National Institute of Standards and Technology - ACS Publications

National Institute of Standards and Technology. Anal. Chem. , 1990, 62 (17), pp 913A–913A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00216a732. Publication Date: September 199...
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Atomic Spectrometry for the 1990s Chairman: P. N. Keliher, Villanova Univer­ sity Materials Science and Light Microscopy Chairman: L. Kobilinsky, John Jay Col­ lege, CUNY Theoretical Aspects of Chromatographic Separations Chairman: H. Ferrari Advances in NMR Spectroscopy—II Chairman: D. Dalgarno, Schering-Plough

Novel Chromatographic Techniques Chairman: S. Scypinski, Berlex Laborato­ ries Versatile Profiling Chairman: W. B. Caldwell, ES Industries


• Laboratory Information Man­ agement Systems: From Problem Definition to System Evaluation. Nov. 12-13. Gerst Gibbon, Ann Cibulas, and Joseph Golden • Thermal Analysis in Materials Characterization. Nov. 12-13. Edith Turi, Patrick Gallagher, and James Seseris • New Sample Preparation Meth­ ods for Chemical Analysis. Nov. 1213. Stuart Cram • Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. Nov. 12-13. J. T. Wat­ son and David Sparkman • Basic Gas Chromatography. Nov. 12-13. Harold McNair • Interpretation of IR Spectra. Nov. 13-15. Howard Sloane

American Mlcrochemlcal Society Benedetti-Plchler Award Symposium Chairman: P. N. Keliher, Villanova Univer­ sity How Many Facets Are There to the Work of an Analytical Chemist? L. Meites, George Mason University Chemistry of Concentrated Sulfur Compounds: A Case History of Interplay Between Teaching and Research. J. Jordan and L. Kupchella, Pennsylvania State University Solvatochromlc Investigation of the Properties of Aromatic Liquids: An Undergraduate Re­ search Experience. T. Ulrich and P. W. Carr, University of Minnesota Analytical Adventure In Transplantation Re­ search. L. Bowers, D. Whitman, and X. Yan, University of Minnesota Where Is the Next Generation of Analytical Chemists Coming From? H. N. Blount, III, Na­ tional Science Foundation Presentation of the 1990 Benedettl-Pichler Award to Peter W. Carr. L. Klein, American Microchemical Society Award Address: What I Learned in Lab Today: What in the World Is Solvatochromlsm and What Does It Have To Do with Chromatogra­ phy? J. Brady, J. H. Park, W. J. Cheong, A. J. Dallas, D. Eikins, S. Rutan, and P. W. Carr, University of Minnesota Detectors in Chromatography Chairman: E. S. Yeung, Iowa State Uni­ versity Experimental NMR Techniques Chairman: J. Lee, Harvard Medical School Dielectric Analysis of Polymers Chairman: B. Chowdhury, Matech Asso­ ciates Analytical Chemistry in Multiple Dimen­ sions Chairman: R. Vetricin, Ethicon Spectroscopy for the Practicing Chemist Chairman: A. Cholli, BOC Group THURSDAY AFTERNOON Modern Methods of LC Injection into Mass Spectrometers Chairman: D. M. Lubman, University of Michigan Using NMR Isotopes in Biochemistry Chairman: D. A. Torchia, National Insti­ tutes of Health Organizer: D. Cowburn, Rockefeller Uni­ versity Rheological Characterization of Polymers Chairman: A. R. McGhie, University of Pennsylvania

The following courses are offered in conjunction with the Eastern Analyti­ cal Symposium to be held Nov. 11-16 in Somerset, Ν J.


• Environmental Laboratory Qual­ ity Assurance/Quality Control Data Validation. Nov. 15-16. Henry Nowicki and William Purves • Statistical Process Control. Nov. 15-16. Stanley Deming and Stephen Morgan • Activated Carbon Adsorption: Theory and Practice. Nov. 15-16. Milton Manes • Chemical Engineering and Pro­ cess Fundamentals for Chemists. Nov. 15-17. Richard Griskey

For information on these and other ACS courses, contact the Dept. of Con­ tinuing Education, American Chemi­ cal Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036 (202-8724508).

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