MONARCH CHEMICALS, INC. - ACS Publications - American

May 25, 2012 - MONARCH CHEMICALS, INC. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (7), pp 51A–51A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60200a746. Publication Date: June 1963. Copyright ...
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NEWS Sept. 9 to 12—18th Annual Instrument-Automation Conference and Exhibit. McCormick Place, Chicago, 111. Sponsor: Instrument Society of America. Contact: T. A. Abbott, Instrument Society of America, Penn-Sheraton Hotel, 530 W m . Penn PI., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. Sept. 9 to 14—Society of German Chemists Annual Meeting. Heidelberg, Germany. Includes analytical chemistry sessions. Contact; Gesellsehaft Deutscher Chemiker, Gerschaftstelle, Postfach 9075, 60000 Frankfurt (Main) 9, Germany. Page 48 A, May. Sept. 16 to 18—Tenth Ottawa Symposium on Applied Spectroscopy. Ottawa, Canada. Contact: Mr. John Kelly, The Steel Company of Canada, Ltd., Wilcox St., Hamil­ ton, Ontario, Canada. Page 48 A, M a y . Sept. 30 to Oct. 4—XI International Conference on Spectroscopy. Beograd, Yugo­ slavia. Contact: Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, Sekretarijat, Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Fizickohemijski zavod, Beograd, Studentski trg 16, Blok C, Jugoslavia. Page 49 A, M a y . Oct. 8 to 10—Seventh Conference on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technology. Sponsor: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Conference subject: Analytical In­ strumentation. Contact: C. D . Susano, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P . O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Page 49 A, June. Oct. 14 to 18—Second National Meeting of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy. San Diego, Calif. Contact: Earl P . Wadsworth, Jr., San Diego State College, San Diego 15, Calif. Page 53 A, Apr. Oct. 16 to 18—Tenth National Vacuum Symposium. Statler Hilton Hotel, Boston, Mass. Sponsor: American Vacuum Society. Contact: G. H . Bancroft, 398 Kilbourn Rd., Rochester 18, Ν . Υ. Page 56 A, Apr. Oct. 21 to 23—Eleventh Detroit Anachem Conference. McGregor Memorial Confer­ ence Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. Contact: M r . C. M . Gambrill, Ethyl Corp., 1600 West 8 Mile Rd., Detroit 20, Mich. Page 53 A, Mar. Nov. 13 to 15—Eastern Analytical Symposium. Statler Hilton Hotel, New York City. Contact : James F . Cosgrove, Gen. Telephone & Electronics Labs, Bayside 60, Ν . Ϋ. Page 52 A, Apr. Nov. 14 to 16—ACS Southeastern Regional Meeting. Charlotte, N . C. Contact: V. S. Salvin, Celanese Fibers Co., P . O. Box 1414, Charlotte, N . C. Nov. 18 to 21—American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting. New York City. Includes AtomFair and 11th H o t Laboratory and Equipment Conference. Contact: Ameri­ can Nuclear Society, 244 E. Ogden Ave., Hinsdale, 111. Page 51 A, June.

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AtomFair T h e A t o m F a i r , sponsored annually by t h e American Nuclear Society and the Atomic I n d u s t r i a l F o r u m , will be held in N e w York C i t y from N o v . 18 to 21 during t h e A N S winter meeting. On display a t t h e A t o m F a i r will be nuclear i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n . F o r informa­ tion w r i t e : T h e Atomic Industrial F o r u m , Inc., 850 Third Ave., N e w York 22, Ν . Υ .

INDUSTRY ITEMS A p p l i e d P h y s i c s C o r p . , 2724 S. Peck R d . , Monrovia, Calif., h a s en­ tered a sales-service agreement with Atlas Mess- and Analysen Technik O.m.b.H., ( M A T ) Bremen, West Ger­ many, m a k e r s of m a s s spectrometers, gas detectors, polarographic instru­ ments, and other analytical e q u i p m e n t . T h e U . S. firm will m a r k e t this equip­ ment in this country. T h e Berkeley Division of B e c k m a n I n s t r u m e n t s , I n c . , has taken over t h e m a r k e t i n g of electronic i n s t r u m e n t a ­ tion—amplifiers, analog t o digital con­ verters, and digital volt o h m m e t e r s — manufactured by the Systems Division. C r o b a u g h Laboratories, 3510 M a c Corkle Ave., Charleston 4, W . Va., specializes in analytical services re­ lated to organic microanalysis, molecu­

lar weight determinations, functional group analysis, and particle size and particle size distributions. Gardner Laboratory, Inc., has ap­ pointed the following companies as representatives of Gardner products: Caledonia Chemicals, Ltd., Canada; The Sweet Co., Chicago, 111.; Pacific Coast Chemicals, San Francisco, Calif. Gardner manufactures optical testing and scientific laboratory in­ struments and distributes laboratory apparatus and glassware. Lachat Chemicals, Inc., supplier of chemicals and column packings for research and gas chromatography, has moved to 10540 South Western Ave., Chicago 43, 111. Maser Optics, Inc., 89 Brighton Ave., Boston 34, Mass., has announced leasing plans for its lasers and laser power supplies. Under this plan, if the equipment is purchased during the first three months, the rent is fully credited against the purchase price. Packard Instrument Co., will manufacture under license from Intertechnique, S.A., (France) analyzer of 400, 1024, and 4096 channels. " Com­ plete analyzer accessories for multiple input capabilities, spectrum stripping facilities, and a selection of digital out­ put devices will also be offered.


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MONARCH CHEMICALS, I N C . 3 8 0 1 N.E. 5th St. ·

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Circle No. 95 on Readers' Service Card

VOL 35, NO. 7, JUNE 1963


51 A