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Microplastic exposure assessment in aquatic environments: learning from similarities and differences to engineered nanoparticles Thorsten Hüffer, Antonia Praetorius, Stephan Wagner, Frank Von Der Kammer, and Thilo Hofmann Environ. Sci. Technol., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04054 • Publication Date (Web): 26 Jan 2017 Downloaded from on January 27, 2017
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Microplastic exposure assessment in aquatic environments: learning from
similarities and differences to engineered nanoparticles
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Thorsten Hüffer1,§, Antonia Praetorius1,2,§, Stephan Wagner3,§, Frank von der Kammer*1, Thilo
Hofmann* 1,2
6 7
Research Network, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Vienna, Austria
University of Vienna, Department of Environmental Geosciences and Environmental Science
University of Vienna, Research Platform Nano-Norms-Nature, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Vienna,
Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ,
Thorsten Hüffer, Antonia Praetorius and Stephan Wagner contributed equally to this
15 16
*Corresponding authors:
17 18
Thilo Hofmann: E-Mail:
[email protected], Phone: 0043 1 4277 53320 and Frank von der Kammer: E-Mail:
[email protected], Phone: 0043 1 4277 53380
19 20
Total word count: 1200 word equivalents + 3766 text = 4966 words
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Microplastics (MPs) have been identified as contaminants of emerging concern in aquatic environments
and research into their behavior and fate has been sharply increasing in recent years. Nevertheless,
significant gaps remain in our understanding of several crucial aspects of MP exposure and risk
assessment, including the quantification of emissions, dominant fate processes, types of analytical tools
required for characterization and monitoring, and adequate laboratory protocols for analysis and hazard
testing. This Feature aims at identifying transferrable knowledge and experience from engineered
nanoparticle (ENP) exposure assessment. This is achieved by comparing ENP and MPs based on their
similarities as particulate contaminants, while critically discussing specific differences. We also highlight
the most pressing research priorities to support an efficient development of tools and methods for MPs
environmental risk assessment.
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The field of environmental exposure and risk assessment of emerging contaminants is often dominated
by certain “hot topics”,1 for example, pharmaceuticals, nanomaterials, or (most recently) microplastics.
The increased interest in a new, “hot” contaminant class is often based on, or justified by, a significant
lack of knowledge concerning its behavior in natural environments and/or the toxic potential of the
emerging contaminant, together with a need to assess the suitability of existing regulations or develop
new ones. Since an emerging contaminant class is rarely entirely novel and unique, but often shares
properties with “established” contaminants, a careful assessment of existing knowledge on related
substances help us to direct our research efforts and make more efficient use of limited research
Plastic in the aquatic environment is an issue of global concern that is particularly evident from the
growing amount of plastic litter found in the world's oceans.2,
increase in both public and political attention. As a result, the "Leaders' Declaration" from the 2015 G7
Summit in Germany acknowledged the global risks posed by marine litter, particularly plastics, to marine
and coastal life, to ecosystems, and also potentially to human health.4 Marine littering has been
controlled since the 1970s,5 whereas the debate on the occurrence and the consequences of plastic
particles with sizes between 1 µm and 5 mm, so-called microplastics (MPs), in the environment has
received increased attention only in the recent decade.6-8 MPs are not only a concern for marine
environments, but also for freshwater systems as indicated by preliminary reports on a quantitatively
similar degree of contamination in both.7, 9, 10
Despite the rapidly growing body of published research into the impacts of MPs on various
ecosystems,11 our mechanistic understanding of the behavior of MPs in the environment remains
limited. To improve our understanding of the occurrence, behavior and transport of MPs in aquatic
This concern has led to a marked
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systems and to ultimately improve our ability to assess the risks they may present a number of open
research questions and challenges remain,5, 7, 12, 13 falling predominantly into the domains of:
(1) Elucidating formation, sources and emission pathways,
(2) Understanding relevant environmental transformation and transport processes,
(3) Developing analytical methods for characterization and monitoring,
(4) Designing representative laboratory experiments.
