Micrometer-Sized Sodium Ion-Selective Optodes Based on a “Tailed

The preparation and response features of a micrometer- sized sodium ion-selective fiber optode based on a liquid membrane were described. The sensing ...
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Anal. Chem. 1999, 71, 3558-3566

Micrometer-Sized Sodium Ion-Selective Optodes Based on a “Tailed” Neutral Ionophore Kazuyoshi Kurihara† and Motoichi Ohtsu*,†,‡

Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology, 3-2-1 Sakado, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki 213-0012, Japan, and Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan Takeo Yoshida,§ Toshihito Abe,§ Hideaki Hisamoto,§ and Koji Suzuki†,§

Department of Applied Chemistry, Keio University, 3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama 223-8522, Japan

The preparation and response features of a micrometersized sodium ion-selective fiber optode based on a liquid membrane were described. The sensing membrane is a plasticized poly(vinyl chloride)-based copolymer with a neutral sodium ionophore and an anionic dye. To fabricate a micrometer-sized fiber optode, a “micropipet fabrication method” was proposed to fix a liquid membrane-based optode on the small tip of an optical fiber probe, in which the optode size can be varied from ∼1 µm to more than 10 µm. Our first optode incorporated a 16-crown-5 derivative as the neutral sodium ionophore and a dibromofluorescein derivative as the single-emission anionic dye. The sensor response was monitored by measuring the fluorescence intensity under a time-resolved photoncounting method. At the first stage of the investigation, it was found that the ionophore including a sodium ion in its cavity leached from the membrane phase. However, we have discovered that the problem can be resolved by using a “tailed” ionophore, which is an ionophore possessing a lipophilic long alkyl chain. The “tail” of the ionophore functions as an “anchor” that prevents leaching of the ionophore from the membrane phase into the water phase. The anchor effect of the tailed ionophore was clearly demonstrated with 6-µm-sized sodium ion-selective optodes. Using a 3-µm-sized optode, the sensor response was examined and successfully explained by the response theory. The size limitation of the optode was also examined using the response features of a 1.5-µm-sized fiber optode. The second optode incorporated a tailed 16crown-5 derivative as the neutral sodium ionophore and a coumarin derivative as the dual-emission anionic dye. The second optode is more practical than the first optode because the problem of fluorescence distortion due to photobleaching and solvent effect is resolved by ratiometric calibration where the sensor response is monitored by the spectral shift of the dual-emission fluorescence. The sensor response of an 8-µm-sized fiber optode having ratiometric calibration was examined and successfully explained by the response theory. Much interest has been focused on the miniaturization of a fiber-optic chemical sensor (fiber optode), which is expected to 3558 Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 71, No. 16, August 15, 1999

carry out in vivo analyte measurements in a living cell. Recent improvements in miniature fiber optodes are mainly due to the development of a fabrication technique for optical fiber probes for scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM), whose spatial resolution is much higher than the diffraction limit.1-3 Optodes have three major advantages in miniaturization over electrodes; First, optodes require only a one-unit device while electrodes require two (reference electrode and working electrode). Second, optodes can perform a highly sensitive measurement by utilizing a photon-counting method. Third, optodes are more advantageous with respect to electrostatic and magnetic noise than electrodes.4 Despite these advantages, the miniaturization of optodes has not been easily possible, because there has been no suitable transducer for a miniature optode. However, the recent SNOM fiber probe can be applicable as a transducer for the miniature optode. A pioneering study of miniature optodes has been carried out by Kopelman and his colleagues.5-7 They demonstrated the usefulness of submicrometer-sized optodes for pH and dissolved oxygen measurements by preparing the optode membrane on the tip of an optical fiber using a photoinitiated polymerization based on a water-soluble polymer of acrylamide-methylenebis(acrylamide) copolymer. Indicator molecules were immobilized in the water-soluble polymer by covalent bonding or physical entrapment. Their immobilization technique produced satisfactory spatial selectivity of the sensing membrane attached on the tip of an SNOM fiber probe. The aperture size of the probe was 0.1 µm; however, their immobilization method limited the membrane to preparation with a photoinitiated polymer such as an acrylamidemethylenebis(acrylamide) copolymer, which is hard to use in constructing a flexible sensor because only a few indicator †

Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology. Tokyo Institute of Technology. § Keio University. (1) Ohtsu, M. J. Lightwave Technol. 1995, 13, 1200-1221. (2) Near-field nano/atom optics and technology; Ohtsu, M., Ed.; SpringerVerlag: Berlin, 1998. (3) Ohtsu, M.; Hori, H. Near-Field Nano-Optics; Plenum: New York, 1999. (4) Suzuki, K.; Hisamoto, H. Bunseki 1995, 2, 112-120. (5) Tan, W.; Shi, Z.-Y.; Kopelman, R. Anal. Chem. 1992, 64, 2985-2990. (6) Tan, W.; Shi, Z.-Y.; Smith, S.; Birnbaum, D.; Kopelman, R. Science 1992, 258, 778-781. (7) Rosenzweig, Z.; Kopelman, R. Anal. Chem. 1995, 67, 2650-2654. ‡

