Multiphoton Dissociation of Nickelocene for Kinetic Studies of Nickel

Jun 8, 1993 - Carl E. Brown, M. A. Blitz, S. A. Decker, and S. A. Mitchell. Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, National Research Council of Can...
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Chapter 14

Multiphoton Dissociation of Nickelocene for Kinetic Studies of Nickel Atoms

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Carl E. Brown, M . A. Blitz, S. A. Decker, and S. A. Mitchell Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, National Research Council of Canada, 100 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6, Canada

The mechanism of nickel atom production by multiphoton dissociation of nickelocene at 650 nm is discussed with reference to the population distribution of nickel atoms among metastable excited states, and implications for kinetic studies of chemical reactions of ground state nickel atoms. A mechanism is proposed that involves direct dissociation of nickelocene on an excited state potential surface following absorption of three photons. Rate constants for collisional relaxation of metastable states are shown to correlate with electronic configuration of the excited state, in a manner consistent with qualitative considerations based on model potential curves for the complex NiCO.

Little is known about the gas-phase chemical properties of transition metal atoms. A useful method for producing metal atoms for studies of reaction kinetics near room temperature is laser induced multiphoton dissociation (MPD) of an organometallic precursor. We have investigated a variety of association reactions of transition metal atoms with simple molecules near room temperature, using M P D of volatile metal complexes for production of metal atoms in a static pressure reaction cell ( i ) . Complexes of transition metal atoms with simple molecules are intriguing molecular species that are of interest as simple models for metal-ligand interactions in organometallic and surface chemistry. For kinetic studies of metal atom reactions, details of the M P D process are unimportant, provided that production of metal atoms is effectively instantaneous, and thermalization of metastable excited-states of the atoms occurs rapidly compared with the ground-state chemical reaction of interest. In most cases that we have investigated these requirements are satisfied. However, certain reactions of nickel atoms produced by M P D of nickelocene at 650 nm are exceptional in this regard. This is due to the high reactivity of nickel atoms, coupled with the production of metastable excitedstates which undergo relatively slow collisional relaxation processes. In this chapter we describe studies of MPD of nickelocene at 650 nm, which were undertaken to clarify

0097-6156/93/0530-0177$06.00/0 Published 1993 American Chemical Society

In Laser Chemistry of Organometallics; Chaiken, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



the role of metastable state relaxation in the reaction kinetics of nickel atoms with unsaturated molecules such as ethylene (2).

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Production and Monitoring of Nickel Atoms Production of nickel atoms was by pulsed visible laser photolysis of nickelocene at 650 nm, using a Lumonics model EPD-330 dye laser operating on D C M laser dye (Exciton), pumped by a Lumonics model 860-4 XeCl excimer laser. The temporal width of the photolysis pulse was «10 ns. The beam was roughly collimated («1.5 χ 0.5 cm cross section), passed through a NRC model 935-5 variable attenuator and then focussed into the reaction cell using either a 25 cm or 50 cm focal length lens. Relative photolysis pulse energies were measured by directing a fraction of the beam onto a vacuum photodiode. Absolute pulse energies were measured using a Scientech energy meter. Resonance fluorescence from nickel atoms was excited by a probe laser pulse from a second, independently triggered Lumonics excimer laser pumped dye laser, operating on PTP laser dye (Exciton). The photolysis and probe laser beams were collinear and counterpropagating. Laser induced fluorescence (LIF) was separated from scattered photolysis light by a 10 cm focal length monochromator (16 nm F W H M bandpass), and detected by a gated photomultiplier tube. Emission spectra produced by probe and/or photolysis laser excitation were recorded by scanning the monochromator. The pulsed output of the photomultiplier was amplified and then averaged using either a sample and hold circuit and digital voltmeter for computer storage, or by a boxcar integrator for display on a chart recorder. The time dependence of the atom population following the photolysis pulse was observed by scanning the time delay between the photolysis and probe laser pulses, and averaging the fluorescence signal over 10-60 laser shots at each increment of delay. Details of the experimental arrangement have been described elsewhere (1,3). For recording multiphoton ionization (MPI) spectra, a coaxial geometry ionization cell was used (4). Nickelocene vapor above the crystal (Alfa Products) was admitted to the fluorescence or MPI cell using a metal vacuum line. The pressure of nickelocene in the cell was «5 mTorr. Nickelocene was found to be relatively stable as the crystal stored under vacuum, and in the vapor phase, and was convenient to use as a precursor for nickel atoms. Population Distribution of Nickel Atoms. In Figure 1, an energy level diagram of atomic nickel is shown, that includes all states below 15,000 c m excitation energy (5). On the left hand side of the diagram is shown a numbering scheme that is used in the following as a shorthand notation. In this scheme the first number represents a multiplet such as d s F , numbered consecutively from the ground state, and the second number specifies a particular J level within the multiplet. The ground state is thus 11. A l l of the states shown in Figure 1 have electronic transitions that are convenient for fluorescence excitation (6). The transitions that were used to monitor these states are listed in Table I. Strong signals were observed for all states up to and including 31. -1