65 66
Over the past decade, research on potential environmental implications of engineered nanoparticles
(ENPs), generally defined as particles with at least one dimension < 100 nm,14 has been addressing very
similar topics and facing related challenges. Given the particulate nature of both ENPs and MPs, this
comes as no surprise. Exposure assessment strategies developed for “conventional” contaminants,
present as individual substances in the form of dissolved molecules or ions, are often not adequate for
particles. Particulate contaminants are present as more or less stable dispersions (multi-phase systems).
As a result, their behavior cannot be described by thermodynamics; i.e. the use of equilibrium partition
coefficients, such as for example the octanol-water partition coefficient Kow, which play an important
role in exposure predictions of “conventional” organic contaminants are not valid for ENPs and MPs.15
Their fate needs to be described by kinetic principles of aggregation and transport and can be largely
based on theories developed in colloid/particle science. This is equally valid for ENPs and for MPs.
Furthermore, their properties cannot be described by their chemical composition alone, but are also
dependent on particle size and shape. Additionally, heterogeneities in particle populations, both in
terms of the chemical composition of the individual particles and the polydispersity in their size
distributions, often increase the level of difficulty in understanding and predicting fate. Particles on the
smaller end of the size spectrum are particularly prone to exhibiting specific effects due to their high
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surface to volume ratios. Even bulk materials consisting mainly of >> 100 nm sized particles, in terms of
mass, often contain a significant nano-fraction, in terms of particle number, at the lower end of their
size distribution. This unintentional nano-fraction has been discussed several times for ENPs16-18 and the
relevance of nano-plastics (i.e. plastic particles < 100 nm) in environmental exposure assessment of MPs
has received increasing attention as well, but so far lacking field data.19-22
It quickly becomes apparent that parallels can be drawn between these two groups of emerging
contaminants. In this Feature we relate current challenges and open questions regarding the fate and
exposure assessment of MPs to lessons learned over a decade of studying ENPs in the environment.23-25
First, the similarities between ENPs and MPs are used to identify the transferrable knowledge from ENP
exposure assessment (Table 1). This is then followed by a critical discussion of differences requiring
specific adjustments for MPs. We aim to support a more rapid development of the tools and methods
required to advance MP exposure and ultimately risk assessment so that prompt regulatory action can
be taken, where necessary.
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Table 1: Overview of ENPs and MP characteristics and identification of transferrable knowledge from ENPs to MP fate and exposure assessment.
ENP characteristics
MP characteristics
Transferrable knowledge from ENPs
Sources and emission pathways • intentional release: agriculture, remediation • unintentional release: surface run-off, WWTPs, direct release (e.g. sunscreen from bathing)
• unintentional release: dominated by secondary MPs (via fragmentation of macroplastic), primary MPs via WWTPs
• particle size < 100 nm 3 • density often > 1 g/cm • fate processes: dissolution, interaction with biofilm/NOM, heteroaggregation, surface transformations
• MPs: particle size 1 µm - 5 mm; nano-plastics: < 100 nm 3 • density typically 0.9-1.1 g/cm • fate processes: fragmentation, interaction with biofilm/NOM, heteroaggregation, surface transformation, additives leaching
• mass flow models for ENPs transferrable for primary MPs (e.g. microbeads from cosmetics). Fragmentation data needed to assess secondary MP emissions
Environmental transformation and transport • kinetic fate descriptors essential • particle characteristics & properties of the surrounding medium affect fate • adaptation of ENP models with MP-specific properties • particle ageing has to be accounted for
Analytical methods for characterization & monitoring strategies • size distribution • particle number concentration • surface area & chemistry (e.g. type of coating)
• size distribution • particle number/mass concentration • types and concentrations of additives
• importance of particle size and number concentration • sample preparation essential for particle analysis & characterization methods
Representative laboratory experiments • particulate nature requires special considerations • stable dispersion due to electrostatic or steric stabilization
• particulate nature requires special considerations • usually low density combined with large particle size
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• use of reference materials and elucidation of fate under well-defined & realistic conditions • use of aged particles • importance of particle characterization • strategies for keeping particles in suspension
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Elucidating formation, sources and emission pathways
ENPs are typically incorporated in consumer products or industrial applications to fulfill a specific
nanofertilizers in agriculture,28, 29 and for contaminant remediation purposes.30 In contrast, MPs are only
rarely deliberately incorporated into a product to serve a specific function, but generally occur as so-
called secondary MPs,24 resulting from the unintentional release and fragmentation of larger pieces of
plastics.6 An exception here are primary MPs, which are specifically produced as micro-scale particles
and used predominantly in personal care products, e.g. in the form of microbeads in cosmetic peelings.
