METTLER - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

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METTLER offers α full range of Analytical and Precision Balances to meet your needs from basic weighing to the most advanced applications solutions.

METTLER Analytical and Precision Balances speed your work. METTLER AT Series. The high resolu­ tion analytical balances. Precision at all times, in all circumstances - thanks to METTLER FACT (Fully Automatic Calibration Technology). METTLER AE Series. The "Industry Standard" analytical balance. A proven performer, it's been the balance of choice for scientists worldwide. METTLER PM Series. The high perfor­ mance precision balances. The solution for advanced applications. Built-in ap­ plications, new improved software and METTLER DeltaTrac speed your work. LP16 Infrared Dryer. The high-quality lab instrument: Whether in the lab or in production, METTLER has an amazing amount to offer in regard to thermogravimetric moisture determination. Mettler Instrument Corporation Box 71, Hightstown, N.J. 08520 Phone 1-800-METTLER in New Jersey (609) 448-3000 CIRCLE 86 ON READER SERVICE CARD