Mycotoxin Prevention and Control in Agriculture - American Chemical

Mycotoxin Research Unit, Agricultural Research Service, United States. Department of ... Over the last thirty years large scale ethanol facilities hav...
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Fumonsins in materials related to ethanol production from corn LC-MS analysis of fumonsins in ethanol manufacture byproducts Mark Busman and David F. Kendra Mycotoxin Research Unit, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Peoria, IL 61604

Recently, an expansion in utilization of corn for production of fuel ethanol has occurred in the U.S. Production of ethanol from corn leaves a starch depleted residue from the grain. This by-product of ethanol production is commonly utilized as an ingredient in livestock feed. Mycotoxins are important contaminants in the by-products from production of ethanol from corn. In the northern part of the United States fumonisins are major mycotoxins in corn. Here we present results of development of mass spectrometric methods for the determination of fumonisins in matrices associated with ethanol production from corn.

There is a continuing effort to utilize agricultural products for the production of energy sources, particularly to replace petroleum based products utilized for motor fuels (1). Ethanol (1) and seed-oils (2) have been utilized to replace gasoline and diesel fuels, respectively. As processes for producing biofuels from agricultural products have developed, a need for the utilization or disposal of the by-products of these processes has also developed. Recently, there has been an increase in the level of utilization of corn for the production of ethanol (3). This increase has resulted in a corresponding increase in production of the by-products from the ethanol production process (4).

This article not subject to U.S. Copyright. Published 2009 by the American Chemical Society In Mycotoxin Prevention and Control in Agriculture; Appell, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.


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238 Over the last thirty years large scale ethanol facilities have been constructed based on two general schemes. These two schemes are commonly called the wet-grind and the dry-grind processes (5). Despite the classification into the two schemes, there can be a variation from plant to plant in the details of the ethanol production process (6). The dry process can be summarized as follows: corn is ground, water and enzymes added to form a slurry, slurry is fermented utilizing an added yeast, ethanol is removed from the fermented liquid, solid and soluble residue is processed into a marketable by-product (7). The wet process differs in that the corn is soaked thoroughly in water prior to any mechanical treatment of the corn leading to the fermentation process (5). In either case, a starch-depleted corn residue is obtained as a by-product of the fermentation process. The corn residue may be supplemented by cellular debris from the population of yeast utilized in ethanol production (8). The residue from ethanol process is processed into forms convenient for marketing. The characteristics of these by-products make them attractive for inclusion in livestock feeds for dairy (9) and beef (10) cattle, swine (11) and poultry (12). The common forms for the byproducts are distiller dried grains (DDG), distiller dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and wet distillers grains (13). Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites that are produced by fungi and can accumulate in grain in the field and during storage (14). Mycotoxins have long been recognized as harmful to humans and animals that consume contaminated grain. In the U.S. aflatoxins, ochratoxin, fumonisins, and deoxynivalenol have been noted as common contaminants in grains (14). Despite efforts to mitigate their levels and effects in harvested grains, mycotoxins remain a continuing problem for producers, processors and end users of grain and grain-derived products (15). New U.S. ethanol facilities have been, in most cases, constructed for the utilization of corn (16). Corn purchased for use in the ethanol facilities can be contaminated with varying levels of mycotoxins (17). Management of ethanol production needs to be done with an awareness of the effects of mycotoxin contamination. While mycotoxins can have potential effects on yeast growth during fermentation and need to be considered in terms of inhalation exposure for ethanol plant workers, it is in the utilization of by-products that mycotoxins in corn could have their most significant impact (18). It is generally thought that mycotoxins found in corn are concentrated threefold in the by-products of the ethanol process (17). Production of ethanol from corn can concentrate mycotoxins because the mycotoxins remain in the corn residue and the residue undergoes a marked reduction in biomass as starch is converted to ethanol. This, combined with the fact that the fermentation process does not alter the structure or activity of mycotoxins can result in a three-fold increase in the levels of mycotoxins in the residue compared to the original corn (19). Understanding of the effects of mycotoxins has progressed along with improvements in qualitiative and quantitative analysis of the toxins in grains(20). Both biological and chemical-based analytical methods for the determination of mycotoxins have been the developed as part of an effort to ensure the safety of grain products for human and animal consumption (20).

