Microbially induced flavors and fermented foods. Flavor in fermented

Microbially induced flavors and fermented foods. Flavor in fermented dairy products. William E. Sandine, and Paul R. Elliker. J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1...
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SYMPOSIUM ON MICROBIALLY INDUCED FLAVORS AND FERMENTED FOODS Introduction A s a n introduction t o this Symposium i t i s appropriate t o reflect t h a t microbially induced flavors a n d fermented foods played a m o s t significant role i n t h e founding of t h e science of microbiology. The commercial value of wine led t h e great chemist a n d experimentalist, Louis Pasteur, to discover t h e fermentative powers of yeast a n d bacteria. He was the first t o demonstrate t h a t certain microorganisms are economically significant because of their ability t o produce flavor compounds. H e was the first t o d e m onstrate t h a t flavor of a fermented beverage could be improved a n d controlled by a heat process, which bears his name, because he understood the powers a n d properties of both desirable and undesirable microorganisms. Today we can more completely appreciate the powers of a great many microorganisms, b u t we are still quite unable toexplain many o f t h e t h i n g s t h e y c a n do. We are indebted t o Pasteur for launching t h e study of their activities, b u t we are indebted to microorganisms for continuing to give us a variety of many wonderfully flavored foods and beverages such as yogurt, cheese, bread, wine, beer, etc. The chemical changes induced by microorganisms i n these foods are varied and complex. Most are a res u l t o f theorganism'sattempttosustainlifeinthefood, b u t some occur after the organism's death, when i t s intra-cellular enzymes are released for activity. I n

m a n y instances, i t is not possible t o duplicate a microbially induced flavor because more research i s needed t o identify t h e chemical constituents elaborated by microorganisms and their enzymes. Moreover, some of the already identified flavoring constituents c a n only be produced economically by a microbial process. Thus, t h e production of t h e L-isomer of glutamate a n d o f t h e 5'-nucleotides relies almost completely o n microorganisms for commercial production. Other complex flavoring materials will undoubtedly have t o await biosynthetic or controlled biodegradative methods before becoming commercially available. I n organizingthisSymposium, a n a t t e m p t w a s made t o encompass m o s t of t h e important foods i n which microbially induced flavors occur. Unfortunately, the subject of vegetable fermentations such as pickles, sauerkraut, a n d olives is omitted, b u t I a m pleased by t h e representation i n the areas of dairy, sausage, fish, bread, and oriental food products. I trust t h a t t h e Symposium will inspire interest and research toward a n improved understanding of flavor production by microorganisms and their enzymes. E. W. SEITZ Flavor Research Department International Flavors and Fragrances Union Beach, N.J. 07735

Microbially Induced Flavors and Fermented Foods Flavor in Fermented Dairy Products William E. S a n d i n e a n d Paul R. Elliker -

Compounds believed involved in flavor and aroma of nonripened fermented dairy products include lactic and acetic acids. acetaldehyde, formic acid, ethanol. carbon dioxide, diacetyl. dimethyl sulfide and other sulfur compounds, methyl ketones, primary and secondary alcohols, methyl, and ethyl esters of aliphatic acids and lactones. Homofermentative lactic streptococci (Srreptococcus lucris and Streprococcus cremoris) ferment milk lactose by the hexose diphosphate pathway to produce lactic acid with small amounts of the other products.

Heterofermentative streptococci (Streptococcus dracetilactis and Leuconostoc citrororum) use the hexose monophosphate pathway producing less acid and more of the other end products, depending on aeration; they also ferment citric acid, producing diacetyl via both a-acetolacetate and acetyl CoA. Over 100 compounds have been identified in the volatile fraction of Cheddar cheese; those believed important include acetic, butyric, caproic. and caprylic acids, hydrogen sulfide, glutamic acid, methional, and carbonyl compounds. ~

he capacity of microorganisms to convert the carbohydrates. proteins. and fats occurring naturally in foods to a large number of ditferent chemical compounds allows man to introduce great variety into his eating and drinking experience. Cheese alone probides well over


Department of Microbiology. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Ore. 97331

1000 products, each different as a consequence of controlling the environment of the ripening curd such that certain organisms are favored in growth to flavor the finished product. This paper will be concerned with flavor in fermented dairy foods and three products have been selected-yogurt and cultured buttermilk as examples of nonripened fermented foods, and Cheddar cheese as an example of a ripened dairy product. Compounds believed to be important in the flavor J. A G R . FOOD C H E M . , V O L . I X , NO. 4. 1970


Table I. Stimulation of S. thermophilus by Seitz Filtrates (10%)from Milk Cultures of L. bulgaricusa Hr Incubation of Acidity of L. bulgaricus S. tliermophilrrsb 0 2 4 6 12 24

3.9 4.0 4.5 5.1 5.4 5.2

Data from Bautista et al. (1966). Acidity expressed as ml of 0.1N NaOH to achieve pH 8.3 using a glass electrode.

Table IV. Strain 98 216

Carbonyl Compounds Produced by S. tliertnophilusa Ppm Carbonyl Found Acetoin Diacetyl Acetaldehyde Acetone trh 2.9 1.8 2.2


204 202 a

1.2 5.2 2.7 1.9

2.1 1.7 2.2 2.3


1.6 3.0 1.5 2.6

tr 0


Data from Bottazzi and Vescovo (1969). Tr = trace (