Molecular Action of Insecticides on Ion Channels - American Chemical

employing these molecular markers in a genetic linkage analysis. The results of these studies show that the kdr trait is tightly linked to the para vo...
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Chapter 6

Actions of Insecticides on Sodium Channels Multiple Target Sites and Site-Specific Resistance David M . Soderlund and Douglas C. Knipple

Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on May 18, 2016 | Publication Date: May 9, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0591.ch006

Department of Entomology, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University, Geneva, NY 14456

Three classes of insecticides (pyrethroids/DDT analogues, N­ -alkylamides,and dihydropyrazoles) modify sodium channel function through effects by binding to three distinct target sites on the channel. The kdr resistance trait in the house fly, Musca domestica, confers reduced target site sensitivity to pyrethroids and D D T but does not diminish the efficacy of N-alkylamides or dihydropyrazoles, suggesting a domain-specific modification of the sodium channel as the mechanism of resistance. This paper reviews our recent research to test this hypothesis by cloning genomic D N A corresponding to a segment of the house fly homologue of the para sodium channel gene of Drosophila melanogaster, identifying restriction site polymorphisms within this stretch of D N A between the kdr and susceptible house fly strains, and employing these molecular markers in a genetic linkage analysis. The results of these studies show that the kdr trait is tightly linked to the para voltage-sensitive sodium channel gene. These findings are discussed in the context of continued exploitation of the sodium channel as an insecticide target site. The opening of voltage-sensitive sodium channels mediates the transient sodium permeability of the cell membrane and is responsible for the rising phase of action potentials in most vertebrate and invertebrate nerves and in vertebrate skeletal and cardiac muscle (7). The crucial importance of sodium channels in the normal function of excitable cells is evident in the tremendous variety of naturally-occurring neurotoxins produced by plants and animals that disrupt sodium channel function, thereby contributing to the predation strategies or chemical defenses of these species. These neurotoxins have also been used as chemical probes of sodium channel function. The pharmacological profile of the sodium channel that has emerged from these studies is complex and includes evidence for at least five well-characterized neurotoxin binding sites plus circumstantial evidence for several other distinct sites (2,3). The significance of the voltage-sensitive sodium channel as an insecticide target site has been widely recognized by virtue of the wealth of physiological evidence implicating sodium channels as the principal target site for DDT and pyrethroids (4-6). In addition, recent research has provided evidence for the action of other classes of experimental insecticides on sodium channels (7,8). Alterations in the pharmacological 0097-6156/95/D591-0097$12.00/0 © 1995 American Chemical Society Clark; Molecular Action of Insecticides on Ion Channels ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



specificity of the sodium channel are also implicated as an important mechanism of insecticide resistance (6,9). This review summarizes evidence for the existence of multiple insecticide binding sites on the sodium channel and explores the specificity and significance of resistance mechanisms that involve reduced neuronal sensitivity to compounds acting at this target

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Multiple Insecticide Target Sites on the Sodium Channel N e u r o t o x i n B i n d i n g Sites on the S o d i u m C h a n n e l . Most of the pharmacological properties of sodium channels have been defined in the context of studies of the mode of action of naturally-occuring neurotoxins. Five principal neurotoxin recognition sites associated with sodium channels have been identified using a combination of functional and radioligand binding assays. These sites, each of which appears to be a physically distinct domain that is labelled specifically by a neurotoxin-derived radioligand, are designated Sites 1-5 in the widely-used classification scheme of Catterall (2) (Table I). The existence of additional neurotoxin recognition sites (Table I) has been inferred from studies of other classes of drugs and neurotoxins that are known to affect sodium channel function but fail to displace directly any of the radioligands that label Sites 1-5. Insecticide Target Sites on the Sodium Channel. A wealth of physiological evidence documents the ability of D D T analogues and pyrethroids to modify sodium channel function, principally by prolonging the time course of sodium channel inactivation (4-6). Radiosodium flux and radioligand binding studies with mammalian brain preparations (10-14) have documented allosteric interactions between D D T or pyrethroids and several other classes of neurotoxins (Table I). These results imply that D D T analogues and pyrethroids bind to a domain of the sodium channel, designated Site 6 by Lombet et al. (73), that is distinct from other neurotoxin recognition sites. To date, attempts to label this site with a pyrethroid radioligand have been unsuccessful (13,15) due to the lipophilicity of potent pyrethroids, which contributes to extremely high levels of nonspecific binding. However, the search for new radioligands among the most potent pyrethroids (76) may yield more appropriate tools for such experiments. More recendy, two additional classes of experimental insecticides have been found to affect sodium channel function. Synthetic N-alkylamide insecticides (Figure 1), which are analogues of insecticidal natural products, produce excitatory effects on insect neurons in situ and in culture by prolonging sodium channel inactivation in a manner qualitatively similar to pyrethroids (7). In contrast, dihydropyrazole insecticides (Figure 1) suppress normal nerve activity by producing a voltagedependent blockade of sodium currents (8). Previous studies in our laboratories employed both radioligand binding and radiosodium uptake assays with mouse brain vesicle preparations to gain further insight into the binding sites for N-alkylamides and dihydropyrazoles on the sodium channel. The N-alkylamide B T G 502 acted as a partial agonist with respect to batrachotoxin in sodium uptake assays and as a competitive inhibitor of [ H]batrachotoxinin A 20-ccbenzoate (BTX-B) binding (77). These results identified Site 2 as the site of action of Af-alkylamides (Table I). Sodium uptake experiments with the dihydropyrazole R H 3421 (18) confirmed the channel-blocking activity of this compound in mammalian brain preparations. R H 3421 was also a potent, noncompetitive inhibitor of B T X - B binding (79). These results, together with detailed biophysical studies (20), show that the action of dihydropyrazoles is qualitatively identical to that of local anesthetics, anticonvulsants, and antiarrhythmics. Dihydropyrazoles may therefore bind to the 3

Clark; Molecular Action of Insecticides on Ion Channels ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Table I.


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Actions of Insecticides on Sodium Channels

Neurotoxin and Insecticide Binding Sites on the VoltageSensitive Sodium Channel

Active Neurotoxins^

Physiological effect

Allosteric coupling

Tetrodotoxin Saxitoxin

Inhibit ion transport


Cause persistent activation

Sites 3, 5, 6 and 9


Veratridine Batrachotoxin * Aconitine Af-ALKYLAMIDES


a Scorpion toxins Sea anemone toxins

Prolong inactivation

Sites 2,6 and 8


P Scorpion toxins

Enhance activation

Site 8


Brevetoxins Ciguatoxin

Enhance activation

Sites 2, 5, 6 and 8

Prolong inactivation

Sites 2, 3, and 5






Prolong inactivation




Causes persistent activation

Sites 3, 4, and 5


Local anesthetics Anticonvulsants DIHYDROPYRAZOLES

Inhibit ion transport

Site 2


Sites 1-5 after Catterall (2); Site 6 after Lombet et al (13); Sites 7-9 numbered abritrarily to distinguish them from Sites 1-6. ^Insecticides shown in capital letters; compounds marked with asterisks exhibit reduced toxicity to kdr house flies.

Clark; Molecular Action of Insecticides on Ion Channels ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



same domain as these drugs (Table I); the lack of an appropriate radioligand for this site limits further efforts to clarify the specific site of action of dihydropyrazoles. This brief summary of the pharmacology of sodium channels in the context of insecticide action highlights the diversity of neurotoxin binding domains that are known to exist on the sodium channel and summarizes evidence that three of these binding domains can serve as effective target sites for insecticides. Future efforts to exploit the sodium channel as an insecticide target site might productively focus on not only these three sites but also others that have not yet been identified as target sites for insecticide action.