10.1021/ac981206+ CCC: $18.00

© 1999 American Chemical Society Published on Web 07/17/1999

molecules are known for the photoinitiated water-soluble polymer. One of the most practical optodes for the miniaturization is a liquid membrane-based optode,8-12 whose response mechanism was the ion-pair extraction/ion-exchange principle, first described by Suzuki et al. and Simon et al., independently.13-19 The great advantage of the liquid membrane-based optode is the large number of ionophores known, which are selective for Li+, Na+, K+, NH4+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Zn2+, Ag+, Hg+, Pb+, Al3+, and so on.20 Another advantage is that delicate controls are possible such as tunability of the dynamic range and extension of the detection limit. Recently, we have developed a new fabrication method for the liquid membrane-based optode, where the optode membrane cocktail (THF solution) is injected in a micropipet and fixed on the probe tip using a micromanipulator system.2,10 This fabrication method (“micropipet fabrication method”) can control the optode size to the precision of 1 µm, which is absolutely impossible by the dip-coating method. In most cases, a plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) is used as the liquid membrane, but a better selection for the present method is replacement of the PVC with OH-PVC, a copolymer of vinyl chloride including vinyl alcohol and vinyl acetate. The replacement strengthens the adsorption of the membrane on the glass surface of the probe tip because of hydrogen bonding. The present paper describes the preparation and response features of micrometer-sized sodium-selective optodes based on the liquid membrane. Miniaturization of the liquid membrane-based optode involves significant problems of leaching and fluorescence distortion. In our case, the most critical problem was the leaching of the ionophore including an ion to be sensed in its cavity; however, a solution was found by using an ionophore that has a lipophilic alkyl chain (a “tailed” ionophore). The leaching of the ionophore can be reduced due to the “anchor effect” of the tailed ionophore, whose tail is used to contact the liquid membrane like an anchor because of its hydrophobic force. The anchor effect indicates that, in a micrometer-sized optode, the lipophilicity value used in a bulk optode is not the only criterion for judging the leaching of the ionophore. On the other hand, the fluorescence distortion was another problem caused mainly by indicator dye molecules, whose fluorescence intensity changed according to photobleaching due to a strong excitation and solvent effect in the sensing membrane.

In our case, the photobleaching was not a critical problem because of weak excitation and a highly sensitive measurement but was observed to reduce the optode performance.12 The solvent effect in the membrane was as much a problem as the photobleaching. A solution for the fluorescence distortion is ratiometric calibration to measure the ratio of the two fluorescence intensities from a dual-emission dye and eliminate the intensity distortion of the fluorescence. The response theory indicates that the optode having the ratiometric calibration shows a high performance especially when the concentration of the dye is lower than that of the ionophore. The ratiometric calibration was demonstrated by carrying out a ratiometric measurement using a coumarin derivative as the dual-emission anionic dye. These results will contribute to the development of a micrometer-sized ion optode for practical use.

(8) Shortreed, M.; Bakker, E.; Kopelman, R. Anal. Chem. 1996, 68, 26562662. (9) Shortreed, M. R.; Bakker, S. L. R.; Kopelman, R. Sens. Actuators 1996, B35-36, 217-221. (10) Kurihara, K.; Ohtsu, M.; Yoshida, T.; Abe, T.; Hisamoto, H.; Suzuki, K. The Proceedings of Europt(r)ode IV 1998, 49-50. (11) Koronczi, I.; Reichert, J.; Heinzmann, G.; Ache, H. J. The Proceedings of Europt(r)ode IV 1998, 151-152. (12) Shortreed, M.; Monson, E.; Kopelman, R. Anal. Chem. 1996, 68, 40154019. (13) Suzuki, K.; Ohzora, H.; Tohda, K.; Miyazaki, K.; Watanabe, K.; Inoue, H.; Shirai, T. Anal. Chim. Acta 1990, 237, 155-164. (14) Watanabe, K.; Nakagawa, E.; Yamada, H.; Hisamoto, H.; Suzuki, K. Anal. Chem. 1993, 65, 2704-2710. (15) Hisamoto, H.; Watanabe, K.; Nakagawa, E.; Siswanta, D.; Shichi, Y.; Suzuki, K. Anal. Chim. Acta 1994, 299, 179-187. (16) Morf, W. E.; Seiler, K.; Rusterholz, B.; Simon, W. Anal. Chem. 1990, 62, 738-742. (17) Seiler, K.; Simon, W. Anal. Chim. Acta 1992, 266, 73-87. (18) Bakker, E.; Simon, W. Anal. Chem. 1992, 64, 1805-1812. (19) Bakker, E.; Buhlmann, P.; Pretsch, E. Chem. Rev. 1997, 97, 3083-3132. (20) Buhlmann, P.; Pretsch, E.; Bakker, E. Chem. Rev. 1998, 98, 1593-1687.

where the brackets represent the concentration of the chemical species and K is the ion-exchange equilibrium constant. Equation 2 can be transformed with a relative portion of deprotonated anionic dyes, R, the total ionophore concentration, [Stot], and the total anionic dye concentration,[Atot], resulting in the chemical response equation:

PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION AND THEORY The operation mechanism of the optode based on a liquid membrane incorporating a cation-selective neutral ionophore, S, and a fluorescent anionic dye, AH, is divided into two parts: chemical response and fluorescence measurement. The former is based on the ion-exchange principle given by13-15

So + i+ + AHo S SiAo + H+


where the subscript o represents the existence of a chemical species in the organic phase (liquid membrane), i+ is the ion to be sensed, SiA is the produced association (ion pair), and H+ is a hydrogen ion. Equation 1 gives a chemical response equation that enables one to measure the ion concentration with a relative portion of the deprotonated anionic dyes. The latter fluorescence measurement is an optical method to estimate the relative portion of the deprotonation of the dyes. Here, we describe two methods: an intensity measurement using a single-emission dye and a ratiometric measurement using a dual-emission dye. Chemical Response Equation. The ion-exchange equilibrium for eq 1 is given by


[i+] )

[SiAo][H+] [So][i+][AHo]

[H+]R K(1 - R)([Stot] - [Atot]R)



This equation indicates important features of the liquid membranebased optode: the detection limit and the dynamic range are controllable by the hydrogen ion concentration and the dissociation constant of the anionic dye. Intensity measurement using a single-emission dye is a simple and useful method for evaluating the relative protion of Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 71, No. 16, August 15, 1999


the dye deprotonation, R, because only one photodetector is necessary and many single-emission fluorescent anionic dyes are known so far. In this case, R is given by

R ) (F - FN)/(FA - FN)


where FN and FA are theoretical values for the fluorescent intensity when all the dyes are in a neutral form and an anionic form, respectively, and F is the observed value of the fluorescence intensity from dyes excited by the light source. By substituting eq 4 into eq 3, the sensor response equation is finally given by +

[i ] )

Assuming that the deprotonation of the dual-emission dye increases with increasing fluorescence intensity F1 at wavelength λ1 and with decreasing fluorescence intensity F2 at wavelength λ2, the relative portion of the deprotonated dual-emission dyes, R, is given in two ways:

R ) (F1 - F1min)/(F1max - F1min)


R ) (F2max - F2)/(F1max - F2min)



[H+](F - FN)(FA - FN) K(FA - F){[Stot]FA + ([Atot] - [Stot])FN - [Atot]F} (5)

This equation characterizes the essential response feature of the optode. In assuming a case of FA > FN and the activities of all the chemical species being equal to the respective concentration, the profile of log[i+] vs F gave an S-shaped response curve. In the case where [Atot] e [Stot], the minimum of F is FN at [i+] ) 0, while the maximum of F is FA at [i+] ) +∞. On the other hand, when [Atot] > [Stot], the minimum of F is FN at [i+] ) 0, while the maximum of F is FA -(1 - [Stot]/[Atot])(FA - FN) at [i+] ) +∞. The optode operating under the intensity measurement becomes a little stronger toward the fluorescence distortion when [Atot] > [Stot], but a more effective solution is given by the ratiometric measurement described in the following section. Ratiometric measurement using a dual-emission dye is an extremely effective method for resolving a serious problem of fluorescence distortion especially in the intensity measurement because the ratiometric measurement evaluates the relative portion of the dye deprotonation, R, with a spectral shift of the dual-emission fluorescence. The fluorescence distortion problem can be attributed to an optical system and a fluorescent dye. As examples of the former problem, the drift and fluctuation in intensity of the laser light and the change and instability in the optical alignment of optical elements such as mirrors and lenses are provided. The former problem can be completely resolved in principle by the ratiometric measurement although it was hardly observed in our experiment. The latter problem due to the fluorescent dye involves photobleaching, leaching, and solvent effects, among which leaching of the dye was not observed. The photobleaching and leaching problem of the dye cannot be completely resolved by the ratiometric measurement because it causes a change in the dye concentration in the sensing membrane, but the following theoretical consideration indicates that they can be substantially resolved when the concentration of the dye is lower than that of the ionophore. The solvent effect problem causes an intensity change and a spectral shift of the dual-emission fluorescence; the former can be compensated for by the ratiometric measurement while the latter cannot in principle. The latter is however so small as to pose no problem in the ratiometric measurement because the spectral shift usually happens over the whole spectram. The only disadvantage of the ratiometric measurement is that few dual-emission anionic dyes are known so far. In the following, mathematical expressions of the ratiometric measurement are given. 3560 Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 71, No. 16, August 15, 1999

where F1min and F1max are the minimum and maximum values of F1, respectively, and F2min and F2max are the minimum and maximum values of F2, respectively. The ratio R of the fluorescence intensities, F1 and F2, is defined as follows,

R ) F1/F2


By substituting F1 and F2 of eq 6 and eq 7, respectively, into eq 8, R can be expressed as follows.


