Molecular Orbitals of NO, NO+, and NO–: A Computational Quantum

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Laboratory Experiment

Molecular Orbitals of NO, NO+, and NO−: A Computational Quantum Chemistry Experiment Renato P. Orenha and Sérgio E. Galembeck* Departamento de Química, FFCLRP, Universidade de São Paulo, 14040-901, Ribeirão Preto − SP Brasil S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: This computational experiment presents qualitative molecular orbital (QMO) and computational quantum chemistry exercises of NO, NO+, and NO−. Initially students explore several properties of the target molecules by Lewis diagrams and the QMO theory. Then, they compare qualitative conclusions with EHT and DFT calculations and explore discrepancies from the experimental results, obtained from Internet databases. Next, they investigate how several properties change with increasing basis set and obtain reliable electronic energies by extrapolation to an infinite basis set. This experiment explores not only quantum chemistry calculations, but also the power of qualitative reasoning. Additionally, it also investigates the behavior of some properties with increasing basis set and the accurate energy calculations by the extrapolation to an infinite basis set. KEYWORDS: Upper-Division Undergraduate, Graduate Education/Research, Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Computer-Based Learning, Computational Chemistry, Covalent Bonding, Free Radicals, Lewis Structures, MO Theory, Molecular Properties/Structures, Quantum Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry


methods to accurately calculate molecular energies.12,13 One strategy has been to use hypothetical reactions in which the type of bonds cleaved in the reactants are the same as those formed in the products, the so-called isodesmic reactions. Various authors have designed composite methods that afford accurate results after conducting a series of increasingly complex steps. Another approach to this problem has been to perform a series of calculations with systematically large basis sets and extrapolate the energy to an infinite basis set. These calculations normally involve correlated methods, such as CCSD(T), and correlation consistent basis sets, like cc-pVxZ, where x = 2−7, which precludes the application of this technique to large molecules. Some years ago, Jansen proposed a series of basis sets that present a convergent behavior for use in DFT methods: the polarization consistent basis, pc-n, n = 0− 4,14 which opened the possibility to overcome the limit of a finite basis set for large systems. In contrast, the energy calculated by Pople’s basis sets does not present a convergent behavior, and this precludes the extrapolation of energy to an infinite basis. This is due to different primitive GTOs that are present in the basis sets, and the lack of higher angular momentum functions.12 Therefore, this fact is important to demonstrate that only some special designed basis sets support extrapolation of the energy. Also it is important to mention that only the energy presents a convergent behavior with the increase of a basis set.

olecular orbitals (MOs) could help to explain different phenomena involved in molecular structure and stability, such as the strength of a particular chemical bond, its covalent−ionic character, the most reactive site, and electronic transitions.1 Despite its importance, molecular orbital theory is only briefly discussed during undergraduate courses. Nitric oxide (NO) and its monocation and monoanion (NO+ and NO−) are very interesting molecules to study during a molecular orbital experiment. NO displays very complex chemistry and biochemistry.2 It originates from fossil fuel combustion and participates in the production of photochemical smog and acid rain.3 It also plays a role in several biochemical processes, like blood pressure regulation4 and neurotransmission.5 NO also has a number of medical applications: it is used to treat newborns with lung problems and patients with angina.6 The electronic structure of NO bound to a metal is not well understood and has been a topic of intense research.7 Nitric oxide was used several times to illustrate different concepts in chemical education literature. The concept of paramagnetic resonance spectrum was explained by using this substance in the gas phase.8 The nitric oxide−oxygen reaction was used in the determination of the integrated rate equation by kinetic models.9 The Lewis dot structure and molecular orbital theory of NO, NO+, and NO− were studied,10 to understand changes of bond order and vibration frequency of nitric oxide with the oxidation and reduction of one electron.11 Because computational quantum chemists face the challenge of obtaining reliable thermochemical data with “chemical precision” of 1 kcal/mol, scientists have developed many © XXXX American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.

