Minutes of Division of Industrial Chemises and ... - ACS Publications

Altering the Composition of Indian Corn by Seed Selection. By L. H. Smith. ... Perilla Oil. ... Report of Progress in a Study of the Maine Sardine Ind...
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A Method for the Separation of the Seven Coal Tar Colors when Occurring in Mixtures. By J. M. PRICE. Altering the Composition of Indian Corn by Seed Selection. By L. H. SMITH. Influence of Reaction of Culture Medium on Root Development of Wheat Seedlings. By J. F. BREAZEALE A N D J. A. LECLERC. The Study of True and Imitation Graham Flour. By J. A. LECLERCAND B. R. JACOBS. The Desiccation of Potatoes and the Uses of the Product. By C. C. MOORE. Marking of Porcelain and Silica Crucibles, etc. By P. A. YODER. Perilla Oil. By CHARLES Fox. Bacterial Activities in Frozen Soils. By P. E. BROWNA N D R. E. SMITH. Report of Progress in a Study of the Maine Sardine Industry. By H. H. HANSOX. The Index of Refraction of the Mixed Acids of Fatty Oils. By W. B. SMITH, The Profitable Application of Chemistry to the Milling Industry. By B. H. KEPNER. DIVISIOK O F PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY

B L. MURRAY,Chazrman F. R. ELDRBD, Secretary.

Our Advances and Retrogressions in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. By B. I,. MURRAY, Chairman‘s address. Smoking Opium: Its Manufacture and Chemical Composition. Exhibit-Samples and Smoking Outfit. By A. E. ADAMS A N D J. M. DORMAN. An Improved Method of Assay for Aromatic Sulfuric Acid. BY L I N W O O D A . BROWN. The Pharmacopoeial Requirements for Cannabis Sativa. BY H. C. HAMILTON. Notes on Cannabis Indica. BY H. C. HAMILTON. Progress on the Work of Revision of the United States Pharmacopoeia. BY JOSEPH P. REMINGTON. The Estimation of Morphine in Cough Syrups. BY A. D. THORBURN. Laboratory Studies of Rennin. BY A. ZIMMERMAS. The Bromine and Iodometric Methods for the Volumetric Estimation of Cresol. BY C. M. PEXCE. The Analysis of a Very Old Sample ot Powdered Gelsemium Root. BY L. E. SAYRE. A Bromine-Hydrobromic Acid Method for the Determination of Phenols. BY ATHERTONSEIDELL. Impurities of Anesthetic Chloroform and their Detection. BY CHARLESBASKERVILLE A N D W. A. HAMOR. The Influence of Patents and Trademarks on the United States Pharmacopoeia. BY M. I. WILBERT. The Estimation of Morphine in Pills, Tablets, Etc. B Y J. B. WILLIAMS. 0. TAYLOR. Notes on Mastic and Sandarac. BY FRANK The Alcohol Requirement of the Pure Food and Drug Law and the Accuracy of Alcohol Assays of Pharmaceutical Preparations. B Y C. H. BRIGGS. A Laboratory Study of Vegetable and Mineral Oils. BY FRED KLEIN. Comments on Tests of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, Eighth Revision. BY FREDERICK J. AUSTIN. Suggested Modifications to the U. S. P. Assay of Opium. BY R. NORRIS SHREVE. Some Unfamiliar Facts about Familiar ?Detergents. B Y F. P. DUNNINGTON. AND R. MINOR. Colocynth U. S. P. BY J. R. RIPPETOE Estimation of Antipyrine in Acetanilid or Acetphenetid in Mixtures. B Y W. 0. EMBRY.