RF2max - F1min (F1max - F1min) + R(F2max - F2min)


This equation can be transformed into a more universal form with the fluorescence constants of the dual-emission anionic dye. Besides eqs 6 and 7, the fluorescence intensities, F1 and F2, are described as

F1 ) S1N[AN] + S1A[AA]


F2 ) S2N[AN] + S2A[AA]



where [AN] and [AA] are the anionic dye concentrations in the neutral form and the anionic form, respectively, and S1N, S1A, S2N, and S2A are proportional constants. On the basis of ideal experimental conditions, the following relations are assumed;

[AN] + [AA] ) [Atot]


R ) [AA]/[Atot]



The comparison of eqs 10 and 11 with eqs 6 and 7 under the

conditions of eqs 12 and 13 results in the following relations:

F1min ) S1N[Atot]


F1max ) S1A[Atot]


F2min ) S2A[Atot]


F2max ) S2N[Atot]



By substituting eqs 14-17 into eq 9, R is given by


R) 1+

) (

S2A(Rmax - R) S2N(R - Rmin)


≡ 1+

1 F(R)




Figure 1. Theoretical response curves of the optode based on the ratiometric measurement using a dual-emission dye. The value, r, is the concentration ratio of the dye relative to the ionophore. The curves are calculated as a function of r by eq 20 under the condition of S2N ) S2A. These profiles illustrate that the profiles of 0 < r < 0.5 can be approximated by the profile of r ) 0.

where Rmax ) F1max/F2min ) S1A/S2A and Rmin ) F1min/F2max ) S1N/ S2N. F(R) is a function newly defined as follows.

F(R) )

S2N(R - Rmin)


S2A(Rmax - R)

By substituting eq 18 into eq 3, the sensor response equation is finally given by +

[i+] )


[Atot] [H ] [Stot] K F(R) 1 + F(R)





[H+] 1 r K[Stot] F(R) 1 + F(R)



(20) fluorescence distortion problem due to the photobleaching and leaching of the anionic dye.

where the value of r is the concentration ratio of the anionic dye relative to the neutral ionophore, defined as follows.

r ) [Atot]/[Stot]


Equation 20 characterizes some features of the ratiometric measurement. The significant feature is that, in the case where [Atot] < [Stot] (r < 1), the optode becomes stronger toward decreasing changes in the anionic dye concentration, [Atot]. This is explained by the fact that eq 20 approaches a certain value independent of [Atot] by decreasing the value of r to zero:

[i+] )

[H+] F(R) (r f 0) K[Stot]

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the micromanipulator system used for the micropipet fabrication method. The system consists of two micromanipulators and an optical microscope. Fixation is performed under observation through the optical microscope.


Figure 1 shows the sensor response profiles calculated by eq 20 when S2N ) S2A. These response profiles show that, in eq 20, the profile of 0 < r < 0.5 can be approximated by the profile of r ) 0; in addition, the optode of 0 < r < 0.5 is extremely effective in handling the problems of decreasing changes in the relative concentration, r, such as photobleaching and leaching of the anionic dye. It should be mentioned that, when [Atot] < [Stot]/2, the ratiometric measurement gives a excellent solution to the

EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Optode Membrane Fabrication. The micropipet fabrication method is briefly described because its details were given in chapter 5 of the monograph edited by Ohtsu.2 The method employs a micropipet with a micromanipulator system, which consists of two micromanipulators (Shimazu MMS-77, Kyoto, Japan) and an optical microscope (Olympus BX60, Tokyo, Japan). Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram of the method. The SNOM fiber probe was held on the holder of one micromanipulator while a micropipet filled with the sensing membrane cocktail was set on the holder of the other. The fiber probe was fabricated from a quartz-core optical fiber with a micropipet puller (Sutter Instrument Co. P-2000) by the heat-pulling process. No further modifications such as metal coating and silanization were done to the fiber probe. The micropipet was fabricated from a glass tube (Narishige Scientific Instrument Lab. GD-1, Tokyo, Japan) using a micropipet puller (Narishige Scientific Instrument Lab. PP-83). The micropipet had an inner diameter of 2-5 µm and was filled with the cocktail using a syringe, whose needle was put into the glass tube at the other side of the micropipet. By controlling the micromanipulators under visual observation through the optical microscope, the cocktail was immobilized on the tip of the fiber probe. This immobilization procedure had to be done as quickly as possible because the solvent evaporation caused the cocktail to Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 71, No. 16, August 15, 1999


Figure 3. Chemical structures of three kinds of sodium-selective neutral ionophores: (a) nontailed ionophore of DD16C5; (b) two tailed ionophores of C14-DTM16C5 and ODM16C5. The lipophilicity is given by the value of log Po/w, where Po/w is the distribution coefficient between the organic liquid and water (see refs 13 and 21).