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Journal of Chemical Education

Laboratory Experiment

O(2p) = −15.9 eV),15 it was possible to build the qualitative molecular orbital energy (QMO) level diagram for NO (Figure 2). This diagram revealed changes in bond orders, bond

A computational experiment is presented to study the chemical bond and the energy levels of NO, NO+, and NO−. The three species are examined via qualitative molecular orbital (QMO) and computational quantum chemistry exercises. Additionally, the behavior of some properties with increasing basis set and the accurate energy calculations by the extrapolation to an infinite basis set is explored.

EXPERIMENTAL OVERVIEW Before the experiment, the students had to draw the Lewis structure and the qualitative valence MO energy level diagram of all the species. Then, they obtain experimental data on Computational Chemistry Comparison and Benchmark DataBase (CCCBDB), and they used the EHT method, to obtain the MOs and the MO diagram. A DFT method furnished the geometries, vibrational frequencies, partial atomic charges, by several different schemes, and spin densities. This exercise highlights the difficulty in the determination of atomic charge, because it is not physical observable, and by consequence there is not a quantum mechanical operator for this measure. It was possible to calculate several properties with a series of 6-31G and pc-n, n = 1−4, basis set, and to analyze the convergent behavior. At the end of the experiment, the students calculated the B3LYP/pc-∞ energies and compared the results with experimental ionization energies (IE) and electron affinities (EA) of NO. This computational experiment is scheduled for two laboratory lessons of 2 h. Students worked individually, but the experiment can be done for groups of two or three students. Also, it is possible for students to do some parts of this experiment as homework, for example, the Lewis structures and QMO analysis, EHT calculations, and the extrapolation of the energy to an infinite basis set. This experiment can be applied from advanced undergraduate to beginning postgraduate students in Applied Quantum Chemistry courses, but also it could be part of an Experimental Physical Chemistry course.

Figure 2. Valence qualitative molecular orbital energy level diagram for NO.

lengths, and vibrational frequencies. It was possible to localize the unpaired electron and to determine the nature of HOMO, or SOMO, and LUMO. The diagram also furnished the spin multiplicities: NO = doublet, NO+ = singlet, and NO− = triplet or open-shell singlet. According to Hund rules, the triplet state is the most stable.16

LEWIS STRUCTURES AND QMO DIAGRAMS Initially, the students had to obtain the Lewis structures for NO, NO+, and NO−, including formal charges and bond orders. They also obtained bond length changes and found out in which atom the NO unpaired electron was located (Figure 1).



The extended Hückel theory, EHT, with the aid of the SAMOA 1.0 software, provided molecular orbital diagrams for NO, NO+, and NO−.17 B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) and the Gaussian03 software suite enabled geometry optimization and vibrational frequency calculations.18 Mulliken (Mull) partition, electrostatic potential (ESP), Merz−Kollman (MK) method,19 natural population analysis (NPA),20 and generalized atomic polar tensor (APT)21 are used to calculate the atomic charges. By changing the computational model, HF/6-31G, HF/6-31G(d,p), and HF/631++G(d,p), it was possible to analyze the behavior of the electronic energy, and of Mulliken atomic charges for all the species. Also, students studied the convergence of B3LYP/pc-n, n = 2−4, with increasing basis sets for cited properties. In the case of NO, students investigated dipole moment and spin densities changes using these computational methods. They extrapolated the electronic energy to the infinite basis set by B3LYP/pc-n, n = 2−4,14 using eq 2, proposed by Jansen.14

Figure 1. Lewis structures for NO (A), NO+ (B), and NO− (C).