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Domain-Specific Resistance to Sodium Channel-Directed Insecticides The long-term value of the sodium channel as a target site for new insecticides will be determined in part by whether the previous or current use of sodium channel-directed compounds has selected for target site-mediated resistance mechanisms in pest populations that will compromise the efficacy of future compounds acting at this target House fly (Musca domestica L.) strains that are resistant to DDT and pyrethroids by virtue of reduced neuronal sensitivity represent well-characterized model systems for target site-mediated resistance to DDT and pyrethroids that may provide insight into the effect of prior selection for resistance on new sodium channel-directed agents. kdr in the House Fly. Resistance to the rapid knockdown action and lethal effects of D D T and pyrethrins (kdr) was first documented in house flies in 1951 (21) and isolated genetically in 1954 (22). Subsequently, two similar resistance traits (kdr-0 and kdr-NPR) were isolated genetically, mapped to chromosome 3 (23,24), and demonstrated by complementation analysis to be allelic to kdr (25). A single kdr strain (538ge, homozygous for kdr and the recessive visible markers green eye and brown body) constructed by Farnham in 1977 (25) has been widely disseminated and used in most of the studies undertaken to characterize the kdr trait over the past 15 years. The kdr trait confers resistance to both the rapid paralytic and lethal actions of all known pyrethroids, as well as the pyrethrins and DDT, but does not diminish the efficacy of other insecticide classes (26). Electrophysiological assays employing a variety of nerve preparations from larval and adult kdr insects (6,27) provide direct evidence for reduced neuronal sensitivity as the basis for the kdr trait super-kdr in the House F l y . A second resistance trait in the house fly (designated super-kdr) that confers much greater resistance to DDT and pyrethroids than that found in kdr strains has also been isolated genetically and mapped to chromosome 3 (28,29). Two distinct, independently-isolated super-kdr traits have been described, each having a unique pharmacological profile for relative resistance to a range of pyrethroids (29). Although super-kdr insects also exhibit reduced neuronal sensitivity to pyrethroids in physiological assays, the evidence that the super-kdr trait confers a greater level of resistance than kdr at the level of the nerve is ambiguous (6). The kdr and super-kdr traits are widely presumed to represent allelic variants at a single resistance locus on the basis of their similar spectra of resistance and their common localization to chromosome 3. However, genetic complementation studies that would demonstrate or refute allelism between kdr and super-kdr have not been reported. Pharmacological Specificity of the kdr and super-kdr Traits. The kdr and super-kdr resistance traits exhibit a high degree of pharmacological specificity for the DDT/pyrethroid binding domain (Table I). Surveys of other classes of sodium channel-directed neurotoxins either in bioassays (30) or in physiological assays with nerve preparations in vitro (31) have identified aconitine as the only compound acting at

Clark; Molecular Action of Insecticides on Ion Channels ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Actions of Insecticides on Sodium Channels

Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on May 18, 2016 | Publication Date: May 9, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0591.ch006

a domain other than Site 6 whose potency is unambiguously reduced by the kdr mechanism. Resistance to aconitine appears to be compound-specific, because there is no firm evidence for resistance to other Site 2 compounds in either kdr or super-kdr insects (6). In particular, the N-alkylamide insecticides that act at Site 2 exhibit full or slightly enhanced insecticidal activity against both kdr and super-kdr insects (52). These resistance mechanisms in the house fly also do not confer resistance to compounds that produce voltage-dependent channel blockade such as the local anesthetic procaine (30) and the dihydropyrazole insecticide R H 3421 (D. M . Soderlund, unpublished data). fair-Like Mechanisms in Other Species. Resistance mechanisms similar to kdr in the house fly have been inferred in a number of agricultural pests and disease vectors on the basis of cross-resistance patterns and absence of synergism by esterase and oxidase inhibitors (6,9,26). Moreover, there is confirming electrophysiological evidence for reduced neuronal sensitivity to pyrethroids in at least five of these species: Heliothis virescens, Spodoptera exigua, Culex quinquefasciatus, Anopheles stevensi, and Blattella germanica (6,9). In cases where the pharmacological specificity of resistance has been examined there is evidence for specific resistance to pyrethroids and D D T analogues comparable to that found in kdr house flies (6). However, a few important differences in specificity have been noted. For example, the Ectiban-R (pyrethroid resistant) strain of B. germanica exhibits broader cross-resistance to Site 2 neurotoxins and low but reproducible levels of resistance to procaine and R H 3421 (33). Molecular Analysis of the kdr Resistance Trait The pharmacological specificity of the kdr trait strongly suggests that this type of resistance results from a mutation that confers reduced affinity for or responsiveness to pyrethroids and D D T analogues. To test the hypothesis that such a mutation occurs in a the coding sequence of a sodium channel structural gene, we undertook the cloning and characterization of sodium channel genes from susceptible and kdr house flies and the identification of allele-specific molecular markers within these genes for use in genetic linkage analyses. Isolation of House Fly Sodium Channel Gene Fragments. Two Drosophila melanogaster genes possessing structural homology to vertebrate sodium channels represented potential points of entry for the isolation of house fly sodium channel sequences. One of these, DSC1, was isolated independently by several groups by low stringency hybridization of Electrophorus electricus sodium channel cDNA probes (3437). The other, which is encoded by the para locus, was isolated by molecular genetic methods (38). The coding regions of these two genes are quite divergent, in that their inferred amino acid sequences for the four conserved homology domains exhibit only -50% amino acid sequence identity. Thus, in these regions the two D. melanogaster sequences are as similar to the corresponding regions of vertebrate sodium channel genes as to each other. Genetic and physiological criteria implicate the para+ gene product as the physiologically predominant sodium channel of the D. melanogaster nervous system (39). In contrast, DSC1 maps to a cytogenetic locus that has not been identified by either genetic or physiological criteria as being involved in sodium channel function (34). +

