Mettler Instrument Corporation

and shows them simultaneously ... alytical variables, lets you carry out the ... You get the world's most versatile system for thermoanalytical measur...
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Mettler controls all aspects of a thermal reaction and shows them simultaneously No one set of conditions is best for all studies. The Mettler Thermoanalyzer offers the researcher the ability to study differences in physical and chemical changes under widely varying but abso­ lutely controlled conditions. DEGREES OF FREEDOM

The Mettler unit is a complete modular thermoanalytical system permitting you to begin with basic TGA and add new capabilities whenever you like. You get the world's most versatile system for thermoanalytical measurements.

Look beyond the bench . . .

The Mettler Thermoanalyzer is, admit­ tedly, quite a bit more than a bench-top unit. It has to be. A lot of instrumenta­ tion is needed to do its job. If your work in­ volves more than routine analysis, look beyond the bench to the Mettler. This is the first and still the most ad­ vanced instrument for simultaneously measuring weight change [TGA] and enthalpic change [DTA] of the same sam­ ple in either a dynamically heated or an isothermal environment of controlled gas composition at atmospheric pressure or under vacuum. SIMULTANEOUS TGA AND DTA ON THE SAME SAMPLE

Simultaneous measurement of TGA and DTA clearly eliminates doubt about the identity of solid state transitions or gassolid reactions. It guarantees the identi­ cal gas and thermal treatment of the sample, thereby providing valid correla-

Mettler ®

tion of measured effects. Such correla­ tion ranges from the difficult to the im­ possible when measurements are made on different samples at different times or on different instruments. Weight change measurements are very often a necessity in quantitative DTA of solid state transitions to monitor mass change due to dehydration, sublimation, or degradation. FRUSTRATION VS. UTILITY

One of the most useful and at the same time frustrating characteristics of therm­ al analysis is the sensitivity of the meas­ ured effect to changes in operating con­ ditions, whether they be intentional or unintentional. The Mettler Thermoanalyzer, by carefully controlling critical an­ alytical variables, lets you carry out the reaction that you want. And conversely, it prevents the reactions you don't want.

These measurements include simultane­ ous weight change, rate of weight change, enthalpic change, and vacuum pressure as a function of time or temperature from ambient to 1600°C. Samples can be maintained in a dynamic atmosphere of almost any composition including oxi­ dizing, reducing, wet and corrosive gases. Gas pressure can be controlled from at­ mospheric to a vacuum of 5 χ 10-6 torr. Time, temperature, weight, pressure-up to six variables continuously monitored for any determination. MATCHING INSTRUMENT TO SAMPLE

A broad range of sample holders and crucibles enables the use of samples of optimum size and shape. This assures sample homogeneity and avoids poorly defined reactions, overlapping reactions, and poor definition of reaction rates.

Sample holders of different size and configu­ ration allow flexibility in experiment design. LOOK BEYOND THE BENCH

If your needs in thermal analysis extend beyond the simple single-parameter or routine determination, they justify your looking beyond the bench to the versa­ tile Mettler system. It arrives at your lab­ oratory, complete with a Mettler techni­ cal representative, who installs it, starts it up for you, and shows you how to run it.

Loss of water, dehydroxylation, and conversion of chrysotile to forsterite. Note probable loss of adsorbed gas due to strong exotherm at 800°C.

Write for complete information to Mettler Instrument Corporation, 20 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540.

Circle No. G5 on Readers' Service Card See ACS Laboratory Guide for All Products/Sales Office

VOL. 40, NO. 13, NOVEMBER 1968


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