MORE Ethyleneamines NOW! - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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The production of ethyleneamines has been increased from drum to tank car quantities in a large new plant unit at Texas City, Texas. The ethyleneamines are important as organic alkalies and as intermediates for many industrial compounds. With these materials, the way has been opened to product improvement and lower cost processes, in the fields of textile, pharmaceutical, resin, and petroleum chemicals.

CARBIDE and CARBON CHEMICALS CORPORATION Unit or Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation

30 East 42nd Street UCC New York 17. N. Y.

E t h y l e n e d i a m i r i n e . . . intermediate for fungicidal chemicals . . . for pharmaceuticals, such as aminophylline, important for heart afflictions . . . for thermoplastic resins, such as norelac, a heat-sealing adhesive for packaged food, soap, and other merchandise. D i e t h y l e n e t r i a m i n e . . . manufacture of addition agents to improve spreading of oily substances on moist surfaces . . . an adjunct for bright copper plating. T r i e t h y l e n e t e t r a m i n e . . . for ion-exchange resins in water purification . . . as a softener in rubber reclamation. T e t r a e t h y l e n e p e n t a m i n e . . . for ion-exchange resins in sugar refining . . . as a rosin soap additive for preventing rancidity.

A m i n o e t h y l e t h a n o l a m i n e . . . forfinishingcompounds to give fabrics a softer hand . . . for surface !active agents, in ore beneficiation. Offices in Principal Cities In Canada: Carbide and Carbon Chemicals, Limited, Toronto

Additional information to determine which of the ethyleneamines can best serve your needs is contained in our "Nitrogen Compounds" booklet (F-4770). In writing for your copy, please address Department E-7.