Mixed Valence Self-Assembled Monolayers: Electrostatic

May 8, 2008 - Mixed Valence Self-Assembled Monolayers: Electrostatic Polarizabilities of the Mixed Valence States. John C. Goeltz and Clifford P. Kubi...
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2008, 112, 8114–8116 Published on Web 05/08/2008

Mixed Valence Self-Assembled Monolayers: Electrostatic Polarizabilities of the Mixed Valence States John C. Goeltz and Clifford P. Kubiak* Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UniVersity of California San Diego, 9500 Gilman DriVe, M/C 0358, La Jolla, California 92093-0358 ReceiVed: March 13, 2008; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: April 24, 2008

Kelvin probe force microscopy is used to examine the electronic polarizability of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of mixed valence species. Tetrathiafulvalene (TTF)-based SAMs exhibit much greater polarizability in the delocalized monocationic state. A TTF+PF6- SAM exhibits 61% of the capacitance of the neutral SAM, and a charge transfer complex with tetracyanoethylene exhibits 63%. The large difference relative to the neutral SAM is attributed to the delocalized electronic charge in the mixed valence cation, which creates an internal dipolar field that offsets the applied electric field. Comparison of ferrocene- and ferroceniumbased monolayers shows that the major contribution to the polarizability of the TTF system is the delocalized electronic structure and not the charge-separated ionic state. The transfer of information to and from single molecules via external physical probes remains the key challenge to the realization of functional molecular devices.1 Here, we describe studies of the electronic delocalization of mixed valence ions organized in self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) and probed by Kelvin probe force microscopy (KFM). Mixed valency and electronic delocalization in small molecules have been the subjects of considerable theoretical and experimental work.2–6 Despite the many proposed applications of the electronic bistability and potentially very fast exchange times of mixed valence ions, little has been reported about their response to an applied electric field in oriented monolayers.7–9 The following line of experiments was used to study the effects of mixed valency on the electrical polarizability of a tetrathiafulvalene (TTF)-based self-assembled monolayer on a gold surface. In general, mixed valence ions are classified in the Robin-Day scheme.10 The electric polarizability (i.e., response to an electric field) is expected to be greatest in a Robin-Day class III (delocalized) system. The mixed valence ion TTF+ has been assigned as a Robin-Day class III system,3,4 and charge-transfer complexes with π-acceptors such as tetracyanoquinodimethane and tetracyanoethylene have been studied.11 The neutral molecule 1 (Figure 1) was synthesized according to literature procedures12,13 and deposited as a SAM on flame-annealed Au surfaces from 0.1 mM MeCN solutions over >48 h. The mixed valence ion 1+ was then prepared from SAMs of neutral 1 by exposing the surface to ∼10 mM ferrocenium hexafluorophosphate in CH2Cl2. The partially charge separated (charge transfer) complex, 1-TCNE, was codeposited from 0.1 mM 1 and 1 mM TCNE MeCN solution. Electrochemical measurements of SAMs of 1 confirm surfacebound species and a stable mixed valence ion. The cyclic voltammetric response of SAMs of 1 displays two reversible * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: ckubiak@ ucsd.edu.

10.1021/jp802209u CCC: $40.75

Figure 1. Molecule 1: tetrathiafulvalene derivatized for binding to Au.

one-electron oxidations corresponding to the 1/1+ and 1+/12+ couples, E1/2(0/+) ) -0.003 V, E1/2(+/2+) ) +0.400 V versus ferrocene/ferrocenium in acetonitrile, and persists without loss after repeated scanning. The peak current of each wave is proportional to the scan rate (see Supporting Information). Surface infrared (PM-IRRAS) analysis of 1 confirms its presence on the surface of Au, and the narrow band shapes observed qualitatively demonstrate good monolayer ordering. PM-IRRAS also was used to characterize the mixed valence state, 1+. A strong ν(PF) band of PF6- at 862 cm-1 and new broad bands at ∼3500, 3200, and 1500 cm-1 correspond closely to bands observed in the liquid-phase IR spectrum of TTF+ (see Supporting Information). Significant enhancement of the ether C-O stretch at 1125 cm-1 is also characteristic of oxidation to 1+PF6-. While nonstoichiometric oxidized TTF species are known and are visible in the electrochemistry of TTF with chloride as the anion, no such species are known with PF6- as the counterion and indeed are not seen in the voltammetry (see Supporting Information). The PM-IRRAS of a SAM of the charge-transfer complex 1-TCNE reveals that the ν(CN) stretch of TCNE is shifted to 2201 cm-1 (compared to 2257 cm-1 for the free molecule). Good correlations between ν(CN) and the degree of partial charge transfer, δ-, to TCNE exist,14 and we conclude that δ ) 0.85 for the SAM of 1-TCNE.  2008 American Chemical Society


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Figure 2. Depiction of 1+ opposing an applied electric field.