In Mycotoxin Prevention and Control in Agriculture; Appell, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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239 These methods for mycotoxin analysis from grains have long been adapted to monitor mycotoxin levels in materials related to production of fuel ethanol from grain (19). Similarly, investigators interested in safety of beverage ethanol products have utilized methods for the evaluation of fermentation processes, in terms of mycotoxin contamination, to ensure safety of alcoholic beverages (21). Chemical analysis of mycotoxins has often utilized thin layer chromatography (TLC) (22) or high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (23) followed by an appropriate detection technique. In the last few decades atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry has been demonstrated to be both a sensitive and selective detection technique for mycotoxins separated by liquid chromatography (24). Effective methods for quantitation of many important mycotoxins from a variety of grain matrices have been developed utilizing the combination of high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (LC-MS) (25). TLC and LC coupled with fluorescence detection and GC-MS have been utilized by earlier workers to study the fate of mycotoxins in bench top and pilot scale experiments involving the production of ethanol from zearelanone (26), aflatoxin (27) and fumonisin (19) contaminated grains. Methods utilized for mycotoxin analysis in ethanol production matrices have often been modified from existing methods developed for analysis of mycotoxins from grains (26). Fuel grade ethanol manufacturers potentially require capability to monitor mycotoxin levels in purchased grain, process by-products, and intermediate process materials. Here we report the application of liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to the characterization of fumonisin contamination in by-products from ethanol production from corn. The method involves a convenient extraction of toxins, followed by direct analysis without use of sample clean-up.

Methods Materials Unless otherwise noted, all solvents were from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). Water was from a Millipore water purification system. Purified fumonisins were obtained from cultures of Fusarium verticillioides as previously described (28). Samples of DDG and DDGS were obtained from a variety of ethanol production facilities in Illinois. Sample preparation Portions (~20 g) of DDG or DDGS were accurately weighed. Samples were extracted with 50 mL of 1:1 (v/v) water/acetonitrile for 2 hr with occasional swirling. Slurries of sample with solvent were centrifuged for 5 min at ~1500G.

In Mycotoxin Prevention and Control in Agriculture; Appell, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

240 One mL portions of the centrifugate were decanted by pipetted into sample vials for LC-MS analysis. Fumonisin spike

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To 20 g portions of DDGS, 200 uL aliquots of FB1, 2 and 3 were added during vigorous hand swirling. Spike solutions were formulated at concentrations to provide sample concentrations of 1, 10, 50 and 100 ppm. Except where noted, spiked samples were extracted with the same type of methodology as for other by-product samples. LC-MS Extracts were subjected to LC-MS analysis as previously described. Briefly, 10 μL were injected in to a gradient flow on a HPLC apparatus composed of a ThermoSpectraphysics AS4000 autosampler and a P4000 pump. Chromatographic separation of fumonisins was accomplished on a 150 x 3 mm MetaChem C18 column utilizing a 300 μL/min flow. The method used 35-85% gradient aq. methanol with 0.3% acetic acid over 25 min. The flow from the column was directed to the electrospray interface of a ThermoFinnigan LCQDECA ion trap mass spectrometer. The mass spectrometer was operated in full scan mode, scanning from 350-1000 m/z. Quantitation of fumonisins FB1(m/z 722), FB2(m/z 706) and FB3(m/z 706) was accomplished utilizing the ThermoFinnigan Xcalibur data system.

Results Samples of DDG and DDGS were analyzed for fumonisin content. Figure 1 shows a chromatogram for FB1 from an analysis of a DDGS sample. The appearance of the chromatogram is similar to that seen for analyses of unprocessed corn samples utilizing a similar sample preparation and analysis method (data not shown).

In Mycotoxin Prevention and Control in Agriculture; Appell, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 1. Example extracted ion chromatogram (722 m/z) for the detection of FB1 from a DDG sample. Spike recovery experiments were conducted for fumonisin FB1. Table I shows results of a representative experiment evaluating FB1 levels in the DDGS samples. Fumonisins were extracted using several different solvent systems. Extractions were conducted utilizing water, methanol, acetonitrile, 1:1 methanol / water, 1:1 acetonitrile / water). Except for solvent used, identical treatments were used for each extraction. All spike recovery experiments were conducted in triplicate. The 1:1 methanol / water and 1:1 acetonitrile / water both gave ~65% efficiencies at lower FB1 concentrations. Water and acetonitrile gave much lower efficiencies. Table I. Percent FB1 recovery from analysis of spiked DDGS samples with various extraction solvent systems. FB1 Level(ppm) 1 10 50 100

Water 16 9 8 8

Water /acetonitrile 65 50 42 39

Water /methanol 65 40 29 33

Acetonitrile 0 0 0 0

In Mycotoxin Prevention and Control in Agriculture; Appell, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

