Molybdenum Complexes of Reduced Pterins

The reactions of molybdenum(VI) complexes and tetrahydropterins is described. The products of these reactions are formulated as Mo(VI)- tetrahydropter...
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Chapter 8

Molybdenum Complexes of Reduced Pterins Sharon J . Nieter Burgmayer, Kristin Everett, and Laura Bostick

Downloaded by CORNELL UNIV on May 31, 2017 | Publication Date: July 26, 1993 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1993-0535.ch008

Department of Chemistry, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

The reactions of molybdenum(VI) complexes and tetrahydropterins is described. The products of these reactions are formulated as Mo(VI)tetrahydropterin complexes, not the expected Mo(IV)-dihydropterin products. This formulation is supported by an X-ray crystal structure and ligand substitution experiments. Tetrahydropterin coordinates as an anionic ligand to Mo(VI) through deprotonated pyrazine N5 and carbonyl O4. These complexes are intensely colored, a physical property consistent with considerable electronic delocalization over the pterin and Mo-oxo core. The tetrahydropterin in these Mo(VI) complexes is oxidized by oxygen to 7,8-dihydropterin. The function of the pterin component, molybdopterin, of the molybdenum cofactor from the oxo-molybdoenzymes is unknown (7). A look at the roles of reduced pterins in other enzymes, cf., phenylalanine hydroxlyase, suggests a purpose for molybdopterin. Other pterin-dependent enzymes use the redox capability of pterin for substrate transformation (2). Hence, it is reasonable to anticipate a redox role for molybdopterin. A simple example of how pterin could be involved in catalytic substrate reduction is below. The reducible substrate XO oxidizes Mo(IV) to Mo(VI) and tetrahydropterin (Kjpterin) is used to regenerate Mo(IV).


X-O H 0097~6156/93/0535-0114$06.00/0 © 1993 American Chemical Society

Stiefel et al.; Molybdenum Enzymes, Cofactors, and Model Systems ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.


Molybdenum Complexes of Reduced Pterins


The possibility that the above reaction could operate in Mo-co motivated our inquiry into the reactions of oxidized Mo(VI) complexes with reduced, tetrahydropterins. To date there is no detailed understanding of how transition metals react with semiand fully reduced pterins. Redox Reactions of Tetrahydropterins

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Tetrahydropterin is related to its oxidized parent compound, pterin, by a four electron/four proton oxidation (3). This four electron oxidation can occur in two discrete steps via the semi-reduced dihydropterin, which can exist in several isomeric forms. Figure 1 illustrates this process for the parent pterin 6,7-dimethylpterin (DMP) and indicates the abbreviations used for the corresponding redox partners.



ΗΝ*γ 2detC2, i.e., Mo(IV)Odeto2 and dimeric Mo(V)203dete4, both absorb near 500 nm, it appeared that a redox reaction had occurred. Repeating thisreactionas a titration showed that the stoichiometry for formation of the 500 nm species was 1:1 in Mo:H4DMP. This titration suggested thatreasonablereactionproducts were Mo(IV)OdetC2 and a dihydropterin. Ή NMR was used to verify the fate of the H4DMP. To our surprise, the NMR spectrum of the reaction mixture (Figure 2) did not show the appearance of 7,8-H2DMP but instead two double quartet signals at 5.7 and 4.3 ppm. H4DMP protons H6 and H7 give double quartet signals but the large downfield chemical shifts observed from the reaction product were characteristic of quinonoid dihydropterin. Unlike previous reports wherein quin-HfeDMP demonstrated only fleeting stability at room temperature, the new species generated in ourreactionwas stable for days. The likely explanation for this unusual stablity was that the quin-I^DMP was coordinated to Mo(TV). The most probable metal binding sites would be the carbonyl 04 and the pyrazine ring nitrogen N5. Coordination at this site would also explain the larger downfield shift (>2.00 ppm) of H6 relative to H7. When this new species was generated in the presence of d -DMSO, the double quartet signals disappeared as resonances due to 7,8-dihydropterin grew in. This observation was interpreted as the dissociation of the coordinated quin-KfeDMP due to DMSO oxidation of Mo(IV) to Mo(VI) followed by its rearrangement to the more stable dihydropterin isomer (72). Unfortunately, when thereactionscale was increased to allow the isolation and detailed characterization of this intriguing product, die resultant dark purple solids were insoluble and defied purification. A different tetrahydropterin, 6-hydroxymethylpterin, gave better results in synthetic preparations. Red crystals isolated in 60% yield were obtained from the reaction below. Thereactionprogess was marked by the increase in absorbance at 504 nm as observed in thereactionbetween H4DMP and MoC>2detC2. The H NMR spectrum of the product indicated that the isolated product contained a coordinated reduced pterin, clearly shown by the downfield signature resonances for H6 and H7. Integration of the spectrum revealed a 1:1 ratio of HMP to detc ligand. 6


1 : red crystals H Mo02detC2


UV/vis (MeOH): 504 nm (DMF) · 524- 582 ni



Thisresultwas verified by microanalysis on crystalline material and this data yielded an empirical formula of MoO(detc)(H2HMP)Cl2 for 1. Chloride in the product is introduced into the reaction system via the H 4 H M P reagent, isolated as a hydrochloride salt (13). The V M O « 0 at 970 cm-1 in the infrared spectrum was appropriate for a Mo(IV)-mono-oxo complex. Conductivity measurements made on

Stiefel et al.; Molybdenum Enzymes, Cofactors, and Model Systems ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.


Molybdenum Complexes of Reduced Pterins

Downloaded by CORNELL UNIV on May 31, 2017 | Publication Date: July 26, 1993 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1993-0535.ch008


Stiefel et al.; Molybdenum Enzymes, Cofactors, and Model Systems ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.




methanolic and dimethylformamide solutions of 1firstindicated that it demonstrated different behavior in these two solvents. 1 behaved as a 1:1 salt in methanol whereas in dimethylformamide, 1 appeared to be a non-electrolyte. Different electronic spectral features of 1 dissolved in MeOH compared to DMF solutions also offered evidence of solvent dependent behavior. Tetrahydropterin Reactions of Other Mo(VI) Complexes

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The ability of tetrahydropterins to react with molybdenum dioxo complexes having different inner coordination spheres was investigated. A variety of ancillary ligands MoO^acac? or

, |+ + H DMP · 2HC1



. . •orange-red solution Λ


λ - 304,494 nm l


H NMR, δ ppm (d -DMF): H6,5.75; H7,4.24 Me6,1.53; Me7,1.35

L = ^NyO-



ou^ ^ ssp





4^ 2









donating sulfur, oxygen or nitrogen donor atoms were used to prepare Mo-dioxo complexes and these were allowed toreactwith H4DMP. Using UV/visible and H NMR spectroscopy to monitor the reaction, the same spectral changes were observed in each case. The reaction solution, initially yellow or yellow-orange, became an orange-red color due to the growth of an absorbance at 490 nm. When reactions were performed in DMF, one set ofresonancescorresponding to the now familar H6 and H7 signals of the coordinated pterin appeared in the H NMR spectra. When reactions were performed in methanol, multiple sets of H6, H7 signals developed. Because all of these reactions produced the same species, it became clear that the ancillary ligand L was dissociating, a result likely due to the HC1 present in the H4DMP. This hypothesis was confirmed by identifying the free, uncoordinated ligand in the NMR spectra. The rates of reaction, monitored spectroscopically, varied substantially with the nature of the ancillary ligand and suggested that ancillary ligand dissociation preceded formation of the product absorbing at 490nm. For example, the reaction using Mo02acac2 was complete after four hours whereas the reaction using Mo02(L-N02) and Mo0>2ssp required 17 hours and four days, respectively. The identity of this product was revealed from further studies using Mo02acac2, the fastestreactingMo(VI) complex. l


The identity of the Mo-Pterin Product from M0O2L Reactions. Reactions of Mo02acac2 and either H4DMP or H4HMP were carried out in both methanol and dimethylformamide solvents. Precipitated products from these reactions gave JR spectra where the primary features are VMo«q 960 and ν ο ο , Ο Ν 1660,1590 cm*l. In contrast, UV/vis spectroscopy indicated the isolated compounds were not identical but interconverted as depicted in the scheme below. The UV

Stiefel et al.; Molybdenum Enzymes, Cofactors, and Model Systems ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.


Molybdenum Complexes of Reduced Pterins



absorbance at 306 nm in complexes 2 and 3 could be assigned to quin-I^DMP in accordance with previous assignments. MoC>2acac



· 2HC1

DMForMeOH orange-red solution: λ = 494 nm

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red-purple solid UV/vis: λ =306,490 nm

dark purple crystals DMF

UV/vis: λ = 306,464,524 nm

MeOH The microanalysis of 3 indicated the empirical formula MoOCl(H2DMP)(DMF)2 but a subsequent x-ray crystal structure determination of 3 showed its true dimeric nature (14). Figure 3 provides two views of the dimer; one illustrating the atomic labeling scheme and the second side view illustrating the half-chair conformation of a reduced pterin. A crystallographic C2 axis bisects the Mo-Mo vector. Figure 4 is a schematic of the structure showing the bond distances and angles in one dimer. This structure is one of thefirsttodemonstrate the ability of a reduced pterin to coordinate to a metal and it is important in that regard (75). An analysis of aie structural parameters leads to the conclusion that this molecule is a Mo(VI) dimer not Mo(IV), and the reduced pterin is in the tetrahydro-, not quinonoid dihydro-, reduced state. The key data supporting this formulation are the following. The M02O4 core is common in Mo(V) dimers and is observed less frequendy in Mo(VI) complexes. The long Mo-Mo separation, an indication of no Mo-Mo bond, is appropriate only for the cP Mo(VI) oxidation state. Having determined this, the Μθ2θ4* core requires four anionic ligands to generate this neutral complex. This requires that the pterin serves as a deprotonated, anionic ligand at each Mo atom in addition to the chloride and oxide ligands. Unlike other anionic pterin ligands where the site of deprotonation is the amide proton on N3, the short C=0 distance in this dimer and long Mo-O bond indicates this proton is intact. This amide proton can, in fact be observed in the *H NMR spectrum at 9.4 ppm. A short Mo-N5 distance, 2.03 Â, and the approximately 120° angles about N5 suggest that N5 is a deprotonated, imide nitrogen donating to Mo. The surprising result of this structure analysis is that the appropriate molecular formula of 3 is Mo204Cl2(H4DMP)2-4DMF. The C-C and C-N distances within the pterin ligand are of little aid in verifying the reduction level of the pterin since these values indicate considerable delocalization, rather than the easily identifiable localized bond distribution of tetrahydro- and dihydropterin structures. Additional evidence corroborating a tetrahydropterin assignment in Mo204Cl2(H4DMP)2 comes from further reactivity studies. y


Stiefel et al.; Molybdenum Enzymes, Cofactors, and Model Systems ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.


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Figure 3. (a) Ortep drawing of one unique dimer showing the atomic labelling scheme, (b) A rotated view of the dimer in (a).

Stiefel et al.; Molybdenum Enzymes, Cofactors, and Model Systems ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



Molybdenum Complexes of Reduced Pterins


cry stallogr aphte

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C 2



*"··... Ο 06(/




A' / \




Figure 4. Average bond distances and angles in 3. The bond distances vary ±.02 Â in the two independent dimers and the angles vary ±2 deg with the following exceptions: a) this distance is 1.55 Â in the other dimer, and b) this distance is 1.32 Â in the other dimer. The esd's in the bond distances is .03 and 2 deg in the angles.

Stiefel et al.; Molybdenum Enzymes, Cofactors, and Model Systems ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.




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Proof for Tetrahydropterin Complexes of Molybdenum(VI) Ligand substitution experiments confirmed the tetrahydropterin formulation of 3. Hydroxyquinoline (HQ) was chosen to displace the reduced pterin ligand because it has a similar binding site and because its ionizable proton could aid dissociation of reduced DMP. The identity of the dissociatedreducedpterin wasrevealedusing *H NMR since this technique can easily distinquish H4DMP and 7,8-H2DMP. 7,8H2DMP is the expected pterin product from therearrangmentof dissociated quinH2DMP ligand, whereas H4DMP is expected if the coordinated pterin is an anionic H4DMP ligand. Figure 5 shows the *H NMR spectrum resulting from addition of HQ to 3 after 4 hours. Theresultsof this experiment are understood by recognizing that either chloride or the reduced DMP can be substituted by HQ. The NMR spectrum clearly shows free H4DMP (signals marked 'b') but also that a new DMP species is formed (signals marked 'c'). Overtoefirst 24 hours, H4DMP and the new species increases in concentration at approximately equal rates. There is no evidence of 7,8-H2DMP. The results indicate the coordinated ligand is H 4 D M P . Furthermore, the slow substitution of H4DMP by HQ suggest that this pterin is a reasonably good chelate. The above HQ substitution experiment repeated using compound 1 of empirical formula MoO(detc)(H HMP)Cl2 gave the same results: resonances from free H4HMP as well as from a different H4DMP complex were observed in the *H NMR. Dithiocarbamate and H4HMP are both substituted by HQ in the ratio of 1 to 5, respectively. A second set of experiments provided corroborating evidence for the Mo(VI) / H4pterin formulation in compounds 1 and 3. DC1 added to these compounds liberated free Hipterin, the only pterin identified by NMR. x

Spectral Properties of the New Mo(VI)-H4pterin Complexes Certainly the brillant purple color of these new compounds influenced their early, incorrect assignment as 0=Mo(IV)(quin-H2pterin) complexes. Having proved their identity by the above decomposition reactions, the extraordinary spectroscopic properties demanded an explanation. Table I lists the electronic and infrared absorptions. The solvent-dependent Table I. Spectral Properties and Empirical Formulae of Complexes 1-3 compound

UV/vis λ,ηηι (ε, M^cnr )

infrared VMo-Ccm-

304; 490(16,000)* 304;464(9310)«> 524 (9500) 304; 504(13,900)» 304; 522 (10,900)b 580(9200)



1 2 3


In MeOH.


962 970

empirical formula 1

Mo02Cl2(H4DMP)-2MeOH Mo02Cl(H4DMP) -2DMF McO(dete)(H4HMP)Cl2


spectral behavior of the M0-H4DMP compounds has been traced to an acid/base sensitivity. Figure 6 shows the effect of HC1 followed by N(CH2CH3)3 additions to 1. The site of protonation is likely the pterin ligand, but this speculation can not be proved due to the disappearance of all ionizable protons from the *H NMR spectrum, probably due to rapid exchangereactionsunder the acidic/basic conditions. These

Stiefel et al.; Molybdenum Enzymes, Cofactors, and Model Systems ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Molybdenum Complexes of Reduced Pterins


Figure 5. *H NMR spectra before and after addition of HQ to 3. Signals marked'a'are due to Mo204(H4DMP)2Cl2 H4DMP. Signals marked'b' are due to uncoordinated H4DMP. Signals marked 'c* are due to new DMP species.






Figure 6. Visible spectra of 3 showing the effect of HC1 and Triethylamine addition.

Stiefel et al.; Molybdenum Enzymes, Cofactors, and Model Systems ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.




compounds are all non-fluorescent, as expected for tetrahydropterin compounds. Mo(VI)-oxo compounds, monomelic and dimeric, are typically yellow or yelloworange in color. The purple colors observed in these Mo(VI)-H4pterin compounds and the large extinction coefficients for the associated visible absorptions are peculiar. A similar observation has been made for another group of Mo(VI)-monooxo compounds, MoO(catecholate)L2 [L= detc, hydroxylamide] and MoO(catecholate)(ssp) (16-18). These seven- and six-coordinate complexes have purple to blue colors and absorptivities near 5000 M^cnr . The explanation offered for the unusual energies and absorptivities of these complexes was that the virtual orbitals of Mo and catecholate were close in energy. Applying this idea to the Mo(VI)-H4pterin complexes, it might concluded that even greater delocalization results from energetically close orbitals. The crystal structure indicates a highly delocalized π-system. Inspection of die pterin C-C and C-N distances point to an electronic distribution between the limiting structures of HLjpterin and p-quin-

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Mo 0 (H DMP) a2





p-quin-H DMP



H2pterin. From this perspective, perhaps the attempt to formulate these complexes as Mo(VI)-H4pterin" species is invalid. Although die electronic spectral properties of complexes 1 and 3 are similar to those of MoO(catecholate)L2 complexes, the energies of the VMO=0 are significantly different. MoO(catecholate)L2 have VMO=0 in the range 900-930 cm"l; the values of the pterin complexes 1 and 3 are in the range 960-970 cm . This latter range is anomalously high for Mo(VI) oxo complexes. Only one other example exists having the Mo(VI)204 core (19). TransMo204(Et2NO)2(C204)2 has structural parameters nearly identical with 3 and displays a V M O - O at 942 cm-1 and a bridging mode, V M O - O - M O » near 770 cm . Indeed sharp, moderately strong bands are observed near 770 cm for both 1 and 3. However, this assignment remains uncertain since H4pterins have similar bands in this region. H




Electrochemistry of Mo204(H4DMPhCl2 Cyclic voltammograms of Μθ2θ4(Η4ϋΜΡ)2θ2 are shown in Figure 7. Three irreversible reductions and two irreversible oxidations are observed at scan rates of 50 mV/s. Increasing the cycling rate to 300 mV/s causes the appearance of a return wave to thefirstreduction. Addition of HCIO4 causes the appearance of a reversible wave at -.33 V, assigned to the H4DMP/quin-H2DMP couple from dissociated H4DMP. No significant current is observed for return waves of either oxidation at a scan rate of 300 mV/s. The limited solubility of this compound in MeOH prevents a comparison.

Stiefel et al.; Molybdenum Enzymes, Cofactors, and Model Systems ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

Molybdenum Complexes of Reduced Pterins

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Figure 7. Cyclic Voltammograms of Mo204(H4DMP)2Cl2 in TEAP/DMF using a Pt disk working electrode. Potentials are referenced to a Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The Fe /Fe couple of ferrocene occurs at +.500 V. 3+


Stiefel et al.; Molybdenum Enzymes, Cofactors, and Model Systems ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



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Oxidation Reactions of Mo(VI)-H4pterin Complexes Complexes 1 and 3 are unstable to the atmosphere, reactivity that initially was interpreted as evidence for the Mo(IV)(=0) core. Figure 8 shows the decay of MoO(H4hmp)(detc)Cl2 over 2 hours. The absorptions at 504 and at 304 nm decrease in parallel and simultaneously with the increase at 328 nm. The oxidation product absorbing at 328 nm is uncoordinated 7,8-H2pterin, verified by a control experiment. The observed isosbestic points prove there are no intermediates in the oxidation of [Mo(VI)-H4pterin] compounds to Mo(VI) and free 7,8-H2pterin. Both MoO(H4hmp)(detc)Cl2 and Mo204(H4DMP)2Cl2 are more reactive to oxygen in methanolic solution than in dimethylformamide solutions. Figure 9 illustrates how the oxidation of Μθ2θ4(Η4θΜΡ)2ά2 proceeds through its "acid" form (λ = 504 nm) to ultimately yield 7,8-H2DMP, a decomposition requiring 4 hours. In contrast, Mo204(H4DMP)2Cl2 in DMF solution exhibits no decay over 24 hours and only a 25% decay after 7 days. Reactivity with DMSO. MoO(H4hmp)(detc)Cl2, but not Mo204(H4DMP)2Cl2, reacts with DMSO. The reaction of 1 in DMSO is still under study but initial results suggest interesting chemistry exists. Using *H NMR to follow the reaction over several days, the products detected are water, HMP,freedetc and an oxidized HMP product, possibly 6-formyl-pterin. In contrast, solutions of dimer 3 in DMSO show less than 10% decomposition after 4 days.

Does Mo(VI)-Tetrahydropterin Redox Occur? The isolated products from reactions of Mo(VI)-dioxo complexes and tetrahydropterins give Mo(VI)-H4pterin complexes, that is, only non-redox products, when reactions are done in methanolic solutions. If the reactions are performed under basic conditions, a condition accomplished by adding triethylamine to neutralize the two equivalents of HC1 present in the tetrahydropterin reagents, significantly different reaction behavior is observed. Using Mo02#σ=2217, #variables=320, R=7.7%, R =10.8%. The ratio of data/variables is limited due to crystal decomposition in the X-ray beam. There are two unique dimer halves in the asymmetric unit, each half dimer related to the rest of the molecule by a crystallographic C2 axis bisecting the Mo­ -Movector parallel to theMo=Obonds. 15. A monomeric, octahedral Mo complex of reduced biopterin is reported by Fischer, B; Strahle,J.; and Viscontini, M . in Helv. Chim. Acta, 1991, 74, 1544. Although these authors claim that this complex is a Mo(IV)-quinonoid­ -dihydrobiopterincomplex, we feel the formulation is incorrect and should be Mo(VI)-tetrahydrobiopterin. The reported structural data are identical to the Mo( VI) dimer reported in this manuscript and the complex is reported to decompose in methanol to free tetrahydrobiopterin and a Mo(VI) complex. 16. Bradbury, J.; Schultz, F. Inorg. Chem. 1986, 25, 4461. 17. Mondai, J.; Schultz, F.; Brennan, T.; Scheldt, W. Inorg. Chem. 1988, 27, 3950. 18. Geller, S.; Newton, B.; Majid, L.; Bradbury, J.; Schultz, F. Inorg. Chem. 1988,27,359 19. Wieghardt, K.; Hahn, M . ; Swiridoff, W.;Weiss, J. Inorg. Chem. 1984, 23, 94. 20. The Mo(IV) product, Mo=O(ssp) is not stable; only the Mo(V) dimer can be isolatedfromreductions ofMoO ssp(in the absence of excess amounts of a third ligand). Craig, J.; Harlan, E.; Snyder, B.; Whitener, M ; Holm, R. Inorg. Chem. 1989, 28, 2082. 21. Burgmayer, S. J. N.; Bharwani, L.; Mosny, K.; McCracken, J.; manuscript in preparation. 22. Pierpont, C.; Larsen, S.; Boone, S. Pure Appl. Chem. 1988, 60, 1331. 23. Buchanan, R.; Wilson-Blumenberg, C.; Trapp, C.; Larsen, S.; Larsen, S.; Greene, D.; Pierpont, C. G. Inorg. Chem. 1986, 25, 3070. 24. Buchanan, R.; Pierpont, C. G. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1980, 102, 4951. w

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April 30, 1993

Stiefel et al.; Molybdenum Enzymes, Cofactors, and Model Systems ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.