In Laser Chemistry of Organometallics; Chaiken, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



MPD of Nickelocene for Kinetic Studies of Nickel Atoms 179

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T A B L E I: Relative Populations of Metastable States of Ni Following MPD of Nickelocene at 650 nm (a) exc


X /nm







































e x c

(a) See Figure 1 for notation used for Ni states. X is the wavelength used to excite fluorescence, and LIF is the saturated fluorescence intensity, normalized to that for the ground state transition. Details of the transitions are given in ref. (6). F is a proportionality constant between relative fluorescence intensity and relative population of the lower state before the fluorescence excitation laser pulse. It includes electronic degeneracies of the lower and upper states of the transition, and the quantum yield for fluorescence in the bandpass of the detection monochromator (76). Pop is the relative population of the state following MPD of nickelocene at 650 nm (see the text).

In Laser Chemistry of Organometallics; Chaiken, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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However, no signals were observed for 41 or 51, which indicates that these states were negligibly populated following photolysis at 650 nm. Estimates of relative populations were made from measurements of fluorescence intensities in the following way. For each transition investigated, the probe laser pulse energy was adjusted so that the transition was saturated with respect to the excitation radiant flux. Under these conditions, the upper and lower states of the transition are populated in the ratio of their electronic degeneracies, so a simple relationship exists between the excited state population at the end of the laser pulse and the total initial population. Knowledge of quantum yields for fluorescence within the bandpass of the detection monochromator thus allows estimates to be made of initial relative populations of the lower states. The required quantum yields are available from tabulated spontaneous transition probabilities (6). Our results are summarized in Table I. Uncertainties in the relative populations are estimated to be ± 30%, based on variations between measurements for the same state using different transitions. Systematic errors may have arisen from involvement of secondary laser excitation processes from excited states of the transitions investigated, or possibly from probe laser photolysis of a molecular fragment of nickelocene produced by the photolysis laser. The photolysis conditions used for these measurements were 0.75 mJ pulse energy at 650 nm, focused with a 25 cm focal length lens. Similar results were obtained when a 50 cm focal length was used. The total pressure in the cell was «5 mTorr, and the time delay between the photolysis and probe laser pulses was «80 ns. These conditions ensured that the population estimates were unaffected by collisions. The relative populations in Table I are shown in the form of a Boltzmann plot in Figure 2. The electronic temperature is seen to be «3000 K. This is consistent with our observation of negligible population in the states 41 and 51. Emission spectra excited by the photolysis laser in the absence of the probe laser showed extremely weak features near 340 nm, most likely due to highly excited nickel atomic photofragments. The weakness of these emissions indicates that such excited nickel atoms were produced in very low abundance. Attempts to observe ionization signals produced by the photolysis laser alone were unsuccessful, although very large signals could be generated by tuning the tightly focused probe laser beam through nickel atomic resonance lines. This shows that multiphoton ionization occurred to a negligible extent at 650 nm, even under tightly focused excitation conditions. MPD of nickelocene was found to occur readily at «445 nm and «555 nm. However, photolysis at these wavelength was not convenient for kinetic studies of nickel atoms because of the occurrence of photochemical depletion of nickelocene in the reaction cell. We attribute this to low photon order photofragmentation processes which deplete nickelocene in a large fraction of the laser beam volume. Photolysis at 650 nm induced MPD only in the small focal region of the photolysis beam. Dependence on Photolysis Fluence. The dependence of the LIF signals for the 21 and 13 states of Ni on the photolysis laser pulse energy at 650 nm is shown in Figure 3. For these measurements the photolysis beam was focused with a 50 cm focal length lens, the total pressure in the cell was «5 mTorr and the delay between the photolysis and probe laser pulses was 80 ns. The 21 signal produced at the lowest photolysis

In Laser Chemistry of Organometallics; Chaiken, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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MPD of Nickelocene for Kinetic Studies of Nickel Atoms

Figure 1. Low lying electronic states of atomic nickel. Electronic configurations and term symbols are given for the lowest energy member of each multiplet. Bold numbers at left are used as a shorthand notation for the electronic states.

Figure 2. Boltzmann plot showing population distribution of excited states of Ni following MPD of nickelocene at 650 nm. Points are labeled with the state notation of Figure 1.