In view of the evidence for the para gene product as a physiologically important sodium channel in D. melanogaster, we developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-dependent homology probing strategy that was specifically biased toward the isolation of para-homologous sequences from the house fly. We identified

Clark; Molecular Action of Insecticides on Ion Channels ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.




Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on May 18, 2016 | Publication Date: May 9, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0591.ch006

target amino acid sequences for oligonucleotide design that were completely conserved between the para locus of D. melanogaster and vertebrate brain sodium channels but were not conserved in the DSC1 sequence (40). PCR amplification on genomic D N A isolated from susceptible (NAIDM strain) flies yielded a single 128 base pair product with complete predicted amino acid sequence homology and a high degree of nucleotide sequence identity to the corresponding region of the para locus of D. melanogaster (40). Further survey experiments employing D N A isolated from several other arthropod species resulted in the isolation of similar para-homologous fragments (41), thereby confirming the general applicability of this approach. In order to identify RFLPs that could be used as allele-specific markers of the para gene in the N A I D M and 538ge strains of the house fly, we isolated a 4.4 kb segment of genomic D N A of the N A I D M strain using our conspecific PCR-derived house fly para probe under high stringency hybridization conditions (42). D N A sequence analysis of this clone identified an exon (Figure 2) that exhibited greater than 90% amino acid sequence identity to the homologous region of the para gene product of D. melanogaster (38) and lesser degrees of identity to the corresponding regions of rat brain sodium channel I (43) and the DSC I locus of D. melanogaster (34). The high degree of predicted amino acid sequence identity between this house fly exon and the para locus of D. melanogaster, which extends beyond highly conserved domains into regions of low overall sequence conservation in this gene family, unambiguously identifies the house fly genomic D N A segment as the homologue in this species of para rather than DSC1. PCR amplification of this entire exon and the adjacent upstream intronic region from susceptible (NAIDM strain) and resistant (538ge strain) genomic D N A templates and sequencing of the amplification products revealed numerous D N A sequence polymorphisms, most of which were localized in the upstream intronic region (42). Three nucleotide substitutions in this region resulted in Xbal site polymorphisms that we used as markers for the p a r a ™ and p a r a 8 alleles (Figure 3). As an expedient alternative to detecting these Xbal site polymorphisms as RFLPs by Southern blot analysis, we developed a high-throughput genotyping procedure based on the electrophoretic analysis of the X&al-digested PCR products of individual flies. As predicted by D N A sequence analysis, primer pairs A / B l and A/B2 (see Figure 3) yielded PCR amplification products of N A I D M and 538ge D N A that showed subde but reproducible mobility differences. Digestion with Xbal of the A/B2 amplification products yielded restriction fragments of approximately 85, 150 and 390 bp for N A I D M and approximately 70 and 540 bp for 538ge, which provided much more robust diagnostic gel patterns for the purposes of genetic analysis. N A I 1

5 3 8


Linkage Analysis. The use of these PCR/RFLP markers in linkage analysis required the development of an unambiguous and highly reliable scoring system to identify individual flies among the backcross progeny that carried the resistant phenotype. Preliminary studies of the relative sensitivity of kdrl+ and kdr/kdr flies to the lethal effects of D D T an deltamethrin failed to identify a dose that would discriminate adequately between these classes due to the overlap of the dose-response curves (P. M . Adams and D . M . Soderlund, unpublished data). To resolve this problem, we treated individual flies topically with 10 ng DDT, an extreme overdose for both strains (28), and scored paralysis ("knockdown") after 2 h (42). The only flies remaining unparalyzed 2 h after this treatment were kdr homozygotes. However, the parazyzed class contained not only all of the heterozygotes but also 5-15% of the treated kdr homozygotes and therefore was uninformative with respect to linkage.

