Molecular Dynamics Study of Adsorption of the Lennard-Jones

Dec 24, 2018 - Molecular Dynamics Study of Adsorption of the Lennard-Jones Truncated and Shifted Fluid on Planar Walls. Michaela Heier† , Felix Diew...
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Molecular Dynamics Study of Adsorption of the Lennard-Jones Truncated and Shifted Fluid on Planar Walls Michaela Heier,† Felix Diewald,‡ Martin T. Horsch,†,§ Kai Langenbach,*,† Ralf Müller,‡ and Hans Hasse† †

Laboratory of Engineering Thermodynamics and ‡Institute of Applied Mechanics, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern 67663, Germany

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S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: A comprehensive molecular dynamics study of gas phase and supercritical fluid adsorption on planar walls in dispersive systems is presented. All interactions in the system are described with the Lennard-Jones truncated and shifted (LJTS) potential with a cutoff radius of 2.5 fluid diameters. The adsorption strength is characterized by the solid−fluid interaction energy and the wall density. Both parameters are varied systematically. The present work extends a previous study in which wetting in the same systems was investigated. Therefore, the contact angles are known for all studied systems. They include cases with total wetting as well as cases with partial wetting. The temperature varies between the triple point and 3 times the critical temperature of the LJTS fluid. For the systems with partial wetting, the adsorption is studied not only up to the saturation pressure but also in the metastable region. For all systems, the surface excess is determined as a function of pressure and temperature. Furthermore, data on the thickness and structure of the adsorbed layers is reported. In some of the systems, prewetting is observed.

INTRODUCTION Adsorption and wetting are related phenomena. In a recent study, we have systematically investigated the wetting in dispersive systems by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.1 This study is extended here to adsorption. The fluid phase is gaseous or supercritical and the surface is flat. As in the previous study, all interactions are described by the Lennard-Jones truncated and shifted (LJTS) potential with a cutoff radius of 2.5 fluid diameters. The LJTS model is one of the simplest molecular models with which properties of fluids can be described quantitatively for a wide range of states. It has therefore been used extensively as a model fluid1−15 and its properties are well known.1,2,8−10,16−20 There are several previous studies in the literature that report on adsorption in dispersive systems with planar walls.21−30 They were carried out either with molecular simulations or with density functional theory (DFT). In related studies of dispersive systems, the adsorption in slit pores or cylindrical pores was investigated.29−40 In all available DFT studies and also in many molecular simulation studies, the wall is described by a surface potential that is a scalar function of the distance to the flat surface, namely, by the LJ-9-321,23−29,31−34 and LJ-10-4329,30,34−39,41 potentials. In the present work, we study the adsorption on atomistic walls. Adsorption isotherms in dispersive systems show different patterns. For contact angles greater than 0° (partial wetting), thin-film adsorption is observed and the surface excess increases with increasing pressure until the saturation pressure is reached. The surface excess remains finite at the saturation pressure.23,42 For systems with a contact angle of θ = 0° (total wetting), the © XXXX American Chemical Society

surface excess diverges at the saturation pressure (thick-film adsorption). For systems with small contact angles, i.e., near the transition between partial and total wetting, prewetting is observed at pressures near the saturation pressure.42,43 At saturation pressure, the surface excess diverges. Prewetting is a discontinuous transition between thin-film and thick-film adsorption.23 This wetting transition was first predicted by Cahn44 and Ebner and Saam45 independently. Pandit et al.46 associated the wetting regimes with the different shapes of adsorption isotherms, and Finn and Monson23 proved the existence of the prewetting by Monte Carlo simulations for the first time. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, gas phase adsorption isotherms have so far been studied only up to the saturation pressure. It is known that metastable states in gas phases can be studied by molecular dynamics simulations.5 In the present study, adsorption isotherms are also reported for pressures above the saturation pressure, i.e., for conditions for which the gas phase is metastable. The pressure was increased until droplet formation was observed. Becker et al.1 have shown that contact angles determined in dispersive systems modeled with the LJTS potential with a cutoff radius of 2.5 fluid diameters agree well with literature data Special Issue: Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties Received: October 14, 2018 Accepted: December 7, 2018


DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00927 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


obtained with other variants of the Lennard-Jones potential and also that the differences between site-based wall models and planar wall potentials of the LJ type are small as long as the energy parameters are chosen consistently. The present work reports on a comprehensive study of gas phase and supercritical fluid adsorption in LJTS systems. The adsorption strength is systematically varied by varying the solid−fluid interaction energy as well as the wall density. The contact angles are known for all studied systems from our previous investigation.1 Cases with total wetting as well as cases with partial wetting are considered. The temperature is varied over a wide range between the triple point and 3 times the critical temperature of the LJTS fluid. All in all, 49 adsorption isotherms with 4 to 14 data points per isotherm are reported together with information on the thickness and structure of the adsorption layer and the contact angle.


MOLECULAR SIMULATION Molecular Model. To describe the interaction between particles, the LJTS-12-6 potential uLJTS is used, which is based on the LJ-12-6 potential uLJ: ÄÅ ÉÑ ÅÅÅji σ zy12 ji σ zy6ÑÑÑ uLJ(r ) = 4εÅÅÅjj zz − jj zz ÑÑÑ ÅÅk r { k r { ÑÑÑÖ (1) ÅÇ

εsf = ζεf

∑ (x , z ) d x d z umin


Figure 1. Snapshot of the adsorption simulation scenario. Periodic boundary conditions are applied in all directions. The solid wall on the top of the box is shielded by the membrane and is not depicted.


The scenario contains an atomistic wall which is fixed at the bottom of the simulation box as described in the Supporting Information. The surface of the wall is located in the x, z-plane, and the y coordinate is perpendicular to that plane. The wall has 6 layers of sites such that its thickness is larger than rc = 2.5σf and no periodic artifacts occur. Periodic boundary conditions are applied in x-, y-, and z-direction. Near the top of the simulation box at a height of y = 55σf, a repulsive soft membrane is applied. This membrane avoids the layer growth underneath the atomistic wall, which would appear due to periodic boundary conditions in the y-direction. For details, see the Supporting Information. The distance from the surface of the solid wall to the membrane is larger than 40σf such that the influence of the membrane on the adsorption process is negligible.29 The total correlation function was measured for all subcritical temperatures for the state point with the largest supersaturation. In all cases the correlation length was much smaller than the box length. This shows that the membrane has no influence on the adsorption layer even in inauspicious cases. The width and the depth of the simulation box are the same (Lx = Lz). The numbers for Lx, Lz, and Nf are determined from the fluid density. Nf is at least 8000, and Lx and Lz are at least 50σf. Results from a preliminary study on the influence of the choice of Nf on the results for the adsorption showed that no size effects are present for Nf larger than 6000, cf. the Supporting Information. The studied temperature range covers subcritical

where ζ is the reduced solid−fluid interaction energy which is varied from 0.35 to 2.0. The LJTS sites of the solid are not fixed, i.e., they fully take part in the simulation. However, due to the strong attraction, they remain in the crystal configuration, which is specified at the start of the simulation. Here, this is a facecentered cubic (fcc) lattice with the (100) surface exposed to the fluid. The density of the solid is changed by varying the size of the LJTS sites of the solid σs. The lattice constant of the solid is a = 1.55σs. Table 1 shows the size parameters and densities of the solids used in this work. Table 1. Size Parameter σs, Density ρs, and Average Minimum Potential W of the Studied LJTS Solid Walls 0.646 3.98 8.07



ε and σ are the energy and size parameter, respectively, and r is the distance between two particles.47 The LJTS potential is truncated and shifted at a cutoff radius, which is rc = 2.5σ throughout the present work. All properties are normalized using ε and σ of the fluid (f). The energy parameter of the solid (s) is εs = 100εf, whereas the energy parameter of the solid−fluid (sf) interaction is calculated using

