Metal–Organic Layers Efficiently Catalyze Photoinduced

Aug 22, 2018 - Ruoyu Xu , Zhengxu Cai , Guangxu Lan , and Wenbin Lin*. Department of Chemistry, The University of Chicago , 929 East 57th Street, Chic...
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Metal−Organic Layers Efficiently Catalyze Photoinduced Polymerization under Visible Light Ruoyu Xu, Zhengxu Cai, Guangxu Lan, and Wenbin Lin* Department of Chemistry, The University of Chicago, 929 East 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637, United States

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before decaying to unreactive species (Scheme 1a). Additionally, light scattering and penetration can also be an issue for

ABSTRACT: A photosensitizing metal−organic layer (MOL), IrBPY-MOL, based on hafnium−oxo clusters and cyclometalated iridium-complex-derived organic linkers, was synthesized and used as an efficient catalyst for photopolymerization of methyl methacrylate and other monomers to afford polymers with high-number-averaged molar masses and low polydispersity indices. The corresponding metal−organic framework (MOF) failed to photopolymerize or exhibited low catalytic efficiency under identical conditions. This work highlights the advantages of MOLs over their MOF counterparts in overcoming pore-size and diffusion limitations in photopolymerization reactions.

Scheme 1. Different Behaviors of Photoactive MOFs (a) and MOLs (b) in Catalyzing Photopolymerization


hotopolymerization has received renewed interest because of its applications in areas such as biomedical materials,1 optical waveguides,2 microelectronics,3 3D printing,4 and others.5 Traditional photopolymerization catalysts include benzophenone,6 camphorquinone,7 and thioxanthone derivatives,8 which mainly absorb in the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum. Photopolymerization systems using photons in the visible spectrum (390−700 nm) are more cost-effective and environmentally friendly, with minimal side reactions due to the lack of background absorption from organic solvents and monomers. Some representative visible-light photocatalysts include smallmolecule organic dyes (eosin, methylene blue, etc.),9 metal complexes,10 and semiconductors (CdS11 and Fe3O412). Among them, iridium-based organometallic complexes have drawn great attention as single-electron-transfer (SET) photoredox catalysts because of their strong absorbance, good solubility, high chemical stability, and long excited-state lifetimes.13 Iridiumbased photocatalysts have been used for photopolymerization reactions, including controlled and living polymerization processes.14 Heterogenization of iridium-based photocatalysts can facilitate the recovery and reuse of these expensive precious metal compounds. We first incorporated Ir(ppy)2(bpy)2+ into UiO-67 metal−organic frameworks (MOFs) for organic photocatalysis,15 while others incorporated iridium(III) photosensitizers into UiO-67 MOFs for selective 2,2,2-trifluoroethylation of styrenes.16 Similar strategies have been employed to construct multicomponent catalytic MOF systems for hydrogen evolution.17 However, MOFs have intrinsic limitations owing to their typically small pore sizes and restricted diffusion;18 both of these can be detrimental to photoreactions in which active species only have short lifetimes to diffuse and encounter other reactants © XXXX American Chemical Society

MOF-based photocatalysts. In comparison, metal−organic layers (MOLs), a well-dispersed 2D metal−organic material with only 1−2 nm thickness, can effectively overcome these limitations.19 The geometric features of MOLs are particularly beneficial for photopolymerization; all of the substrates, intermediates, oligomers, and growing chains have free access to active sites without spatial confinement just like homogeneous catalysts (Scheme 1b). Herein we report the synthesis of IrBPY-MOL by the postsynthetic metalation of BPY-MOL and studied the use of IrBPY-MOLs in photopolymerization in comparison with the IrUiO-69 MOF control [a large-pore MOF containing Ir(ppy)2(bpy)+; Supporting Information (SI), section 2.2].17 IrBPY-MOL showed superior photocatalytic activity over IrUiO-69, affording polymers with high-numberaveraged molar masses and low polydispersity indices (PDIs). IrBPY-MOL was synthesized according to Figure 1a. First, 4′,6′-bis(4-benzoic acid)-(2,2′-bipyridine)-5-carboxylic acid (H3BPY) was heated with HfCl4 in a mixed solvent of N,Ndimethylformamide (DMF)/H2O/HCOOH at 120 °C to afford BPY-MOL as a white solid. BPY-MOL was then reacted with iridium dimers, Ir2(ppy)4Cl2, in a mixed solvent of methanol (MeOH)/DMF at 70 °C for 2 days to form IrBPYMOL. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed welldispersed, wrinkled sheets of BPY-MOL of a few hundred nanometers in size (Figure 1b), which remained intact in IrBPYMOL without observable degradation (Figure 1c). Powder Xray diffraction (PXRD) patterns of BPY-MOL and IrBPY-MOL both displayed good crystallinity with characteristic peaks Received: June 13, 2018


DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b01637 Inorg. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Inorganic Chemistry

band remained the same but the orange emission was heavily quenched (Figure 2b). The emission intensity was proportional to the concentration in the measured concentration range. We also tried different solvents including DMF, CHCl3, and toluene; the 590 nm peak of IrBPY-MOL was quenched to a certain extent in these solvents (Figure S9b). The time-resolved luminescence spectra showed a monoexponential decay for the orange band in IrBPY with a lifetime of τ = 246 ns but a biexponential decay in IrBPY-MOL with reduced lifetimes of τ1 = 125 ns and τ2 = 12 ns (Figure 2c). Both steady-state and transient luminescence data indicated the presence of other decay pathways for the 3MLCTbpy state in IrBPY-MOL. Considering the redox potentials of Ir(IV)/ Ir*(III) (EIr(IV)/Ir*(III) = −0.96 V vs SCE)21 and Hf(IV)/Hf(III) (EHf(IV)/Hf(III) < EZr(IV)/Zr(III) = −1.06 V vs SCE),22 electron transfer from the excited-state ligand to the hafnium cluster is unlikely. This is also supported by the lack of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals attributable to Hf(III) from IrBPY-MOL under irradiation (Figure S10).23,24 We studied the catalytic activity of IrBPY-MOL in the photopolymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA). A blue 410 nm light-emitting diode (LED) was used as the light source. Using a classic light-mediated atom-transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) condition,14b the reaction was performed in DMF with ethyl α-bromophenylacetate (EBP) as the coinitiator. The polymerization was believed to be initiated by an alkyl radical generated from the reduction of EBP by the photoexcited Ir(III)* species (Scheme S2), followed by the addition of a monomer to the radical chain end. The oxidized Ir(IV) complex then reacts with the propagating radical to regenerate Ir(III) and a dormant polymer chain with the bromo end group. This process is repeated to lead to a light-mediated ATRP process. At 0.02 mol % loading of IrBPY-MOL (by iridium), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) with a molecular weight (Mn) of 16200 g/mol (theoretical: 15600 g/mol) and a low PDI of 1.27 was obtained in 78% yield in 48 h (Table 1, entry 1a), suggesting the living nature of the polymerization process.14b

Figure 1. (a) Synthesis and depiction of IrBPY-MOL. TEM images of (b) BPY-MOL and (c) IrBPY-MOL. (d) PXRD patterns of BPY-MOL and IrBPY-MOL in comparison with the simulated PXRD pattern for BTB-MOL.19

assignable to the 2D kgd topology (Figure 1d). Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry data confirmed metalation with iridium at 78 mol % iridium loading, giving an empirical formula of Hf 6 (μ 3 -O) 4 (μ 3 -OH) 4 (HCO 2 ) 6 (BPY) 2 [Ir(ppy)2Cl]1.56. The UV−vis spectra of BPY-MOL in DMF showed a main peak at 290 nm with a shoulder peak at 322 nm (Figure 2a).

Table 1. Photopolymerization in the Presence of an EBP Coinitiatora




conversion (%)



1a 1bb 1cc 1d 1e 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c



78 n.d. n.d. 66 40 64 47 30 59 45 33

16.2K n.a. n.a. 15.1K 10.5K 25.3K 25.1K 15.4K 28.8K 21.1K 15.8K

1.27 n.a. n.a. 1.36 1.33 1.26 1.40 1.27 1.34 1.38 1.46

Figure 2. (a) UV−vis spectra of IrBPY, BPY-MOL, and IrBPY-MOL. (b) Emission spectra of IrBPY-MOL. PL decay transients (c) and lifetime data (d) of the IrBPY ligand and IrBPY-MOL.

After metalation, the absorption of IrBPY-MOL extends to the visible region, which has features similar to those of the IrBPY ligand. The shoulder peak at 410 nm, which is attributed to singlet metal-to-ligand (1MLCT) charge transfer of the cyclometalated iridium complex,20 was selected as the excitation wavelength. The photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of free IrBPY in DMF shows two signature peaks, as reported for Ir(ppy)2(bpy)+.20 The orange main peak centered at 590 nm is assigned to triplet metal-to-ligand bpy charge transfer (3MLCTbpy). The green shoulder peak centered at 510 nm is assigned to triplet metal-to-ligand ppy charge transfer (3MLCTppy). When we measured the emission of IrBPY-MOL with the same iridium concentration, the intensity of the green


Reaction conditions: MMA (1 equiv), EBP (0.5 mol %), catalyst (IrBPY-MOL, IrBPY, or IrUiO-69, 0.02 mol % by iridium) in DMF [MMA:DMF = 1:3.5 (v/v)] at room temperature irradiated with a 410 nm LED (5 mW/cm2 at the vessel) for 2 days. bIn the absence of photocatalysts. cIn the absence of light. n.d. = not detected. n.a. = not applicable. B

DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b01637 Inorg. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Inorganic Chemistry