These primary MPs, which make up only about 0.1-3% of the MPs in the natural environment,31 may
dominate locally, e.g. in waste water effluents of urban environments,32 but are globally of minor
importance. The predominantly unintentional generation of secondary MPs makes it harder to quantify
their sources for mass flow models as total production volumes of plastics may be less relevant in this
context, compared to break-up/fragmentation/release processes during or after the use stage. For the
release quantification of secondary MP two steps are required: i) quantification of mismanaged plastic
waste which is released in the aquatic environment,33 and ii) determination of the rates of
fragmentation of the released plastic waste in the aquatic environment.
The ENPs produced in the largest volumes typically consist of metals or metal oxides.34, 35 Several mass-
flow modeling studies provided emission estimates into different environmental compartments during
their life-cycle (e.g. air, water, soil) at global and regional scales.34, 36-38 These emission estimates are
mainly based on data or estimates of production volumes or market penetration of ENP-containing
products and applications, release rates during use and transfer factors between various life-cycle stages
(e.g. retention in waste water treatment). In principle, similar mass flow modeling approaches can be
applied to MPs, however, different strategies may be needed to elucidate sources and production
or are intentionally applied to the environment, for example as nanopesticides or
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Understanding relevant environmental transformation and transport processes
Understanding the transport and transformation processes that contaminants undergo in natural
environments is essential to assess their fate pathways and predict environmental concentrations.39 For
this purpose, laboratory40-43 and mesocosm43, 44 studies as well as environmental fate models45 for ENPs
have been developed in recent years, with varying levels of detail, realism and spatial resolution. Many
of these approaches could serve as a starting point to study MPs. A river model for ENPs has, for
example, already been adapted for modeling the fate of MPs.20 This was possible because the
particulate nature of both ENPs and MPs means that the transport processes for both can be in principle
described using established concepts from colloid science.15, 20, 46, 47 More specifically, processes affecting
the fate of particles in aquatic environments are heteroaggregation with suspended particulate matter
(SPM), sedimentation and deposition on surfaces, resuspension, bed load transport, and various
transformation and ageing processes (biotic and abiotic) (Figure 1).48, 49 These processes are influenced
by the properties of the surrounding aquatic medium (pH, ionic strength, composition, temperature,
sunlight, SPM, natural organic matter (NOM) content, flow and turbulence) as well as the particle
characteristics (size, shape, density, surface chemistry). 50, 51 The effect of specific differences in MP and
ENP properties on their fate need to be accounted for when extrapolating approaches developed for
ENP to MPs.
Colloidal aggregation and transport processes are strongly influenced by particle sizes and, for the larger
colloidal entities, also densities.52 MPs typically fall into size ranges similar to SPM (µm to mm) in
contrast to the much smaller ENPs. Most MPs have very low densities close to the density of water (e.g.
polyethylene (PE): 0.91-0.95 g/cm3; polypropylene (PP): 0.91-0.92 g/cm3; and polystyrene (PS): 1.01-
1.05 g/cm3),5,
Ag 10.5 g/cm3, CuO 6.31 g/cm3). The lower densities of MPs combined with their larger sizes compared
to ENPs will likely lead to the following differences in aggregation and transport:
while ENPs generally have densities greater than 1 g/cm3 (e.g. TiO2 4.26 g/cm3,
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MP-SPM heteroaggregates will be less stable than ENP-SPM heteroaggregates due to the
MPs’ larger sizes and heteroaggregates’ porosity.54 Therefore aggregate break-up needs
to be accounted for.
