MS Method for the Analysis of Furocoumarins in Citrus Oil

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Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO on December 14, 2014 | Publication Date (Web): May 29, 2012 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2012-1098.ch006

Chapter 6

An LC/MS/MS Method for the Analysis of Furocoumarins in Citrus Oil Richard Hiserodt* and Li Chen International Flavors & Fragrances Inc., 1515 State Highway 36, Union Beach, NJ 07735 *E-mail: [email protected]

Furocoumarins are secondary plant metabolites commonly found in the families Umbelliferae and Rutaceae. The basic members of this class of compounds are psoralen and angelicin. Researchers have shown particular interest in alkoxy analogues of psoralen; particularly at the 5- and 8-positions. Bergapten (5-methoxypsoralen) and xanthotoxin (8-methoxypsoralen) have been found to be effective in the treatment of the skin diseases psoriasis and vitiligo when combined with the phototherapy technique, PUVA. A mode of action is thought to be mono-adduct formation with DNA but formation of di-adducts, leading to cross-linked DNA and potential carcinogenic side effects, is also a possibility. In response to this, the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) and the European Commission have agreed to ban the use of furocoumarins in cosmetic products except when they are part of natural essences. When present as the result of natural essences, the total furocoumarin concentration cannot exceed 5 ppm based on the analysis of seven marker furocoumarins. To ensure compliance, an LC/MS/MS method using electrospray ionization was developed for the analysis of the seven marker furocoumarins plus seven other furocoumarins. Various aspects of method development are discussed as well as conclusions from the analysis of citrus oils.

© 2012 American Chemical Society In Recent Advances in the Analysis of Food and Flavors; Toth, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.


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Background Furocoumarins (also known as furanocoumarins or psoralens) are secondary plant metabolites commonly found in the families Umbelliferae / Apiaceae (angelica, carrot, celery, parsley, cumin, etc.) and Rutaceae (citrus) but found in other families also (1). The basic members of this class of compounds are psoralen and angelicin (see Figure 1) Psoralen is linear and toxic and angelicin is angular and thought to present little threat to human health (2, 3). The furocoumarins in which researchers have shown particular interest are alkoxy analogues of psoralen (see Figure 2); particularly at the 5- and 8-positions. Bergapten (5-methoxypsoralen, 5-MOP) and xanthotoxin (8-methoxypsoralen, 8-MOP) have been found effective in the treatment of the skin diseases psoriasis and vitiligo when combined with phototherapy; a combination of psoralen and UVA-radiation commonly referred to as PUVA. A mode of action of PUVA is thought to be the formation of mono-adducts with DNA; specifically the pyrimidine base thymine in thymine-adenine base pairs. Mono-adduct formation can occur by way of a cycloaddition reaction at the 3-4 double bond or the 4′-5′ double bond of psoralen or its alkoxy analogs (see Figure 1). Because there are two sites at which cycloaddition can occur, there is a potential for DNA cross-linking if the second DNA strand also contains a thymine-adenine base pair in close proximity. Di-adduct formation can lead to potential carcinogenic side effects. Psoralen has a greater tendency to form di-adducts than the methoxy analogues bergapten and xanthotoxin. Angelicin does not have a strong tendency to form di-adducts because of stearic hindrance (2–5). The characteristics of furocoumarins that make them good drug candidates for the treatment of psoriasis and vitiligo are not desirable for ingredients used in cosmetics and sunscreens. Sunscreens containing bergapten, from the use of bergamot oil in these products, were marketed in the US and EU in the early 1980s (6). Early studies indicated the level of bergapten in sunscreens was too low to worry about phototoxicity but a study in 1982 by Walter, et al. (7) concluded that the concentration of bergapten was high enough to induce cutaneous phototoxicity. In 1987, Switzerland banned psoralen-containing sunscreens. In 1995, the first epidemiological study was published linking melanoma risk to bergapten and the EU banned suntan lotions containing >1 ppm total psoralen (8). Legislation Historically, the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) has limited bergapten to 15 ppm in finished consumer products that are applied to the skin and subsequently exposed to sunlight. Currently, European Cosmetics Directive 76/768/EEC (Entry 358, Annex II) prohibits the use of furocoumarins except for the normal content in natural essences and limits their concentration to < 1 ppm in sun protection and bronzing products. The Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP), now the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS), which advises the European Commission, proposed in 2001 to limit the furocoumarin concentration from natural essences to 1 ppm in all types of 72 In Recent Advances in the Analysis of Food and Flavors; Toth, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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cosmetic products (SCCNFP/0932/00). This would greatly restrict the use of natural citrus oils in these products (9–11) In response to this, the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM), which evaluates the safety of fragrance raw materials in cosmetics and other consumer products, initiated a number of studies to evaluate the risk of furocoumarins in cosmetic products. The results of these studies were shared with the European Commission in 2007 in the form of a proposal to allow a total of 5 ppm of any combination of six marker furocoumarins (bergapten, bergamottin, byakangelicol, epoxybergamottin, isopimpinellin, and oxypeucedanin) in any type of leave-on product and 50 ppm for rinse-off products (9–11). The European Commission agreed with the stipulation that xanthotoxin be added to the list creating a total of seven marker furocoumarins. The restriction would therefore be no more than 5 ppm for leave-on products and 50 ppm for rinse-off products for any combination of the seven furocoumarin marker compounds with the added stipulation that no single furocoumarin be present at >1 ppm (11).

