N(PF2)2]2FeC0, 66632-65-3; [CH3N(PFz)2]2Fe2(C0)5, 62944-85-8; [CH3N(PF2),Fe(CO)3]2, 62944-84-7; CH3N(PF2)2[Fe(CO)4]z, 62944-86-9; CH3N(PFz)2Fe2(C0)7, 63 138-97-6; { [CH3N(PF2)2]2Ni],, 66632-67-5; [CH3N(PFz)2]6Ni2, 66674-79-1; [CH3N(PF2)2]3Niz(C0)2, 6663277-7; [ CH3N(PF2)2]zNi2(CO)3, 66632-76-6; [ CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2[P(OCH3)3]2,66632-75-5; [CH3N(PF2)z]3Ni2(P(OCZH5)3]2, 66632-74-4; [CH3N(PF2)2]3Ni2[P(C6H3)3]2, 66632-73-3; [CH3N(PF2)z]3Ni2[CNC(CH3)3]z, 66632-72-2; [CH3N(PF2)2]sNi2, 66632-82-4; CH3N(PC12)2, 17648-16-7; CH,N(PF,),, 17648-18-9; Cr(C0)6, 13007-92-6;MO(C0)6, 13939-06-5; w(co)6,14040-11-0; Fe(CO)5,13463-40-6;Fe3(CO)12, 17685-52-8;Fe2(CO)9,15321-51-4; Ni(C0)4, 13463-39-3.

References and Notes (1) For part 3 of this series see R. B. King and A. Efraty, J . Organomet.

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