Mixed Surfactant Systems

Hall, D. G., 128. Hill, Randal M., 278. Holland, Paul M. ... City University of New York, 316. Colgate-Palmolive ... University of Blida, 255. Univers...
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Downloaded by COLUMBIA UNIV on February 16, 2013 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: September 8, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0501.ix001

Author Index Abe, Masahiko, 142 Ahn, Dong June, 342 Aoudia, Mohammed, 255 Baglioni, Piero, 180 Bauer, Mark, 210 Blankschtein, Daniel, 96 Bunton, Clifford Α., 227 Christian, Sherril D., 45,244 Clapperton, R. M., 268 Couzis, Alexander, 354 Davidson, C , 128 Dei, Luigi, 180 Dennis, Edward Α., 416 Dubin, Paul L., 234 Franses, Elias I., 342 Fu, Edward, 366 Fung, Bing M., 244 Ghoulam, M. Ben, 165 Graciaa, Α., 165 Gulari, Erdogan, 354 Guo, Wen, 244 Guzman, Erika K., 244 Hall, D. G., 128 Hill, Randal M., 278 Holland, Paul M., 2,31,114,227,327 Hubig, Stephen M., 255 Igimi, Hirotsune, 301 Ikawa, Yoshitomi, 301 Ingram, B. T., 268 Kagimoto, Hisao, 301 Kevan, Larry, 180 Kwak, Jan C. T., 194

Lachaise, J., 165 Marangoni, D. Gerrard, 194 Meares, P., 128 Mehreteab, Ammanuel, 402 Mendiboure, B., 165 Miyoshi, Hidenori, 301 Nagadome, Shigemi, 301 Nagarajan, R., 54 Ogino, Keizo, 142 Ottewill, R. H., 268 Papke, B. L., 377 Puwada, Sudhakar, 96 Rennie, A. R., 268 Rivara-Minten, Elisabeth, 180 Rodenhiser, Andrew P., 194 Rosen, Milton J., 316 Rubingh, Donn N., 2,210 Scamehorn, John F., 45,392 Schechter, Robert S., 165,255 Shibata, Osamu, 301 Somasundaran, P., 366 Sugihara, Gohsuke, 301 Taylor, J., 128 Thomas, Jill M., 194 Tucker, Ε. E., 45 Wade, William H., 255 Wright, Sally, 227 Wyn-Jones, E., 128 Xia, Jiulin, 234 Xu, Qun, 366 Zana, R., 292 Zhang, Huiwen, 234

Affiliation Index Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 292 Centre Universitaire de Recherche Scientifique, 165 City University of New York, 316 Colgate-Palmolive Company, 402 Columbia University, 366 Dalhousie University, 194 Dow Corning Corporation, 278 Fukuoka University, 301 General Research Corporation, 2,31,114,227,327 Indiana University, 234 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 96 Pennsylvania State University, 54 The Procter & Gamble Company, 2,210 Procter & Gamble Limited, 268 Purdue University, 342

Science University of Tokyo, 142 Texaco Research Center, 377 Unilever Research Port Sunlight Laboratory, 128 University of Aberdeen, 128 University of Blida, 255 University of Bristol, 268 University of California—San Diego, 416 University of California—Santa Barbara, 227 University of Casablanca, 165 University of Florence, 180 University of Geneve, 180 University of Houston, 180 University of Michigan, 354 University of Oklahoma, 45,244,392 University of Salford, 128 University of Texas, 165,255


In Mixed Surfactant Systems; Holland, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.