Feb., 1912

Estimation of Codein in Acetanilid or Acetphenetidin Mixtures. B Y W. 0. EMERY. Standard for Tincture of Ginger. BY L. F. KEBLER. Estimating Small Quantities of Morphin in Mixtures. BY E. 0. EATON. Estimating Small Amounts of Nitroglycerin. BY A. G. hfURRL4Y Standards and Methods. BY L. F. KEBLER. DIVISION OF FERTILIZER CHEMISTRY


Fertilizer Chemistry-A Report of Progress. B Y PAUL RUDKICK,Chairman’s Address. The Effect of the “Wet Process” on the Availability of LowAND F. R . Grade NitrogenousMaterials. BY B. L. HARTWELL PEMBER. A Method for Testing Out Problems in Acid Phosphate Manufacture. B Y F. B. PORTER. Exact Work in Fertilizer Analysis. B Y I. K. PHELPS. Activity of Organic Nitrogen as Measured by the Alkaline Permanganate Method. BY C. H. JONES. Fertilizer Economics. BY H. G. BBLL The Sulfur Requirements of Crops in Relation to the Soil and Air Supply. B Y E. B. HART. Note on the Permanganate Methods for Availability of Organic Nitrogen. By J. P. STREET. Conductivity Method of Making Neutral Ammonium Citrate Solution. B Y A. J. PATTEN. Committee Reports. SECTION O F I N D L 4 RUBBER CHEMISTRY

D. A. CUTLER, Chairman. F. J. MAYWALD,Secretary.

Scientific Tests in Methods for Rubber Content in Raw and Vulcanized Rubber. B Y W. A . DUCCA. On Mineral Compounds Used in Rubber. BY S. P: THACHER. A Few Notes on Rubber Goods Used in Beet Sugar Factories. BY VICTORHANZLIK. The Treatment of Crude Rubbers. B Y F. R. PEABODY. Does the Acidity of Crude Rubber Indicate its Botanical Origin? BY DAVIDBLOOM. Apocynum Rubber. B Y CHARLES Fox. Report of Committee on Rubber Analysis. B Y CHARLES KNIGHT. Discussion on: Synthetic Rubber. Effects of Oils and Other Adulterants in Reclaiming Rubber. Uses of Ceylon Rubbers.


The Industrial Division met a t the McKinley Manual Training School, Washington, D. C., December 2 8 , 29 and 30, 1911, with the chairman, George D. Rosengarten, presiding. The Chairman reported for the Executive Committee that the Divisional Committees on Official Specifications and on Standard Methods of Technical Analysis were to be combined into one committee of five members, to be called Committee on Standard Specifications and Methods of Analysis ; that a scheme presented by the Secretary for the guidance of the committees of the Division was adopted; that the Committee on Definition of Trade Terms 1 Forty-fifth meeting, American Chemical Society, Washington,December, 1911.

Feb., 1912

THE J O UR,’\-AL OF I J V DG S T R I AL AiVD E l Y G f i - E E R I N G C H E - V I S T RY .

was to be continued for one year; and t h a t the financial report of the Secretary was approved. On vote, this report was accepted by the Division. The report of the Secretary was read and accepted upon the vote of the Division. This described the publication of circular letters, the by-laws and the directory of the Division, and reported upon its present financial condition.


Miscellaneous expenditures. . . . . $ 30.98 Printing of Directory (approx.) . . 100.00 Mailing of Directory. , . , . . . , . . 22.00 _ . ~ Total expenditures. , . . . . . . , . . . .$I j 2 . 9 8 Cash received from dues. . . . . .6.j.00 __ Deficit-December 26, 1911.. . . . .$8;.98 A motion of T. J , Parker, seconded by K , R. Whitney, was passed, instructing the Secretary to send bills to members for the Divisional dues, these bills to be marked “ Voluntary Contribution. ” Informal reports were received from the committees on. Analysis of Soap Products and Glycerine, Research Problems, Standard Methods of Technical Analysis. Reports were presented by the committees onDefinition of Trade Terms, Official Specifications, Special Compounds, and Professional Code of Ethics.

A proposal was made by Percy H. Walker that when the Division votes upon the acceptance of specifications proposed by the Committee on Standard Specifications and Methods of Analysis, the right of suffrage be limited t o representatives of consumers. After a spirited discussion: a motion by G. E. Barton was passed “ t h a t the vote on acceptance of specifications be limited neither to producers nor to consumers.” The Nominating Committee, consisting of IT-. R. Whitney, T. J . Parker and Percy H. Walker, reported on the officers for 1912,who were duly elected.

Chairvnapt, GEORGE D. ROSENGARTEN. Vzce-Chair-ina?t,GEORGE P. ADAMSON. Secretary, FRANCIS E. GALLAGHER. Executive COWiizittee: OFFICERS, M. C. WHITAKER, Ex oficio, \IT. H. WALKER,

s. w.P A R K ,


H. S.MINER. Program of papers listed elsewhere in this issue. I t was voted, on the motion of R. M. Shreve, that the paper b y Mr. Summers, entitled “ T h e Product Patent, ” be referred t o the American Chemical Society Committee on Patent and Related Legislation (Charles E. Munroe. chairman) for consideration. This committee is now considering patent legislation. One entire day was devoted to a very successful symposium on “Mineral Wastes and Conservation ”


under the leadership of Charles L. Parsons. A stenographic record of the papers and discussion will be published in the March issue of THISJ O U R N A L . A t the conclusion of the symposium, the appreciation of the Division was voted to Professor Parsons for arranging and conducting this very attractive feature. F. E. GALLAGHER, Secretary.

MINUTES OF DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD CHEMISTRY.’ Meeting was called to order by hIr. H. E. Barnard, Chairman of the Division. The folloxing papers were read: H . E . Barnard. Chairman’s Address. “A Study of the Pollution of the Ohio River Bordering Indiana.” TIi7. -4. TVzthcrs arid F . TI7. Sheruood. “A Modification of the Tiemann-Schulze Method.” B.L . MWYUJ,. “Determination of Small Amounts of Caffeine --A Comparison of Alethods.” IiV. H . Ross and R u j w o n d C. Heiixer. “The Filtration of Soil Solutions. New Filter for This and Similar Purposes.” J . F . Sizell. “An Electric Conductivity Test for Purity of Maple Syrup.” E m m a Craizdal. “The Composition of Free Oyster Liquid.” If. E . Bishop. “New Data on the Composition of Prepared Mustards.” .I. M. Price. “A Nethod for the Separation of the Seven Coal Tar Colors when Occurring in hlixtures.” J . .,I. L e Clerc a ~ B. d R. Jacobs. “The Study of True and Imitation Graham Flour.” C. C . Moore. “The Desiccation of Potatoes and the Uses of the Product.” I’. Yoder. “Marking of Porcelain and Silica Crucibles, ctc.” P . E.Brown and R. E . Smith. “Bacterial Activities in Frozen Soils.” H . H . Hanson. “Report of Progress in a Study of the Maine Sardine Industry.” The Executive Committee of the Division presented the following Tentative By-Laws t o govern its meeting, which matter had been referred t o this committee by the Division a t the Indianapolis meeting.


Tentatiee Uj,-La:L’.r ,+or the D k i s i o n o j Agriculture und Food Chemistry. rlrticle I .--iMemhershtp. Membership of the Division shall be open to all members of the American Chemical Society and any member of the Society shall upon request to the Sexetary of the Division be registered as a member of the Division. .4rticle a.-O,jicevs a?id Manlier of Election. I . The Officers of the Division shall be a Chairman, a ViceChairman, a Recording Secretary and a n Executive Committee. The Chairman, Vice-chairman and Recording Secretary shall be members of the Executive Committee, ez-officio. 2 . The Chairman of the Division shall be Chairman of the Executive Committee. 3. The Executive Committee shall consist of two members of the Division and the members, ex-ofiicio, provided by Section I of this article. 4. The Chairman at the first session o f the Division shall appoint a committee of three who shall present nominees for the offices. The officers shall be elected annually by ballot a t the last session of the Division held during the annual meeting of the Society, and shall take office a t the close of the meeting a t which they are elected. They shall hold office for one year 1 Forty-fifth General Meeting American Chemical Society, Washington, December, 191 1