Stronger effect of MP properties on MP-SPM heteroaggregates. Slower sedimentation of
MP-SPM heteroaggregates compared to ENP-SPM heteroaggregates or pure SPM, due to
lower MP density and higher MP volume fraction in heteroaggregate. Higher potential for
MPs to be transported far from their emission source.
SPM acts as a collector for ENPs, whereas MPs could act as collectors of SPM or as substrates for biofilm growth, a scenario that is most unlikely for ENPs.
ENP movement is dominated by Brownian motion/diffusion due to their small sizes,37
whereas MPs experience stronger shear forces during laminar and turbulent flow making
them much more susceptible to resuspension from sediments than ENPs.55
The heteroaggregation attachment efficiencies (i.e. the probability of heteroaggregate formation upon
collision with SPM) of ENPs and MPs will vary according to their different surface characteristics but are
expected to follow similar trends, depending on the conditions in the surrounding aquatic medium (e.g.
increased heteroaggregation with increasing ionic strength and stabilization in the presence of NOM).20
56 57
dependent on their composition. Some ENPs undergo fast surface transformation and/or dissolution
reactions (e.g. dissolution/sulphidation of silver and copper oxide NPs), 58,59.60,61,62 whereas other remain
largely inert (e.g. titanium dioxide and cerium oxide NPs).63 In contrast, MPs made of polymeric material
(e.g. PE, PP or PS) are not expected to dissolve in the environment. They can, however, be affected by
aging processes, for example when exposed to sunlight. Aging of ENPs results mainly in surface
transformations (e.g. oxidation64 or loss of particle coating), whereas aging of MPs typically leads to
more brittle particles that could break up into smaller, possibly nanoscale particles (nano-plastics),65
Just like the attachment efficiencies, the transformation behavior of both MPs and ENPs are largely
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together with the leaching of various additives incorporated during production of the original plastic
Homoaggregation of both ENPs and MPs in aquatic environments is likely to be negligible due to the low
particle concentrations expected in surface waters compared to the concentrations of naturally
occurring SPM. This can be illustrated by comparing the mean inter-particle distance between MPs and
SPM in a typical freshwater body. Assuming a particle number concentration of 316 particles/1000 m³
for MP particles with a size of 1 mm (as found in the Danube River by Lechner et al.67), the average
distance between MP particles would be 1.8 m. In contrast, the mean distance to SPM, present with a
typical mass concentration of 30 mg/L (corresponding to 2.6 × 10particles/1000 m³, assuming a
density of 2.0 g/cm³ and a particle size of 0.1 mm) is equal to 2.0 × 10 m, approximately four orders
of magnitude less than the mean distance between MP particles.
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Figure 1: Overview of the most relevant transformation and transport processes affecting ENPs (black circles) and MPs (black
Developing analytical methods for characterization and monitoring
In case of particulate contaminants such as MPs and ENPs the characterization and quantification in
laboratory settings, technical products and natural environments has to go beyond total mass
quantification towards a more detailed analysis to reveal information on particle size (distribution),
possible coatings, shape and aggregation state.68,
improvements in terms of sensitivity and selectivity of microscopic, chromatographic and spectroscopic
instruments have led to the identification of promising approaches, which however often require a
pentagons) in aquatic systems. NOM: natural organic matter. The green clouds represent naturally-occurring suspended particulate matter (SPM).
