DC Technology. Chatham College, Pittsburgh, Pa. Contact (4) ... Keegan, School of Industrial Management and Textile Science, Clemson University,. Clem...
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Scheduled Courses in Analytical Techniques



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Information is given in t h e following order: date, n a m e of course, location of course, professional p e r s o n ( s ) in charge of course, a n d / o r sponsoring organizations and Contact (numbers in parentheses refer to addresses a n d telephone numbers given a t the b o t t o m of the list of scheduled courses). July 1 to 5—Industrial Use of the Polarizing Microscope. London, England. Mc­ Crone Research Institute. Contact (1) July 8 to 12—Two Separate Courses: Infrared Interpretation, P a r t 1; Computer­ ized Chemical Information Systems. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (2) July 8 to 12—Instrumental Analysis Workshop. Hopatcong, N . J. A. J. Diefenderfer. Contact (8) July 8 to 12—Photomicrography. London, England. McCrone Research Institute, Contact (1) July 8 to 19—24th Fiber Microscopy Course. Appleton, Wis. Institute of Paper Chemistry. Contact: A. Neil MeLeod, Director of Continuing Education, The Institute of Paper Chemistry, Appleton, Wis. July 9 to 13—Techniques of Infrared Spectroscopy. Minneapolis, Minn. Contact: Department of Conferences and Institutes, Nolte Center for Continuing Educa­ tion, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 55455 July 15 to 19—Gas Chromatography. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (2) J u l y 15 to 19—Teaching Modern DC Measurement and Research Applications of New DC Technology. Chatham College, Pittsburgh, Pa. Contact (4) July 15 to 19—Chemical Interpretation of Infrared Spectra. Minneapolis, Minn. Contact: Department of Conferences and Institutes, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 55455 July 15 to 19—Fine Particle Measurements Workshop (3rd Annual). Hopatcong, N. J. Saul Gordon. Contact (3) July 17 to 19—Gas Chromatography. Seattle, Wash. Contact: Frank Owen, Varian Aerograph, 2700 Mitchell Dr., Walnut Creek, Calif. 94598 July 20 to Aug. 10—Research Instrumentation. Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. Contact: Kenneth R. Jolis, The Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 333 Jay St., Brooklyn, Ν . Υ. 11201. Tel: (212)643-4442 July 22 to 23—Thin Layer Chromatography and Instant Thin Layer Chromatography. Bloomington, Minn. James Hamilton, Helmut K. Mangold. Contact (5) July 22 to 26—Teaching Modern DC Measurement and Research Applications of New DC Technology. Argonne National Laboratory. Contact (4) July 22 to 26—Color Measurement Seminar. Clcmson, S. C. Contact: Harry J. Keegan, School of Industrial Management and Textile Science, Clemson University, Clemson, S. C. 29631 July 22 to 26—Laser Raman Institute and Workshop. College Park, Md. Contact: Donald A. Deppe, Director, Center of Adult Education, University of Maryland, College Park, Md. 20742 July 22 to 26—Thermoanalysis Workshop. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (2) July 24 to 26—Gas Chromatography. San Francisco, Calif. Contact: Frank Owen, Varian Aerograph, 2700 Mitchell Dr., Walnut Creek, Calif. 94598 July 25 to 26—Thin Layer Chromatography and Instant Thin Layer Chromatography. St. Louis, Mo. James Hamilton, Helmut K. Mangold. Contact (5) July 29 to 30—Thin Layer Chromatography and Instant Thin Layer Chromatography. Atlanta, Ga. James Hamilton, Helmut K. Mangold. Contact (5) July 29 to Aug. 2—Teaching Modern DC Measurement and Research Applications of New DC Technology. University of Pennsylvania. Contact (4) July 29 to Aug. 2—Infrared and Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy. Arizona State University. Jacob Fuchs. Contact (6) July 29 to Aug. 2—Two Separate Courses: Mass Spectrometry; Instrumentation for Managers. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (2) July 29 to Aug. 9—The Theory of Chromatography—A Unified Approach. Drew Uni­ versity, Madison, N . J. Supported in part by NSF. Contact: James M. Miller, Drew University, Madison, N . J. 07940. T e l : (201)377-3000 Aug. 5 to 9—Computers and Scientific D a t a Processing. Hopatcong, N . J. R. F . Gabriel. Contact (S) Aug. 5 to 9—Teaching Modern DC Measurement and Research Applications of New DC Technology. University of California, Irvine. Contact (4) Aug. 5 to 9—Industrial Use of the Polarizing Microscope. Chicago, 111. McCrone Research Institute. Contact (1) Aug. 5 to 9—Infrared Interpretation, P a r t I. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (2) Aug. 5 to 16—Special Summer Program on Infrared Spectroscopy. Two Intensive Courses: Aug. 5 to 9, Technique: Aug. 12 to 16, Applications. M I T . Richard C. Lord, Dana W. Mayo. Contact (7) Aug. 7 to 9—Extractive Distillation Workshop. Hopatcong, N . J. Dimitrios Tassios; Edward C. Roche, Jr. Contact (3) Aug. 7 to 9—Determination of Molecular Weight. University of Massachusetts. Con­ tact: Sidney Siggia, Chemistry Dept., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. 01002 Aug. 12 to 16—Two Separate Courses: Ultraviolet Spectroscopy; Techniques of Infrared Spectroscopy. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (2) Aug. 12 to 16—Measurement of the Appearance of Materials. Washington, D . C. Contact: Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc., 9529 Lee Highway, Fairfax, Va. 22030. Tel: (703) 591-5310