Mycotoxins in Foods and Their Safety Ramifications - ACS Publications

Mycotoxins can enter the food chain by one of two major routes — (1) direct .... Domestic Foods, Import Foods and Animal Feeds) for the fiscal years...
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Mycotoxins in Foods and Their Safety Ramifications Garnett E. Wood and Albert E. Pohland Division of Contaminants Chemistry, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 200 C Street, SW, Washington, DC 20204

Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites produced by certain fungi in/on foods and feeds. These toxins have been associated with various diseases (mycotoxicoses) in livestock, domestic animals and humans throughout the world. The occurrence of mycotoxins is influenced by certain environmental factors; hence the extent of contamination will vary with geographic location, agricultural and agronomic practices and the susceptibility of commodities to fungal invasion during preharvest, storage and/ or processing periods. Mycotoxins differ widely in their chemical and toxicological properties. The aflatoxins have received greater attention than any of the other mycotoxins because of their demonstrated potent carcinogenic effects in susceptible laboratory animals and their acute toxicological effects in humans. Many countries have attempted to limit exposure to aflatoxins and other selected mycotoxins by imposing regulatory limits on commodities in commercial channels. Recent F D A monitoring data generated on mycotoxins will be discussed.

Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites produced by certain fungi that may grow on foods and feeds under favorable conditions of temperature and humidity. These metabolites can exhibit acute, subchronic and chronic toxicological manifestations in humans and susceptible animals. Some mycotoxins have proven to be teratogenic, mutagenic and/ or carcinogenic in certain susceptible animal species and have been associated with various diseases (mycotoxicoses) in domestic animals, livestock and humans in many parts of the world. The occurrence of mycotoxins in foods and feeds is unavoidable and influenced by certain environmental factors; hence the extent of mycotoxin contamination is unpredictable and may vary with geographic location, agricultural and agronomic practices and the susceptibility of commodities to fungal invasion during preharvest, storage and/or processing periods. Contamination of milk, meat and eggs can result from the consumption of mycotoxin-contaminated feed by farm animals. It has been estimated by the United Nations ' Food and Agriculture Organization This chapter not subject to U.S. copyright Published 1992 American Chemical Society Finley et al.; Food Safety Assessment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



(FAO) that at least 25% of the world's food crops are affected by mycotoxin contamination. Within the United States (U.S.) the incidence of mycotoxin contami­ nation of a particular food crop has been noted to vary not only from region to region but also from year to year. Mycotoxins can enter the food chain by one of two major routes — (1) direct contamination resulting from the growth of toxigenic fungi on the food item itself and (2) indirect contamination resulting from the use of a food component contaminated with mycotoxins. In regard to humans, direct exposure is more likely to be a problem in tropical areas and certain underdeveloped countries where the consumption of moldy food may be unavoidable because of shortages of good quality food and/or proper storage and processing facilities. In developed countries, foodstuff is usually discarded or fed to animals if it appears to be visibly moldy; hence, indirect exposure, resulting from prepared or processed foods or from the consumption of animal products, becomes more significant. There are many reports in the literature with respect to the occurrence of mycotoxins in foods and feed. Unfortunately many of the reports dealing with the incidence and levels of contamination leave much to be desired. A major concern is the accuracy of the data. In most developed countries the levels of mycotoxins in human foods are quite low, frequently lying in the ng/g (ppb) and sub-ng/g range. It is a tenet of analytical chemistry that the data variation (coefficient of variation or C V) becomes greater as the analyte concentration decreases. As an example, the interlaboratory C Vs for analytes at the μg/g [parts per million (ppm)] level are usually about 16%, whereas at the ng/g [parts per billion (ppb)] level, the CVs are invariably in the range of 45-50% (i). There are at least 3 types of errors associated with obtaining an accurate estimate of the true concentration of a component in a given lot of foodstuff, they are: (1) sampling, (2) sample preparation and (3) analysis (2). Of these, the largest relative errors encountered are associated with sampling, followed by the analytical procedure (3). It is indeed difficult to obtain an analytical-sized sample from large nonhomogeneously contaminated lots of any particular food or feed that accurately represents the concentration of the lot. Specific sampling plans have been developed and rigorously tested for only a few commodities, such as corn, peanuts and tree nuts; sampling plans for some other commodities have been modeled after these. In a study designed to determine the magnitude of the relative errors associated with an analytical result, it was calculated that the sampling variability, using the sampling plans currently in use for aflatoxins, was 55% for peanuts and 100% for cottonseed for a lot containing 20 ng aflatoxins/g; these variations were obtained by using well-developed sampling plans (3,4). In addition to this sampling variability, consideration must also be given to subsampling variability and the analytical variability. An overview of sampling and sample preparation for the identification and quantitation of natural toxicants in foods and feeds was published recently (5). Errors may be associated with some of the analytical data presented in the scientific literature on mycotoxins. Of the hundreds of analytical methods published for mycotoxins, only a few have been subjected to a formal interlaboratory (col­ laborative) study. Survey data obtained by use of analytical procedures that have not

