For 110-volt,. $47.00. For 220-volt,. $51.00. Get facts now on the complete selection of precision LIGHTNIN. Mixers and accessories for laboratory mix...
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Product Capsules Lab" custom engineered and inter­ changeable glassware assemblies and components. Ace Glass Inc., Vineland, N. J. 56A Ware, Platinum. Circle 84A-2 for catalog on platinum crucibles. Also contains information on dishes, elec­ trodes, gauze, thermocouple and fur­ nace winding wire. J. Bishop & Co., Malvern, Pa. 84A-2 Ware, Porcelain. New packaging program provides delivery in clean, unbroken condition ready for imme­ diate use. Coors Porcelain Co., Golden, Colo. °8A-1 Ware, Quartz. Illustrated bulletin available on "Vitreosil" fused quartz tubing, crucibles, retorts, muffles, dishes, tanks, pots, trays. Thermal American Fused Quartz Co., Inc., 18-20 Salem St., Dover, N. J. 52A

Saves money because it's versatile Why buy four o r five mixers for different mixing chores—when you can handle them all with one basic L I G H T N I N — M o d e l F? Adjust it to run at speeds from 100 to 1600 R P M , with stepless control. Mix or stir any fluids up to 4,000 centipoises vis­ cosity. Run it 24 hours a day, if you need to —it's designed for continuous duty. Quiet friction drive provides extra torque at slower speeds; never needs oiling. Drive and 1/30-HP fan-cooled m o t o r are fully enclosed, safe with inflammables. Y o u r choice of bronze tank clamp o r ring-stand clamp; removable shaft a n d 2-inch propeller in 316 stainless steel o r Monel. Fully guaranteed. O r d e r from your supply house, o r write us. Specify L I G H T N I N Mod­ el F Mixer: For 11 0-volt 60-cycle 1 -phase For 220-volt 60-cycle 1-phase

$72.00 $76.00

Single-speed Direct Drive LIGHTNIN Mod­ el L mixes at a quiet, steady 1600 RPM— runs for years without maintenance. Totally enclosed motor is safe with inflammables. Choice of shafts, pro­ pellers. For 110-volt, $47.00. For 220-volt, $51.00. Get facts now on the complete selection of precision LIGHTNIN Mixers and accessories for laboratory mixing. To receive new descrip­ tive Bulletin B-112,check reader service card or write us direct.

Lightnin® Mixers MIXING


1 6 0 - n M t . R e a d B l v d . , Rochester 3 , N.Y. In Canada: Greey Mixing Equipment, Ltd., 7 0 0 Miranda Ave., Toronto 19, Ont. Circle No. 110 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 97 A 110 A



X-Ray Equiment. Information avail­ able on 2 instruments for studies by x-ray diffraction and x-ray spectros­ copy. Circle 16A-1 for consols model specifications and 16A-2 for portable table model generator details. Radio Corporation of America, Camden, N. J 16A-1,2 X-Ray Unit. New catalog available on the Hilger micro-focus x-ray unit that features high intensity focal spot. Jarrell-Ash Co., 32 Farwell St., Newtonville 60, Mass. 96A-2

CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS Acid Hydrofluoric. Company pack­ ages acid hydrofluoric 48% A.R. in new polyethylene container with controlleddelivery closure spout. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, 2nd & Mallinckrodt Sts., St. Louis 7, Mo. 25A Chemicals. Circle 68A-1 for 16-page illustrated booklet entitled, "Column Partition Chromatography." Circle 68A-2 for specifications on new line of reagents used to bathe transistors, di­ odes and rectifiers. Circle 68A-3 for data on ethylenediaminotetraacetic acid reagent. Circle 68A-4 for information on Schain test reagent. Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J. 68A-1 to 4 Crystals. Available for immediate de­ livery are the following crystals: so­ dium iodide, sodium chloride, potas­ sium bromide, and anthracene. Crys­ tals, Inc., 123 Woodland Ave., Westwood, N. J. 91A-3 Filter Aids. Circle 23A-1 for bulletin on ash-free filter pulp. Circle 23A-2 for folder on anti-creep reagent fluid. Circle 23A-3 for folder on filter paper

N E W PYREX* Needle Valve Ware HEAVY DUTY STEMS Here's a new line of needle valve ware with stems twice as heavy.

This new design means greater strength and longer life in your ware.



Now available as well as the customary 2mm. PYREX Needle Valve Ware gives you these other advantages, too. Ground flanges. ALL PYREX flange faces are finely ground to assure a better seal, particularly under pressure. Non-contaminating. You get the chem­ ical stability of chemical glass No. 7740 in this new ware. Valve body and re­ tainer rings are pure TEFLON*. Complete Line. This new PYREX line includes the valves, ground joint connec­ tions, burettes, distilling heads, funnels, chromatographic tubes and stopcocks. Check your PYREX Laboratory Glass­ ware Catalog, LG-1, for sizes and prices. *T.M. for Du Pont Tetrafiuoroethylene Resin.

CORNING GLASS WORKS 69-12 Crystal Sfreet, Coming, Ν. Υ.

Corning means research in Glass Circle No. 110 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 97 A