T a k e advantage of a complete line of
Whatever technique you u s e . . . w h e t h e r you are doing quantity r u n s or special individual t e s t s . . . there is a "National" spectroscopic product to assure accurate results every time NEW GRAPHITE GRADE SPK-offers superior repro ducibility. A free sample of this high-purity rod will prove t h i s on your tests. Also available in preforms. GRAPHITE GRADE AGKSP—the accepted industry s t a n d a r d in high-purity electrodes. Available in rods and preforms.
CARBON GRADE L113SP — a high-purity carbon rod for specialized applications. GRAPHITE POWDERS SP1 AND SP2—used as a dilue: and for pellet forming. These products are manufactured from r a w ma terial to finished product in NATIONAL CARBON plants. Exclusive purification methods provide s. uniform product from end to end and shipment to shipment. Use "National" spectroscopic products on all your analyses.
"National" and "Union Carbide" are registered trade-marks for products of
N A T I O N A L C A R B O N C O M P A N Y · Division of Union Carbide Corporation · 30 East 42nd Street, New York 17, Ν. Υ.
OFFICES: Birmingham, Chicago, Houston, Kansas City, Los Angeles, New York, Pittsburgh, San Francisco · CANADA: Union Carbide Canada Limited, Toronto Circle No. 57 on Readers' Service Car;' VOL. 32, NO. 3, MARCH 1960