Finley et al.; Food Safety Assessment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Mycotoxins and Their Safety Ramifications


been evaluated by an interlaboratory study are often reported. In some cases, even the limit of determination of the method is not given; hence the reader cannot determine the meaning of negative samples or samples labeled "trace." Even when a wellstudied method is used, one is frequently troubled by the lack of a suitable confirma­ tion of identity of the analyte. This is particularly true of most of the data that are generated by the increasingly popular immunoassay techniques. Various organiza­ tions have tried to improve data quality through check sample programs in which a sample of known contamination level is sent to each laboratory for analysis by the method routinely used in that laboratory. The results obtained enable the laboratory director to judge the capability of the analysts in his laboratory and to identify problems which may be otherwise unnoticed. Examples of such check sample programs are the International Aflatoxin Check Sample Program administered each year by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), and the Smalley Check Sample Series sponsored by the American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS). In both series the interlaboratory coefficient of variations (CVs) at the 20 ng/g level were > 45%. In the 1989 IARC survey, the CVs for total aflatoxin in corn were about 55%; most interestingly, with aflatoxin M in milk at the 0.3 ng/ml level, 17% of the participants found no aflatoxin, while 14% of the results had to be excluded as statistical outliers (Friesen, Μ., IARC, personal communication). Therefore, although there is no doubt about the worldwide occurrence of mycotoxins in foods, there is considerable doubt about the accuracy of the levels reported for various mycotoxins in foods. The mycotoxins found to occur significantly in naturally contaminated foods and feeds include the aflatoxins, ochratoxin A , some trichothecenes, zearalenone, citrinin, patulin, sterigmatocystin, penicillic acid, cyclopiazonic acid and the fumonisins (Table 1). The crops that may be affected by these mycotoxins include corn, peanuts, cottonseed, tree nuts, cereal grains (wheat, barley, rice, oats) dried beans and apples. Background exposure data, along with toxicological evaluation are essential in order to establish the need for formal regulatory control programs. Past concerns by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of mycotoxins such as patulin, zearalenone, deoxynivalenol, ochratoxin A and penicillic acid have resulted in surveys of susceptible commodities for these mycotoxins. From the results of these surveys and the available toxicological data, no formal regulatory programs were warranted. However, because of the random, unpredictable contamination of food by mycotoxins, the control of these toxins is expected to be a difficult task; therefore it is not logical to envision a food supply that can be guaranteed to be "mycotoxin-free." Continuous efforts are being made by the F D A to minimize the levels to which consumers may be exposed to mycotoxins. For most mycotoxins, there is only limited information available regarding their natural occurrence, stability in foods and feeds, toxicity and carcinogenicity to humans. Our knowledge of mycotoxins is biased by the emphasis placed on carcinogenic mycotoxins, in particular the aflatoxins. A review of the mycotoxin literature reveals that information on aflatoxin contamination far exceeds that for all other mycotoxins. The aflatoxins have received greater attention by scientists because of their demonstrated potent carcinogenic effect in susceptible laboratory