rapidly become very hard. Sometimes, air pressure on the cocktail in the micropipet, whose other side was connected to a plastic tube with a syringe, was useful for moving the cocktail to the outside of the micropipet. Fixation size varied from ∼1 µm to more than 10 µm, which was controllable mainly by varying the diameter of the micropipet and the viscosity of the cocktail. The final micrometer-sized optode was obtained after the fiber probe with the cocktail was dried in a 300-Torr container pumped by a vacuum pump for more than 10 min in order to fully evaporate the solvent THF of the cocktail. Preparation of Membrane Cocktail. The liquid membranebased optode was prepared to incorporate a neutral ionophore and a fluorescent anionic dye into the liquid membrane with a solvent of tetrahydrofuran (THF) (Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd., Osaka, Japan, Type Infinity Pure). The liquid membrane consisted of 66 wt % bis(2-ethylhexyl)sebacate (BEHS) (Tokyo Chemical Industry, Tokyo, Japan) and 33 wt % copolymer (OHPVC) of 90 wt % vinyl chloride, 6 wt % vinyl alcohol, and 4 wt % vinyl acetate (Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc., Milwaukee, WI). The reason for using OH-PVC instead of PVC is the enhancement of adhesion between the glass surface of the fiber probe and the liquid membrane, which is caused by hydrogen bonding between silanol group of the glass surface and hydroxyl group of OHPVC. Figure 3 shows the chemical structures of sodium-selective neutral ionophores, which are classified according to the existence of a long alkyl chain (“tail”). All the ionophores were synthesized by the authors according to the previous report.21 The nontailed ionophore (Figure 3a) is 2,6,13,16,19-pentaoxapentacyclo[,120.1,2007,12]dotriacontane (DD16C5) with a lipophilicity of 11.78 ( 0.90, whereas the tailed ionophores were 2,2,3,3,11,11,12,12-octamethyl-1,4,7,10,13-pentaoxa-6-tetradecylcyclohexadecane (C14-DTM16C5, Figure 3b) and (1-methyl-3,6,9,12,15pentaoxacyclohexadecyl)octadecyloxymethane (ODM16C5, Figure 3b) with lipophilicities of 12.43 ( 0.70 and 10.35 ( 0.30, respectively.21 The value of the lipophilicity is indicated as log Po/w, which is the distribution coefficient between the organic liquid and water determined using the Rf values from reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography (RP-TLC) according to the method (21) Suzuki, K.; Sato, K.; Hisamoto, H.; Siswanta, D.; Hayashi, K.; Kasahara, N.; Watanabe, K.; Yamamoto, N.; Sasakura, H. Anal. Chem. 1996, 68, 208215.

3562 Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 71, No. 16, August 15, 1999

Figure 4. Chemical structures of fluorescent anionic dyes: (a) single-emission dye of 4′,5′-dibromofluorescein octadecyl ester; (b) dual-emission dye of 4-heptadecyl-7-hydroxycoumarin.

reported by Simon et al.22 The nontailed ionophore, DD16C5, has a value of lipophilicity between those of the two tailed ionophores, C14-DTM16C5 and ODM16C5. The single-emission and dualemission anionic dyes were 4′,5′-dibromofluorescein octadecyl ester (Fluka Chemical Corp., Ronkonkoma, NY) and 4-heptadecyl7-hydroxycoumarin (Molecular Probes, Inc., Eugene, OR), respectively. The chemical structures of the anionic dyes are shown in Figure 4. The dibromofluorescein derivative and the coumarin derivative were incorporated at 1.7 and 1.4 wt % relative to the liquid membrane, respectively, while each sodium-selective neutral ionophore was at 200 mol % relative to the anionic dye. The optode components were mixed uniformly with more than 20 times their amount of the solvent THF. The viscosity of this optode membrane cocktail was appropriate for injection into a micropipet and immobilization on the probe tip. Optical Measurement. Parts a and b of Figure 5 show a schematic diagram of the experimental setup for the intensity measurement and the ratiometric measurement, respectively. The optical measurement system was constructed chiefly from an inverted optical microscope (Olympus IX70). The micrometersized optode was vertically held on an xyz stage (Narishige Scientific Instrument Lab.) and immersed in Tris-HCl buffer solution at pH 7.4 or 9, which was kept in a culture dish (MatTek Corp.) on the inverted optical microscope. The beam of a singlemode cw Ar+ laser (Coherent, Inc.) was coupled with a fiber coupler (Newport Corp.) into the optical fiber at the backside of (22) Laubli, M. W.; Dinton, O.; Pretsch, E.; Simon, W. Anal. Chem. 1985, 57, 2756-2758.

Figure 5. Experimental setups of the miniature optode for (a) intensity measurement using a single-emission dye and (b) ratiometric measurement using a dual-emission dye. The miniature optode is excited by the light of an Ar+ laser system, and its fluorescence is measured with the time-resolved photon-counting method. The optode is immersed in a buffer solution, whose Na+ concentration is changed by adding droplets of NaCl solution into the culture dish with a syringe.