The formal charges on the oxygen and nitrogen can be calculated by qF = n°ev − 0.5(n°tc ) − n°ei


where qF is the formal charge, n°ev is the number of valence electrons of the isolated atom in the ground state, n°tc is the total number of electrons shared with other atoms in the molecule via covalent bonds, and n°ei is the number of nonbonding valence electrons on this atom in the molecule. Using the 2s and 2p atomic orbital energies of N and O (N(2s) = −25.5 eV, N(2p) = −13.1 eV, O(2s) = −32.3 eV, and

EL(ns) = E∞ + A(L + l)e−B B


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Journal of Chemical Education

Laboratory Experiment

where EL(ns) is the energy determined by using a basis with maximum angular momentum L, and with ns functions s; E∞ is the extrapolated energy; and A and B are constants. For the extrapolation, B was fixed at the value proposed by Jansen, B = 6.14 Students used the extrapolated energies, E∞, to calculate the NO and NO− ionization energies and the NO and NO+ electron affinities, using the Origin 8.0 software.22 Students compared all the calculated parameters with experimental ones, when they were available. CCCBDB23 furnished the experimental data; the Basis Set Exchange Database24 gave the pc-n basis set. Finding the Experimental Data

Initially, the students had to access the CCCBDB Web site and obtain experimental bond lengths, vibrational frequencies, and zero point energies for NO, NO+, and NO− (Table 1). All the Table 1. Bond Lengths (r), Vibrational Frequencies (ν), and Zero Point Energies (ZPE) for NOx (x = 0, +1, −1), Both Experimental and Calculated with B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) ν (cm−1)

r (Å)


EZPE (cm−1)








1 0 −1

1.066 1.154 1.258

1.073 1.158 1.271

2377 1904

2480 1980 1425

1174.33 948.64 a

1240.03 990.05 712.41


Not found.

Figure 3. Valence molecular orbital energy level diagram of NO obtained by the EHT method.

results relative to NO− concerned the most stable triplet spin state, except where indicated. Students were able to observe that the changes in r and in ν matched those predicted by the qualitative molecular orbital energy level diagram (Figure 1). MO Energy Level Diagram

Using the EHT method, it was possible to calculate the molecular orbital energy level diagram and the molecular orbitals of NO as well as the atomic orbital coefficients of the N and O atoms at the molecular orbitals of compound NO0 (Table S1 in the Supporting Information and Figures 3 and 4). From the molecular orbital diagram and the plots of the molecular orbitals, students concluded that the electron density was concentrated on the oxygen in all the target compounds, because the atomic orbitals of this element had lower energy as oxygen has higher electronegativity than nitrogen. In NO, the unpaired electron is located in the nitrogen, because, as an antibonding orbital, 1π* is located in the element with lower electronegativity. Students were able to notice that the EHT molecular energy level diagram agreed with the qualitative energy level diagram, except for the inversion of 2σ and 1π molecular orbitals. The NO molecular orbital energy level diagram is similar to that of oxygen. The destabilization of 2σ arises from the small contribution of 2s orbitals to these MO.1b In addition, it is particularly important discuss the changes of an orbital’s energies with the alteration of number of electrons in the structure of compounds NOx, x = −1, 0, and +1. This concept is called orbital relaxation because in Koopman’s theorem, where this term is ignored, the orbitals are “frozen”, in other words, the orbital’s energies do not change with oxidation or reduction of compound.25 Then, for the cation, the lack of one electron promotes a contraction of orbitals decreasing their energies because the electrons are closer to the nucleus. However, for the anion, the addition of one electron generates the expansion of orbitals, increasing their energies because the electrons are far from the core.

Figure 4. Valence molecular orbitals of NO.

Calculated Geometries and Vibrational Frequencies

Table 1 lists the results for the optimized geometries and calculated vibrational frequencies. The NO− triplet spin multiplicity was considered. The students were able to observe that the calculated bond lengths were closer to the experimental C | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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Laboratory Experiment

Table 2. Spin Densities (ρ), Partial Atomic Charges (qi), and Electric Dipole Moment (μi), Where i Is the Method Used To Calculate the Charge, by B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p), for NOx (x = 0, +1, −1) ρ/au x 1 0 −1

N 0.718 1.472


















0.282 0.528

0.404 −0.134 −0.896

0.404 0.134 −0.104

0.554 −0.010 −0.610

0.446 0.010 −0.390

0.800 0.202 −0.398

0.200 −0.202 −0.602

0.680 0.182 −0.234

0.320 −0.182 −0.766





ones. The stretching frequency was larger than the experimental one for the neutral and the cationic compounds; the reasons for this discrepancy were the approximations of computational models and nonharmonic nature of potential energy surface.19 Also, it was worth mentioning the use of scale factors and conducting scaling of vibrational frequencies and zero-point energies.