σs/σf ρs/σf−3 W/ζkTc


∫0 ∫0

Here, x and z are Cartesian coordinates in the surface plane and Lx and Lz are the corresponding dimensions of the rectangular plane. The term u∑ min(x, z) is the cumulative minimum potential at a given lateral position (x, z). The cumulative potential u∑(x, y, z) describes the interaction of one fluid particle with all wall particles.48 It depends on the density of the wall, the distance y between the fluid particle and the wall, and the position of the fluid particle in lateral (x, z) position. For any position (x, z) on the wall, it has a minimum u∑ min(x, z) at some distance y* above the wall. W depends linearly on ζ for the LJTS potential and on the solid density ρs. Becker et al.1 used the method of Grzelak et al.49 to calculate W for the solids used in this work. The results for W are shown in Table 1. Simulation Method. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out with the massively parallel code ls1 mardyn15 in a canonical (NVT) ensemble. A scheme of the simulation scenario is depicted in Figure 1.

l o o uLJ(r ) − uLJ(rc) r ≤ rc uLJTS(r ) = m o o r > rc o n0

1 LxLz

0.8 2.10 4.83

1 1.07 3.08

The influence of the solid−fluid interaction and the solid density on the adsorption is described using the average minimum potential W. It was already used successfully by Becker et al.1 to describe the contact angle as a function of the solid−fluid interaction, solid density, and temperature. W is defined as B

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00927 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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and supercritical temperatures from the triple point TTP to 3 times the temperature at the critical point Tc (TTP = 0.65 εfk−1, Tc = 1.0779εfk−1).2,18 The temperatures of the solid and the fluid are kept constant by two Andersen thermostats50 with a collision frequency of ν = 0.05. The same temperatures were set for the fluid and the solid. Using two thermostats avoids problems that might result from the different strengths of the interaction energies in the two phases. In the initial configuration, the fluid particles are equally distributed. During the simulation, fluid particles are attracted by the wall and form an adsorption layer. The equilibration time of a simulation is at least 1 million time steps with a simulation time step of Δt = 0.0005(m/εf)1/2σf. The equilibration is followed by a production run of 2.5 million time steps. Table 2 gives an overview of all adsorption isotherms that were studied in the present work. For each adsorption isotherm, 4−14 simulations for different pressures were carried out while all other conditions were kept constant. The pressure is set indirectly by the number of fluid particles in the simulation volume. Data Evaluation. Fluid density profiles ρf(y) and pressure profiles pf(y) were sampled during the simulation runs using 400 bins of equal size in y-direction. Density was sampled by counting the particles per bin. The pressure, defined as one-third of the trace of the pressure tensor, was sampled in the same bins using the intermolecular virial based on the method proposed by Irving and Kirkwood.51,52 The pressure due to a specific twoparticle interaction was distributed evenly between these particles. The pressure calculated in this way is meaningful only in the isotropic phase. The anisotropic part of the obtained pressure profile was therefore neglected. Block averages were determined for each bin with a block size of 500 000 time steps. Figure 2 shows examples of a fluid density profile ρf(y) and a pressure profile pf(y). For y < ys, the fluid density and the fluid pressure are zero because this region belongs to the wall. If y exceeds a certain threshold (y > yb), the fluid density ρf(y) and the fluid pressure pf(y) are constant and equal to the bulk fluid density ρbf and bulk fluid pressure pbf . Only at high values of y, the influence of the membrane is observed (y > y1 = 55σf). For ys < y < yb, the adsorption results in a layering structure in the density profile. In the case shown in Figure 2, two density peaks are observed in this interval. Also, the pressure profile shows oscillations which result from the layering. The bulk fluid density ρbf and the bulk fluid pressure pbf are calculated by averaging the respective values between yb and y1, cf. Figure 2. Numbers for yb are needed here only for determining these bulk values. yb was chosen in such a way that for y > yb the profiles were constant within the scattering of the data. The surface excess Γ is calculated from ρf(y) using eq 5:53 Γ=



[ρf (y) − ρfb ] dy


Table 2. Overview of the Conditions for Which Adsorption Was Studied in the Present Work ρs/σf−3






0.77 0.8

1.07 1.07

0.35 0.514 0.65 0.75 0.75 0.35 0.514 0.65 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.35 0.514 0.65 0.35 0.514 0.65 0.35 0.514 0.65 0.75 0.35 0.514 0.65 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.35 0.514 0.65 0.35 0.514 0.65 0.35 0.514 0.65 0.35 0.514 0.65 0.35 0.514 0.65 0.35 0.514 0.65 0.35 0.514 0.65 0.514 0.65