Kelvin probe force microscopy (KFM) is often used to determine electric fields (surface potentials or contact potential differences) due to trapped charges, voltages applied to conducting substrates, or permanent dipoles of the molecular components of SAMs.15–18 In the most common KFM experiment, an AC voltage is applied to the tip at its resonant frequency, causing an oscillation as the tip becomes charged, and is alternately attracted and repulsed by a static electric field emanating from the substrate. As a DC voltage between the tip and the substrate is swept, the amplitude of the oscillation changes according to the following proportionality.




Here, dC/dz is the capacitance (expressed as a gradient because it is dependent on the separation between electrodes), ∆VDC is the difference between the applied voltage and the surface potential, and VAC is the AC voltage.19 The amplitude is minimized when the field from the applied DC voltage nullifies the electric field from the sample, eliminating electrostatic forces felt by the tip. This DC voltage is taken to be the negative of the surface potential. While usually the important result in the KFM experiment is the surface potential, in this study, it is the slope of the amplitude response that gives information about the relative capacitances of the SAMs of 1, 1+PF6-, and 1-TCNE. It is also important to note that in this experiment, the dielectric constant of the monolayer is not directly measured. The KFM simply measures the dipolar field between the substrate and the tip as an electrostatic force. As the monolayer becomes more polarizable, the positive charge delocalized on the TTF+ group responds to the AC field as depicted in Figure 2, creating an induced dipolar field in the monolayer and decreasing the capacitance of the system. Representative plots of KFM results for SAMs of 1, 1+, and 1-TCNE are shown in Figure 3, along with results from a control experiment discussed below. These plots depict the amplitude of the KFM tip vibration versus ∆VDC normalized to an arbitrary surface potential of 0. The relative slopes (each reported value is the average of 100 measurements of the capacitive slope) reflect the relative SAM capacitances and are summarized in Table 1. These data show that the capacitance of 1+PF6- is reduced to 61% of the neutral species, and that of 1-TCNE is reduced to 63%. Because the delocalized mixed valence TTF+ state and charge-transfer TTF+0.85 state are highly polarizable, the induced field in the molecule opposes the applied field, the tip feels a smaller field, and the tip oscillation at a given ∆VDC is diminished. It is important to separate how much of the electrostatic polarizability of 1+PF6- and 1-TCNE arises from their mixed valence character and how much is from their charge-separated ionic character. We therefore performed control

Figure 3. Representative KFM amplitude responses of 1, 1-TCNE, 1+PF6-, 2, and 2+PF6-.

TABLE 1: KFM Amplitude Slopes With ESDs and Relative Capacitances of Each SAM monolayer

KFM response slope (nm/mV)

relative capacitance

1 1-TCNE 1+PF62 2+PF6-

0.045(3) 0.0284(4) 0.0274(5) 0.063(2) 0.058(1)

1.00 0.63 0.61 1.00 0.92

experiments with SAMs of ferrocenepentanethiol, 2, and the corresponding ferroceniumpentanethiol, 2+PF6-. The SAM of 2+PF6- displayed 92 ( 2% of the capacitance of a neutral SAM of 2. This is far less than the differences in capacitance of 61% and 63% for SAMs of 1+PF6- and 1-TCNE, respectively, compared to neutral SAMs of 1. These data show that the major contribution to the electrostatic polarizability of a mixed valence ion is its delocalized electronic structure and not its chargeseparated ionic state. In summary, we report the first analysis of the polarizability of delocalized mixed valence molecules organized in SAMs. The polarizability increases in the order TTF, TTF+0.85, TTF+. This work demonstrates that the delocalized charge in a SAM comprised of mixed valence ions or charge-transfer complexes dominates the electrical response. Work is currently underway to extend this type of analysis to localized class I, II, and II-III mixed valence systems to function as discretely switchable electronically bistable systems. Acknowledgment. We thank Dr. Chunzeng Li and John Tedesco at Veeco for their helpful discussions regarding AFM and KFM experiments, Dr. Yongxuan Su at the UCSD Mass Spec Facility, and NSF (ECS-0438046 and CHE-0616279) for financial support. Supporting Information Available: Experimental procedures, KFM data, electrochemical data, and IR spectra. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http:// pubs.acs.org. References and Notes (1) The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors: Emerging Research Devices. http://www.itrs.net/. (2) Brunschwig, B. S.; Creutz, C.; Sutin, N. Chem. Soc. ReV. 2002, 31, 168–184. (3) Cowan, D. O.; LeVanda, C.; Park, J.; Kaufman, F. Acc. Chem. Res. 1973, 6, 1–7. (4) Prassides, K., Ed. Mixed Valency Systems: Applications in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology; Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1990; Vol. C343, pp 247-260.

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