National Lead chemical research helps electrical industry gird for

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National Lead chemical research helps electrical industry gird for higher "housepower .. . with a stabilizer to lift by 15° C the rated temperature of building wire vinyl insulation A "housepower" boom is in. the making. And the electrical industry is getting ready by develop­ ing a new vinyl insulation for 75°C building wire . . . an insulation stabilized to operate 15°C higher than today's 60°C general-use compounds. A practical stabilizer for this new insulation is not easy t o find—it must work well with the plasticizer and the high processing temperatures required. Must be rea­ sonably priced. National Lead chemical research went to work on the problem with extensive tests of stabilizer-plasticlzer com­ binations . . . found the lowest-cost answer t o be· its own D Y T H A L ® stabilizer. This rinding is confirmed b y leading wire makers. National Lead Company works closely with the elec­

trical industry to solve specific vinyl insulation problems.' Work of this kind Helped it to become the country's biggest producer of vinyl insulation stabilizers. National Lead chemical research improves: performance of vinyls, many other products National Lead chemical research develops stabilizers t o improve all commercial vinyls. For example—one stabi­ lizer boosts light resistance in garden hose; another, heat resistance in floorings. The same outstanding research facility develops gelling agents t o improve paints, cos­ metics, inks, mastics. For more about these chemical developments from National Lead Company, check and mail coupon below. Technical help in their applications is yours on request.

KC-3450-E NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY, 11 1 Broadway, New York 6 , N. Y . · In Canada: CANADIAN TITANIUM PIGMENTS LIMITED, 1401 McGill College Ave. · Montreal

Gentlemen: Please send literature checked below on the chemi­ cals developed by National Lead Research.


• Folders on Stabilizers: Π On DYTHAL® stabilizer | \ On stabilizers for electrical, for other vinyl products


(specify) • Folders on Gelling Agents: • For gelling organic liquids

A Chemical


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For gelling water-base liquids'


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National Lead Company 1 1 1 Broadway, New York 6, Ν . Υ.