Minimally Invasive Characterization of Covalent Monolayer Sheets

Mar 24, 2015 - Synthetic covalent monolayer sheets and their subclass, two-dimensional polymers are of particular interest in materials science becaus...
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 ski,† Andri P. Schu¨tz,‡ Marco Servalli,‡ Tim Hungerland,‡ Lothar Opilik,† Payam Payamyar,‡ Jacek Szczerbin A. Dieter Schlu¨ter,‡ and Renato Zenobi*,†


Minimally Invasive Characterization of Covalent Monolayer Sheets Using Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy †

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland and ‡Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry, Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland

ABSTRACT Synthetic covalent monolayer sheets and their subclass, two-

dimensional polymers are of particular interest in materials science because of their special dimensionality which renders them very different from any bulk matter. However, structural analysis of such entities is rather challenging, and there is a clear need for additional analytical methods. The present study shows how tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) can be performed on monomer monolayers and the covalent sheets prepared from them by [4 þ 4]-cycloaddition to explore rather complex structural and mechanistic issues. TERS is a surface analytical method that combines the high lateral resolution of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) with a greatly enhanced Raman scattering intensity. The high spatial resolution (4000) compared to confocal Raman microscopy provides new insights into the formation of this new and exciting material, namely significant consumption of the reactive units (anthracenes) and exclusion of the alternative [4 þ 2]-cycloaddition. Moreover, due to the high lateral resolution, it was possible to find a first spectroscopic hint for step growth as the dominant mechanism in the formation of these novel monolayer sheets. In addition, TERS was used to get first insights into the phase behavior of a comonomer mixture. KEYWORDS: tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy . TERS . 2D polymer . covalent monolayer . anthracene dimerization . nanoscale . imaging


ethods to obtain single sheets of layered inorganic materials (graphene, MoS2, etc.) are, e.g., micromechanical cleavage of the layered crystals1 or chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on heated surfaces.2 Even though thermolytic synthesis can result in large sheets,3 it lacks the control of an organic synthesis approach, in particular in terms of functionality on the molecular level. Bottomup synthesis of large one-repetition-unit thin sheets is challenging, and doing it in a controlled fashion would open up new possibilities to tailor their properties for different purposes, e.g., as molecular sieves,4 pressure sensors,5 or 2D scaffolds for molecular ordering. The first experimental realizations were based on photochemical solid-state polymerization in preordered monomer crystals.6,7 Because synthetic molecular sheets obtained after delamination from these crystals are not larger than a few micrometers, the synthesis of more OPILIK ET AL.

extended covalent monolayers requires another approach. Recently, it was demonstrated that this can be accomplished by anthracene dimerization of compressed amphiphilic monomer units (see Figure 1) at an airwater interface.810 The procedure can be carried out at room temperature and results in extended free-standing sheets. However, compared to the crystal approaches, suitable analytical methods to investigate the internal structure of these individual sheets are scarce. Powerful methods such as high-resolution transmission electron microscopy,6 scanning probe microscopy,6,11,12 X-ray diffraction,6,11,12 solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy,12 infrared spectroscopy,7,11,12 and Raman spectroscopy11 that can be used for crystal analysis are normally not suitable for the analysis of single molecular sheets. Some dedicated methods with single-sheet sensitivity exist, such as, e.g., grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD) and infrared VOL. XXX


* Address correspondence to [email protected]. Received for review January 28, 2015 and accepted March 24, 2015. Published online 10.1021/acsnano.5b00629 C XXXX American Chemical Society




ARTICLE Figure 1. Amphiphilic and shape-persistent trifunctional monomer 1 (a) and monomer 2 (b). The photochemically reactive sites (anthracene moieties) are ideally positioned at an angle of 120° with respect to each other. The reaction scheme (c) shows the reversible photochemical anthracene dimerization (UV radiation with λ1 = c/ν1 > 300 nm leads to dimerization, whereas UV radiation with λ2 = c/ν2 < 300 nm leads to photodissociation).20,21