the fiber optode. The fluorescent anionic dye in the optode membrane was excited by the laser light at a power of ∼1 µW propagating through the optical fiber. The excitation wavelength was 514.5 and 351 nm for the single-emission dye of the dibromofluorescein derivative and the dual-emission dye of the coumarin derivative, respectively. The fluorescence of the dibromofluorescein derivative was at a peak of ∼540-nm wavelength. On the other hand, the fluorescence of the coumarin derivative had two peaks at ∼380- and ∼430-nm wavelength and an emission isosbestic point at ∼400 nm wavelength. The fluorescence from the excited dye was collected with a 10× objective lens of the inverted optical microscope and then passed through a holographic notch-plus filter (Kaiser Optical Systems, Inc.) in a mirror unit cassette (Olympus IX-RFAC) to reject the laser light by a factor of 106. In addition, the fluorescence passed through a pinhole in the cassette (Olympus OSP-MST) connected to the side port of the inverted optical microscope in order to reject the background light collected by the objective lens. For the intensity measurement (Figure 5a), the fluorescence was measured with a photomultiplier tube (PMT) (Hamamatsu R464, Shizuoka, Japan) by means of the photon-counting method with an accumulation time of 1 s. Data were stored on a personal computer (NEC Corp. PC-9821Xa, Tokyo, Japan) through a photon-counting board (Hamamatsu M3949) and a photon-counting unit (Hamamatsu C3866). On the other hand, for the ratiometric measurement (Figure 5b), with a dichroic mirror (Olympus U-MWU) in a cassette (Olympus OSP-DMU1), the fluorescence from the dualemission dye was divided at the emission isosbestic point of ∼400 nm into two beams, each of which was detected by PMT. The signals were measured by the photon-counting method. The data were successively stored on the computer through the photoncounting boards and the photon counting units. Finally, the ratio of the two counts was calculated on the computer. Both fluorescence measurements were carried out in a completely dark room. The Na+ concentration in the sample solution was varied by adding droplets of NaCl solution (10-3-1 M) into the culture dish using a syringe. To check visually whether the droplets fell into the culture dish, a light flash was used, which was recorded in

Figure 6. Comparison of dynamic response profiles of 6-µm-sized optodes based on different types of ionophores: (a) micrograph of the 6-µm-sized optode; (b) dynamic responses of three optodes based on the nontailed ionophore, DD16C5, and the two tailed ionophores, C14-DTM16C5 and ODM16C5. The arrows with numbers indicate the time when Na+ droplets were added. The peaks accompanying the marks are due to a light flash to check the droplets falling into the culture dish. Na+ concentrations in the solution: (initial state) 0, (1) 3.8 × 10-4, (2) 4.1 × 10-3, (3) 4.0 × 10-2, and (4) 2.9 × 10-1 M.

the sensor response profiles as a signal for adding droplets of NaCl solution. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Ionophore with a “Tail Effect”. Using the micropipet fabrication method and the dip-coating method, the Na+ optodes were prepared in several sizes ranging from 1 µm to more than 100 µm. The optode was based on the liquid membrane incorporating DD16C5 as the neutral ionophore and dibromofluorescein derivative as the single-emission dye. Experimental results showed that optodes of 10-100-µm size worked with good reproducibility. On decreasing the size of the optode to less than 10 µm, the response of the optodes became unstable; especially, the 1-µm-sized optode did not show any response to the addition of sodium ion in the Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 71, No. 16, August 15, 1999


Figure 7. Characterization of a 3-µm-sized optode based on the tailed ionophore C14-DTM16C5: (a) micrograph of the 3-µm-sized optode; (b) dynamic response profile of the optode. Arrows with numbers indicate the time when Na+ droplets were added. Peaks accompanying the marks are due to a light flash to check the droplets falling into the culture dish. Na+ concentrations in the solution: (initial state) 0, (1) 3.8 × 10-4, (2) 4.1 × 10-3, (3) 2.2 × 10-2, (4) 4.0 × 10-2, (5) 1.9 × 10-1, and (6) 2.9 × 10-1 M. (c) Plots of the sensor responses. The response curve is obtained by fitting the plots using the theoretical response equation (eq 5).

sample solution. After a number of careful experiments for over one year, we understand that the ionophore structure affects the sensor response of the optode. A typical case is the following; three kinds of sodium-selective optodes of 6-µm size were prepared employing two kinds of a tailed ionophore of C14-DTM16C5 and ODM16C5 and one kind of a nontailed ionophore of DD16C5 (for its chemical structure, see Figure 3a). Figure 6a shows a micrograph of the 6-µm-sized optode. The response profiles of the three optodes were obtained by time-resolved fluorescence intensity measurement. Figure 6b shows dynamic response profiles of the three optodes to various concentrations of Na+ at pH 7.4. Arrows with numbers 1-4 indicate the point of changing sodium ion concentrations in the sample solution. A drastic difference in the three profiles was observed between the optodes using the tailed ionophore and the nontailed ionophore; The responses of the tailed ionophores of C14-DTM16C5 and ODM16C5 gradually reached a certain constant value after adding sodium ion; whereas, the response of the optode using the nontailed ionophore, DD16C5, was so unstable as to show a decay behavior at a Na+ concentration of higher than 4.0 × 10-2 M. This decay behavior is simply attributed to the dynamics of the leaching of the nontailed ionophore from the membrane phase into the water phase. On the basis of the ion-exchange principle, the detailed dynamics mechanism of the decay behavior can be explained as follows: the addition of the analyte ion to the water phase causes, in the membrane phase, a nontailed ionophore to catch the analyte ion in the cavity and an anionic dye is subsequently deprotonated. The deprotonation of the dye brings about an increase in fluorescence of the dye. The leaching of the nontailed ionophore from the membrane phase into the water phase is accelerated by formation of the ion-ionophore complex because the ion in the cavity makes the ionophore become hydrophilized. As a result, the ion-ionophore complex in the membrane phase begins to leach into the water phase and the deprotonated dye in the membrane becomes protonated. The protonation of the dye gives rise to a decrease in fluorescence of the dye, which was observed as the decay behavior in the DD16C5-based optode shown in Figure 6b. It is noted that the decay rate of the fluorescence intensity of the dye indicates the leaching rate of the ionionophore complex from the membrane phase into the water phase. This dynamics mechanism also gives a qualitative explana3564 Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 71, No. 16, August 15, 1999

