Metalation of a 3,5-Dichloro-Teritary Benzamide. An Unusual

Dec 26, 2000 - Tiziana Benincori,* Oreste Piccolo, Simona Rizzo, and. Franco Sannicolo`*. 3,3′-Bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,1′-distributed-. 2,2′-bi...
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J. Org. Chem. 2000, 65, 9276

Additions and Corrections Vol. 65, 2000 Maria Demas, Gary J. Javadi, Lynn M. Bradley,* and David A. Hunt. Metalation of a 3,5-Dichloro-Teritary Benzamide. An Unusual Regioselectivity Observation.

Page 7201. The 3rd paragraph, 9th line of the manuscript needs clarification. The sentence currently reads, “Taking these findings into account, utilizing the conditions outlined by Beak and Brown, and using benzaldehydes as electrophiles, we were surprised to isolate the 4-substituted-3,5-dichlorobenzamides 3 in moderate to good yields with no detectable product arising from metalation ortho to the tertiary amide (Scheme 2).” The sentence should read as follows: “Using sec-BuLi as the metalating agent, normal addition (sec-BuLi to a diethyl ether solution of the benzamide and TMEDA), and benzaldehydes as electrophiles, we were surprised to isolate the 4-substituted-3,5-dichlorobenzamides 3 in moderate to good yields with no detectable product arising from metalation ortho to the tertiary amide (Scheme 2).” JO0040386 10.1021/jo0040386 Published on Web 12/26/2000

Tiziana Benincori,* Oreste Piccolo, Simona Rizzo, and Franco Sannicolo` *. 3,3′-Bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,1′-distributed2,2′-biindoles: Easily Accessible, Electron-Rich, Chiral Diphosphine Ligands for Homogeneous Enantioselective Hydrogenation Oxoesters

Page 8340. Supporting Information Available: log[substrate (%)]/time graphics of kinetic experiments. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at JO004011M 10.1021/jo004011m Published on Web 12/06/2000