reflectionabsorption (IRRA) spectroscopy;1315 however, these methods only provide limited lateral information. Electron microscopy and scanning probe microscopy are powerful methods to visualize structures that are far beyond the resolving power of an optical microscope. However, these methods do not give much information on the chemical composition. Moreover, the molecularly thin organic sheets are particularly sensitive to electron beam damage, restricting the acquisition of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images. Confocal Raman spectroscopy can give detailed spectroscopic information with a lateral resolution down to approximately 200 nm at optical frequencies. Unfortunately, the typically low Raman cross-sections of most materials require strong laser irradiation and/or very long measurement times, which in the cases of molecularly thin sheets makes it almost impossible to obtain a spectrum at all. Enhancement of the Raman scattered light by metallic nanostructures (as in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, SERS) solves this issue. Our implementation (TERS) utilizes a scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) tip as the enhancing nanostructure. This approach combines the enhancement with a greatly increased lateral resolution below the optical diffraction limit.16,17 This gives the possibility of obtaining Raman spectra from very few or even single molecules18 and to localize nanometer sized structural differences (e.g., defects in single-layer graphene) with high precision.19 In the present study, TERS was used to probe the internal structure of novel covalent monomolecular OPILIK ET AL.

sheets produced at the airwater interface by photoinduced anthracene dimerization between trifunctional monomers (see Figure 1). High-quality vibrational spectra from single/few layers of synthetic covalent monomolecular sheets are obtained. The spectra indicate that a significant fraction of the anthracene is consumed and potential side reactions can be excluded (e.g., [4 þ 2] cycloaddition between anthracene and alkyne). The spatial information from the TERS imaging experiments indicates that the remaining Raman intensity from unreacted anthracenes cannot be attributed to islands of unreacted monomers but is more or less homogeneously distributed (down to a lateral resolution of approximately 100 nm). Moreover, a first attempt was made to investigate mixed monolayers in two dimensions by this method. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In order to evaluate the expected changes in the vibrational fingerprint spectrum upon polymerization, density functional theory (DFT) calculations of two model compounds were carried out (see Figure 2). The obtained theoretical spectra are in good agreement with the experimental Raman spectra from similar model compounds shown recently by Kissel et al.6 A strong Raman band close to 2200 cm1 corresponding to the triple bond stretching vibrations is observed for both model compounds but is omitted for better visibility of the spectral range below 1800 cm1. Raman bands that could be used for clear spectroscopic differentiation are marked with dashed lines. It VOL. XXX






Figure 2. Theoretical Raman spectra of the indicated model compounds for the monomer molecule with intact anthracene moieties (a) and the covalent monolayer with dimerized anthracene moieties (b).

is apparent that the two most prominent peaks in the Raman spectrum for the unreacted monomer model compound (Figure 2a) at 1362 and 1546 cm1 can be assigned to anthracene CdC stretching vibrations, whereas these modes are absent in the spectrum of the dimer model compound. In addition, the other indicated modes at 817, 1027, and 1433 cm1 are dominated by anthracene vibrations. All these modes are clearly absent in the Raman spectrum of the dimer model (Figure 2b) and are therefore expected to disappear upon polymerization. The differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy image in Figure 3 shows the typical surface coverage of the covalent monolayer on gold after 3-fold deposition (see the Methods). It is possible to discern the covalent monolayers because of the clear contrast at the edges. The surface coverage is fairly high, and large sheets with a size in the range of a few hundred micrometers are observed. Few areas with a slightly darker appearance most likely indicate multilayers. Similar surface coverages were observed in the case of unreacted monomer layer deposition. Confocal Raman spectra from single/few layers of the monomer on 300 nm SiO2/Si substrates before and after irradiation only exhibit weak spectral features, even for an acquisition time of 30 min at 1.7 mW using 632.8 nm excitation, which does not allow any spectroscopic differentiation of the sheets before and after reaction because anthracene vibrational modes are almost completely missing in both cases (see Figure S1, Supporting Information). However, with a freshly prepared sharp silver tip in close proximity to the sample surface (maintained by STM feedback), Raman spectra exhibiting the characteristic peaks (including anthracene vibrational modes) were observed with a much lower laser power (30 μW) and a collection time of only 3 s. Figure 4 shows a typical tip-enhanced Raman spectrum from a nonirradiated monomer monolayer obtained after 3-fold deposition on gold. Direct comparison of the intensity of the triple-bond stretching vibration in a representative tip-enhanced Raman and a confocal Raman spectrum taking the OPILIK ET AL.