For ENPs continuous developments and
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combination of complementary analytical techniques to elucidate the ENP characteristics (Figure 2).70
For example, particle size and particle composition of inorganic ENPs can be determined with a
hyphenation of field flow fractionation and element selective detectors such as inductively coupled
mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Further prominent methods to determine ENP size (distribution) include
electron microscopy (EM), light scattering and, most recently, single-particle inductively coupled mass
spectrometry (sp-ICP-MS) (Figure 2). A particular challenge is associated to the fact that the ENPs of
primary concern are those smaller than 10 nm, which are also the most difficult to analyze since most of
the analytical methods used are based on the detection of mass.71 The mass scales with the third order
to particle size, therefore a 50% reduction in particle size (for spheres) reduces the mass (and hence the
signal detected) by 87.5%. The broad size range of MPs ranging over three orders of magnitude or more
requires the use of a variety of techniques in order to cover the entire range of sizes (Figure 2). For MPs
the development of analytical strategies has so far been focusing on larger size particles (micrometer
range and above), where techniques such as sieving, optical microcopy and laser obscuration in
combination with Raman or Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy or thermoanalytical techniques
to determine particle composition (polymer type) were applied. Besides particle size and composition,
additives in the polymer might be of interest in the discussion of MP analysis. However, analytical
methods to analyze polymer additives are not considered in this Feature.
The listed techniques which are known from material science are considered as most promising to meet
the challenges (particle size and composition i.e. polymer type) for analysis of MPs in the size range >
50 µm in aquatic environmental samples.72 For MP size fractions < 50 µm similar challenges (selectivity
and sensitivity) as for ENPs arise for the development of analytical methods, where knowledge from
ENPs could be integrated (Table 1). The possible existence of nano-plastic particles may lead to a further
increase in similarities as encountered for the detection of ENPs above (Figure 2). For particle size
determination, field flow fractionation (FFF)73 or liquid chromatography74 techniques might be adapted,
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but will be challenged by particles > 1 µm. Detection techniques for analysis of organic ENPs
(determination of carbon-based ENPs, i.e. C60 fullerenes in environmental samples by atmospheric
photoionization with an Orbitrap high resolution MS) are not directly transferable to nano-plastic
analysis because of insufficient ionization of the polymer matrix. There is clearly a need to develop and
adapt polymer selective detectors (e.g. Raman spectroscopy hyphenated to particle size separation
techniques) in order to reveal the existence and fate of nano-sized MPs in environmental matrices.
Similar to ENPs, MP characterization in the presence of a particulate matrix (as often encountered in
natural systems and biota) requires sample preparation and/or highly specific and sensitive particle
analysis. For ENPs determination particle-by-particle analysis using high-resolution and element-specific
methods such as electron-microscopy or newly developed spectrometric techniques are under
discussion.75 Furthermore, suitable sample preparation strategies are critical to preserve ENP or MP
properties, and need to be developed on a case-by-case basis.70 For example, to extract particles from a
product or environmental matrix, harsh sample treatment strategies may result in a physical or chemical
alteration of particle properties or induce particle aggregation resulting in misleading size
measurements.76, 77
Although a huge effort is currently being directed to developing appropriate analytical protocols for
determining and characterizing levels of MP contamination in aquatic environments, there remain
significant discrepancies between different sets of published data due to a lack of standardization (of
analytical methods and definitions).78,
concentration units in which the occurrence of MPs in aqueous systems is reported. For marine surface
samples, these range from mass-based “grams per m3” to number-based “particles per m3” as well as to
surface area normalized concentrations “grams per m2” and “particles per m2”.80 The debate on
reporting particle number versus mass-based concentrations among the MP research community is
reminiscent of similar discussions with respect to ENPs.81 For ENPs, no final agreement on concentration
This is particularly evident from the broad variety of
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metrics has been found, but the discussion has resulted in an increased awareness of the challenges
associated with reporting properties of particulate contaminants.