Table 3. Electronic Energy (E), Electric Dipole Moment (μ), Mulliken Partial Atomic Charge for Atom A (q(A)), and Spin Density (ρ(A)), Calculated by the Hartree−Fock Method with 6-31G, 6-31G(d,p), and 6-31++G(d,p) Basis Sets, for NO

Partial Atomic Charges and Spin Density

In the case of the neutral compound, the unpaired electron localized mainly in the nitrogen (Table 2); the NO− spin density was also concentrated on the nitrogen. These data agreed with the molecular orbital diagram (Figure 1) and the extended Hückel calculations. Mulliken atomic charges predicted that the electron density was concentrated on the nitrogen, especially for the neutral compound and the anion. This did not agree with the electronegativity order and could stem from the population of the antibonding 1π* orbital in neutral and −1 species. A recent determination of the sign of the NO dipole moment indicated that the negative charge was concentrated in the nitrogen,26 in contrast with the most accepted dipole moment for this molecule, 0.153 D.19 The value obtained from the expectation dipole moment operator value was 0.154 D, calculated by B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p). A very interesting point to discuss was how to calculate the atomic charges and how to interpret their theoretical meaning, since they are not physically observable. The instructor could propose that students calculated atomic charges using different procedures, such as ESP (electrostatic potential), NPA, and APT, employing distinctive methods or properties to obtain those quantities. The results indicated that each method predicted a very different distribution of the partial atomic charges, and that the polarity of the NO bond was even reversed (Table 2). Also, the results did not agree with the formal charges. Because no agreement on the most reliable method to calculate atomic charges was achieved, using the dipole moment of the neutral compound to obtain the partial atomic charges was an alternative strategy, because μ was physically observable and reflected the charge distribution. All the procedures predicted very high μ, except the MK method, as compared with the experimental values or values calculated by the μ operator. One way to partially obtain a more reliable ESP charge distribution was to constrain the partial atomic charges to reproduce μ.





E/hartree μ/D q(N)/au q(O)/au ρ(N)/au ρ(O)/au

−129.173945 0.310 0.242 −0.242 1.370 −0.370

−129.245835 0.288 0.201 −0.201 1.026 −0.026

−129.249582 0.297 0.017 −0.017 1.050 −0.050

Information). They calculated the dipole moment only for NO, because this is not physically observable for charged species. Students saw that only the electronic energy decreased with increasing basis set for all compounds, following the variational theorem. Other properties presented a monotonic variation in a few cases. Students compared the behavior of the HF/6-31G series of basis sets with B3LYP/pc-n, n = 1−4, for the same properties and compounds, using B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) geometries (Table 4 and Tables S4 and S5 in the Supporting Information). The Table 4. Electronic Energy (E), Electric Dipole Moment (μ), Mulliken Partial Atomic Charge for Atom A (q(A)), and Spin Density (ρ(A)) for NO, Calculated by the B3LYP/pc-n, n = 1−4, Computational Model parameter





E/hartree μ/D q(N)/au q(O)/au ρ(N)/au ρ(O)au

−129.868301 0.020 0.098 −0.098 0.698 0.302

−129.947750 0.074 0.071 −0.071 0.704 0.296

−129.955099 0.101 0.000 0.000 0.701 0.299

−129.955519 0.104 0.043 −0.043 0.669 0.331

pc-n calculations were made by using a density functional because these bases were built to study the convergence of the energy to an infinite basis set. The same observations made for 6-31G basis were valid for increasing of pc-n basis set, for which only the energy decreased uniformly. Mulliken atomic charges, spin densities, and NO dipole moment presented a monotonical variation in a few cases. By comparing the electronic energy between different species using the same computational model, students concluded that the energies for the 6-31G series basis sets varied as follows: NO0 < NO− < NO+. In contrast, for pc-n the stability depended on the basis set size. For pc-1: NO0 < NO− < NO+; for pc-2 to pc-4, NO− < NO0 < NO+. None of these methods agreed with the qualitative molecular orbital energy level diagram, which predicted that NO+ was the most stable, followed by NO0 and NO−. Using the experimental ionization energy (IE) and

