Multistep, Eight-Electron Oxidation Catalyzed by the Cofactorless

May 29, 2013 - *E-mail: [email protected]. ... Ian Barr , John A. Latham , Anthony T. Iavarone , Teera Chantarojsiri , Jennifer D. Hwang , Judith P...
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Multistep, Eight-Electron Oxidation Catalyzed by the Cofactorless Oxidase, PqqC: Identification of Chemical Intermediates and Their Dependence on Molecular Oxygen Florence Bonnot,†,§ Anthony T. Iavarone,†,§ and Judith P. Klinman*,†,‡,§ †

Department of Chemistry, ‡Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, and §California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3), University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, United States ABSTRACT: The final step of the biosynthesis of prokaryotic cofactor PQQ is catalyzed by PqqC, a cofactorless oxidase that brings about a ring closure and overall eight-electron oxidation of its substrate. Time-dependent acid quenching and subsequent high-performance liquid chromatography separation and mass spectrometric analyses of reaction mixtures were performed to correlate the structures of intermediates with previously observed UV−visible signatures. The reaction is composed of four stepwise oxidations: three steps use O2 as the twoelectron acceptor, and the fourth uses hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The chemical nature of the intermediates, the stoichiometry of the reaction, and their dependence on the oxygen concentration indicate that the third oxidation uses the product, H2O2, from the preceding step to produce water. The last oxidation step can also be studied separately and is a reaction between O2 and PQQH2 trapped in the active site. This oxidation is approximately 10 times slower than the reoxidation of PQQH2 in solution. From the order of the four oxidation steps and their sensitivity to O2 concentration, we propose a progressive closure of the active site as the enzyme proceeds through its catalytic cycle.


yrroloquinoline quinone [4,5-dihydro-4,5-dioxo-1Hpyrrolo[2,3-f ]quinoline-2,7,9-tricarboxylic acid (PQQ)] is an aromatic, tricyclic o-quinone that serves as a cofactor for a large number of prokaryotic dehydrogenases found predominantly in Gram-negative bacteria.1−3 PQQ belongs to the quinone family of enzymatic cofactors and has remarkable antioxidant properties.4−6 Like all identified quinone cofactors, PQQ is derived from a ribosomally encoded precursor.5 However, unlike the other described quinone cofactors, topaquinone (TPQ),7 tryptophan tryptophylquinone (TTQ),8 lysyl tyrosylquinone (LTQ),9 and cysteine tryptophylquinone (CTQ),10 which are generated in situ within their cognate proteins, PQQ is peptide-derived and is freely dissociable from its site of catalytic function.5 The biosynthesis of PQQ is a complex process and is catalyzed by gene products pqqA−F in Klebsiella pneumoniae.11 All of the carbon and nitrogen atoms in PQQ derive from a conserved tyrosine and glutamate located near the C-terminus of peptide substrate PqqA.12 The final step of PQQ formation is catalyzed by PqqC (Figure 1) and involves a ring closure and eight-electron oxidation of AHQQ [3a-(2-amino-2-carboxyethyl)4,5-dioxo-4,5,6,7,8,9-hexahydroquinoline-7,9-dicarboxylic acid] (structure 1, Scheme 1).13,14 As shown in Scheme 1, AHQQ must undergo a two-electron oxidative ring closure (A) followed by three additional two-electron oxidation steps (BI−BIII). X-ray studies of a mutant form of PqqC support ring closure as the initial step in AHQQ oxidation,15,16 while the order of reactions BI−BIII is currently unknown. The stoichiometry of the reaction has been well-characterized, and the reaction occurs via the production of only 2 molar equiv of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), © XXXX American Chemical Society

Figure 1. Image of WT PqqC without PQQ (green) (Protein Data Bank entry 10TV) in the open conformation and WT PqqC with PQQ (black) (Protein Data Bank entry 10TW) in the closed conformation. PQQ is colored orange, and the O2 or H2O2 present in the active site is colored purple. A subset of the active site residues surrounding the PQQ are labeled in dark red. Note how the conformational change brings R157, R179 and Y175 into the active site.

Received: March 13, 2013 Revised: May 28, 2013

A | Biochemistry XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX



Scheme 1. Reaction of WT PqqC with AHQQa


The species observed in acid quench experiments at 5% O2 are boxed in red. While these are illustrated as anions, mass spectrometric analyses were of the acidified species. Note that species detected anaerobically are also seen at the lowest O2 level (5%) studied.

Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 as described previously.14 The concentration of AHQQ was determined spectrophotometrically at pH 7 by averaging the concentrations determined at three wavelengths with the following extinction coefficients: 15.7 mM−1 cm−1 at 222 nm, 8.26 mM−1 cm−1 at 274 nm, and 2.01 mM−1 cm−1 at 532 nm. Expression and Purification of PqqC. Plasmids were constructed in pET29 with kanamycin resistance and a C-terminal His tag. PqqC was expressed and purified as described previously.13 A single band was seen on a sodium dodecyl sulfate−polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gel, and Ni-NTA column chromatography provided >95% pure enzyme. The expression for PqqC without a His tag was identical, but after the dialysis, the PqqC His tag was cut using a thrombin kit from Novagen (catalog no. 69022-3). The protein was incubated with the thrombin overnight at 4 °C, and the tag was removed with the Ni-NTA column and the thrombin via filtration after being mixed with streptavidin agarose. PqqC, without the His tag, exhibits the same level of activity with AHQQ as PqqC with the His tag. Single-Turnover Kinetics Monitored by UV−Vis Spectroscopy. The enzyme (50 μM) was mixed with substrate, AHQQ (20 μM), in 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 8.0) in a total volume of 100 μL. The mixture was transferred to a microcuvette, and UV−vis spectra were recorded within 10 s of mixing. The temperature of the reaction mixture was maintained at 20 °C. Spectra were acquired at predetermined time points and the data exported to SPECFIT/32 for analysis. A baseline was obtained under identical conditions with enzyme but without AHQQ. Despite the baseline subtraction, the absorbance below 300 nm was very noisy and has been omitted

implicating bound hydrogen peroxide as the electron acceptor in either step BI or BII;13 the biochemical detection of the final products, H2O2 and PQQ during a single turnover of PqqC further indicates that O2 is the electron acceptor in the final product-forming step (BIII).13 The absence of any requirement for an external cofactor or metal raises very intriguing questions regarding how O2 is activated in this metal and cofactor free active site. In this work, we sought to identify the substrate-derived intermediates formed during a single turnover of PqqC catalysis and to understand the impact of different oxygen concentrations on their distribution. The results allow us to determine the intermediates that accumulate during the reaction as a function of O2 concentration and to establish the order of the different oxidations. X-ray crystallographic studies of PqqC show two conformations for PqqC; the free enzyme is open, with the active site solvent-exposed, whereas the addition of PQQ leads to significant reorganization and a more closed active site, Figure 1.13 The dependence of the various reaction steps on oxygen concentration, the order of the different oxidations, and the intermediates that accumulate during the reaction all suggest that the enzyme undergoes a progressive closure at its active site in the course of the conversion of AHQQ to PQQ.

METHODS Chemical and Molecular Biological Reagents. Buffers, salts, general reagents, and culture media were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich and Fisher Scientific and were of the highest available purity. Nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni-NTA) resin was purchased from Qiagen. PQQ was purchased from Fluka. AHQQ was purified from pqqC mutant strain EMS12 of B | Biochemistry XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX



This reduced quinol was then bound to 125 μM PqqC enzyme anaerobically in 100 mM KPi (pH 8.0) in a glovebox (Plas Laboratories 855-AC glovebox). A microcuvette fitted with a rubber stopper containing 80 μL of 100 mM KPi (pH 8.0) was flushed for 20 min under a nitrogen/oxygen flow (the ratio of oxygen was determined using an oxygen electrode). The protein was transferred into a microcuvette fitted with a rubber stopper, and the substrate was loaded into a syringe and the needle inserted through the stopper into the top of the cuvette. The cuvette with the syringe attached was brought to the spectrophotometer, and the substrate was mixed thoroughly with the enzyme before spectra were recorded. The spectral traces were analyzed with SPECFIT. The data were fit to a single exponential to find the rate of oxidation of quinol to quinone.

