Molecular Genetics and Evolution of Pesticide Resistance

Brown, Thomas M., 1,149. Bryson, Patricia K., 149. Caprio, Michael ... Trebst, Achim, 44. Webb, Steven R., 28. Williamson, Martin S., 52. Wilson, Thom...
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Downloaded by on May 25, 2018 | Publication Date: September 27, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0645.ix001

Author Index Adang, Michael J., 130 Anderson, Neil, 243 Andreev, Dmitri, 106 Anthony, Nicola M . , 106 Arnette, Fran, 149 Aronstein, Kate, 106 Bender, Carol L., 198 Berrada, S., 17 Bird, Lisa J., 160 Blackman, Roger L., 72 Bongibault, V., 17 Brown, Thomas M . , 1,149 Bryson, Patricia K., 149 Caprio, Michael A., 229 Castells, Nathalie, 52 Colvin-Snyder, Tobi L., 243 Cooksey, Donald A., 79 Cryan, Jason R., 141 Darmency, Henri, 209 Deshpande, Satish, 28 DeVault, J. D., 221 Devonshire, Alan L., 52,72 De Waard, Maarten A., 62 Eberlein, Charlotte V., 10 ffrench-Constant, Richard H , 106 Field, Linda M.,72 Finson, Naomi, 130 Forrester, Neil W., 160 Fournier, D., 17 Gardner, SheaN., 169 Gould, Fred L., 229 Graves, Jerry B., 149 Greenplate, John T., 229 Gressel, Jonathan, 169 Groeters, Francis R., 130 Guttieri, Mary J., 10 Hall, J. Christopher, 28

Heckel, David G., 130 Hick, Caroline A., 52,72 Hughes, K. J., 221 Javed, Naghmy, 72 Johnson, Marshall W., 130 Johnson, O. A., 221 Leonard, Paul K., 187 Leopold, R. A., 221 Lewis, Paul I., 243 Liu, Yong-Biao, 130 Luo, Ke, 130 Mallett, James L . B., 149 Mallory-Smith, Carol A., 10 Mangel, Marc, 169 Martinez-Torres, David, 52 Matten, Sharlene R., 243 Narang, S. K., 221 Nemec, Stanley J., 149 Pasteur, N . , 90 Powles, Stephen B., 117 Preston, Christopher, 117 Raymond, M . , 90 Roof, Mitchell, 149 Sims, Steven B., 229 Spence, Jennifer M . , 72 Stone, Terry B., 229 Sundin, George W., 97,198 Sutherland, Douglas W. S., 243 Tabashnik, Bruce E., 130 Tardif, Francois J., 117 Thill, Donn C , 10 Thompson, Gary D., 187 Tomimatsu, Gail, 243 Trebst, Achim, 44 Webb, Steven R., 28 Williamson, Martin S., 52 Wilson, Thomas G., 141


Brown; Molecular Genetics and Evolution of Pesticide Resistance ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Downloaded by on May 25, 2018 | Publication Date: September 27, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0645.ix001

Affiliation Index Australian Cotton Research Institute, 160 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 90 Ceregen, 229 Clemson University, 1,130,149 Colorado State University, 141 Cyanamid International, 187 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, 209 Institute of Arable Crops ResearchRothamsted, 52,72 IRAC-U.S., 187 Louisiana State University, 149 Mississippi State University, 229 Natural History Museum (United Kingdom), 72 Nemec Agriservices, 149 North Carolina State University, 141,229 Oklahoma State University, 198

Oregon State University, 10 Ruhr-Universitat, 44 U.S. Department of Agriculture, 221 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 243 University Paul Sabatier, 17 University College London, 149 University of Adelaide, 117 University of California—Riverside, 79 University of California—Davis, 169 University of Georgia, 130 University of Guelph, 28 University of Hawaii, 130 University of Idaho, 10 University of Illinois—Chicago, 97,198 University of Wisconsin, 106 Wageningen Agricultural University, 62 Weizmann Institute of Science, 169

Subject Index A a subunit, role in forming functional sodium channel protein, 54 Abandonment, resistance management, 177-178 Abstinence, resistance management, 170-171 Aceln-R, role in surveillance of resistant acetylcholinesterase in Heliothis virescens, 149-156 Acetohydroxy acid synthase, See Acetolactate synthase Acetolactate synthase function, 10 oligomeric structure, 10-11,13/ role in multiple mechanisms for herbicide resistance in Lolium rigidum, 117-127 target of pesticide resistance, 3

Acetolactate synthase inhibiting herbicides laboratory selection for resistance, 11-12,14 molecular genetics of target site resistance, 10-15 Acetolactate synthase inhibitor resistance, selection, 11 Acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase, role in multiple mechanisms for herbicide resistance in Lolium rigidum, 117-127 Acetylcholinesterase molecular genetics in insecticideresistant Drosophila melanogaster, 17-26 surveillance in Heliothis virescens, 149-156 target of pesticide resistance, 3 Adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP) dependent flash-induced signals, auxinic herbicide resistance, 38,40/

Brown; Molecular Genetics and Evolution of Pesticide Resistance ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.