Finley et al.; Food Safety Assessment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



animals and their acute toxicological effects in humans. In view of this, the rest of this presentation will focus on measures that have been taken to ensure that our food supply is relatively safe and free from aflatoxin contamination; hopefully this will stimulate similar measures to be taken regarding other mycotoxins as more information about them becomes available. The worldwide occurrence of the aflatoxins ( B B , G j , and G ) is well documented in the literature (6-10), with the major contamination occurring in areas of high moisture and temperature. The aflatoxins are the only mycotoxins currently being regulated in the U.S. From a regulatory viewpoint, the aflatoxins are considered to be added poisonous and unavoidable contaminants because they cannot be completely prevented or eliminated from food or feeds by current good agronomic and manufacturing practices. Many countries have attempted to limit exposure to aflatoxins and other selected mycotoxins by imposing legal restrictions or regulatory limits on food and feeds in domestic and commercial import channels (77). The legal basis for regulating poisonous substances in food in the U.S. is the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act which prohibits the entry of adulterated food into interstate commerce. A food is considered adulterated if it contains "any poisonous or deleterious substance which may render it injurious to health" [sec 402(a)(1)]. The F D A has enforced limits on the aflatoxin content of foods and feeds involved in interstate commerce since 1965. The industries are routinely monitored by F D A through compliance programs to ensure adherence to the limits (action levels) that have been established for aflatoxins in various commodities. The monitoring effort includes both a formal Compliance Program and exploratory surveillance action. This presentation combines data generated by 3 compliance programs (Aflatoxins in Domestic Foods, Import Foods and Animal Feeds) for the fiscal years 1987,1988 and 1989. The strategies used by F D A for implementing compliance programs have been published elsewhere (72) and are only briefly summarized here. The three objectives of the compliance programs are: 1?

(1) (2) (3)



collect and analyze samples of various foods and feeds to determine the occurrence and levels of aflatoxins; remove from interstate commerce those foods and feeds which contain aflatoxins at levels judged to be of regulatory significance; and determine awareness of potential problems and control measures employed by distributors, manufacturers and/or processors.

Each F D A District involved is provided with a list of commodities known to be susceptible to aflatoxin contamination, a sampling plan (including product sample size) used by F D A in the regulatory control of mycotoxins in foods and feeds (2) and a quota of samples to be collected. Sampling of corn, corn-based products, milk, peanuts, peanut products and animal feeds is stressed. Previous incidence data obtained from surveys of small food grains such as soybeans, barley, oats, rye and rice indicated that these grains were not a significant source of aflatoxin exposure unless they were abused in storage or after preparation (13). A l l samples are analyzed for

Finley et al.; Food Safety Assessment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Mycotoxins and Their Safety Ramifications


aflatoxins by the official collaboratively studied methods specific for each product (14) at the F D A Mycotoxin Analytical Laboratory in New Orleans, L A . The limit of determination using the A O A C procedures, is 1 ng/g for aflatoxins in grains, nuts and their products and 0.05 ng/ml for aflatoxin M in milk. Regulatory actions are directed in accordance with existing compliance policy guides. The guides specify that legal actions are to be recommended when the level of total aflatoxins (Bi, B2, G i , and G2) in all foods and feeds for dairy cattle or immature animals exceeds 20 ng/g (300 ng/g for cottonseed meal used as a feed ingredient for beef cattle, swine and poultry) and other identifying or restricting criteria are met. The action level for aflatoxin M in milk is 0.5 ng/ml. The following action levels apply to corn designated for specific animal species: 100 ng/g for breeding cattle, breeding swine and mature poultry; 200 ng/g for finishing swine ( > 100 lb) and 300 ng/g for finishing beef cattle (Table 2). F D A announced in 1988 (Fed. Regist. 53:5043,1988) that its current action levels are not binding on the courts, the public (including food processors), or the agency. The current action levels do, however, represent the best guidance available on chemical and other contaminant levels that F D A would consider to be of regulatory interest; the agency intends to initiate notice and comment rule-making proceedings to amend certain of its regulations in the very near future. Results and Discussion The monitoring data obtained over the years in general show that in the U.S. aflatoxin is a frequent and major contaminant of corn, peanuts and cottonseed and an occasional contaminant of almonds, pecans, pistachio nuts and walnuts. Initially it was feared that aflatoxin contamination of animal feeds might result in significant human exposure to aflatoxin and/or its metabolites in meat, milk and eggs, although transmission studies had indicated a very low potential for contamination of the edible tissues in this way. When the corn crops in 1977 and 1980 were heavily contaminated by aflatoxin because of adverse weather conditions, a study of swine, beef and chicken livers from slaughter houses and egg-cracking plants was conducted, using methodology capable of determining B i and M i at levels as low as 0.05 ng/g; no aflatoxin was detected in 1453 samples that were almost equally divided among the four sample types (10). In the follow-up survey of 1980 of swine (251) and turkey (114) livers, again no aflatoxins were found. The only case in the U.S. of aflatoxin in eggs was documented in an early F D A survey (1977) of eggs collected from cracking plants in the southern U.S.; only one of 112 samples contained aflatoxin (0.06 ng/g) (75). On the other hand, aflatoxin M i has been found on occasion in milk, particularly in the Southeast where aflatoxin is a frequent contaminant of corn, and in the Southwest where cottonseed used in feed is frequently contaminated. In these areas, strong state supervision and control have effectively limited human exposure to aflatoxin M i . Monitoring data obtained for the years 1987-1989 are tabulated in Tables 3 to 11. These data highlight the unpredictable occurrence of aflatoxins in foods and the relatively low continuous levels present in certain commodities. These data are biased in the sense that the samples collected under compliance programs target those areas