in the data presentation. Anaerobic reactions were performed under the same conditions as described above. The enzyme and substrate were made anaerobic by three vacuum/nitrogen cycles on the freeze solution and brought into an anaerobic chamber (Plas Laboratories 855-AC glovebox). Protein samples were transferred into a microcuvette covered with a rubber septum, and the substrate was loaded into a gastight syringe before being removed from the anaerobic chamber. The substrate was injected through the septum and the solution thoroughly mixed immediately prior to the spectra being recorded. Acid Quench Experiment. The enzyme (100 μM) was mixed with substrate, AHQQ (40 μM), in 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 8.0) in a total volume of 80 μL. The reaction was quenched by the addition of 4 μL of concentrated HCl. The reaction mixture was centrifuged for 5 min at 12000 rpm, and the supernatant was then loaded onto a C18 column equilibrated with 5% acetonitrile with 0.1% TFA. Reaction intermediates were eluted using a gradient of 5 to 20% acetonitrile over a 20 min period. The absorbance was monitored between 250 and 700 nm using a diode array detector. Fractions were collected and analyzed by mass spectrometry as described below. Mass Spectrometry. Mass spectrometry analysis was performed using an LTQ Orbitrap XL mass spectrometer equipped with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) that was connected in-line with an Agilent (Santa Clara, CA) 1200 series autosampler and pump. Sample solutions contained in polypropylene autosampler vials sealed with septa caps (Wheaton, Millville, NJ) were loaded into the autosampler compartment prior to analysis. The injected sample (15 μL) was pumped to the ESI probe of the mass spectrometer using a flow of acetonitrile (50 μL/min). The connection between the autosampler and the ESI probe of the mass spectrometer was made using PEEK tubing [0.005 in. inner diameter × 1/16 in. outer diameter (Agilent)]. Mass spectra were recorded in positive ion mode using the Orbitrap mass analyzer, in profile format, with a resolution setting of 100000 (at m/z 400). Mass spectra were processed using Xcalibur version 2.0.7 SP1 (Thermo). Determination of the Kd for PQQH2. Binding of PQQH2 to PqqC was measured fluorometrically. Assays were performed in 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 8.0) at room temperature. A fixed concentration of PQQH2 was employed (100 nM), and the concentration of enzyme was varied. Samples were incubated for 5 min, and fluorescence emission was recorded at 333 nm (slit width of 5 nm) using an excitation wavelength at 282 nm (slit width of 5 nm). Data were fit to a quadratic binding isotherm (eq 1)

RESULTS Single-Turnover Kinetics of Wild-Type PqqC at Variable O2 Concentrations, Monitored by UV−Vis Monitoring. Reactions were performed with excess enzyme (2.5 equiv) to ensure that all of the reactions that were monitored occurred from the E−S complex. Spectra at various time points during the WT PqqC reaction are shown in Figure 2. At all dioxygen concentrations between 0 and 1.14 mM, qualitative assessment shows a decay of substrate at 532 nm, concomitant with the appearance of a chromophore with a λmax of ∼318 nm. This species subsequently decays, and a direct precursor−product relationship with a new chromophore with a λmax at 344 nm can be seen by the isosbestic point at 332 nm. The final chromophore represents enzyme-bound PQQ (Figure 2). Singular-value decomposition analysis yielded each individual spectral component, and the data were fit to an irreversible, twoconsecutive-exponential model, which yielded observed rate constants that are dependent on O2 concentration (Figure 3A,B). Compilation of the results was achieved via the global fitting procedure with SPECFIT (as described previously15). The concentration of dioxygen in the reaction mixtures clearly affects the kinetics. The formation of the reduced intermediate at 318 nm yields rate constants ranging from 0.2 to 1.5 min−1 at oxygen concentrations of 0−1.14 mM (Figure 3A), while the formation of the 344 nm species (PQQ) is slower and shows rate constants of 0−0.2 min−1 in 0−1.14 mM O2 (Figure 3B). The apparent Kd values for O2 during these two processes are also distinct: k1app

k 2app

K dapp(O2 ) = 0.51 ± 0.16mM

K dapp(O2 ) = 0.05 ± 0.02mM

AHQQ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ 318 nm ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ 344 nm