244 245 246 247 248
Figure 2: Overview of relevant size ranges for ENPs, natural colloids, MPs and nano-plastics and available analytical techniques to characterize particles by size and/or composition. * only in combination with an energy dispersive x-ray detector (EDX) ** no direct measurement, calculated from mass measurements based on information on particle shape stoichiometry *** only in combination with element specific detection e.g. with ICP-MS
249 250
Designing representative laboratory experiments
Particulate contaminants require special considerations when it comes to designing adequate laboratory
experiments to investigate, for example, their behavior or toxicity. Since particles do not form solutions 14 ACS Paragon Plus Environment
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but more or less stable dispersions, their dispersion stability needs to be controlled in the experimental
set-ups. The dispersion stability will depend on both the properties of the particles and of the medium40
as well as the particle concentration. At high ionic strength for example, ENPs are prone to aggregation
since the dissolved ions in solution effectively screen the repulsive charges on the ENP surfaces and
promote aggregation. In systems where their surface charge is important enough to provide
electrostatic stabilization against aggregation, the ENPs form stable dispersions, whose movement is
dominated by Brownian motion and sedimentation is prevented, even in non-stirred systems (Figure
3a). MPs on the other hand, which are often characterized by a lower density and larger sizes, may float
in the aquatic media, possibly leading to inhomogeneities in non-stirred systems (Figure 3b). Even in
cases where MPs have a density larger than water, stirring would be required to avoid sedimentation
due to increased gravitational settling of large and dense particles (Figure 3c).
265 266 267 268
Figure 3: Schematic representation of ENPs and MPs in laboratory experiments. The effect of particle size and density is depicted by comparing small particles (nanometer scale) of high density (a), large particles of low density (b) and large particles with high density. Experiments using realistic particle concentrations often fall below analytical detection thresholds (d), while suspensions with concentrations high enough to be detected are prone to fast particle aggregation (e).
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The strong influence that the properties of the surrounding aquatic medium exert on the behavior of
particulate contaminants needs to be taken into consideration. Important aspects of ENP fate
assessment are i) the use of well-defined aquatic media that are complex enough to be representative
of environmental conditions but can be reproduced in standard laboratories,41,
knowledge of the ENP characteristics. This will be equally important in similar investigations for MPs. An
additional challenge, which may be relevant for both ENPs and MPs is the fact that laboratory
experiments typically require the use of particle concentrations that are orders of magnitude greater
than those likely to be found in natural environments,12 because the detection limits of currently
available analytical methods make it impossible to work at realistic concentrations (Figure 3d).70
However, using unrealistically high particle concentrations leads to an exaggerated importance of
homoaggregation in laboratory experiments (Figure 3e) relative to realistic scenarios, which needs to be
critically accounted for in the experiment interpretation. Techniques used to keep ENPs in a state of
dispersion (e.g. sonication, or the addition of NOM or other stabilizers) may be transferrable to MPs.
This is expected to be especially relevant for the smaller MPs and nano-plastics that are particularly
prone to aggregation, whereas larger particles (> 10 µm) are likely to form looser aggregates which are
more affected by shear forces than by surface effects.
Another important topic is the effect of particle ageing (i.e. a result of one or more physical or chemical
transformations during their life cycle) on ENP behavior.83,
synthesized for laboratory experiments, and which have been used in most studies to date, may often
not be a good representative of the ENP encountered in real environments. Consequently, including
aged ENPs in fate and toxicity testing protocols is being suggested increasingly.85,
considerations are highly relevant as well, since the well-defined MP particles typically used in
laboratory experiments to date are likely not representative of the MPs found in nature and having
undergone various fragmentation and ageing steps.12 Fragmentation is a less relevant process for the
and ii) a detailed
Pristine ENPs, as can be purchased or
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For MPs these
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fate of individual ENPs. However it may play a significant role for the release of ENPs from nano-enabled
products and materials. Concepts to quantify release of ENPs due to fragmentation of the product in
different life-cycle stages have been addressed in various guidelines.87 These concepts can potentially be
adapted for fragmentation of plastic material under environmental conditions.