Finley et al.; Food Safety Assessment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Table 1. Mycotoxins identified as natural contaminants Mycotoxin

Food orfeed contaminated

Aflatoxins Qtrinin Cyclopiazonic acid Deoxynivalenol Ergot alkaloids Fumonisins Nivalenol Ochratoxin A Patulin Penicillic acid Sterigmatocystin T-2 toxin Zearalenone

Com, cottonseed, peanuts, milk, tree nuts Barley, oats, rice Com, peanuts, cheese Com, barley, rye, wheat Wheat, rye, oats Com Com, barley, wheat Com, barley, wheat, oats, green coffee beans Apples, pears Com, dried beans Cheese, green coffee beans Com, barley, sorghum Com, wheat

Table 2. FDA action levels for aflatoxins Commodity

Level (ng/g)

A l l products, except milk, designated for humans Milk Com for immature animals and dairy cattle Com for breeding beef cattle, swine and mature poultry Com for finishing swine Com for finishing beef cattle Cottonseed meal (as a feed ingredient) A l l feedstuff other than com

20 0.5 20 100 200 300 300 20

NOTE: Compliance Policy Guides 7 1 2 0 . 2 6 , 7 1 0 6 . 1 0 , 7 1 2 6 . 3 3 .

Table 3. Peanut products examined for aflatoxin and levels Peanut product Peanut butter

Shelled, roasted

In-shell roasted


Determinable Aflatoxins Year Totafi Percent of products Percent of products >lnglg >20nglg 1987 1988 1989 1987 1988 1989 1987 1988 1989

146 372 158 63 357 243 15 80 52

13.7 1.9 0.6 3.2 2.5 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.0

2.7 0.5 0.0 3.1 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Total number of products examined.

Finley et al.; Food Safety Assessment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Mycotoxins and Their Safety Ramifications


Table 4. Domestic tree nut products examined for aflatoxin and levels Tree nut Product Almond








1987 1988 1989 1987 1988 1989 1987 1988 1989 1987 1988 1989

44 241 108 73 225 212 27 56 104 51 249 228

Determinable aflatoxins Percent of products Percent ofproducts >1 ng/g >20nglg 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.2 0.0 0.5 3.7 5.3 0.9 0.0 0.0 2.6

0.0 0.4 0.0 12.3 0.4 0.5 22.0 10.7 1.9 2.0 0.4 4.4

Total number of products examined

Table 5. Aflatoxins in shelled corn designated for human consumption

Area of US.