1.08 1.58 2.00 2.31 2.31 1.08 1.58 2.00 2.31 3.08 4.62 6.16 1.69 2.48 3.14 2.83 4.15 5.25 1.08 1.58 2.00 2.31 1.08 1.58 2.00 3.08 4.62 6.16 1.69 2.48 3.14 2.83 4.15 5.25 1.08 1.58 2.00 1.08 1.58 2.00 1.08 1.58 2.00 1.69 2.48 3.14 2.83 4.15 5.25 2.48 3.14

124 90 63 37 24 133 90 56 11 0 0 0 101 42 0 75 0 0 175 90 34 0


















The integration starts at y0, which is the first intersection of the density profile with the bulk density, and the integration ends at y1. Both integration values are depicted in Figure 2. The layer thickness is calculated here from δ = ye − ys


maximum of the density. For simplicity, therefore, ys = ymax − 0.5σf is used here throughout. There is more arbitrariness in determining the upper bound ye. Using yb would not be a good choice because its value depends on the scattering of the data and varies largely. As a result, scattering numbers for δ would be obtained. Here, ye is simply found from the intersection of the density profile with 1.1ρbf . δ is also shown in Figure 2. The


The lower bound of y = ys is determined by the first rise in the density profile ρf(y) and is not difficult to assign. The position ys is always near ymax − 0.5σf, where ymax is the position of the first C

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00927 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Figure 2. Left: Density profile of the fluid phase ρf(y) (solid line) for T/Tc = 0.8, ρs = 1.07 σf−3, ζ = 0.65, and ρbf = 0.0399 σf−3. The dashed line shows the bulk density ρbf of the vapor phase. y0 and y1 show the integration boundaries for the surface excess calculation. yb is the start value, and y1 is the end value for the bulk density calculation. ymax shows the y coordinate of the first peak. ys and ye determine the layer thickness δ, which is shown by the gray area. 1.1ρbf is used to calculate ye and is also shown. Right: Pressure profile of the fluid phase pf(y) (solid line) for the same conditions. The dashed line shows the bulk pressure pbf (y) = 0.0269εfσf−3 of the vapor phase. yb and y1 show the start and end values of the bulk pressure calculation.

density profiles ρf(y) and the pressure profiles pf(y) are uniquely determined by the wall properties, number of particles, volume, and temperature of a given simulation run. In Figure 3, examples for density profiles with 1, 2, 3, and 4 adsorption peaks are shown.

Figure 3. Density profiles of the fluid phase ρf(y) from 4 data points at different pressures from the isotherm T/Tc = 0.8 for ρs = 1.07σf−3 and ζ = 1.0. Solid line: pbf = 0.00584εfσf−3. Dotted line: pbf = 0.01263εfσf−3. Dashed line: pbf = 0.0178εfσf−3. Dashed−dotted line: pbf = 0.0223εfσf−3.

The uncertainty of the simulation data that is reported here is 3 times the standard deviation of the production run. The data for averaged (over 2 500 000 time steps) fluid density profiles ρf*(y) and the uncertainty Δρf*(y) is given for all simulations in the Excel spreadsheet in the Supporting Information.