tion of the experimental results that the leaching rate becomes faster with an increasing concentration of analyte ion. The results of the three profiles in Figure 6b clarify the use limit of the lipophilicity factor of log Po/w, which is the criterion for leaching of the substance from the membrane in a bulk optode. In a micrometer-sized optode, the leaching of the ionophore cannot be explained only by the lipophilicity factor, because the tailed ionophore, ODM16C5 (log Po/w ) 10.35), has a lower lipophilicity value than the nontailed ionophore, DD16C5 (log Po/w ) 11.78). The hydrophobic interaction between the liquid membrane and the aliphatic tail of an ionophore has an important effect on the leaching in the micrometer-sized optode. This tail effect of the tailed ionophore is considered to be the anchor effect, because the aliphatic tail of the ionophore acts like an anchor attached to the liquid membrane. In the development of a micrometer-sized optode based on the liquid membrane, the chemical structure of the ionophore should be considered as well as the lipophilicity factor. The anchor effect can be evaluated as something like the hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLB) value of surfacants, estimated from the tailed ionophore including an ion of interest. Response Features of the 3-µm-Sized Optode. With the 3-µm-sized optode incorporating the tailed ionophore of C14DTM16C5 and the single-emission dye of the dibromofluorescein derivative, the optical responses for Na+ at pH 7.4 were measured and the theoretical response characteristics were examined. Parts a and b of Figure 7 show a micrograph of the 3-µm-sized optode and its typical dynamic response for changes in Na+ concentration in the sample solution, respectively. The response time of the optode is from 10 to ∼200 s, dependent on the Na+ concentrations of 3.8 × 10-4-2.9 × 10-1 M. The sensor responses for Na+ concentrations obtained from the dynamic response profile in Figure 7b are plotted in Figure 7c with closed circles. The solid curve in Figure 7c is the theoretical response curve calculated by fitting the plots with eq 5 using the computer software, Igor Pro (WaveMetrics, Inc.). On the basis of this fitting, FN ) 3.2 × 104, FA ) 6.2 × 104, and log K ) -4.85 ( 0.07 were obtained. This K value corresponded well with those obtained with the macrosized optodes having the same membrane composition in which the membrane was prepared using a spin-coating device. Characterization of the 1.5-µm-Sized Optode. One of the greatest interests in the miniature optode based on the tailed

Figure 8. Characterization of a extremely miniature optode of 1.5µm size based on the tailed ionophore C14-DTM16C5: (a) micrograph of the 1.5-µm-sized optode; (b) its optical response to a change in Na+ concentration from 0 to 2.9 × 10-1 M. The arrow indicates the time when Na+ droplets were added. The peak accompanying the mark is due to a light flash to check the droplets falling into the culture dish.

ionophore lies in the miniaturization limit. Therefore, a 1.5-µmsized optode based on the tailed ionophore of C14-DTM16C5 and the single-emission dye of the dibromofluorescein derivative was prepared and characterized. A micrograph of the 1.5-µm-sized optode is shown in Figure 8a. The 1.5-µm-sized optode responded to a sodium ion but did not show a sensor response corresponding to the sodium ion concentration. Figure 8b shows a typical dynamic response of the 1.5-µm-sized optode for Na+ concentrations from 0 to 2.9 × 10-1 M. A peak indicated by the arrow was caused by a light flash used to visually check the droplets of Na+ sample falling into the culture dish. This sensor response of the 1.5-µm-sized optode indicates the possibility of preparing a submicrometer-sized ion optode, but it also indicates the technical limitations of its development. Usage of a tailed ionophore with a longer tail than the tailed ionophore C14-DTM16C5 would improve the leaching problem. Demonstration of the Ratiometric Calibration Using a 8-µm-Sized Optode. Fluorescence distortion such as photobleaching due to the strong excitation and solvent effect in the sensing membrane is a major problem for the above-mentioned miniature optode using a single-emission dye, which can be solved by ratiometric calibration using a dual-emission dye. With the 8-µm-sized optode incorporating the tailed ionophore of C14DTM16C5 and the dual-emission dye of a coumarin derivative, we demonstrated a high-performance micrometer-sized optode having the ratiometric calibration. The micrograph and the dynamic responses of the high-performance optode are given in parts a and b of Figure 9, respectively. The numbered arrows, 1-6, in Figure 9b indicate the time when the sodium ion concentration at pH 9 was changed by adding droplets of sodium ion solution into the dish. The profiles of F1 and F2 were obtained by measuring each emission of the dual-emission dye. The fluorescence of F1 and F2 ranged from 420 to ∼500 nm and from ∼360 to 385 nm, respectively. The sensor response of the optode having the ratiometric calibration is the profile of R, which was calculated by dividing the profile of F1 by that of F2. Judging from the profile of R, the response time of the optode is from 10 to roughly 500 s, depending on the concentration of the sodium ion