Clark; Molecular Action of Insecticides on Ion Channels ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Actions of Insecticides on Sodium Channels

Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on May 18, 2016 | Publication Date: May 9, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0591.ch006




Figure 1. Structures of the W-alkylamide insecticide B T G 502 and dihydropyrazole insecticide R H 3421.

* * NAIDM para. rati DSC1








* * **** ** «**





* * *


* **




48 396 390 359

* *




103 451 445 411

Figure 2. Inferred amino acid sequence of an exon from the para-homologous sodium channel gene of the house fly (NAIDM) (42) compared with the sequences of the corresponding regions of the D. melanogaster para locus (38), rat brain sodium channel I (rat I) (43), and the D. melanogaster DSC1 locus (34). Amino acids conserved in all four sequences are identified with asterisks. A putative pore-forming domain (3) is underlined with a dashed line and the conserved IS6 transmembrane domain is underlined with a solid line.

Clark; Molecular Action of Insecticides on Ion Channels ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.




Because crossing over occurs during meiosis in female house flies, the results of the backcross between F l females and kdrlkdr males reveal the genetic distance between kdr and the para gene. O f the 465 flies from this cross subjected to PCR/RFLP analysis, all 228 flies that were scored as DDT-resistant in the paralysis bioassay also displayed the para **& allele (42). Statistical analysis of the fit of the data from the informative (unparalyzed) class to the Poisson distribution showed that a map distance between kdr and para of as much as 1.15 map units could still permit the recovery of no recombinants within 95% confidence limits for a sample of this size (Table II). This result demonstrates the tight genetic linkage between para and kdr and is consistent with the hypothesis that the kdr mutation lies within the para sodium channel gene.

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Concurrent with these studies, Williamson et al (44) identified other RFLPs in the para locus of the house fly and employed these markers to demonstrate tight linkage of a super-kdr resistance trait and the para gene. Analysis of their data (Table II) shows that super-kdr is linked to para at a degree of genetic resolution identical to that found in our analysis of the kdr trait. Williamson et al (44) also attempted to map the kdr trait of the 538ge strain relative to the para locus, but their results were ambiguous because the mortality bioassay they employed to score resistance, though effective in the linkage analysis of super-kdr and para, failed to distinguish reliably between the kdrlkdr and kdr/+ genotypes obtained from the F l female parent backcross. This result is not surprising in view of lower overall levels of resistance afforded by the kdr trait, which result in relatively small differences in die sensitivity of F l and kdr flies to the lethal effects of DDT and pyrethroids (see above). Taken together, the results of these two studies provide important new insight into the molecular basis of reduced nerve sensitivity to DDT and pyrethroids in the house fly. Clearly, both the kdr and super-kdr traits arise from mutations at or near the para locus, a voltage-sensitive sodium channel gene. These findings therefore implicate an alteration in the target macromolecule as the primary mechanism of reduced nerve sensitivity resistance. Moreover, the tight linkage of both the kdr and super-kdr traits to the para gene provides the first genetic evidence consistent with the widelypresumed allelism of these two traits. N A I D M



Structural and Functional Analysis of the p a r a and / > a r a 8 Alleles. Further insight into the mechanism of kdr resistance requires a detailed structural and functional analysis of the gene products of the para locus of susceptible and resistant strains. Our strategy for such studies is based on the use of first-strand c D N A as the template for PCR amplification of moderately-sized segments of coding sequence, which are then employed as templates in direct automated D N A sequencing. To date, we have amplified five overlapping PCR fragments that span the entire coding region of the para coding sequence (Figure 4). The sequencing of the para and panfi&BP alleles from these templates is in progress. NAWM

Because the para alleles of our kdr and susceptible strains were derived from different populations, any resistance-associated mutations are likely to be present in a background of other mutations that are neutral with respect to insecticide sensitivity. Data available so far from our sequence analysis of p o r f l and / w i r a 8 cDNA fragments (D. M . Soderlund and D . C . Knipple, unpublished data) confirm the existence of multiple amino acid substitutions beween these alleles. These considerations suggest that structural analysis alone will not be able to identify resistance-causing mutations. Therefore, the demonstration of resistance at the level of the sodium channel and the identification of specific mutations that confer this resistance will require the pharmacological characterization of channels from resistant N A I D M


Clark; Molecular Action of Insecticides on Ion Channels ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Actions of Insecticides on Sodium Channels 100 bp


Xbal 1

NAIDM: n _ l A Xbal 538ge:






• — M ^ M M —



30 nucleotide substitutions (3 polymorphic Xbal sites)

exon 3 nucleotide substitutions 1 amino acid substitution

Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on May 18, 2016 | Publication Date: May 9, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0591.ch006

4 deletions/insertions (16 bp length polymorphism)

Figure 3. Diagram of PCR products obtained from N A I D M and 538ge genomic D N A templates (42) showing sites of annealing for oligonucleotide primers (A, B l , B2) and summarizing structural polymorphisms identified in the exonic (see Figure 2) and adjacent upstream intronic regions of the amplification products.