Figure 4. Adsorption isotherms for T/Tc = 0.8 and ρs = 1.07σf−3 (top), ρs = 2.1σf−3 (middle), and ρs = 3.98σf−3 (bottom). The simulation data is shown as symbols, the uncertainty is indicated by error bars. The saturation pressure is shown as a black dashed line and the contact angle θ is reported for all adsorption isotherms. Top: W = 1.08 (black), W = 1.58 (blue), W = 2.00 (violet), W = 2.31 (red), W = 3.08 (orange), W = 4.62 (green), and W = 6.16 (dark green). The filled symbols in the top panel indicate a jump in the adsorption isotherm where prewetting occurs. Middle: W = 1.69 (black), W = 2.48 (blue), and W = 3.14 (violet). Bottom: W = 2.83 (black), W = 4.15 (blue), and W = 5.25 (violet).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this paragraph, first, results for one subcritical and one supercritical temperature are discussed in detail. Then, the rest of the results are presented. Numerical results for ρbf , pbf , Γ, δ, and the number of adsorption peaks Npeaks are reported in the Supporting Information. Adsorption Isotherms for T/Tc = 0.8. Figure 4 shows the surface excess Γ as a function of the bulk fluid pressure pbf for T/ D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00927 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Tc = 0.8 for different values of the reduced solid−fluid interaction energy ζ and the solid density ρs. A contact angle is assigned to each adsorption isotherm based on the work of Becker et al.1 The contact angles for ρs = 1.07σf−3 are calculated using eq 9 in Becker et al.1 The others are described by Heier et al.54 Figure 4 also contains information on the saturation pressure psf which is calculated using a correlation of Vrabec et al.2 and is shown as a dashed line. For increasing pressure, the adsorption isotherms with θ = 0° diverge at the saturation pressure for all solid densities. For θ = 11° (W = 2.31, top) a wetting transition from partial to total wetting is observed, which is indicated by a jump in the adsorption isotherm at pbf = 0.022εfσf−3. This jump appears between the filled symbols in the top diagram of Figure 4. At the saturation pressure, this isotherm diverges as well. For larger values of θ, the adsorption isotherms remain finite at the saturation pressure. In that regime, simulations for pressures above the saturation pressure, i.e., in the metastable region of the fluid, were also performed. The pressure was increased until droplet formation occurred. Further information on droplet formation can be found in the Supporting Information. In the simulations with metastable conditions for which adsorption data are reported here, no nucleation events were observed. Horsch et al.4,55 investigated nucleation for the supersaturated LJTS fluid with rc = 2.5σf with molecular simulations and classical nucleation theory. The fact that no nucleation was observed in the simulations with metastable fluids for which data are reported here is in accordance with the results of that work. For the system size and number of particles in the simulations of the present work, no nucleation events are expected if the pressure is not increased further. To summarize, the surface excess at fixed temperatures increases for: increasing W, solid density, and reduced solid− fluid interaction energy. For a contact angle of θ = 11°, a wetting transition occurs. For small contact angles, the surface excess diverges at the saturation pressure, but for large contact angles, it remains finite even in the metastable range. Figure 5 shows the adsorption layer thickness δ as a function of pbf for T/Tc = 0.8 for different values of the reduced solid− fluid interaction energy ζ and the solid density ρs. The curves δ(pbf ) are called δ-curves in the following. They are similar to the corresponding adsorption isotherms. For θ = 11°, a jump can also be seen in the δ-curve where the wetting transition occurs. Contrary to what might be expected for a monolayer, δ does not converge to σf at low pressures but to values that are higher. This is due to the slow decay of the density profile on the vapor side (Figure 2), which results in the fact that even for monolayers δ, as defined by eq 6, is larger than σf. The second, third, and fourth layers occur for larger values of δ. The number of peaks for each simulation point is indicated by different symbols in Figure 5. Adsorption Isotherms for T = Tc = 1.1. Figure 6 shows the surface excess Γ as a function of the bulk fluid pressure pbf for T/Tc = 1.1 for different values of the reduced solid−fluid interaction energy ζ and the solid density ρs. A comparison of Figures 4 and 6 shows that the shapes of the adsorption isotherms for T/Tc = 1.1 differ significantly from those for T/Tc = 0.8. For T < Tc, the adsorption isotherms have a convex shape or an s-shape, for T > Tc, the adsorption isotherms are concave and converge to a constant surface excess. However, the following observations are similar to the observations made for T < Tc: First, the surface excess increases with increasing W for constant temperature and solid density. Second, the surface excess increases for increasing solid density and increasing