Figure 9. Characterization of a 8-µm-sized optode having ratiometric calibration based on the tailed ionophore C14-DTM16C5: (a) micrograph of an 8-µm sized optode; (b) dynamic responses of the 8-µm-sized optode. The profile of R is the dynamic response of the optode based on the ratiometric measurement. The profiles of F1 and F2 were obtained by measuring fluorescence intensities from the dualemission dye at two different wavelengths. The profile of R is calculated by dividing the profile of F1 by that of F2. Arrows with a number indicate the point of a change in the Na+ concentration: (initial state) 0, (1) 3.9 × 10-4, (2) 4.1 × 10-3, (3) 4.0 × 10-2, (4) 1.9 × 10-1, (5) 2.9 × 10-1, and (6) 4.4 × 10-1 M. (c) Sensor responses and their response curves calculated by the theoretical equation (eq 22). Data a denoted by open circles come from the dynamic response of the profiles R. Data b denoted by closed triangles were obtained from the measurement of pH 7.4

(3.9 × 10-4-4.4 × 10-1 M). The workings of the ratiometric calibration can be confirmed by some points: For example, the Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 71, No. 16, August 15, 1999


profiles of F1 and F2 gradually increase from 0 to 70 s and then gradually decrease from 70 to 180 s, while the profile of R is constant during the measurement time because of the ratiometric calibration. The increase from 0 to 70 s can result from the solvent effect in the sensing membrane where the analyte ion concentration changes by movement of the analyte ion from the water phase into the membrane phase. The solvent effect in the sensing membrane causes enhancement of the entire fluorescence of the dye. On the other hand, the decrease from 70 to 180 s can be attributed to the photobleaching of the dye. The second example is found in the fact that the profile of R generally behaves as a step function rather than that of F1. Here, the profile of F2 plays a role in eliminating fluorescence distortion from the profile of F1. The sensor response of the optode having the ratiometric calibration is discussed using the theoretical response equation of eq 22, which is a suitable approximation of the exact theoretical equation of eq 20 at the relative concentration r ) 0.5. Figure 9c shows the theoretical response curves fitting the sensor responses. The dynamic response of the profile R in Figure 9b corresponds to the open circles (data a) of Figure 9c. By fitting the data a with the theoretical curve of eq 20, Rmin ) 3, Rmax ) 90, and log K(S2A/ S2N) ) -7.24 were obtained. To estimate the last value, we used [H+] ) 10-9, [Stot] ) 9.58 × 10-2 (which was calculated from the specific gravity of BEHS, 0.914 g/cm3), the molecular weight of the dual-emission fluorescent anionic dye is 400.6, and the ionophore is 200 mol % relative to the dye in the optode membrane. The theoretical response curve shown by the closed triangles (data b) in Figure 9c was obtained by measurement under the condition of pH 7.4, which causes the response curve of the data b to shift to a higher concentration side than that of the data a measured under the condition of pH 9. There is great interest in the miniaturization limit of the optode having the ratiometric calibration. However, miniaturization smaller than an 8-µm optode has not yet been realized. The main reason is the excitation of UV light, which causes a kind of light denaturation in the copolymer of OH-PVC in the optode, although dual-emission anionic dyes for visible light excitation can avoid the light denaturation. In fact, as described above, we have successfully obtained a 3-µm-sized optode based on a singleemission dye for visible light excitation. Anchor Effect of a Tailed Anionic Dye. The chemical structures of the anionic dyes in Figure 4 show that all the anionic

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dyes used in our experiment have a lipophilic long alkyl tail. It is quite natural that the tailed anionic dyes as well as the tailed neutral ionophore should have the anchor effect of the tail. Thus, one of the reasons why the leaching of the anionic dye was not observed in our experiment can be attributed to the anchor effect of the tailed anionic dye. In our micrometer-sized optode based on a liquid membrane, the anchor effect of the tail is used as an effective solution to the leaching problem. CONCLUSIONS The present paper demonstrated a micrometer-sized sodiumselective optode based on a liquid membrane using a tailed neutral ionophore such as C14-DTM16C5 and ODM16C5. This demonstration includes three important results. First, the micropipet fabrication method was accomplished as a method for immobilizing the optode membrane on the tip of the SNOM fiber probe. Second, as a solution to the leaching problem of an ionophore, the anchor effect of a tailed ionophore was discovered, which means that the tail of the ionophore functions as an anchor to prevent the leaching of the ionophore into the water phase because of the hydrophobic force. Third, two response theories of the intensity measurement using a single-emission dye and the ratiometric measurement using a dual-emission dye were presented and successfully applied to the experimental results. The present paper has achieved the fundamental technology for a micrometer-sized optode using the existing liquid membranebased technology. To develop a submicrometer-sized optode with a smaller size than the optical wavelength (0.4-0.8 µm), much greater improvement of the liquid membrane-based optode technology including an ionophore and an indicator dye is expected. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank Dr. R. U. Maheswari of the Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology for critical reading and commenting on the manuscript. K.K. thanks the Nissan Science Foundation for financial support. This study was partially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture. Received for review November 4, 1998. Accepted June 1, 1999. AC981206+