Microbially Mediated Mineral Carbonation: Roles of Phototrophy and

Aug 31, 2011 - Ultramafic mine tailings from the Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada and the Mount Keith Nickel Mine, Western Australia are valuable feedstock...
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Microbially Mediated Mineral Carbonation: Roles of Phototrophy and Heterotrophy Ian M. Power,*,†,^ Siobhan A. Wilson,‡,||,# Darcy P. Small,§ Gregory M. Dipple,|| Wankei Wan,§ and Gordon Southam† †

Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5B7, Canada Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405-1405, United States § Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5B9 Canada Mineral Deposit Research Unit, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4, Canada


bS Supporting Information ABSTRACT: Ultramafic mine tailings from the Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada and the Mount Keith Nickel Mine, Western Australia are valuable feedstocks for sequestering CO2 via mineral carbonation. In microcosm experiments, tailings were leached using various dilute acids to produce subsaline solutions at circumneutral pH that were inoculated with a phototrophic consortium that is able to induce carbonate precipitation. Geochemical modeling of the experimental solutions indicates that up to 2.5% and 16.7% of the annual emissions for Diavik and Mount Keith mines, respectively, could be sequestered as carbonate minerals and phototrophic biomass. CO2 sequestration rates are mainly limited by cation availability and the uptake of CO2. Abundant carbonate mineral precipitation occurred when heterotrophic oxidation of acetate acted as an alternative pathway for CO2 delivery. These experiments highlight the importance of heterotrophy in producing sufficient DIC concentrations while phototrophy causes alkalinization of waters and produces biomass (fatty acids = 7.6 wt.%), a potential feedstock for biofuel production. Tailings storage facilities could be redesigned to promote CO2 sequestration by directing leachate waters from tailings piles into specially designed ponds where carbonate precipitation would be mediated by both chemical and biological processes, thereby storing carbon in stable carbonate minerals and potentially valuable biomass.

’ INTRODUCTION Fossil fuels account for 85% of the global energy supply and are expected to remain an important energy source as developing countries’ demand for energy increases.1 In order to reduce emissions and stabilize atmospheric CO2 it will likely be necessary to implement carbon sequestration strategies.2,3 Mineral carbonation involves dissolution of silicate minerals and subsequent precipitation of carbonate minerals in order to fix CO2 in a solid form (eq 1).1,4 ðMg, CaÞx Siy Oxþ2yþz H2z ðsÞ þ xCO2 ðgÞ f xðMg, CaÞCO3 ðsÞ


þ ySiO2 ðsÞ þ zH2 O

Disposal sites for carbonate minerals require minimal monitoring because of the stability and environmental safety of these minerals.4 An advantageous rock type for mineral carbonation is serpentinite, given its great abundance, wide availability, and high MgO content.1,5 The rate of mineral carbonation in nature is slow, and therefore, there is a need to accelerate this process in order to use it as a viable option for CO2 sequestration. Research on mineral carbonation has mainly focused on industrial r 2011 American Chemical Society

processes involving aqueous carbonation.5 This involves leaching or dissolution of silicate minerals, commonly using acids, and subsequent precipitation of carbonate minerals under high pressure and temperature.1,4 Mineral acids, organic acids and ligands, and caustic soda have been used to leach serpentinite for the purpose of mineral carbonation.1,46 With current technology, these processes are too expensive for CO2 sequestration because of the high costs of mineral processing (e.g., mining and pulverization), chemical additives, and purification of CO2.4 The costs of mineral processing can be circumvented by using industrial waste products such as cement kiln dust, construction waste, iron and steel slag, fuel ash, and mine wastes as feedstock for mineral carbonation.7 Mining of asbestos, nickel, diamonds, talc, and chromium produces large quantities of ultramafic tailings as a waste product.4 Wilson et al. have documented passive mineral carbonation occurring in ultramafic tailings at historic asbestos mines as being facilitated by their high surface area.8 The Received: May 14, 2011 Accepted: August 31, 2011 Revised: August 30, 2011 Published: August 31, 2011 9061

dx.doi.org/10.1021/es201648g | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 9061–9068

Environmental Science & Technology carbonate minerals in these tailings formed under normal mining conditions, that is, no practices were implemented to accelerate CO2 sequestration. In the present study, ultramafic tailings are used as feedstocks from two active mines, the Diavik Diamond Mine in the Northwest Territories, Canada and Mount Keith Nickel Mine in Western Australia, which both host large stockpiles of tailings. In regards to emissions, the Diavik mine directly emitted ∼162 000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent of greenhouse gases in 2006 and in 2004, the Mount Keith mine emitted ∼382 000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.9,10 These two mines produce approximately 2 Mt and 11 Mt of tailings per year, respectively.11,12 On an annual basis, complete conversion of these tailings to form magnesium carbonate minerals would allow for these mines to become zero emission facilities and carbon sinks for additional sources of CO2. However, the bulk of the tailings are unweathered being composed of noncarbonated, silicate minerals. Therefore, there is the potential to accelerate mineral carbonation at these sites. In nature, a variety of microorganisms can alter water chemistry in a manner that favors carbonate precipitation.1318 In particular, consortia with both phototrophs (e.g., cyanobacteria and microalgae) and heterotrophs have been shown to have the ability to mediate carbonate precipitation in various environments.15,19,20 In addition, microalgae and cyanobacteria have received much attention for biotechnological applications including biofuel and nutraceutical production. These phototrophs are a very attractive feedstock for biodiesel, bio-oil, or bioethanol production because they can be grown on nonarable land such as mine sites. Many species are able to grow in saline and subsaline waters and their photosynthetic efficiencies can be several times greater than terrestrial plants leading to greater biomass production and CO2 fixation per unit area.21 Coupling carbonate and biomass production in an environment that is suitable for both of these processes would be a novel means of sequestering anthropogenic CO2 and generating valuable byproducts. In this study, we investigated combining microbial carbonate precipitation and biomass production for sequestering CO2. The objectives were to (1) evaluate the suitability of a tailings facility that receives leachate waters as a habitat for carbonate-forming microbes, (2) elucidate the roles of phototrophs and heterotrophs in forming carbonate minerals and producing biomass from a variety of leachate waters, (3) identify limitations to this combined process, and (4) provide estimations of the CO2 sequestration rates. In experiments, Diavik and Mount Keith tailings were leached using various dilute acids and deionized water to simulate potential leaching methods used to release cations for precipitation of carbonate minerals. Carbonate precipitation from these leachates was evaluated by microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and geochemical modeling and biofuel production was evaluated by analyzing the biochemical composition of the phototrophic consortium used in the experiments.

’ EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Field Sampling. Fieldwork and sample collection were conducted at the Diavik Diamond Mine and the Mount Keith Nickel Mine (Supporting Information (SI) Figure S1). At Diavik, the majority of tailings are transported as slurry to the Fine Processed Kimberlite Containment (fine PKC) and stored in a pond of process water that is continually cycled. Grab samples of tailings with no visible evidence of secondary carbonate minerals


were obtained from the fine PKC. At Mount Keith, tailings are transported as a suspension in hypersaline process water to the Tailings Storage Facility 2 (TSF2), which is a centralized discharge facility. Samples were collected with the aid of a backhoe from a depth of approximately 5 m to minimize the presence of evaporative minerals. Detailed descriptions of the Diavik tailings and the geology of the Mount Keith site are provided by others.11,12,22 The tailings used in this study were fully characterized by determining their mineralogical and geochemical compositions, particle size distributions, neutralization potentials, and surface areas. General descriptions of the field sites and analytical methods are provided in the SI. Microbial Carbonate Precipitation Experiments. Leaching of Diavik and Mount Keith tailings was performed using dilute solutions of acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, a mixture of nitric and phosphoric acids, and deionized water (SI Table S1). These acids were selected to represent a wide variety of acid sources such as from industrial processes (HCl, H2SO4),4,5 overlying soils (CH3COOH),23 microbial sulfur oxidation (H2SO4),24 and nutrient addition (HNO3 and H3PO4) that could be used to release cations from silicate minerals. The concentrations of CH3COOH, HCl, and H2SO4 used for reaction with the Diavik and Mount Keith tailings were 0.1 and 0.25 N, respectively. Acid concentrations depended upon the ability of each tailings sample to neutralize acidity during the leaching period (2 days) to a pH ≈ 7. Although stronger acids could be used to more aggressively leach the tailings, this would result in (1) acidic leachates that would not be suitable for growth of phototrophs and (2) result in potentially less cost-effective and less technologically viable approach to CO2 sequestration in mine tailings. For HNO3 and H3PO4 leaches, 0.018 and 0.0002 N, respectively, were used to produce similar concentrations of nitrate and phosphate that are present in growth media. Deionized water is representative of current leaching by natural carbonic acid in meteoric precipitation at the tailings facilities. Aliquots (7.0 g) of tailings were added to 125 mL Erlenmeyer flasks with 70 mL of acid solution or deionized water and allowed to react on a shaker table for 2 days. After this reaction period, the pH of each of the mixtures was measured. The mixtures were centrifuged and the supernatant was filtered (0.45 μm). A consortium dominated by unicellular algae, cf. Dunaliella sp., was cultured from microbial mats collected from the hydromagnesite playas of Atlin, British Columbia, Canada. These are natural magnesium carbonate deposits in ophiolitic terrane and are a biogeochemical model for CO2 sequestration via mineral carbonation.25 Cultures were grown in 75 mL of BG-11 media in 125 mL Erlenmeyer flasks at room temperature (∼20 C) and in the presence of sunlight.26 Filtered leachate solutions were used to prepare modified BG11 media. Given that the tailings would provide dissolved Mg, Ca and Na, the following ingredients were excluded from the media: MgSO4 3 7H2O, CaCl2 3 2H2O, and Na2CO3(H2O). In the leachate produced using nitric and phosphoric acids, NaNO3 and K2HPO4 3 3H2O were also excluded. Aliquots of 15 mL were dispensed into 20 mL sterile (autoclaved) glass vials. Media was inoculated with 100 μL of culture and incubated at room temperature and in the presence of sunlight. Abiotic controls containing only filtered leachate waters (15 mL) were also prepared. Microbial growth and pH were monitored weekly for 14 weeks. Cells and precipitates were routinely examined using light microscopy and after 12 weeks samples were collected for electron 9062

dx.doi.org/10.1021/es201648g |Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 9061–9068

Environmental Science & Technology


Table 1. Major Cation Concentrations of the Leachates Produced from Reaction with Diavik and Mount Keith Tailings cation concentration (ppm) at t = 0 Ca









avg. pH, biotic/abiotic during experiment

Diavik acetic acid










9.82/9.48 (Δ = 0.34)

hydrochloric acid










8.64/7.49 (Δ = 1.15)

sulfuric acid










8.79/7.83 (Δ = 0.95)

nitric and phosphoric acids