Figure 5. Adsorption layer thickness for T/Tc = 0.8 and ρs = 1.07σf−3 (top), ρs = 2.1σf−3 (middle), and ρs = 3.98σf−3 (bottom). The simulation data is shown as symbols, the uncertainty is indicated by error bars. The number of peaks in the adsorption layer is shown with different symbols: one peak (□), two peaks (△), three peaks (○), and four peaks (▽).The saturation pressure is shown as a black dashed line and the contact angle θ is reported for all values of W. Top: W = 1.08 (black), W = 1.58 (blue), W = 2.00 (violet), W = 2.31 (red), W = 3.08 (orange), W = 4.62 (green), and W = 6.16 (dark green). The filled symbols show a jump in the layer thickness where prewetting occurs. Middle: W = 1.69 (black), W = 2.48 (blue), and W = 3.14 (violet). Bottom: W = 2.83 (black), W = 4.15 (blue), and W = 5.25 (violet).

reduced solid−fluid interaction energy. Except for the shape of the adsorption isotherms, the basic behavior of the adsorption isotherms (with regard to ζ and ρs) is the same for subcritical or supercritical adsorption. At constant other conditions, the surface excess decreases with increasing temperature. The δ-curves for T/Tc = 1.1 are shown in Figure 7. The δ-curves are again similar to the adsorption isotherms. The layer thickness decreases with increasing temperature. Adsorption Isotherms for T/Tc = 0.7, 0.77, 0.9, 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0. Adsorption isotherms for T/Tc= 0.7, 0.77, 0.9, 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 are shown in Figures 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 respectively. In these figures, it can be seen that the behavior of the subcritical adsorption isotherms is similar to that for T/Tc = 0.8 as discussed above. The supercritical isotherms resemble that for T/Tc = 1.1. For T/Tc = 0.9, no simulation results in the metastable region were obtained because nucleation was observed in all attempts. Droplet growth at the wall as well as important clustering of particles in the vapor phase were even observed for pressures slightly below the saturation pressure. For high temperatures E

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00927 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Figure 6. Adsorption isotherms for T/Tc = 1.1 and ρs = 1.07σf−3 (top), ρs = 2.1σf−3 (middle), and ρs = 3.98σf−3 (bottom). The simulation data is shown as symbols, the uncertainty is indicated by error bars. Top: W = 1.08 (black), W = 1.58 (blue), W = 2.00 (violet), W = 3.08 (orange), W = 4.62 (green), and W = 6.16 (dark green). Middle: W = 1.69 (black), W = 2.48 (blue), and W = 3.14 (violet). Bottom: W = 2.83 (black), W = 4.15 (blue), and W = 5.25 (violet).

Figure 7. Adsorption layer thickness for T/Tc = 1.1 and ρs = 1.07σf−3 (top), ρs = 2.1σf−3 (middle), and ρs = 3.98σf−3 (bottom). The simulation data is shown as symbols, the uncertainty is indicated by error bars. The number of peaks in the adsorption layer is shown with different symbols: one peak (□), two peaks (△), three peaks (○), and four peaks (▽). Top: W = 1.08 (black), W = 1.58 (blue), W = 2.00 (violet), W = 3.08 (orange), W = 4.62 (green), and W = 6.16 (dark green). Middle: W = 1.69 (black), W = 2.48 (blue), and W = 3.14 (violet). Bottom: W = 2.83 (black), W = 4.15 (blue), and W = 5.25 (violet).

(i.e., T/Tc = 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0), the surface excess is so small that the calculation of the adsorption layer thickness becomes difficult. Therefore, no data on δ is reported for these cases. The results for δ for the other cases are shown in the Supporting Information. The bulk fluid values ρbf and pbf from the subcritical adsorption simulations in the stable and metastable range are compared to the PeTS Equation of State (EOS)5 predictions in Figure 14. The PeTS EOS is known to be accurate in the metastable range. Further information regarding the PeTS EOS can be found in the Supporting Information. The agreement is very good. This confirms the accuracy of the present metastable simulations.

Figure 8. Adsorption isotherms for T/Tc = 0.7 and ρs = 1.07σf−3. W = 1.08 (black), W = 1.58 (blue), W = 2.00 (violet), and W = 2.31 (red). The simulation data is shown as symbols, the uncertainty is indicated by error bars. The saturation pressure is shown as a black dashed line and the contact angle θ is reported for all adsorption isotherms.

