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Fighting Fires Which Involve Chemicals. L. K. Arnold. andL. J. Murphy. Iowa State College of Agriculture and. Mechanic Arts Official Publication, July...
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processes in a volume of this size the information which is presented is of necessity very sketchy but each chapter is followed by a bibliography of the works which have been consulted so that source references are available t o the reader. The book is well printed on good paper. The reviewer has noted relatively few obvious errors. On page 33 the structural formula of cystine is wrong through an obvious error in typesetting; on page 59 the structural formula of nucleic acid does not agree with the generally accepted scheme of linkages, the union being given through the phosphoric acid groups rather than from carbohydrate t o phosphoric acid. Incidentally, a hexose is designated as the carbohydrate in the nucleic acid hut later he refers to the sugar as d-ribose. On page 62 carotin and xanthophyll are mentioned along with phycocyan and phycocrythrin as though they were chromo-proteins; on page 158 it is erroneously noted that adrenalin is the only hormone which has been synthesized (thyroxine has heen synthesized and the author gives the correct formula for thyroxine on p. 159 hut does not note that it has been prepared by synthesis); on p. 199 the ring structure of d-glucose is given in the 7-oxide form rather than the correct 6-oxide. However, the reviewer believes that such minor errors can he overlwked because of the merits of other features and recommends the book to those interested in the chemistry or chemical technology of products of animal origin. It may he added that one can find here much information as to the chemical composition and the source of many trade products which go into commerce under coined uames which do not afford the purchaser any idea as to the composition of the product in question. Ross A E E NGORTNRR ~






loma Slate College of Agricullure end Mechanic Arts Official Publication, July . 1, 1931. Bulletin No. 109. Engineerina , State Col.Extension S e ~ c e Iowa lege. Ames, Iowa. Free upon request. ~

This bulletin contains information on the following topics: Why Chemicals Are Hazardous; Fires Involving Chemicals, classified according to the industry in which they may occur; Dangerous Gases; Chemical Hazards from Liquids; and Dangerous Solids. Bibliography of Research Studies in Education: 1929-1930. Prepared in the Library Division Office of- ducati ion by EDITH A. WRIGHT. U. S. Dept. Interior, Bullctin, 1931, No. 13. U. S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington. D. C. (For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C.) xii 475 pp. 15 X 23 cm. $0.85.


High-School Libraries in Illinois. A. W. CLEVENOER, High-School Visitor, and C. W. ODELL,Assistant Director, Bureau of Educational Research, Illinois. Uniuersity of Illinois Bulletin, No. 57, Sept. 11, 1931. Urhana, Illinois, Sept. 11, 1931. 41 pp. 15 X 23 an. $0.30. This bulletin gives a summary of the actual conditions existing in the highschool libraries of Illinois, and includes suggestions and recommendations an library facilities and practices. Status of the Junior-College Instructor. JOHN T. WARLQursT, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. U. S. Dept. of the Interior, Pamphlct No. 20. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1931. (For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Washington, D. C.) 29 pp. 15 X 23 cm. $0.05.

This investigation covers the social, Fighting Fires Which Involve Chemicals. economic, professional, and legal status L. K. ARNOLDand L. J. MURPHY. of the junior-college instructor.