Figure 3. Differential interference contrast microscopy image of a covalent monolayer sheet after 3-fold deposition on a gold substrate. Individual layers can be recognized due to the clear contrast at the edges. The scale bar indicates 100 μm.

Figure 4. Tip-enhanced Raman spectrum from the monomer layer on gold (3-fold deposition). The observed spectral features correspond well to the theoretical spectra predicted by DFT calculations (see Figure 2).

different laser powers and acquisition times into account gives a contrast factor of >4000. By scanning the tip across extended areas of the sample surface, spectroscopic images of the transferred monomer layers can be obtained. Figure 5a shows the sum of 1024 spectra from a 16 μm  16 μm TERS map performed on a nonirradiated monomer layer on gold. The spectrum shows a high resemblance with the theoretical Raman spectrum (see Figure 2). The high abundance of the peaks at 1383 and 1562 cm1 corresponding to anthracene vibrations indicate that the tightly packed monomers carry intact anthracene moieties. This result is in conflict with the results of the abovementioned confocal Raman measurements, where the anthracene modes were hardly observable. The reason could be that the high incident power and long acquisition time required to obtain the confocal Raman spectra alters the sample. It could, for example, be that despite the fact that the excitation wavelength of 632.8 nm is far away from the absorption band of the monomer,8 the high energy flux leads to an anthracene dimerization or possible side reactions (e.g., reaction with dioxygen22). This finding is a clear indication that TERS is a less invasive analytical method for VOL. XXX





investigation of covalent monolayers than confocal Raman microscopy. In other words, TERS does not alter the specimen as much as Raman microscopy does, and consequently allows to probe these delicate molecule layers in a state close to native. Various examples where the applied analytical technique can cause changes in the investigated sample are known.23,24 Moreover, the peaks at 1004 cm1 (benzene ring breathing mode) and 2207 cm1 (triple bond stretching) indicate integrity of the transferred molecules. Dimerization of neighboring molecules was induced by irradiation of a packed monomer monolayer with a 455 nm LED for 18 h directly on the Langmuir trough. This was followed by transfer to a gold substrate (see Figure 3). Raman imaging experiments on the sheets were performed the same way as for the unreacted monomer layers. The accumulated tip-enhanced Raman spectra (1024 individual spectra) from two different sample positions are shown in Figure 5b,c. A significant decrease in relative peak intensity for the characteristic anthracene bands at 1383 and 1562 cm1 was observed (indicated with arrows in Figure 5). Additional changes include a decrease in relative peak intensity for the anthracene ring breathing mode at 833 cm1, the anthracene CH scissoring OPILIK ET AL.





Figure 5. Accumulated spectrum from a TERS map of a nonirradiated 3-fold deposited monomer layer on gold (a) and accumulated spectra from two TERS maps of a 3-fold deposited monomer layer after irradiation with a 455 nm LED for 18 h (b, c). The arrows indicate the decrease in relative intensity of the most abundant anthracene vibrational modes. All maps have a size of 32  32 pixels and were performed on 16 μm  16 μm and 20 μm  20 μm areas, respectively. The spectra are offset for better visibility, and spectrum (a) was scaled in intensity with a factor of 1.5 for better comparability.