Analytical Methods Few analytical methods have been reported in the literature on the quantitation of furocoumarins in citrus. The studies that have were limited in the number of furocoumarins studied or matrices investigated (12–19). Frerot, et al. published an elegant study of 15 furocoumarins (19). They utilized diode array detection (DAD) but reported several coelution problems using this detection system. They were able to resolve these issues by utilizing fluorescence and MS detection as well as the use of two mobile phases. Without these backup detection systems, these coelution problems might lead to misidentifications. This is the analytical method IFRA is currently evaluating, for general use, for the analysis of furocoumarins in citrus oils.

Purpose The purpose of this work was to develop an LC/MS/MS method for the quantitative analysis and identification of the seven marker furocoumarins plus seven other furocoumarins at the 1 ppm level to be compliant with proposed IFRA and European Commission guidelines for the analysis of these compounds in citrus products used in cosmetics.

Materials and Methods Analytical Standards Analytical standards were purchased from ChromaDex (Irvine, CA, Grade P). Citrus oils were obtained from various sources and were predominately cold pressed oils. 73 In Recent Advances in the Analysis of Food and Flavors; Toth, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 1. Structures of psoralen and angelicin.

Figure 2. Structures of furocoumarins derived from psoralen.

Preparation of Standard Stock Solutions and Standards Standard stock solutions of each furocoumarin (approximately 5 mg/mL ±0.01 mg) were prepared in acetonitrile and stored at -20 °C. Aliquots were taken from the individual stock solutions and diluted in methanol such that all standards contained equal concentrations of the furocoumarins from 1 to 1000 ng/mL equivalent to 1-1000 ppm based on a 1 mg/mL sample concentration. Fresh standards were prepared for every sequence of samples. 74 In Recent Advances in the Analysis of Food and Flavors; Toth, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Table 1. LC/MS/MS analyte specific parameters for furocoumarins

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Retention time (min.)




Transitions (m/z > m/z)

CE (V)

S-Lens (V)




187>131 187>77

27 42



Xanthotoxin (8-MOP)*


217>161 217>89

25 43





187>131 187>77

27 42



Oxypeucedanin hydrate


305>203 305>147

27 38





335>233 335>231

16 20





247>217 247>95

27 27



Bergapten (5-MOP)*


217>202 217>89

23 42





317>233 317>231

14 18





305>203 305>147

20 35





271>203 271>147

14 34





271>203 271>147

14 34





355>203 355>147

30 42





339>203 339>147

17 39





339>203 339>147

17 39


Marker furocoumarins

Preparation of Samples Approximately 10 mg of citrus oil (±0.01 mg) were diluted to 10.0 mL with methanol. Analytical Method LC/MS/MS analysis was carried out with a Shimadzu LC-20AD Prominence HPLC system (Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD) interfaced with 75 In Recent Advances in the Analysis of Food and Flavors; Toth, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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a TSQ Vantage triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (ThermoElectron, San Jose, CA). The chromatographic separation was performed on an Eclipse Plus C18, 1.8 μm, 4.6 mm X 50 mm (Agilent Technologies, Wilmington, DE) which was maintained at room temperature. Mobile phase A consisted of water (5 mM HCOOH.NH3 + 0.1% formic acid) and mobile phase B consisted of methanol (5 mM HCOOH.NH3 + 0.1% formic acid). The gradient profile was 40% B to 100% B in 10 min. (hold for 2 min. at 100% B) and re-equilibrate at initial conditions for 2 min. The injection volume was 2 μL. The Ion Max source parameters were 5.0 kV HESI spray voltage, vaporizer temperature 300 °C, sheath gas 60, aux gas 25, and capillary temperature 300 °C. The analyte specific parameters are listed in Table 1.

Results and Discussion Identification LC/MS/MS is a very sensitive technique for multicomponent analysis. This sensitivity is achieved by monitoring two or three characteristic ions or transitions in an analyte’s spectrum rather than the complete spectrum. When choosing the transitions to monitor, one has to be mindful of choosing ions that will give the best sensitivity while at the same time be characteristic of the analyte in question (20–26). For instance, the two most intense ions for monitoring the pesticide fenoxycarb are m/z 116 and m/z 256. These ions are generated from different parts of the molecule and therefore are characteristic of this analyte (see Figure 3). This is not strictly the case for the furocoumarin oxypeucedanin. Here the alkoxy side chain fragments to yield the ion at m/z 203 which further fragments to yield the ion at m/z 147 (see Figure 4). In other words, both fragments originate from the same part of the molecule. This is generally the case with the other furocoumarins as well. Consequently, more emphasis was placed on monitoring ions that gave good sensitivity rather than ions that were strictly from different parts of the molecule.