Although the 318 nm intermediate represents a quinol,15 there are four such species possible in the course of the overall reaction (Scheme 1). Identification of this intermediate was accomplished using acid quench techniques as described below. Identification of the Reduced Quinol Intermediates at Varying O2 Concentrations by Acid Quench. The reaction intermediates formed under the different experimental conditions were determined by a combination of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation and mass spectrometry. The UV−vis spectra, retention times, and masses for the starting material and oxidized and reduced products, AHQQ, PQQ, and PQQH2, respectively, at pH 2 were obtained by comparison with those of pure samples. Under the conditions established, AHQQ elutes at 11.5 min, occurs at m/z 339.08, and shows λmax values of 275 and 510 nm; PQQ elutes at 16.9 min, occurs at m/z 331.02, and shows λmax values of

ΔF = ΔFM([E]T + [L]T + Kd − {[([E]T + [L]T + Kd)2 − 4[E]T [L]T ]0.5 }/(2[E]T )) (1)

where ΔF equals the change in fluorescence between a given sample and the free ligand, ΔFM equals the change in fluorescence at saturation, [E]T equals the total concentration of the enzyme in each sample, [L]T equals the total ligand concentration, and Kd is the dissociation constant of the enzyme−ligand complex. Data were fit using Kaleidagraph (Synergy Software). The determination of the Kd (PQQ-PqqC) for the wild-type (WT) enzyme at different concentrations of O2 was performed fluorometrically as previously described 15 in a closed cuvette. Quinol Oxidation Assays. PQQ (100 μM) was anaerobically reduced using 1.25 equiv of dithiothreitol (125 μM). C | Biochemistry XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX



Figure 3. WT PqqC with AHQQ (at concentrations of 50 and 20 μM, respectively) as a function of O2 concentration in 0.1 M phosphate (pH 8) at 20 °C followed by UV−vis monitoring and fit with SPECFIT. (A) k1app describes the formation of the 318 nm species. (B) k2app describes the formation of the 344 nm species. (C) Comparison of k2app observed during the reaction of WT PqqC and AHQQ (red) and the kinetics of PQQH2 reoxidation (black). For the latter, PQQH2 is formed by reduction of PQQ by DTT and mixed with WT PqqC (30 μM PqqC and 20 μM PQQH2) in different concentrations of O2 in 0.1 M phosphate (pH 8) at 20 °C followed by UV−vis monitoring at 344 nm.

Figure 2. Reaction of WT PqqC with AHQQ (at concentrations of 50 and 20 μM, respectively) as a function of time in 0.1 M phosphate (pH 8) at 20 °C followed by UV−vis monitoring over 20 min. (A) At 4% O2, k1 = 0.27 min−1 and k2 = 0.08 min−1. (B) At 21% O2, k1 = 0.75 min−1 and k2 = 0.13 min−1. (C) At 100% O2, k1 = 1.4 min−1 and k2 = 0.2 min−1.

247 and 349 nm with a shoulder at 270 nm; and PQQH2 elutes at 20.1 min, occurs at m/z 333.03, and shows a λmax value of 320 nm (Figure 4A). At 21% O2 (240 μM O2), the rapid decay of substrate is concomitant with the appearance of a chromophore with a λmax at 303 nm (m/z 335.05) at an elution time of 17.5 min. This initial intermediate subsequently decays, and a second intermediate with the same mass, elution time, and spectrum as PQQ forms (Figure 4B). Additionally, once PQQ begins to accumulate, a small amount of PQQH2 with a λmax of 320 nm

(m/z 333.03), eluting at 20.1 min, is observed (this can be seen in the 3 min reaction shown in Figure 4B). The intermediate occurring at m/z 335.05 may represent the quinol or the quinone. To identify which intermediate was accumulating during the reaction of AHQQ with PqqC, the intermediate was mixed with phenylhydrazine, a derivatization agent known to react readily with quinones.17 The reaction of phenylhydrazine with PQQ and PQQH2 has previously been studied. The reaction with PQQ leads to the formation of a chromophore D | Biochemistry XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX



Figure 4. HPLC traces for the reactant, intermediates, and product under a variety of conditions. (A) HPLC traces monitored at 275 nm of a standard mixture (AHQQ, PQQ, and PQQH2). The elution times were as follows: 11.4 min for AHQQ, 16.9 min for PQQ, and 20.1 min for PQQH2. (B) HPLC traces monitored at 275 nm for WT PqqC reaction with AHQQ (100 and 40 μM, respectively) in 0.1 M phosphate (pH 8) at 20 °C in 20% O2 quenched with HCl at different times (30 s, 90 s, 3 min, and 10 min), centrifuged, and loaded onto HPLC. The elution times were as follows: 11.4 min for AHQQ, 16.9 min for PQQ, 17.5 min for the intermediate, and 20.1 min for PQQH2. (C) HPLC traces monitored at 275 nm for WT PqqC reaction with AHQQ (100 and 40 μM, respectively) in 0.1 M phosphate (pH 8) at 20 °C in 100% O2 quenched with HCl at different times (40 s, 70 s, 2 min, and 4 min), centrifuged, and loaded onto HPLC. The elution times were as follows: 11.4 min for AHQQ, 16.9 min for PQQ, 17.5 min for intermediate, and 20.1 min for PQQH2. (D) HPLC traces monitored at 275 nm before 12.5 min (blue) and at 340 nm after 12.5 min (black) of WT PqqC reaction with AHQQ (100 and 40 μM, respectively) in 0.1 M phosphate (pH 8) at 20 °C in 5% O2 quenched with HCl at different times (30 s, 1 min, 2 min, and 10 min), centrifuged, and loaded onto HPLC. The elution times were as follows: 11.4 min for AHQQ, 16.9 min for PQQ, 17.2 for an anaerobic intermediate, 17.5 min for an intermediate, and 20.1 min for PQQH2. (E) HPLC traces monitored at 275 nm for WT PqqC reaction with AHQQ (100 and 40 μM, respectively) in 0.1 M phosphate (pH 8) at 20 °C in the absence of O2 quenched with HCl at different times (10, 30, and 60 min), centrifuged, and loaded onto HPLC. The elution times were as follows: 11.4 min for AHQQ and 17.2 min for an anaerobic intermediate.

with a λmax of 315 nm, with the absorbance intensity being proportional to the concentration of PQQ, whereas incubation of phenylhydrazine with PQQH2 leads to no

apparent reaction.17 When this same reaction was performed with the intermediate at m/z 335.05, no spectral changes were observed. This indicates that the intermediate with a λmax at E | Biochemistry XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX



Reoxidation of Exogenous PQQH2 as a Function of O2 Concentration. The last step of the reaction catalyzed by PqqC is one in which the reduced product, PQQH2, is converted to PQQ. It is possible to probe and compare the disappearance of exogenously added PQQH2 at different O2 concentrations. Estimation of the Kd for added PQQH2 was first conducted by following the protein fluorescence as a function of added PQQH2 (excitation at 282 nm, emission at 333 nm, under anaerobic conditions). WT PqqC was found to bind PQQH2 less tightly than PQQ (Kd = 50 nM for PQQH2, and Kd = 2.0 nM for PQQ15). However, under the conditions used in the PQQH2 oxidation assay (20 μM PQQH2 with 25 μM enzyme), all the PQQH2 is predicted to be bound to the enzyme. Concentrated PQQH2 was first incubated with enzyme anaerobically to ensure that PQQH2 is fully bound prior to the addition of O2 and then diluted with a buffer with a known oxygen concentration in a closed cuvette. Quinols are known to reoxidize to quinones in buffer in air;20 in the presence of PqqC, the rate of PQQH2 reoxidation is found to be ∼8 times slower than in buffer. Although the enzymatic reaction was conducted over a range of O2 concentrations, a saturating concentration of O2 was never achieved (Figure 3C). Below 200 μM O2, the rate of oxidation of PQQH2 is very close to the measured k2app, consistent with a similar rate-determining process for the oxidation of either AHQQ or added PQQH2 in this O2 concentration range (Figure 2). In contrast, above 200 μM O2, where the rate of the oxidation of bound PQQH2 becomes more rapid, the enzymatic oxidation of the substrate AHQQ is limited by another step. These results are fully compatible with the changes in reaction intermediates observed using acid quench methodology at different O2 concentrations. We have previously reported that the PqqC−PQQH2 complex could be oxidized under anaerobic conditions with exogenously added H2O2, as well as molecular oxygen.18,19 More recent studies show that this consumption of H2O2 occurs in the absence of PQQH2 and leads to a time-dependent evolution of O2 as measured on an O2 electrode. Because the earlier and current studies use His-tagged PqqC, we prepared PqqC without its His tag and re-examined reoxidation of PQQH2 by H2O2 using UV−vis monitoring, finding a rate (0.04 ± 0.005 min−1) that is 1 mM O2 relative to that under the anaerobic condition (Figure 5). O2 appears to