Southeast 1987 Com belt Virginia-Maryland Arkansas-Texas-Oklahoma RestoflLS. Southeast 1988 Com belt Virginia-Maryland Arkansas-Texas-Oklahoma RestofU.S. Southeast 1989 Com belt Virginia-Maryland Arkansas-Texas-Oklahoma RestofU-S. 0

Determinable aflatoxins Percent of samples Percent of samples >20nglg >1 ng/g TotaP 105 49 5 49 32 299 100 44 115 224 262 736 8 252 261

30.4 12.2 0.0 14.2 12.5 9.0 1.0 6.8 9.5 0.0 7.6 14.1 0.0 19.8 14.5

20.9 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 7.0 1.0 2.2 5.2 0.0 3.4 4.3 0.0 12.3 8.0



aTotal number of samples examined A L , FL, GA, L A , MS, NC, SC, TN. IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, M N , MO, NE, OH, SD, WI.

Finley et al.; Food Safety Assessment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Table 6. Aflatoxins in shelled corn designated for animal feed

Area of US.

Year TotaP


Southeast 1987 17 Corn belt? 75 Virginia-Maryland 4 Arkansas-Texas-Oklahoma 13 Rest of U.S. 7 Southeast 1988 74 Corn belt 15 Virginia-Maryland 28 Arkansas-Texas-Oklahoma 78 RestofUS. 71 Southeast 1989 159 Corn belt 784 Virginia-Maryland 16 Arkansas-Texas-Oklahoma 25 RestofU.S. 28 a

Determinable aflatoxins Percent of samples Percent of samples >20ng/g >1 ng/g 47.0 8.0 0.0 30.7 0.0 13.5 0.0 3.5 29.0 0.0 13.2 15.0 0.0 40.0 0.0


35.2 0.0 0.0 7.6 0.0 8.1 0.0 0.0 25.6 0.0 8.1 3.4 0.0 32.0 0.0 C

Total number of samples examined A L , FL, GA, L A , MS, NC, SC, TN. IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, M N , MO, NE, OH, SD, WI.

Table 7. Aflatoxins in milled corn products

Area of US.

Year TotaP

1987 Southeast Com belt Virginia-Maryland Arkansas-Texas-Oklahoma RestofU-S. Southeast 1988 Com belt Virginia-Maryland Arkansas-Texas-Oklahoma RestofU.S. Southeast 1989 Com belt Virginia-Maryland Arkansas-Texas-Oklahoma RestoflLS. 5


94 45 4 24 52 206 180 40 40 288 155 112 16 64 435 b

Determinable aflatoxins Percent of samples Percent of samples >1 ng/g >20 ng/g 14.8 4.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3 0.0 2.5 2.5 0.0 1.0 3.5 0.0 1.5 9.4

3.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 C

Total number of samples examined A L , FL, GA, L A , MS, NC, SC, TN. IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, M N , MO, NE, OH, SD, WI.

Finley et al.; Food Safety Assessment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Mycotoxins and Their Safety Ramifications


Table 8. Survey for aflatoxins in sweet corn in the ILS. (1988) Canned, whole kernel Arizona Arkansas Delaware Idaho Illinois Maryland Minnesota New York Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Utah Washington Wisconsin

Canned, cream style

6 6 2 3 8 2 6 4 1 3 0 1 1 6

0 2 0 1 1 0 6 2 0 3 0 0 1 2

Frozen, Number of samples whole kernel analyzed 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 4 0 2 2 0 7 0

6 8 5 4 10 3 12 10 1 8 2 1 9 8

Determinable aflatoxins ng/g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 9. Cottonseed and cottonseed meal lots examined for aflatoxins Year Cottonseed 1987 Cottonseed meal AZ.CA RestoflLS. Cottonseed 1988 AZ.CA Rest of U.S. Cottonseed meal AZ.CA RestofU.S. 1989 Cottonseed AZ.CA RestofU.S. Cottonseed meal AZ.CA RestofU.S. a


Percent of lots Percent of lots Percent of lots >300 ng/g >20nglg >1 ng/g b





3 7

0.0 57.1

0.0 43.0

0.0 0.0

56 20

7.1 5.0

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

16 9

25.0 22.0

6.2 0.0

0.0 0.0

8 29

12.5 10.3

12.5 10.3

0.0 3.4

26 1

31.0 0.0

7.6 0.0

7.6 0.0


Total number of lots examined. Action level for cottonseed meal as a feed ingredient.