CONCLUSIONS Gas and supercritical adsorption on a planar wall in dispersive systems was investigated in the present work by molecular dynamics simulations. The Lennard-Jones truncated and shifted potential with a cutoff radius of 2.5 fluid diameters was used to describe the fluid−fluid, solid−fluid, and solid−solid interactions. Adsorption simulations were performed for T/Tc = 0.7, 0.77, 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 for a wide range of solid−fluid interactions and solid densities which determine the strength of the adsorption. The molecular parameters that determine the

adsorption strength also determine the contact angle. From previous work on wetting in the same systems, the contact angles are known for all adsorption isotherms studied here. To the authors’ knowledge, adsorption was studied here for the first time in the metastable region. For small contact angles, F

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00927 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Figure 9. Adsorption isotherms for T/Tc = 0.77 and ρs = 1.07σf−3. W = 2.31 (red). The simulation data is shown as symbols, the uncertainty is indicated by error bars. The saturation pressure is shown as a black dashed line and the contact angle θ is reported for the adsorption isotherm. The filled symbols show a jump in the adsorption isotherm where prewetting occurs.

Figure 10. Adsorption isotherms for T/Tc = 0.9 and ρs = 1.07σf−3. W = 1.08 (black), W = 1.58 (blue), W = 2.00 (violet), and W = 2.31 (red). The simulation data is shown as symbols, the uncertainty is indicated by error bars. The saturation pressure is shown as a black dashed line and the contact angle θ is reported for all adsorption isotherms.

Figure 13. Adsorption isotherms for T/Tc = 3.0 and ρs = 1.07σf−3 (top), ρs = 2.1σf−3 (middle), and ρs = 3.98σf−3 (bottom). The simulation data is shown as symbols, the uncertainty is indicated by error bars. Top: W = 1.08 (black), W = 1.58 (blue), and W = 2.00 (violet). Middle: W = 1.69 (black), W = 2.48 (blue), and W = 3.14 (violet). Bottom: W = 2.83 (black), W = 4.15 (blue), and W = 5.25 (violet).

Figure 11. Adsorption isotherms for T/Tc = 1.5 and ρs = 1.07σf−3. W = 1.08 (black), W = 1.58 (blue), and W = 2.00 (violet). The simulation data is shown as symbols, the uncertainty is indicated by error bars.

Figure 14. Bulk pressure versus density for the LJTS fluid with rc = 2.5σf calculated with the PeTS EOS5 (lines) on the vapor side. The binodal is shown as a black solid line and the isotherms for T/Tc = 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9 are shown as red, blue, and green lines. The bulk pressures of the adsorption simulations are shown as symbols, red for T/Tc = 0.7, blue for T/Tc = 0.8, and green for T/Tc = 0.9.

Figure 12. Adsorption isotherms for T/Tc = 2.0 and ρs = 1.07σf−3. W = 1.08 (black), W = 1.58 (blue), and W = 2.00 (violet). The simulation data is shown as symbols, the uncertainty is indicated by error bars.

reduced solid−fluid interaction energy, the surface excess increases. This work gives a comprehensive data set for describing the adsorption in dispersive systems for a wide range of conditions

prewetting is observed in a narrow range. In general, for decreasing temperature, increasing solid density, and increasing G

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00927 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00927.

Simulation scenario, system size effect, adsorption results, detection of droplet growth in the metastable region, the PeTS Equation of State, and a table with all results of the adsorption simulations (PDF) Averaged density profiles ρf*(y) for all adsorption simulations (XLSX)


Corresponding Author

E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: +49 (0)631 2054685. Fax: +49 (0)631 2053835. ORCID

Kai Langenbach: 0000-0001-5025-6360 Present Address §

Scientic Computing Department, STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK Research and Innovation, Warrington, United Kingdom. Funding

The authors gratefully acknowledge funding of the present work by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG within CRC 926. They acknowledge computational support by the Leibniz Supercomputing Center (LRZ) under large-scale grant SPARLAMPE (pr48te) and the Regional University Computing Center Kaiserslautern (RHRK) under grant TUK-TLMV. The present work was conducted under the auspices of the Boltzmann-Zuse Society for Computational Molecular Engineering (BZS). Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00927 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX