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national cooperative undergraduate chemical research program

Research Program was organized at the St. Louis orgenie reagents. Meeting of the American chemical. Society in 1949 to. (dl Completion of a course in ...
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National Cooperative Undergraduate Chemical (el Salts to prepare the cation solutions. Sometimes special Research Program was organized a t the St. Louis orgenie reagents. (dl Completion of a course in systematic qualitative analysis. Meeting of the American chemical Society in 1949 to (e) W. P. Cortdyou, Roosevelt College, Chicago 5, Illinois. stimulate undergraduate research and to supply usable chemical data, but it has had two important by-prodInorganic Proiects . . ucts: 2. Solubilities of Inorganic Sulfamates i n Water (1) Stimulation of research interest in teachers of (a) Determination of the solubility of barium sulfsmate in small schools who have previously felt handicapped by water a t 20", 30°, 40°, and 50"; includes preparation and purificat,ion of the barium sulfamate. limited funds, facilities, time, and research quality (b) Screw-capped bottles of approximately 125-ml. capmity; st,udent,s. mitable shaking - device for six or eieht bottles in a thermo(2) A supply of student research assistants for stat. research-minded teachers whose own schools are too ( c ) Reagent grade nulfamic acid. small to supply many chemistry majors. (d) Good background in quantitative analysis. (el Sister Agnes Ann, Immaculate Heart College, L06 Angeles The major premise of the program is that usable 27, California. chemical information can he obtained from duplicating work done by two or more undergraduate students in 5. Solubilities of Ino~ganicFluoride Salts i n Organic Solventr (a)Determination of solubility of potassium fluoride in dioxane different schools, independent of and unknown to each a t several temperatures. other. (b) Constant temperature bath; containers not affected by The program is set up under a system of research comoounds used. orobablv oolvethvlene bottles. projects that are simple and objective enough for undergraduate work. Each project is subdivided into research chemistry. units. Each research unit ia of such a nature that ( 8 ) John R. Walkup, Ccntre Colloge, Danville, Kentucky. acceptable results and a report can be expected in 50 laborat,ors hours, the equivalent of one semester hour Organic Projects of collegi credit. Pmporatia and Cha~oelerizationof Diamides ,fmm Melhylene 4. Dr. N. A. Lange of the Handbook Publishers, Inc., Bis-(4 phenyl isocyanate) and Alkyl or h y l Bromides thmugh will award a Certificate of Acceptance to each student the Griynard Reaction submittine an acce~tabler e ~ o r to t a Project Director. ( a ) Condumation of the RMgX compounds of three or four alkyl or aryl bromide8 with methylene bis-(4 phenyl isoeyaSuitably cYhecked data may b e selected for publication nate) and subsequent hydrolysis t o the diamide, methylene in the "Handbook of Chemistry." Data obtained on bis-(p-my1 aniline). The purification of the diamides and several units of a project may be published as a paper determination of physical constants. with full credit given to all participating students and (~~, h ) Two-necked. round-bot,tomed Raks. schools. (e) Methylene his-(4 phenyl isocyanate),alkyl or aryl bromides, metallic magnesium for Grignard reagenbs, dry ether. The current ~rojects . are outlined as follo~vs: (d) E1ementar.v organic chemistry. ( a ) Typical unit assignment (e) Roy G. Rossert, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. ( b ) Special equipment needed 6. Preparation and Properties of Aeylarenaphthenes ( c ) Special chemicals needed (a) P~.eparationand properties of 5-(p-nitrobensoy1)-arenaph(dl Minimum student arereauisit,e LL".." i.e.j Name and address of'~irec'tor (,e ~ i Acenaohtheno. o-nit,robensavl chloride. ete , ,. UL,~,.C.

Analytical Project Sensitivity of Inorganic Qualitative Analysis Reagents (a) Determine the number of milligrams (in solution) of each of a group of cations required to give a characteristic reaction with 1.0 ml. of each of several different reagent solutions under specified conditions. , ( h ) 24 small reagent bottles (30-100 ml.) with droppers in the st,oppers, or any convenient means of counting the drops of solutions used.


(d) Organic chemistry. ( e ) Edith J. H. Chu, Immaculate Heart College, Lo8 Angeles 27, California. 6. Cha~aete?irationof Amines as Salts of Oxalic Acid (a) Preparation and crystallization of desired salts and determination of melting points of these derivatives. (b) Good standard thermometer. (e) None, except the amines t o be determined. (d) Two semesters of organic chemistry and preferably a course in qualitative organic chemistry.


MAY, 1952 (e)


H. Cohen, Roosevelt College, Chicago 5, Illinois.

Preparation of Certain Sehiff Bases and Their Redudia with Lithium Aluminum Hydride (a) Synthesis of oetildecylbenaylidenpamine and reduction t o K-oetadeeylheneylamine. ( h ) Three-neck flask, mechanical stirrer, Cl~ixenflask, and, for most preparations, a vacuum pump. (c) Lithium aluminum hydride. (d) Elementary organic chemistry. ( e ) Bwtin I,. Ernling, St. Vincent Collegc, Latrobe, Pennsylvania.

Physical Projects 8. Determination of Refractive Indezes of B i n o q Liquid Miztures

at Various Coneenlrations and Various Temperatums (a) Determination of refractive indexes of dioxane-ethylene glycol solutions of various concentrations at some given temperature. (1,) Good refractometer, constant temperature water bath, circulating pump. ( c ) The liquids t o be used. (d) Elementary quantitative analysis and elementary organic chemistry. ( e ) R. I. Rush, Centre College, Danvillo, Kentucky. 9 . Binary Azeotmpes to Members q f H1,drwarbon Homologous Series with Glvcol Ethers (a) Study of the vapor-liquid equilibrium compositions as a. function of boiling temperature for azeotropic agent with one or more pure hydrocarbon homologuee.

(b) Effirient fractionation column, Ahbe refractometer, manostat desirable but not necessary. (c) C~refullypurified liquids. ( d ) Physical chemistry taken concurrently. ( e ) William F. Kieffer, The College of Wooater, Wrmster, Ohio. 10. Ueterminatia q f Ternary Azeotropes Containing Water and Amines and/or Alcohols ( a ) Investigation of toluene, methyl cellosolve, and ethyl alco..-I system. ( c ) c:arefully purified liquids of the particular system studied. ( d ) Physical chomistry tiken concu~rently. ( e ) H. E. Weisslrr, Incarnate Word College, San Antonio, Texas.

Any teacher interested in registering an undergraduate chemistry student in one of the research projects should write to the dirertor of that project. The National Cooperative Undergraduate Chemical Research Program has been mailing an annual catalogue to about 150 colleges. This article replaces the 1952 catalogl~e. Any teacher interested in directing a new project should write to one of the authors of this article as soon as possible, since a project is listed under the direction of the first person to request it. Previous catalogues carried a list of "Projects in Search of Directors." Such a list can be obtained upon request. An outline of any project for the 1953 catalogue must be sent to one of the authors by January 15, 1953.