Methanol 32 22 44 39

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242 Several studies have suggested the advantages of introducing a mechanical procedure to deplete the corn of certain kernel components prior to fermentation (29). Because the yeasts commonly used in ethanol production utilize the starch components found primarily in the endosperm, efforts have been made to deplete the corn of low starch components prior to fermentation. A variety of schemes have been utilized to accomplish this prefractionation of the corn input (30). It is anticipated that the removed components will be directed to alternative uses. Such a depletion strategy will affect the ethanol production in several ways. First, removal of low starch components will reduce the amount of the grain that will be left undigested by the yeast (30). This will reduce the amount of by-product remaining at the completion of the fermentation. Second, the modification of the composition of input grain will change in the composition, including protein and lipid content, of the by-product (30). Modification of the composition of corn that enters the fermentation process can influence the mycotoxin content of the resulting by-products. Studies have shown that mycotoxins are found at higher levels in certain sections of the kernel (31). Table II shows results of the analysis of a single sampling of prefractionation materials taken from a commercial ethanol facility. In this case, the levels of fumonisins were higher in bran and germ than in the endosperm. Potentially, depletion of the higher concentration toxin materials would likely result in a reduction of fumonisin levels in by-products. Table II. Analysis of prefractionation components. Sample ID Corn bran Corn germ Corn endosperm

[FB1](ppm) 0.59 0.40 0.18

Discussion Fumonisins commonly accumulate in U.S. corn (32). While the levels seen in corn are often below levels that would prevent use in livestock feeds, they are high enough that a three-fold concentration normally seen in by-products will result in fumonisin levels in the by-products at levels requiring some concern (18). The results of DDGS fumonisin spike experiments here demonstrate the potential applicability of fumonisin methods developed for corn to by-products. However, it should be noted that the DDG and DDGS derived by-products are extremely variable from facility to facility. The by-products (DDG or DDGS) have been observed to vary widely in common nutritional characteristics (Protein: 25-30% typical, can range to >40%, Fiber: 10%, Fat: 10%, Amino acids, Lysine: 0.54-0.99%) (33). Variability of by-product composition is likely a consequence of variations in the details of operation procedures in the ethanol

In Mycotoxin Prevention and Control in Agriculture; Appell, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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243 production process at each facility. Analysts are likely to require periodic evaluations of the performance of analytical methods. Early work with chemical analysis of mycotoxins explored the possibility of chemical modification of the toxins by the yeasts during fermentation (34). The existing literature offers an incomplete picture of the effects of fermentation on mycotoxins (18). However, a goal for further work in the refinement of the ethanol production process could be the degradation of mycotoxins into less toxic forms. Certainly, chemical analysis, perhaps including LC-MS, of the products of degradation processes will be essential in understanding the effectiveness of reducing the toxicity of fermentation by-products. The utilization of prefractionation processes prior to fermentation will modify the characteristics of the by-products of ethanol production. The evolving characteristics of the by-products will provide new challenges and opportunities for those looking to optimize utilization of the commodities consumed during ethanol production. The prefractionation process has the potential to improve efficiency of ethanol production and has the potential to yield more valuable by-products. However, prefractionation also has the potential to preferentially segregate mycotoxins into the certain fractions of the processed corn. The products of the prefractionation processes will provide opportunities for new corn-derived products. Development of protocols for the evaluation of mycotoxins in these new products will be required. These new products may exhibit behavior unlike corn in the established analytical methods.

Conclusions Ethanol production from corn in the U.S. has expanded rapidly in the last decade. This expansion has changed the utilization of the U.S. corn crop and has introduced a large quantity of a class of new, high value, commodities into the agricultural marketplace. These by-products of ethanol production from corn are nutritionally attractive ingredients for inclusion into livestock diets. The availability of robust tools for the evaluation of mycotoxin levels in these byproducts is essential for their effective utilization. As the ethanol from corn industry expands, the processes involved in ethanol production continue to evolve. The improvement in ethanol production is aimed at more efficient production of the ethanol and at the co-production of marketable by-products. The by-product commodities vary in composition depending upon the techniques used for operation of the ethanol production and, importantly, prefractionation procedures applied to the corn prior to the fermentation process. Those seeking to apply analytical methods for mycotoxins to the by-products must be aware of potential variability in this analytical matrix.

In Mycotoxin Prevention and Control in Agriculture; Appell, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.


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In Mycotoxin Prevention and Control in Agriculture; Appell, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.