BOOK REVIEWS years, and has been rather eagerly awaited by spectmseopists. It has aheady proved defined (p. 51), omission of herts as s, unit., useful in this reviewer's research and teachand depicilinn uf a nonplanar amide (Fig. ing. There is no doubt that i t will join 3. 111, t,he hook is relatively free of typaits predecessom as a standard reference graphical and faet~talerrors and is diswork in spectroscopy. The boak is divided into five ehapten plus appendices. The first chapter (121 pages) discusses the general properties ", but the nltt,hol.r seem to admit that the of electronic states, including their symdiseuasiou of shielding naturally develops metry, spin multiplicity, vibrational and into the 6 system (p. 21). Despite these rotational levels, and the efects of electric drawbacks, t,he boak is nonetheless exceland magnetic fields. The serond chapter lent, as if stands. One can give no st,ronger (148 pages) considers transibions bet,ween evidence of recommendation, indeed, than these states, including the selection r d e s the fact lhat it, has been rtdo~tedas a text and the vibrational and rotational st,rncfar our me-quarter course in magnetic ture of electronic bands. The emphasis resonance for organic chemist,^. is on the details which may he observed by high resolution spectroscopy. J o s m x B. L,\MBERT The treatment up to this point h a Norlhwestern Uniuersity been in terms of the general propert,ies Euanston, Illinois 60801 of wave functions and the quantum mechanical treatment of electronic and Molecular Spectra a n d Molecvlmr nuclear motion. The third chapter ( 1 3 Structure. Volume 3, Electronic pages) takes up the sort of approximate Spectra a n d Electronic Structure of treatments of electronic structure and Polyatomic Molecules spect,ra which can be carried out in practice. Although a %page sect,ion disGerhard Hemberg, National Research cusses valence bond theory, the emphasis Council of Canada. D. Van Nostrand is on the moleculsr orbital method. Co., Inc., Princeton, New Jersey, 1966. Symmetry elassificstions, correlation of xviii f 745 pp. Figs. and tables. orbit& and states between ditferent 16 X 23.5 em. 820. configurations, self consistent field methods, valence, term manifolds, This book is the third s n d last in a and intermoleoudar forces are all conseries on molecular spectra. and structure sidered in greater or lesser detail in this written by Dr. Aerzberg. (The others treat diatomic moleedes and infrared and chapter. Chapter 4 (5'3 pages) treats
Journal of Chemical Education
poteutial r w r g y surfaces and diswriation processes. The fifth rhapter (75 pages) takes up the electronic spectra of individual molecules in greater delail. The chapter is divided hy the number of atoms in the maleertle, the sizes considered being from three to t,welve atoms. The disoussion includes most molecole~for which high resolution spertm have been obtained. This chapter is srlpplemented by one of the appendices which lists, in t,abular form, the rnolecola~. const,nntr of t,he known electronic states of these moleeules and others. The tahle gives f a each state (when the data are known) the symmetry, electronic energy, vihration frequencies, rotsbinnnl constants, elertron configurat,ion.