mode at 1040 cm1, and the anthracene CH rocking/ CdC stretching vibration at 1450 cm1. These observations are in agreement with the expected changes highlighted in the calculated spectra (see Figure 2). The residual intensity for the anthracene vibrational modes indicates the presence of unreacted anthracene units within the formed sheets. Payamyar et al. recently observed complete disappearance of the red-shifted anthracene fluorescence after 2 h irradiation at λ = 373 nm based on in situ measurements at the air/water interface.8 This discrepancy is most likely caused by the 2 orders of magnitude lower photon flux used in the present study resulting in an incomplete photochemical reaction even after 18 h irradiation. A well-known competitive reaction to anthracene dimerization is its oxidation through a [4 þ 2] photoaddition. With the evidence that netpoint formation even occurred at high oxygen levels, Payamyar et al. showed that the oxidation product is not competitive with photodimerization.8 Spectroscopic analysis would in principle allow a more quantitative evaluation of the dimer to oxide ratio. For TERS, a spectral signature of the oxidation product is expected at approximately 1650 cm1 (CdO stretching vibration) and was not observed. However, it could be obstructed by the broad peak at 1595 cm1 (benzene CdC stretching vibration). The possible competing light-induced [4 þ 2] cycloaddition between anthracene and the alkyne functionality6 can be excluded because the relative triple bond peak intensity is essentially unchanged after irradiation. The preference for the [4 þ 4] cycloaddition is most likely of steric nature and caused by the close stacking of the anthracene moieties on the Langmuir trough (supported by the observation of excimer fluorescence8). No vibrational modes related to the newly formed bonds between the two anthracene moieties (expected at 892 and 841 cm1) were observed. One reason could be that the sheets formed are amorphous, which would imply that no discrete vibrational mode for the newly formed CC bonds would be expected. Another reason could be that the vibrational modes of these newly formed bonds oriented parallel to the sample surface are not as effectively enhanced as modes that are oriented perpendicular to the surface and thus more prominent in the spectra. A similar finding was recently reported on single-layer graphene imaged with the same TERS configuration.19 In a next step, we used the spatial information encoded in TERS maps. To prove that TERS imaging on the covalent monolayers actually probes the local chemical composition, an imaging experiment was conducted at the edge of one of the covalent sheets. A Raman intensity image (32 pixels  32 pixels, 4 μm  4 μm) evaluated for the triple-bond stretching vibration is shown in Figure 6. The distance between two subsequent points is 129 nm. The immediate drop in




Figure 6. Raman intensity image of the triple bond stretching vibration across the edge of a covalent sheet on gold.

Raman intensity at the edge (from one point to the next) indicates that the actual lateral resolution is below the optical diffraction limit at the used wavelength (a spectroscopic image across the film edge with an even smaller step size of 60 nm is shown in Figure S2 in the Supporting Information). In order to investigate the spatial distribution of the residual anthracene moieties indicated by the residual peak intensities at 1383 and 1562 cm1 in the accumulated spectrum in Figure 5b, the ratio of the two neighboring peaks at 1562 and 1595 cm1 was evaluated at every position of the map, only taking into account peaks with an intensity above the three times noise criterion. A well-defined Gaussian distribution of the peak ratio of 0.75 ( 0.18 was found (for the 18 h irradiated sample), which is significantly below the ratio of 1.29 ( 0.40 found for the nonirradiated monomer monolayer (see Figures S3 and S5 in the Supporting Information). This finding suggests a homogeneous consumption of anthracene within the sheet. To look into this in more detail, a TERS map with a smaller step size (103 nm) was performed on a layer (one-time transfer) that had only been irradiated for 20 min at 455 nm. The observed peak ratio distribution was again found to be well-approximated by a Gaussian function with a value of 0.94 ( 0.24 (see Figure S4 in the Supporting Information). The fact that the anthracene consumption is reflected in well-defined peakratio distributions at all investigated stages of the reaction is an indication that the formation of the covalent sheets probably happens with a step-growth mechanism. In the case of a chain-growth mechanism, a less defined intensity distribution would be expected (if the lateral resolution is high enough) with more values at the initial peak ratio of the unreacted monomer. However, a reliable examination would require spectroscopic analysis down to the single molecule level which has not been possible so far. An example where the spatial information provided by TERS imaging is of particular value is the spectroscopic analysis of mixed monomer monolayers. When considering a binary mixture of monomers 1 and 2 OPILIK ET AL.

Figure 7. Theoretical Raman spectra of model compounds for the two premixed monomers with an anthracene (a) and an 1,8-diazaanthracene (b) moiety, respectively.

Figure 8. Accumulated spectrum from a TERS map with 32  32 pixels on a 20 μm  20 μm area of a 1:1 mixed monolayer of monomers 1 and 2 (b) compared to the accumulated spectrum of a pure 3-fold deposited monomer 1 layer (a). The spectra are offset for better visibility, and spectrum a was scaled in intensity with a factor of 10 for better comparability.

