Fluorescence brings you up to 10,000 times greater sensitivity than available with current absorption methods. Can FLUOROMETRY solve your HPLC de tection problems? Consult FARRAND. FARRAND Fluorometers and Spectrofluorometers provide total flexibility of application — for flow work — for solution and solid sam ple analysis. The newly introduced 10-micro liter flow cell, specifically designed for HPLC and amino acid analyses, enables you to use one of the most sensitive and low noise fluorescence detec tion systems available.
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A wide range of instru ments offers a selection from inexpensive filter Fluorometers to rapid-video-scanning Spectrofluorometers. Ratio, Corrected Spectra, Double-Beam Fluo rescence and Absorption Systems, and Photon Counters are also available.
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V i s i t us at F A S E B , B o o t h # 0 1 2 , Chicago, A p r i l 4 t h CIRCLE 77 O N READER SERVICE CARD
AUTOMATIC SAMPLE INJECTION FOR HPLC • Automatic, Unattended operation —Up to 64 samples with 1, 2 or 3 injections per sample. Needs only 0.7 ml of sample.
• Positive Sampling —Delivers precise, reproducible sample volumes with negligible carry-over between samples. • Inexpensive, Disposable Glass Sample Vials—Polyethylene caps give positive seal to prevent sample loss. • Unique Positive Flow Design —Uses vial cap as piston to discharge sample. • Motorized Injection Valve —reliable, 6,000 psi operation. A 10-μΙ loop is standard.
• Microprocessor Operated —Controls injections per sample, injection time, rinse between samples and automatic shut down for malfunction and completion of last sample. • Self-Contained —Requires no compressed gas. Needs only electrical power for operation. • Versatile —Usable with any HPLC system and can be ex ternally controlled by computer/integrator. Materials Technolooy
e n d Liquid
micromeritics instrument corporation Model 725 Automatic Injector
5 6 8 0 goshen springs road · norcross, georgia 3 0 0 9 3 · U.S.A. telephone: 4 0 4 / 4 4 8 - 8 2 8 2 . ' t e l e x : 7 0 - 7 4 5 0 CIRCLE 151 O N READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 4 9 , NO. 4 , APRIL 1977 · 457 A