Michael Lefenfeld - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Aug 20, 2012 - And he has a knack for turning a creative idea into reality. One of Lefenfeld's best ideas so far is figuring out a way to make user-fr...
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alloy and then mixing the molten metal with nanoporous silica gel. The result is a sandlike powder with encapsulated metal that’s easy to handle. SiGNa's name comes Even at a young age, chemical engineer had a knack for from combining the elemental symbols for translating CREATIVE IDEAS into commercial products silicon and sodium, with the middle letter G for gel. SiGNa’s products, of which the company MICHAEL LEFENFELD is a powerful into the toilet so no one knew he had been sold about 1,000 tons last year, are now thinker. You can see it in his eyes and the there,” he recalls. Lefenfeld considered usprimarily used to controllably generate heat expression on his face. And he has a knack ing a fragrant oil that could be dispersed in and hydrogen gas to help push the last drops for turning a creative idea into reality. One water. “But you have to figure out a way to of oil from oil wells and to catalyze petroof Lefenfeld’s best ideas so far is figuring volatilize the oil, using something with kileum refining processes. They are also used out a way to make user-friendly alkali metnetic energy that generates heat and gas.” as catalysts and reducing reagents for pharals for large-scale chemical reacmaceutical and industrial synthetic protions. His discovery led to the forcesses and for environmental remediation mation of New York City-based to destroy hazardous organic pollutants. SiGNa Chemistry, for which he Lefenfeld believes an application with now serves as president and chief the greatest potential might be generating executive officer. hydrogen from water to power fuel cells for Lefenfeld, 31, began tinkering portable electronics. In one example, SiGNa around with ideas for new techis supplying hydrogen-generating hockeynologies at an early age. Originally puck-shaped cartridges, called PowerPukks, from New York City, he started out for use in Stockholm-based myFC’s Power­ as a premed student on a medical Trekk fuel-cell mobile-phone charger. research scholarship at WashingManaging SiGNa’s day-to-day operations ton University in St. Louis. But he is Lefenfeld’s primary charge these days. Lefenfeld quickly found that he didn’t like “I am a scientist, and diversifying our core doing the research, he explains. He technology is what I think about most,” he had a friend who was a chemical engineering Lefenfeld remembered from freshman explains. “But as CEO I need to think about major. “I liked what he was doing,” Lefenfeld chemistry that sodium metal has those planning strategy and developing relationrelates. “It made more sense to me.” So he properties. But the problem with sodium ships to help our company grow.” shifted his major to chemical engineering. and other alkali metals is that dropping His advice to others starting a new venThat change in direction sparked a wave them in water results in a violent burst of ture is to seek business partners early, comof creativity and led to several commercialflame as the metal oxidizes and hydrogen panies that can help with manufacturing ized products. For example, at age 19, Lefengas forms. That pyrophoric nature has limor creating markets for new products and feld invented a sensor that became a model ited the large-scale use of alkali metals as reduce the initial business risk. “Small comfor most pulse oximeters in use today. These reducing agents and catalysts. panies can’t do it all themselves,” he says. sensors, typically placed on a fingertip, For example, one of the key parts of monitor the oxygenation of hemo­globin in a THE CHALLENGE FOR Lefenfeld was to Lefenfeld’s business plan for SiGNa was patient’s blood. come up with a sodium formulation that forming partnerships to outsource manuAfter graduating from Washington Uniwas just active enough facturing. “We believed versity, Lefenfeld worked briefly for Bell to react with water to having third-party Labs and DuPont before going to Columbia generate heat and gas manufacturers would SIGNA CHEMISTRY University, where he earned a master’s deto dissipate bathroom give confidence to our gree in chemistry. odors. Lefenfeld was Year founded: 2003 customers, who build In the meantime, Lefenfeld sold the senworking at Bell Labs Products: Alkali-metal powders our materials into their sor company he had started. The proceeds and thinking of how this for oil-well recovery, industrial processes, that they from the sale enabled him to get SiGNa off might work when he catalysis, hydrogen generation, would always have acthe ground in 2003 without raising other decided to call Michigan and environmental remediation cess to the chemicals start-up funds. State University chemNumber of employees: 65 even if something SiGNa wasn’t supposed to be a chemical ist James L. Dye, a reSource of start-up funds: Sale happened to SiGNa,” company, Lefenfeld admits. The idea was to nowned expert on alkali of previous start-up Lefenfeld says. develop a new type of temporary bathroom metals. “And we were Profiled founder’s current role And about that disdeodorizer. It started with his grandfather, off and running from in company: President and CEO creet bathroom deodorwho had quit smoking and no longer carried there,” Lefenfeld says. Advice: Seek business partners izer based on sodium? matches. Striking a match is often a poor Dye and Lefenfeld who can help get your new It’s an idea that worked, man’s version of a bathroom deodorizer. tamed the alkali metals products to market quickly and although it didn’t go “My grandfather wanted something by heating sodium or reduce your initial business risk. commercial.—STEVE simple and discreet that could be dropped a sodium-potassium RITTER WWW.CEN-ONLIN E .ORG


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