Finley et al.; Food Safety Assessment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Table 10. Fluid milk and milk products examined for aflatoxin

Year 1987 1988 1989 a

Determinable aflatoxin Percent of Products Percent ofproducts >0S nglml TotaP >0.05ng/ml 67 155 632

0.0 0.0 1.1

0.0 9.0 43.5

Total number of products examined

Table 11. Miscellaneous imported food products examined for aflatoxins


Determinable aflatoxins Percent ofproducts Percent ofproducts >20ng/g TotaP >lng/g

Brazil nut Com meal/flour Crackers, nut Figs Melon seed Nutmeg Peanut butter Peanut candy Peanuts,shelled Pecans Pistachio Pumpkin seed Sesame seed

95 54 59 92 88 33 29 129 67 56 53 117 264


16.8 22.2 11.8 2.1 5.6 18.1 13.7 25.0 10.4 7.1 7.5 9.4 1.1

3.1 1.8 5.0 2.1 1.1 12.1 3.4 7.7 5.9 3.5 3.7 5.1 0.0

Total number of products examined

Finley et al.; Food Safety Assessment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Mycotoxins and Their Safety Ramifications


and commodities where one is most likely to find contamination. Even with the bias limitation and the relatively small numbers of samples involved, it is still possible to find some useful trends in the data obtained. Peanut Products. A l l raw shelled peanuts in commercial channels in this country are marketed under a USDA/industry agreement that requires analysis and certification of each lot for aflatoxin content by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This agreement forms the basis for a Memorandum of Understanding between U S D A and F D A (Compliance Policy Guides 7155a. 11,7155a. 13 and 7155a. 14). The testing for aflatoxins in roasted shelled and in-shell peanuts, and in processed peanut products for consumer use is the responsibilty of F D A . The contamination of peanuts by aflatoxins has been noted in all peanut-growing areas of the U.S. In a study designed to highlight the uneven distribution of a few highly contaminated peanut kernels among a large number of uncontaminated ones in a given sample or subsample, aflatoxin concentration ranged from a trace to 1,100,000 ng aflatoxin B i / g in individual kernels (76). The levels of aflatoxin contaminations in peanut butter and shelled roasted peanuts were high in 1987 but decreased in succeeding years (Table 3). It has been generally observed over the years that when aflatoxin contamination occurred in peanut products, higher levels were usually noted in peanut butter and roasted shelled peanuts than in roasted in-shell (ball park) peanuts. Apparently the roasting process, coupled with the grade and cultivar used, keeps these peanuts (roasted in-shell) relatively free of aflatoxins from year to year. None of the peanut products analyzed in 1989 contained total aflatoxins above the action level of 20 ng/ g. Tree Nuts (Domestic). Measurable levels of aflatoxins were found in almonds, pecans, pistachio nuts and walnuts (Table 4). No aflatoxins were noted in any of the 60 cashew, filbert and macadamia nut samples examined. Generally the levels of contamination were lower in almonds and walnuts than in pecans and pistachio nuts. Aflatoxin contamination in almonds has been attributed to kernel damage incurred before harvest. From a survey of California almond and walnut crops (77) it was established that the probability of aflatoxin contamination in almonds is one kernel in 26,500 unsorted in-shell nuts from the field; in walnuts it is one in 28,250 nuts. Current techniques of removing visibly damaged nuts immediately after harvest, followed by cool, dry storage conditions, seem to be effective in controlling the extent of aflatoxin contamination of almonds and walnuts in commercial channels. The major cause of contamination of pecans has not been determined; however, data obtained from a 6-year survey of late-harvested pecans suggest that the incidence of contamination was greatly influenced by the prevailing orchard temperatures during the latter part of the harvest season (18). Domestic pistachio nuts have been commercially available since 1980; aflatoxin contamination has been observed consistently during the past 4 years. Corn. The grain most susceptible to aflatoxin contamination in the U.S. is corn. In most of the southeastern states (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi,