Analysis of Some Properties with Changes in the Basis Set

A very interesting issue is how the calculated parameters, as such electronic energies, electric dipole moments, Mulliken partial atomic charges, and spin densities, change with increasing basis set, for a given method, like Hartree−Fock. Students investigated the effect of adding polarization and diffuse functions in the 6-31G basis set, 6-31G(d,p), and 6-31+ +G(d,p) for NO−, NO, and NO+, using B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) geometries (Table 3 and Tables S2 and S3 in the Supporting D | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education

Laboratory Experiment

electron affinity (EA) for NO0, IE = 9.284 eV and EA = 0.026 eV,23 the stability order was similar to that obtained for the pcn, n = 2−4, basis.

and the central role of the comparison of experimental and computational data. Besides, the experiment allowed development of some principles involving chemical bonding and computational quantum chemistry.

Convergence of Energies for an Infinite Basis Set

By using eq 1, it was possible to extrapolate the energies of B3LYP/pc-n to an infinite basis set, or to obtain the energies of studied species for B3LYP/pc-∞. This procedure should remove any error from the finite basis set, and any remaining disagreement with experimental results could stem from the calculation method. The extrapolations were made with the pc2 to pc-4 basis, because the pc-1 basis was very small and the calculated energies were very high as compared with more polarized basis sets. Table 5 presents the results of the

S Supporting Information *

Tables with the composition of molecular orbitals of NO0 and the parameters: electronic energy, Mulliken partial atomic charges, and spin densities for NO+ and NO−; and a student handout. This material is available via the Internet at http://

Table 5. Extrapolated Electronic Energies (E∞), Ionization Energies (IE∞), and Electron Affinities (EA∞), for NOx (x = 0, +1, −1) by B3LYP/pc-∞ NO




E∞/hartree IE∞/hartee EA∞/hartree


−129.955519 0.355868 0.011 531

−129.96705 0.011531



Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

HAZARDS In this experiment, there are no significant hazards.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This paper is dedicated to Fernando Galembeck, on his 70th birthday. The authors thank the Brazilian agencies CAPES/ PROAP, CNPq (Grant 481560/2010-6), and São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (Grant 2008/02677-0) for financial support. S.E.G. thanks CNPq for a research fellowship (Grant 304447/2010-2). R.P.O. thanks FAPESP for undergraduate and PhD fellowships (Grants 2009/08712-4 and 2011/20351-7). We also thank José Carlos Toledo Júnior, Ricardo Vessecchi, the Associate Editor, and two anonymous referees for helpful comments. We also acknowledge Cynthia M. C. Prado Manso for revising the manuscript and Ali Faez Taha for technical assistance.

CONCLUSION This paper presents a computational experiment that explores the chemical bond and the energy levels of NO0, NO+, and NO− using molecular orbital theory. From a qualitative exploration of the Lewis structure and the MO diagram, it is possible to obtain several properties, such as the charge concentration, changes in bond lengths, and stability. Then, experimental data is obtained by a search on Internet databases. Calculated bond lengths and vibrational frequencies are compared with experimental values, and the discrepancies are explored. Partial atomic charges are calculated by several approaches, and the NO electric dipole moment calculated from them is compared with experimental data. It is possible to study how a property changes with growing basis set and to obtain the electronic energies extrapolated to an infinite basis set. These experiments reinforce several concepts, including the qualitative molecular orbital theory and some of its applications. Results from molecular orbitals calculations can be compared with experimental ones. Also, two topics of great current interest are explored: the changes in properties with increasing basis sets and the calculation of accurate electronic energies. It is possible to draw students’ attention to some recent problems in computational chemistry. Students present a high interest during this experiment, where they presented questions about the application of the points discussed to more complex systems. They also reported the utility to learn how to obtain data from Internet databases,

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