Delta R a n g e ®
Value. It's the focus of DeltaRange®. In DeltaDisplay...the exclusive feature which allows fast weighing-in readings during coarse initial filling, then slows to permit accurate final readings as you approach target weight. In Adjust able Integration minimize the effect of movement and vibration when weighing in less-than-ideal conditions. In Automatic Stability Detect ion... when equipped with data output, data is transferred to a con
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nected printer only when the value is stable to the last digit, for ultimate accuracy. In DeltaRange...the move able fine range for ten times finer read ings anywhere along the coarse range. And the DeltaRange value is even greater right now. Purchase a DeltaRange balance between September 1 and November 30,1981, and receive an ASTM Class 1 brushed stainless steel calibration weight free.* Pur chase a GC301 Application Input
Offers apply only in the United States. DeltaRange, a patented invention, is a registered trademark of Mettler Instrument Corporation. CIRCLE 140 ON READER SERVICE CARD
Device, a hand set attachment for programmed performance of rou tine tasks, between September 1 and November 30, 1981, and receive it for half price.* In value. Mettler DeltaRange. When quality is in the balance. For further information contact Mettler Instrument Corporation, Box 71, Hightstown, NJ 08520. Phone (609) 448-3000.