Table II.

Analysis of Genetic Linkage Between kdr, super-kdr and para.








Comparison parol kdr* parol super-kdr


Maximum distance, (map units)

Number of recombinants



Based on fit to Poisson distribution (%\ P < 0.05). ^Data and analysis from Knipple et al. (42). O u r analysis of data from Williamson et al. (44).










A(~1.5kb) 1




B(~0.95 kb) *— D (-0.75 kb) 1

Figure 4. Top: diagram of the structural organization of a sodium channel coding sequence showing repeated homology units I-IV and transmembrane domains (squares). Bottom: Five overlapping partial cDNAs (A-E), obtained by PCR amplification on first strand cDNA templates, that span the entire house fly para coding sequence. The location and relative size of the exon identified from sequencing genomic D N A (see Figures 2 and 3) is also shown.

Clark; Molecular Action of Insecticides on Ion Channels ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.




and susceptible insects in a suitable heterologous expression assay. It remains to be demonstrated whether the Xenopus oocyte expression system, which has been employed widely to characterize other vertebrate and invertebrate ion channels and neurotransmitter receptors (45), will prove to be suitable for the characterization of the effects of insecticides and other neurotoxins on expressed insect sodium channels.

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Conclusions The voltage-sensitive sodium channel remains one of only a small number of insecticide target sites whose value for insect control has been validated in practice. Despite heavy exploitation due to the widespread use of DDT and synthetic pyrethroids for crop protection and vector control, the sodium channel continues to be a valuable and important target for the design of new insecticides for two reasons. First, the diversity of binding domains on the sodium channel provides a variety of structurally distinct "target sites" other than the DDT/pyrethroid site that can be attacked to achieve profound disruption of nerve function. The multiplicity of useful target domains is illustrated by the discovery of the N-alkylamides and dihydropyrazoles and the elucidation of their modes of action on the sodium channel. Second, target sitemediated resistance to pyrethroids (exemplfied by the kdr mechanism of the house fly) does not necessarily preclude the continued exploitation of other sodium channel domains that remain unaffected by mutations that confer resistance to pyrethroids. Despite recent progress, the molecular basis of reduced neuronal sensitivity to DDT and pyrethroids remains to be determined, and the extent to which the house fly can serve as a mechanistic model for this type of resistance in other pest species is unknown. Although genetic linkage analyses place both the kdr and super-kdr traits of the house fly in close proximity to the para sodium channel gene, these results alone do not prove that reduced nerve sensitivity in this species arises from a mutation in the coding sequence of this gene. However, the tools to address this issue are now in hand, and we expect that the the mutations that cause the kdr and super-kdr traits and their impact on the pharmacology of pyrethroid action will be identified in the near future. These results, together with our present capabilities to isolate and characterize para-homologous genes from any insect species of interest, will permit us to determine whether fair-like resistance in other species exhibits the same molecular basis and pharmacological specificity as in the house fly. The outcome of such studies will determine whether the prior selection for fc/r-like resistance in pest populations will constitute a limiting factor in the continued development and use of insecticides that act at the sodium channel. Acknowledgments We thank P. Adams, K . Doyle, and P. Marsella-Herrick, K . Nelson, and L . Payne for their conceptual and technical contributions to the research summarized in this paper. Studies of die molecular basis of kdr resistance were supported by grants (89-372634425 and 92-37302-7792) from U S D A National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program and by funds allocated to USDA CSRS Regional Research Projects NE-115andNE-180. Literature Cited (1) (2) (3)

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Clark; Molecular Action of Insecticides on Ion Channels ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

6. SODERLUND AND KNIPPLE (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

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Actions of Insecticides on Sodium Channels


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Clark; Molecular Action of Insecticides on Ion Channels ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.