Buy α Waters Ion Chromatograph, and get more than just an instrument.
In-depth applications develop ment. ..responsive customer support and service...20 years of chromatography expertise. The same qualities that established our world leadership in HPLC are a part of every Waters ILC Series Ion/Liquid Chromatograph. The result of our commitment is advanced Ion Chromatography capabilities. Now you can change selectivity without switching columns—just by changing eluents. Routinely quantitate ions at subppb levels. Analyze a wider range of ions without added sys tem complexity (no expensive post-column chemistries required). Our worldwide support network includes a dedicated group of ion chromatographers and over 300
l.F2.CO,-2 3.CI4. ΝΙΟ,5. Br6. N C V 7. HPO. 8.SCV'
13 ppb 93ppb 20 ppb 4 0 ppb 4 0 ppb 4 0 ppb 6 0 ppb 40 ppb
l.SiOj -' 2.CI3.CN4. Br 5. N 0 3 o.COj-2 7.SO,2
3 ppm 4 ppm 1 0 ppm 10 ppm 25 ppm 25 ppm 50 ppm
Eight anions d e t e r m i n e d at low p p b levels (A); by s i m p l y c h a n g i n g eluents on the same c o l u m n , y o u can also deter mine silicate a n d cyanide (B). CIRCLE 231 ON READER SERVICE CARD
technical, sales and field service personnel. Together, they have provided answers for a broad spec trum of application problems. To learn more about how Waters Ion Chromatography expertise can go to work for you, please call the Ion Chromatography Hotline at (61 7) 478-2000, ext. 2500. In Canada, call 1-800-268-4881. Or write to the Ion Chromatography Group, Millipore Corporation, Waters Chromatography Division, 34 Maple Street, Milford, M A 01757.
MILLIPORE Waters Chromatography Division