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Molten Maleic: The neatest way to get liquid Talk to the people man who calls on Anrrydnde you. A b o u t molten maleic anhydride. Give u p your charcoal-size brickettes and go liquid. T h e economic, functional and handling advantages of molten maleic anhydride can make a big difference to companies using more than one million pounds a year. So m u c h so that we've spelled it all out in a 24 page book covering the subject from storage tanks
to safety precautions. W e ' d be delighted to send you a copy.
Just write and ask to be shown why you should go liquid. Butadiene/Butene-1 / Dichlorobutenes/Isobutylene/ Diisobutylene/Fumaric A c i d / Maleic A n h y d r i d e / Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride. Elastomer Products: Butyl /Neoprene
PetrcvTex Chemical Corp· Jointly owned by Tenneco Inc. and FMC Corp.
Where people count
8600 Park Place Blvd. Houston, Texas 77017 (713) 926-8871 Supplement to OIL, P A I N T & D R U G REPORTER