1d and 1e). We also ran the reaction in different organic solvents to gain a better understanding of this polymerization process. Because of its limited solubility, IrBPY could only be tested for polymerization in dimethylacetamide (DMA). IrBPY-MOL catalyzed the photopolymerization in polar solvents such as DMA, tetrahydrofuran (THF), dioxane, and ethanol (EtOH) but did not produce polymers in toluene and in neat MMA. Consequently, the solvent plays a role in the polymerization process. We also tested the photopolymerization of BMA and obtained results similar to those of MMA (Table S1). Because MMA has a very negative reduction potential of −2.1 V and a very positive oxidation potential of 2.0 V vs SCE,11 Ir(III)* cannot oxidize or reduce the methacrylate monomer directly to initiate the chain reaction (EIr*(III)/Ir(II) = 0.66−0.97 V vs SCE; EIr(IV)/Ir*(III) = −0.96 V vs SCE).21 The initiation step likely originates from a SET process between Ir(III)* and impurity residues in the solvent, amines from the decomposition of DMF or DMA, or capping HCOOH in hafnium clusters to generate active radical species followed by chain propagation. In summary, we synthesized of a photoactive 2D MOL, IrBPY-MOL, by incorporating a cylcometalated iridium complex into a BPY-MOL backbone. The 3MLCTbpy emission of IrBPY-MOL was quenched in both static and transient emission spectra. IrBPY-MOL showed high activity for photopolymerization of various monomers, but IrUiO-69 either failed to photopolymerize or exhibited low catalytic efficiency under identical conditions. The drastically different photocatalytic activities between MOLs and MOFs are likely a result of uninhibited diffusion for the 2D MOL structures. The IrBPYMOL catalyst was also recycled and used for at least five runs without the loss of activities. This study highlights the potential of MOLs as an outstanding photocatalyst for polymerization processes.

Control experiments in the absence of either IrBPY-MOL or light did not afford any polymer (Table 1, entries 1b and 1c). We also tested the activity of IrBPY (the ligand) and IrUiO-69 under the same conditions with 0.02% iridium loading; PMMA was obtained with 66% and 40% yield, respectively (entries 1d and 1e). We extended the scope of the monomer substrate to benzyl methacrylate (BMA) and tert-butyl methacrylate (tBuMA). In each case, the polymer was obtained with high Mn values (10500−28800 g/mol) and relatively low PDIs of 1.26−1.46. The yields (78%, 64%, and 59%) and Mn values (16200, 25300, and 28800 g/mol) of the polymers generated by IrBPY-MOL are significantly higher than those by IrUiO-69 (40%, 30%, and 33% in yield and 10500, 15400, and 15800 g/mol in Mn) but similar to those by IrBPY (66%, 47%, and 45% in yield and 15100, 25100, and 21100 g/mol in Mn). These results indicate the enhanced photocatalytic activity of IrBPY-MOL over the MOF counterpart in living polymerization, likely because of enhanced reactant diffusion in 2D MOLs. We also demonstrated the recyclability of IrBPY-MOL as a heterogeneous photocatalyst in living polymerization of MMA. After each reaction, IrBPY-MOL was isolated by centrifugation and washed several times to remove reactant residues. The recovered MOL was directly used as the photocatalyst for the next run. The crystallinity of IrBPY-MOL was retained after at least five cycles, as indicated by the PXRD patterns (Figure S6), minimal loss of the polymerization yields, and no reduction of the molecular weights of the polymers (Table S2). Interestingly, we found that the polymerization process also proceeded in the absence of EBP. At a monomer concentration of 1:1 (v/v) and a light intensity of 2 mW/cm2, polymers with high Mn (59900 g/mol) and large PDI (1.96) were obtained after 48 h (Table 2, entry 1a). As shown in Table 2 (entries 1b and 1c), IrBPY-MOL and light were both essential for the polymerization reaction. Interestingly, IrBPY and IrUiO-69 failed to polymerize MMA under the same conditions (entries

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Table 2. Photopolymerization of MMA in the Absence of EBPa




conversion (%)



1a 1bb 1cc 1d 1e 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b



65 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 52 n.d. n.d. 81 13% 42 n.d. 98 n.d.

59.9K n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 111K n.a. n.a. 91.4K 14.0K 78.7K n.a. 98.7K n.a.

1.96 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.79 n.a. n.a. 2.18 2.59 2.36 n.a. 2.25 n.a.


The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b01637.

Additional experimental details and characterization such as the synthesis of IrBPY-MOL, Ir-UiO69, structure modeling, PXRD, atomic force microscopy, EPR, polymerization procedures, and recyclability test results (PDF)


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

Zhengxu Cai: 0000-0003-0239-9601 Guangxu Lan: 0000-0002-0415-5849 Wenbin Lin: 0000-0001-7035-7759 Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.


Reaction conditions: MMA (1 equiv), catalysts (IrBPY-MOL, IrBPY, or IrUiO-69, 0.02 mol % by iridium) in different solvents [MMA:solvent = 1:1 (v/v)] at room temperature irradiated with a 410 nm LED (2 mW/cm2 at the vessel) for 2 days. bIn the absence of photocatalysts. cIn the absence of light. n.d. = not detected. n.a. = not applicable.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the NSF (Grants DMR-1308229 and CHE-1464941) for financial support and Prof. Luping Yu for experimental help. C

DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b01637 Inorg. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b01637 Inorg. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX