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I(BIb from initial rate data and concentrations. PC025 Ruffer Preparation (Q). Preparing a buffer of certain pH given stable of acids and bases and th...
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G. L. Breneman Eastern Washington Unwerslty Cheney. WA 99004


Tutorinl o r i m h l e m practice computer p r o p i m s have hcen usrd in t h e E t s t e r n H'iishinrton I l n i v e r i t v Chemistrv Department for t h e last eight ye&. ~ h i r t ~ - f oof u it h e forti-two tutorial programs written i n BASIC currently in t h e departm e n t program library have originated here a n d 1 2 of t h e s e have been previously described.'.z T h e o t h e r 22 are briefly described below. The letter codes following t h e names indicate in which courses they have been used o r for whichcourses they may he appropriate. G General Chemistry H Health Sclence Chemistry Q Quantitative Analysis O Organic Chemistrv PGOIR Soluhil& Products ( d , ~ ) I'rohlcmr mlrulnting conrmtrations and K,, involving the rear-

PC019 Ideal Gas Law (G, H) Problems involving PV = nRT, P I V l = P2V2, ete., molecular weight, and density. PC020 Radioactive Decay (G) Problems involving first-order rate law and half life. PC021 Free Energy a n d Spontaneity of Reaction (G) Calculating free energy from standard free energy, temperature, and concentrations of reactants and products, predicting if reaction is spontaneous. PC022 Identification of Hydrogen Orbitals (G) s, p, and d orbitals identified from drawings which include labeled axes.

1'(:112:l Perindie Table (G. 11) k'rc.l,lrnw i n w l v m g mrthllir character. ntcmic size, relorw eleclronvg;~tivil\~. meltmr: puinrs, type oi hnding. dectricill w n h r tivity, and formulas. PG024 R a t e Laws (G) Problems calculating k , a, and b in rate = k[A].I(BIb from initial rate data and concentrations. PC025 Ruffer Preparation (Q) Preparing a buffer of certain pH given s t a b l e of acids and bases and their pK values. PC029 Energy Levels a n d Spectra (G) C~lclllatingwave length of radiation emitted or absorbed for difSerent electronic transitions or ionization energyin H and He+ given an energy level diagram. PC030 Titration Curve Problems (G, Q) Calculating pH a t different points in titration curves for mono- or dipratie weak or strong acids or bases. PG03l Shapes of Molecules (G, H ) Predicting shapes of molecules using valenee shell electron pair

More CAI Programs repulsions given the molecular formula. All possible shapes from linear t o octahedral included. PC032 Optical Isomers (G, H, 0 ) Determine if twostructures (C with 4 5 o u p s attached) are identical or optical isomers. PC033 Gravimetric Analysis (Q) Variety of problems involving precipitation of A&l, BaS04, or



Sormation titrations. PG036 Normality (G, Q) Normality calculations involving aeid-base, redox, precipitation, and complex formation reactions. PC037 Equilibrium Constants from Cell Potentials (Q) Acid dissociation constants and solubility products from electrochemical cell potentids. PG038 ~ u c l o Reactions a~ (G) Predicting missing reactants or products in decay, synthesis, fission, and l'usion reactions. PC033 Organic Reactions I (H, 0 ) Predicting needed reagents for simple reactions involving alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, alcohols, and thiols. PC040 Amino Acids (H) Give name, type of side chain (polar, nonpolar, negative or positive charued). and direction of motion during electroohoresis eiven

Menton equation. In half of the problems the answers can be determined by inspection. A Linewaver-Burk or Eedie-Hofstee plot are needed for the other half. GA003 Density Problems Game (G, H) A bet must bemade that each problem can be worked correctly.The computer keeps track of total winnings. T h e s e programs a r e available from t h e a u t h o r o n 9-track,

1600 bpi, unlabeled magnetic tape. T h e cost of duplicating t h e d o c u m e n t a t i o n a n d preparing t h e t a p e will probably have t o he charged d u e t o t h e n u m b e r o f programs offered. As soon a s your requests are received you will he notified of t h e charges a n d c a n t h e n s e n d p a y m e n t a n d a blank tape. If your system will not handle 9-track tanes. listines c a n be s e n t for t h e cost of printing t h e m a n d t g e docnm&tation. T h i s work was supported by NSF g r a n t n u m b e r SED76-02103.

' Breneman, G. L., J. CHEM. EDUC., 52,295 (1975).

' Breneman, G. L., J. CHEM. EDUC., 55,224 (1978).

Volume 56. Number 12.December 1979 1 783