The way forward with MPs
Given their particulate nature, which significantly distinguishes both ENPs and MPs from dissolved
contaminants and meanwhile represents their strongest commonality, it is clear that knowledge from
ENPs fate research can be transferred to MPs based on their similarities (Table 1). The advances made in
ENP exposure assessment, both with respect to the tools and methods developed as well as the
experience in handling particulate contaminants, can serve as a strong basis for developing exposure
assessment approaches for MPs. With this example, the importance of interdisciplinary research teams
becomes apparent. By omitting, or not actively seeking, a greater involvement of researchers from other
related disciplines such as polymer/material, colloid/nano sciences and hydrology the MP research
community would certainly be missing out on a significant contribution that could help to provide
improved, faster, and more efficient MP environmental fate, exposure and risk assessment. Most
recently, there have been first signs of explicit discussions on how knowledge of ENP research could be
integrated into MP ecology24, toxicity23 environmental fate modelling20, and food safety.88 Based on our
analysis above, the most pressing research priorities in MPs exposure assessment to be addressed by
interdisciplinary approaches can be summarized as:
Investigation of fragmentation processes of macroplastics and rates of secondary MP
formation under various natural conditions are important to account for relevant MP source
and emission pathways and asses their environmental fate,
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Investigation of MP heteroaggregation to obtain MP-specific attachment efficiencies and heteroaggregate break-up rates,
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Evaluation of the leaching of additives, and their effects on particle properties and ecosystems,
Definition of particle size distribution range(s) and related biological and chemical relevance
for the environment would facilitate the development of analytical methods and monitoring
Establishment of an analytical framework, which sets analytical techniques for defined
particle size fractions and analytical parameters (e.g. the use of FT-infrared microscopy for
screening of larger MPs and, if positive, analysis of smaller sizes by Raman microscopy),
Definition of protocols for stable MP dispersions accounting for the large variety of MP
particle properties and sizes is required to design representative and comparable laboratory
MPs and ENPs clearly have strong similarities based on their particulate nature. Many of the strategies
developed for ENPs can serve as a solid starting point for addressing research questions related to MP
occurrence and fate in the environments, for the design of appropriate laboratory and analytical
methods and can help direct research efforts for MP exposure assessment in (aquatic) environments. At
the same time several details need to be uncovered specifically for MPs and have been highlighted in
the distinct research priorities listed above.
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Author Information
Corresponding author:
[email protected] (T.H.);
[email protected] (F.v.d.K)
339 340
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
342 343
We thank Gabriel Sigmund for his helpful comments and discussions.
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Thorsten Hüffer works as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Environmental Geosciences at
the University of Vienna, focusing on investigations into the phase transfer processes of organic
compounds in natural environments and on analytical preconcentration techniques. He is also head of
the expert committee on “Plastics in the aquatic environment” within the German Water Chemistry
Antonia Praetorius is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Environmental Geosciences and
the Nano-Norms-Nature Research Platform at the University of Vienna. Her research focuses on
assessing and modeling the fate of engineered nanoparticles in natural environments and on
interdisciplinary approaches to a sustainable development of nanotechnology.
Stephan Wagner is a researcher at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Helmholtz-Centre for
Environmental Research – UFZ, in Leipzig. His research focuses on the development of analytical
methods for nanomaterials in consumer products and various environments within the context of risk
assessment and the regulatory framework.
Frank von der Kammer is currently Vice-Head of the Department for Environmental Geosciences, Senior
Scientist and Research Faculty at the University of Vienna. His research interests include environmental
colloids, their dynamic behavior and interaction with trace elements, natural nano-scale processes, and
nanoparticle characterization in complex samples.
Thilo Hofmann is Professor for Environmental Geosciences (Chair) at the University of Vienna. His main
research interests are the behavior of organic contaminants in sediments and soils, interactions with
nanomaterials, colloid-bound contaminant transport, and the environmental relevance of engineered
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Figure 1: Overview of the most relevant transformation and transport processes affecting ENPs (black circles) and MPs (black pentagons) in aquatic systems. NOM: natural organic matter. The green clouds represent naturally-occurring suspended particulate matter (SPM). 157x142mm (300 x 300 DPI)
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Figure 3: Schematic representation of ENPs and MPs in laboratory experiments. The effect of particle size and density is depicted by comparing small particles (nanometer scale) of high density (a), large particles of low density (b) and large particles with high density. Experiments using realistic particle concentrations often fall below analytical detection thresholds (d), while suspensions with concentrations high enough to be detected are prone to fast particle aggregation (e). 80x30mm (300 x 300 DPI)
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