In Laser Chemistry of Organometallics; Chaiken, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.




energy («30 uJ) is at the limit of detection of our apparatus, and therefore represents a threshold for atom production. At low energy, the signal scales with the pulse energy to the power of 3.6, and shows the onset of saturation at higher energy. The difference between the low energy slopes of the 21 and 13 plots in Figure 3 is not considered to be significant.

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Mechanism of Nickelocene M P D at 650 nm A schematic diagram that summarizes information on dissociation and ionization energetics of gaseous nickelocene (NiCp2) is shown in Figure 4. The average bond dissociation energy for formation of Ni + 2Cp (Cp = cyclopentadienyl radical) at 298 Κ has been determined from calorimetry (7) as 71.9 kcal mol" , with an uncertainty of ± «3 kcal mol" . Appearance potential measurements (8) give 103 kcal mol" as an upper limit for the energy required to form NiCp + Cp. The ionization energy of N i C p has been determined as 6.29 eV (9). 1




It is seen in Figure 4 that a minimum of three 650 nm photons is needed to induce dissociation of NiCp . At the three photon level it appears that only the NiCp + Cp channel is possible. This is consistent with the photolysis fluence dependence illustrated in Figure 3, which indicates that the predominant mechanism of atom formation involves more than three photons. Absorption of a fourth photon by N i C p would bring the internal energy well above the ionization threshold, as Figure 4 shows. However, since ionization occurred to a negligible extent under our photolysis conditions, there is an indication that dissociation to NiCp + Cp occurred more rapidly than absorption of a fourth photon by NiCp . The ratio of ionization to neutral dissociation was estimated to be less than 10" . The rate of the dissociation process NiCp -> NiCp + Cp following absorption of three 650 nm photons was estimated using R R K M unimolecular reaction theory (10). The assumption was made that dissociation occurs on the ground state potential surface, following internal conversion of electronic excitation energy to ground state vibrational energy. The vibrational frequencies of NiCp were taken to be those of ferrocene (77), and a loose transition state was assumed in which the vibrational frequencies of the NiCp and Cp fragments were only slightly different from their counterparts in NiCp . The microcanonical rate constant k(E) was found to be less 2









than 1 s" , and increased to only «100 s" when the first dissociation energy of N i C p 1


was assumed to be 85 rather than 103 kcal mol" . The lower dissociation energy is considered to be a lower limit based on thermochemical results for ferrocene (72). These calculations show clearly that, if three photon dissociation to NiCp + Cp occurs as suggested above, then it is a direct rather than a statistical process, involving dissociative excited electronic states rather than internal conversion of electronic to vibrational energy. The estimated statistical dissociation rate is much too slow to account for atom production on the time scale of our experiments, and could not compete with further photon absorption during the laser pulse. The R R K M model was

In Laser Chemistry of Organometallics; Chaiken, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

MPD of Nickelocene for Kinetic Studies



Nickel Atoms




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λ = 650 nm 20



Figure 4. Dissociation and ionization energetics of nickelocene.

In Laser Chemistry of Organometallics; Chaiken, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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seen to be reasonable in that it predicted thermal dissociation rates near 1250 Κ in rough agreement with experimental values for ferrocene (72). The simplest MPD mechanism consistent with the above is three photon production of NiCp followed by single photon dissociation of NiCp. The near Boltzmann distribution of excited state populations of nickel atoms shown in Figure 2 is consistent with the occurrence of one predominant MPD process of relatively low order. In particular, the observation of negligible populations for the 41 and 51 states of nickel argues against a process involving more than four photons. The threshold photolysis pulse energy for production of nickel atoms at 650 nm is remarkably low. From Figure 3, the threshold for a 50 cm focal length lens is «30 uJ, which corresponds to a peak power of «4 χ 10 Watt cm" . The occurrence of MPD at relatively low intensity is undoubtedly due to the presence of weak d-d absorption bands of nickelocene, for which the extinction coefficient near 650 nm is ε « 60 M ' cm in isooctane solution (73). A very rough estimate of the probability of photon absorption in a 10 ns laser pulse may be found from the extinction coefficient and laser pulse intensity. We find the probability ranges from «0.1 to «1 over the range of pulse energies in Figure 3. These estimates include the factor 1/3 for spatial averaging (9). From these estimates it appears likely that the saturation behavior at higher pulse energies in Figure 3 arises in part from saturation of the initial, single photon absorption step of the overall MPD process. 7