Finley et al.; Food Safety Assessment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee), aflatoxin contamination of com is a major concern each year. The incidence of aflatoxin contamination of com grown in other areas of the country may vary from year to year depending primarily on the weather conditions prevailing during the preharvesting and harvesting periods. The bulk of the com found in commercial channels in the U.S. is grown in the midwest (Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin). Data availablefromearlier surveys of aflatoxin in com indicated that this area was virtually aflatoxin-free (10). Unfortunately, in 1983 and more recently in 1988, this area along with other areas of the country experienced atypical weather conditions (severe drought and late rainfall) during the latter part of the growing season. Because of these conditions, it was expected that the harvested com would contain higher than usual levels of aflatoxin contamination. Since flexibility is one of the features of the F D A Compliance Programs, it was not a difficult task for F D A to shift its monitoring efforts and resources so that a larger than planned number of samples could be collected and analyzed for aflatoxin contamination. The data in Tables 5 and 6 show that the number of com samples collected and analyzed from the midwest or com belt states during 1989 significantly exceeded the number of samples processed in previous years. The bulk ofthe com from the 1988crop began showing up in commercial channels after the beginning of the 1989 fiscal year (October 1). The data in Table 5 show a significant increase during 1989 in the percentage of com lots designated for human consumption that contained aflatoxins at levels greater than 20 ng/g as compared with the years 1987 and 1988. The states of Virginia and Maryland were exceptions; however, because of the earlier harvesting season in those states, some samples were analyzed during the latter part of the fiscal year 1988. The data in Table 6 reflect a similar increase in levels and incidences of contamination in com designated for animal feed from the various areas. In the case of milled com products analyzed (Table 7), significant levels were observed only in samples collected from the Southeast, which was not unexpected. Studies have shown that two general methods for processing com (dry and wet milling) significantly reduce the level of aflatoxins that may be present in those fractions that are used for human consumption. For example, com starch derived from the wet milling process was found to contain only 1% of the aflatoxin level present in the raw com; grits, low fat meal and flour derived from the dry milling process contained only 6-10% of the original aflatoxin level (79,20). Heat processing and cooking are effective in reducing the aflatoxin content in foods (27). None of the 410 manufactured corn-based products (e.g., com chips, hush puppies, mixes, tortilla, breakfast cereals ready-to-eat and popcorn), collected from all over the country during the 3-year period, contained aflatoxin levels in excess of 20 ng/g. Aflatoxin contamination is not believed to be a problem in sweet com, that is "eating ears" or whole kernel com. Studies have shown that com is most vulnerable to invasion by aflatoxin- producing fungi during the late milk and early dough stages of development. Sweet com is usually harvested at the early milk stage of development and processed immediately; therefore, the possibility for invasion of sweet com by the aflatoxin-producing fungi is very remote. To confirm that aflatoxin contamination was not a problem in the 1988 sweet com crop, a limited survey was conducted.

Finley et al.; Food Safety Assessment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Mycotoxins and Their Safety Ramifications


Samples of sweet corn (canned whole kernel, canned cream style and frozen whole kernel) were collected in 14 statesfrompacking plants or primary storage warehouses. The results of this survey are shown in Table 8. None of the 87 samples collected and analyzed contained observable levels of aflatoxins. The results obtained in this limited survey, when considered along with the negative results obtained from a larger survey (263 samples) conducted in 1976 and 1977 (22), suggest that concerns about the occurrence of aflatoxins in processed sweet corn are not warranted. Cottonseed and Cottonseed Meal. Cottonseed and cottonseed meal are used as ingredients in animal feed; therefore, contaminated cottonseed may pose a possible hazard to humans who ingest meat or milk from such animals. High levels of aflatoxins in the feed of dairy cattle can result in aflatoxin M in milk. The incidence and levels of contamination found from 1987 to 1989 are shown in Table 9. With the exception of the data for 1987, the higher percentage of cottonseed and cottonseed meal contamination were noted in the Southwest (Arizona-California). Milk. Aflatoxin M j is a metabolite of aflatoxin B, formed in the milk of mammals that have ingested aflatoxin Β in their feed. The ratio of conversion from aflatoxin Β in naturally contaminated feed to aflatoxin M in milk by dairy cattle has been reported by two independent laboratories to be 66:1 and 75:1 (23,24). Therefore, dairy cattle fedrationscontaining