mine silicate and cyanide (B). technical, sales and field service personnel. ... 34 Maple Street, Milford, MA. 01757,. MILLIPORE. Waters Chromatograph...
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Buy α Waters Ion Chromatograph, and get more than just an instrument.


In-depth applications develop­ ment. ..responsive customer support and service...20 years of chromatography expertise. The same qualities that established our world leadership in HPLC are a part of every Waters ILC Series Ion/Liquid Chromatograph. The result of our commitment is advanced Ion Chromatography capabilities. Now you can change selectivity without switching columns—just by changing eluents. Routinely quantitate ions at subppb levels. Analyze a wider range of ions without added sys­ tem complexity (no expensive post-column chemistries required). Our worldwide support network includes a dedicated group of ion chromatographers and over 300

l.F2.CO,-2 3.CI4. ΝΙΟ,5. Br6. N C V 7. HPO. 8.SCV'

13 ppb 93ppb 20 ppb 4 0 ppb 4 0 ppb 4 0 ppb 6 0 ppb 40 ppb

l.SiOj -' 2.CI3.CN4. Br 5. N 0 3 o.COj-2 7.SO,2

3 ppm 4 ppm 1 0 ppm 10 ppm 25 ppm 25 ppm 50 ppm

Eight anions d e t e r m i n e d at low p p b levels (A); by s i m p l y c h a n g i n g eluents on the same c o l u m n , y o u can also deter­ mine silicate a n d cyanide (B). CIRCLE 231 ON READER SERVICE CARD

technical, sales and field service personnel. Together, they have provided answers for a broad spec­ trum of application problems. To learn more about how Waters Ion Chromatography expertise can go to work for you, please call the Ion Chromatography Hotline at (61 7) 478-2000, ext. 2500. In Canada, call 1-800-268-4881. Or write to the Ion Chromatography Group, Millipore Corporation, Waters Chromatography Division, 34 Maple Street, Milford, M A 01757.

MILLIPORE Waters Chromatography Division