METALAB Equipment Company - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (1), pp 53A–53A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60194a748. Publication Date: January 1963. Copyright © 1963 American Chemical Society...
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Discovery When a n e w truth is discovered, it benefits all people. Perhaps the discovery was made by a weary researcher after years of pursuit, or fortuitously in an early attempt. It may have been achieved in an industrial laboratory, or at a government facility, or in a hospital research laboratory.

Discovery in science, whatever its nature or its source, is certainly most welcome, for knowledge is not only an end but a means to greater ends. We at Metalab have an uncommon share in scientific discovery taking place throughout our nation, because our business is devoted to providing laboratory

furniture and equipment that meet the needs of explorers on all the frontiers of science. COMPLETE CATALOGS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST

M E T A L A B A SUBSIDIARY OF CRESCENT PETROLEUM CORP. 270 D u f f y A v e n u e , H i c k s v i l l e , L. I., New Y o r k M A N U F A C T U R E R S A N D ENGINEERS OF LABORATORY E Q U I P M E N T & F U R N I T U R E

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