Collisional Relaxation of Metastable Excited States of Nickel Atoms The appearance and removal kinetics of all metastable states up to 31 in Figure 1 were investigated, and collisional relaxation rates were measured for Ar, CO, C 0 and C H quenching gases. In all cases, atom production was instantaneous on the time scale of the laser pulse, although collisional relaxation processes led to rather complicated kinetics following the photolysis pulse. The mechanism of relaxation appeared to involve stepwise transitions between adjacent energy levels. Second-order rate coefficients for quenching by Ar, CO, C 0 and C H at 296 Κ are summarized in Table II. The results in Table II allow an assessment to be made of the extent to which collisional relaxation of metastable excited states of nickel atoms influence the kinetics of ground state atom removal by chemical reaction with CO or C H in A r or C 0 buffer gas (2). Simple exponential decay of the ground state population is expected only if metastable state relaxation occurs much faster than ground state reaction. Since the reaction with C H is rather fast (2), significant departures from exponential decay are observed, and can be understood in terms of the relative populations and relaxation rates in Tables I and II. A n example of a nonexponential decay is shown in Figure 5, for the case of reaction of nickel with the precursor nickelocene in the presence of 40 Torr of A r buffer gas. Two curves are drawn through the data points - a simple exponential and a model function that describes the kinetics of species C i n a A - > B - * C - > D consecutive first-order kinetic scheme. In this scheme A and Β represent the metastable states 13 2










In Laser Chemistry of Organometallics; Chaiken, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.




MPD of Nickelocene for Kinetic Studies of Nickel Atoms 185

T A B L E II: Rate Constants for Collisional Relaxation of Metastable States a

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of Ni Atoms ( ) 11



k/10" c m s'


(E/cm" )


































2 4 H





(880) 8


d s






23 (1713)



d s


(2217) 31


(3410) h) (a) See Figure 1 for notation used for Ni states. Excitation energies above the ground state are shown in parentheses. Config gives the electronic configuration, and, for the lowest energy component of each multiplet, the term designation of the multiplet. Rate constants were determined at 296 K.

In Laser Chemistry of Organometallics; Chaiken, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



and 12, respectively, C represents ground state atoms and D represents the product of the Ni + N i C p reaction. This scheme is appropriate because the 12 and 13 states are bottlenecks in the overall relaxation process for Ar buffer gas, as Table II shows. The parameters of the model function are the first-order rates for removal of 12, 13 and ground state atoms, and the initial populations of the metastable states relative to the ground state. The parameters for the curve in Figure 5 are consistent with the rate coefficients and relative populations determined in this work, although it was necessary in order to achieve a good fit to use a slightly higher population for (12 + 23) than is indicated in Table I. Thus the kinetics of ground state atom removal can be modeled satisfactorily in this case. When collisional relaxation is induced by gases other than Ar, the bottlenecks in the relaxation process are less pronounced (see Table II), so the simplified kinetic model just described is not applicable. The rate constants for collisional relaxation in Table II are correlated with the electronic configuration of the metastable state. The correlation is particularly evident for Ar and CO quenching gases. Thus, states that have the configuration d s* are more efficiently relaxed than those with the configuration d s . A simple rationalization of this effect may be given in terms of the properties of potential curves of the complex NiCO that correlate with the separated Ni + CO states listed in Table II. States associated with d s* D j or d ^ for which relaxation is relatively efficient, are attractive in character, and correlate with bound molecular states, whereas those

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_j < ζ CD M ω Ll M _J









30 /xS




Figure 5. Kinetic trace showing removal of ground state Ni atoms by reaction with nickelocene («5 mTorr) in presence of 40 Torr A r buffer gas at 296 K. Effects due to collisional relaxation of metastable excited state Ni atoms are shown by fitted curves (see the text).

In Laser Chemistry of Organometallics; Chaiken, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.




MPD of Nickelocene for Kinetic Studies of Nickel Atoms


2 3

associated with d s F j are thought to correlate with states of NiCO that are repulsive at intermediate Ni-CO separation (14). It is likely that these properties of the d s* and d s configurations apply for other Ni atom - molecule interactions, since they arise from the ability of the d s* configuration to minimize σ-repulsion by polarization of selectron density away from the molecule (75). Reduced repulsive interactions allow closer collisions with enhanced probabilities for energy transfer by curve crossing processes. It is noteworthy that electron spin appears to be a much less important factor than electronic configuration. This is shown by the observation that the relaxation efficiency of the 31 state ( d s* ^D?) is in all cases relatively large, even though this state can only relax by a transition to a state of different spin multiplicity. This is consistent with the observation that the formally spin-forbidden association reactions of nickel atoms with CO and C H occur readily at room temperature (2). 9




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RECEIVED March 31, 1993

In Laser Chemistry of Organometallics; Chaiken, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.