Figure 3. Transitions monitored for the pesticide fenoxycarb and their relationship to the molecule.

76 In Recent Advances in the Analysis of Food and Flavors; Toth, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 4. Transitions monitored for the furocoumarin oxypeucedanin and their relationship to the molecule.

It is important to exclude ions that are due to nonspecific loss of H2O or NH3 from the protonated molecule as candidates for ions to monitor. CH3 is sometimes included in this list but loss of a methyl radical from a protonated molecule (an even-electron molecule) generates an odd-electron molecule which is a violation of the even-electron rule (27) and is not a common occurrence in an LC/MS/MS experiment. Loss of a methyl radical is seen in protonated molecules that have a methoxy group attached to an aromatic ring which can readily delocalize the odd electron. This is the case with bergapten. The transition m/z 217 > m/z 202 is due to the loss of a methyl radical from the protonated molecule. However, this was not the case for xanthotoxin.

Table 2. Acceptance criteria for agreement of analyte peak area ratios with standard peak area ratios Relative Intensity (% of base peak)

LC/MS/MS (relative)



>20% to 50%


>10% to 20%




In accordance with European Commission guidelines, two transitions were monitored for each furocoumarin and identification was based on the peak area ratio for the two transitions which leads to four identification points (see Figure 5). The agreement between the peak area ratios for the standards and samples depends on the relative intensity of the transitions monitored and are summarized in Table 2 (21).This is required to minimize the possibility of interference from coeluting matrix components.

77 In Recent Advances in the Analysis of Food and Flavors; Toth, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 5. Evaluation of peak area ratio data for epoxybergamottin and generating four identification points.

Chromatography There are four pairs of furocoumarin pairs that have the same nominal mass and transitions and must be separated to ensure accurate quantitation. They are psoralen/angelicin, xanthotoxin/bergapten, imperatorin/isoimperatorin, and 8-geranyloxypsoralen/bergamottin (see chromatogram in Figure 6). Isoimperatorin and epoxybergamottin have different nominal masses but also have the same transitions and are not baseline resolved under the chromatographic conditions used in this study (retention time 7.36 min. and 7.40 min. respectively). Even though they are not chromatographically separated, good quantitation can be obtained because they can be separated in the mass spectrometer as long as cross-talk is not an issue.

78 In Recent Advances in the Analysis of Food and Flavors; Toth, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Cross-talk can occur when you have two components with different masses but the same transitions and are coeluting or poorly resolved. This is the case with isoimperatorin (MW = 271) and epoxybergamottin (MW = 355). During this analysis, ions m/z 147 & m/z 203 are monitored for both compounds. Cross-talk can occur, for instance, when isoimperatorin is being monitored but the ions for epoxybergamottin have not cleared the collision cell leading to spurious results. The occurrence of cross-talk can be checked by making an injection of isoimperatorin while monitoring the transitions for both isoimperatorin and epoxybergamottin (see Figure 7). Since there is not a distinct peak in the bottom chromatogram for epoxybergamottin, there is no cross-talk.

Quantitation Quantitative data were obtained using the external standard method and the weakest of the two transitions monitored for each furocoumarin. The weakest transition was chosen for quantitation to insure that the peak ratio can be evaluated at low concentrations. Standards were prepared in the 1-1000 ng/mL range (equivalent to 1-1000 ppm based on a 1 mg/mL sample concentration). Standards were run before and after a sample sequence of 25 samples. The resulting calibration curves were fitted to either linear or quadratic equations and weighted 1/X. There should be no more than a 15% deviation of the standards from the nominal concentration. A blank was run after the first standard sequence and before the last to ensure there was no carry-over. Bergamot, lemon, grapefruit, orange, and Mandarin oils were spiked with 10 ng/mL of each furocoumarin (equivalent to 10 ppm each based on a sample concentration of 1 mg/mL, 1 replicate each citrus oil). Recoveries of furocoumarins were 86-112%. Recoveries from a folded oil (orange 5X) ranged from 73-115% with the exception of bergamottin which was 59% (see Table 3). To evaluate recovery at different levels, an orange oil was spiked 2, 10, 100, & 500 ng/mL equivalent to 2, 10, 100, & 500 ppm based on a 1 mg/mL sample concentration. The recovery for all furocoumarins at all levels ranged from 88-108% (data not reported). A lemon oil was chosen as the control sample. It was analyzed with every sequence of samples as a check to see how well the method was performing. Data from the analysis of a control sample showed inter-day precision with an RSD of