303 nm and m/z 335.05 is a quinol and not a quinone species (the quinol of BII in Scheme 1). At 100% O2 (1.14 mM O2), the data are similar to what is observed for the reaction in 21% O2, though the reaction proceeds more rapidly and without any detectable PQQH2 (Figure 4C). At high O2 concentrations, the only intermediate that accumulates during the reaction is the quinol BII shown in Scheme 1. At 5% O2 (57 μM O2), the accumulation of PQQH2 is much more pronounced than at 21% O2 (Figure 4D). Almost all the substrate is PQQH2 at 3 min of reaction. Indeed, the rate of PQQH2 reoxidation appears to be the most affected by the change in O2 concentration. The cumulative data, thus, strongly point toward an oxidation of bound PQQH2 by O2 and not H2O2. In the beginning of the reaction at 5% O2, a very small amount of an intermediate with a λmax at 347 nm (m/z 321.07) can also be seen eluting at 17.2 min. This intermediate is observed in the anaerobic reaction between PqqC and AHQQ (Figure 4E), with a rate of formation of ∼0.2 min−1 (see below) and can be assigned to quinol A. The low level of quinol A is consistent with comparable rates for its formation and decay. The reaction intermediates detected by acid quench at 57 μM O2 are boxed in red in Scheme 1. In contrast to these data, only a single intermediate was detected during the UV−vis single-turnover kinetics, most likely because the spectra of bound quinols A, BII, and PQQH2 are too similar to be distinguished from one another. Comparison of UV−Vis and Acid Quench under Anaerobic Conditions. Under anaerobic conditions, the initial steps of the PQQ reaction were probed using the established UV−vis and acid quench techniques. The anaerobic reaction intermediates have been previously characterized by UV−vis spectroscopy and display the following absorption maxima.13 E‐AHQQ → 344 nm → 318 nm E−(quinoid)


In the WT enzyme, the rate of transformation of E−quinoid to E−quinol is very fast (i.e., not observable). The reaction spectra in this study indicate formation of the species with a λmax of 318 nm at a rate of 0.2 min−1. Quenching of the anaerobic reaction by acid and subsequent HPLC separation and mass spectral analysis of the reaction products shows a single intermediate with an elution time of 17.2 min, a λmax of 347 nm, and an ion at m/z 321.07 (Figure 4E). This species appears concomitant with the decay of the substrate (AHQQ), and occurs at the same rate as the appearance of the λmax = 318 nm species seen via UV−vis spectroscopy. Neither the mass (m/z) nor λmax of the acid quench-derived anaerobic intermediate matched the values expected from the UV−vis spectra for the protonated form of quinol A in Scheme 1. The mass (m/z) is 18 Da smaller than expected, and the UV−vis spectrum exhibits a red-shifted absorbance. We propose that the acidic conditions of the quench catalyze a second reaction, in which the initial cyclization step of AHQQ is followed by an intramolecular reaction between the carboxylate at C9 and nitrogen of the five-membered quinoid/quinol ring to form a stable lactam product:

This structure is consistent with both the observed mass and red-shifted UV−vis spectrum of the anaerobic intermediate. F | Biochemistry XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX



modification). The latter is identical to the first quinol (A), formed under anaerobic conditions. The fact that the accumulation of the intermediates varies when the reaction is conducted at different O2 concentrations indicates that, in fact, the UV−vis traces at the three experimental oxygen concentrations represent different processes. At low O2 concentrations (≤5%), k1app represents the sum of the formation of quinol A, quinol BII, and PQQH2. At 21% O2, quinol A no longer accumulates, a small amount of PQQH2 is observed, and the majority of the product is quinol BII. The maximal level of PQQH2 observed during the catalysis is 0.2 mM O2

E‐quinol BII ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ E − PQQ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→E ‐ PQQH 2 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ k BII


Using the measured values for kBIII as a function of O2 concentration, it was possible to estimate the rate for the disappearance of BII at all O2 concentrations according to eq 2: k 2 app = kBIIkBIII[O2 ]/kBII + kBIII[O2 ]


The analysis indicates that all of the change in k2app as a function of O2 concentration arises from the oxidation of bound PQQH2, and that kBII is fully independent of O2 concentration. The unique dependence of each step of the PqqC reaction sequence on O2 or H2O2 suggests a deliberate property for each of the oxidation steps. In particular, the following questions are raised: (i) Why does the enzyme import three molecules of dioxygen and not two or four? (ii) Why does the reoxidation of BII occur using H2O2? (iii) Why is the oxidation of enzymebound PQQH2 so slow at the ambient O2 concentration? Crystallographic studies of PqqC have shown two conformations for PqqC: an open form with the active site exposed to solvent and a closed form that occurs when PQQ is bound (Figure 1). The closure of the active site of PqqC must occur either during the binding of AHQQ, along the reaction path, or via a combination of both processes. The dependence of the reaction sequence on O2 suggests that this closure takes place during each of the chemical steps. For the two initial oxidation steps, O2 can easily access the active site and rapidly oxidize the bound quinols; only the formation of quinol A emerges as a potentially slow step at >50 μM O2. After these two oxidation steps, the active site appears to have become quite closed. This provides a rationale for the use of bound peroxide during the third oxidation step. It appears that PqqC encounters a “log jam” at its BII intermediate, preventing either egress of the product H2O2 from the previous step or the binding of O2. This enforces a reductive step that uses hydrogen peroxide rather than O2 in an intrinsically slower process. The oxidation of bound PQQH2 offers even more of a challenge, with regard to access to O2. The nonsaturating nature of O2 during this step indicates a process that is first-order in O2 up to 1.14 mM. In this case, the product (H2O) from the previous reaction may be impeding access and/or binding of the O2 required for the final step. Importantly, however, a previous study of the net PqqC stoichiometry showed that only one molecule of H2O2 was released to the buffer directly. The detection of the second mole of peroxide product required acid denaturation of PqqC. For reasons not yet understood, the oxygen-derived product from the last reaction binds tightly, despite the fact that the O2 reaction is fully second-order. This suggests that only upon formation and oxidation of PQQH2 does the enzyme enter into its fully closed form, trapping bound

CONCLUSION This study has demonstrated the isolation and identification of reaction intermediates during the final step of PQQ biogenesis, catalyzed by PqqC. The comparison of acid quench-derived species with UV−vis traces as a function of O2 concentration shows that oxidant utilization is distinct in each of the four catalytic steps. One of the four steps has been shown to use H2O2 rather than molecular dioxygen, while a second step undergoes a first-order reaction with O2. These properties are attributed to a stepwise closure of the enzyme from an open to fully closed form that is not complete until the final chemical step of the reaction. The very slow rate of formation of enzymebound PQQ from its precursor PQQH2 at the ambient O2 concentration suggests that PQQH2 is the physiologically relevant product of this biosynthetic pathway.


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Telephone: (510) 642-2668. Funding

Financial support was provided by National Institutes of Health Grants GM025765 to J.P.K. and 1S10RR022393-01 to A.T.I. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ABBREVIATIONS AHQQ, 3a-(2-amino-2-carboxyethyl)-4,5-dioxo-4,5,6,7,8,9-hexahydroquinoline-7,9-dicarboxylic acid; PQQ, pyrroloquinoline quinone; PQQH2, dihydroquinone PQQ; WT, wild type. H | Biochemistry XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX



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