(see Figure 1), the phase behavior on the Langmuir trough will predetermine the structure of the resulting two-dimensional copolymer.10 We made a first attempt to study a binary mixture of monomers 1 and 2 in a molar ratio of 1:1 by performing a TERS imaging experiment on a premixed monomer layer prepared on a Langmuir trough and transferred to a gold substrate by one-time transfer. Figure 7 shows the predicted Raman spectra of the corresponding model compounds. Spectroscopic contrast is given by a shift of one of the anthracene CdC (respectively CdN) stretching vibrations to a lower wavenumber (namely 1325 cm1) because of strong involvement of the nitrogen atoms. Differentiation is also possible based on the additional peak at 1455 cm1, which corresponds to a vibrational mode with strong involvement of the additional methyl group at the 9-position of anthracene. TERS imaging on a 1:1 mixed monolayer of monomers 1 and 2 was performed on a 20 μm  20 μm area (32  32 pixels), and the resulting accumulated spectrum is shown in Figure 8b. Direct comparison to the accumulated spectrum from the pure monomer 1 layer (Figure 8a) indicates a significant decrease in intensity of the two anthracene CdC stretching modes. Moreover, VOL. XXX






Figure 9. Tip-enhanced Raman spectra extracted from the map underlying the accumulated spectrum in Figure 8. Few spectra show a particularly strong peak at 1330 cm1 (a), whereas in the other spectra (b), this peak is only of moderate intensity. The spectra are offset for better visibility.

additional modes are observed at 1330, 1341, and 1462 cm1, which can be assigned to monomer 2 vibrations (see Figure 7). It is again possible to perform a spatial analysis similar to the one applied for the pure monomer layers. The intensity ratio of the peaks at 1562 and 1595 cm1 shows a well-defined distribution of 0.83 ( 0.11 (see Figure S6 in the Supporting Information). The significantly lower ratio compared to the pure layer of monomer 1 can be explained by the fact that the two monomers appear to be homogeneously mixed on the sample surface (within the resolution limit). In the case of a heterogeneous distribution, ratios as observed for the pure monomer 1 layers would appear more frequently. Interestingly, some spectra exhibit a particularly intense peak at 1330 cm1, which can be attributed to a characteristic vibrational mode of monomer 2 (see above) (Figure 9). However, these spectra did not show any significant decrease in band intensity for the anthracene modes at 1383 and 1562 cm1. The particularly high peak intensity of the 1,8-diazaanthracene CdC/CdN stretching vibration at 1330 cm1 could be a result of a direct interaction of the nitrogen lone pair with silver atoms of the tip. This additional enhancement effect is known as chemical enhancement in the surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy literature.25 Work by Hayazawa et al. even reported splitting of the ring-breathing mode of

METHODS A Langmuir trough (Minitrough, KSV, Finland) was used to create monomer monolayers at the airwater interface (details can be found in Payamyar et al.8,10). A platinum Wilhelmy balance allowed us to monitor the surface pressure. In-plane polymerization was induced at a pressure of 20 mN/m by irradiating a circular area (Ø 12 cm) of the monolayer with a fiber-coupled 455 nm light emitting diode (300 mW, LEDMOD OEM, Omicron-Laserage Laserprodukte GmbH, Germany) for up to 18 h. Two different methods were used to transfer monomer monolayers and polymer sheets onto gold and 300 nm SiO2/Si


In the present study, TERS was used for the first time to obtain high signal-to-noise Raman spectra from single/few layers of a synthetic covalent sheet. The orders of magnitude higher sensitivity compared to confocal Raman microscopy allows to use acquisition times of a few seconds and laser powers in the low μW range, which significantly reduces invasiveness of the analytical method in the case of susceptible samples. A clear intensity decrease of the characteristic anthracene vibrations indicates successful dimerization of neighboring monomers within compressed layers on the Langmuir trough. The potential side reaction of a [4 þ 2] cycloaddition could be excluded on the basis of the rich spectroscopic information. The laterally resolved spectroscopic data shows a well-defined distribution of unreacted monomer units within a partially reacted layer based on individual spectra from