National-U.S. Radiator CORPORATION

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shutoff, and more accurate regulation. Dept. IEC, OPW-Jordan, 6013 Wiehe lid., Cincinnati 18, Ohio. 58 High Vacuum Stills. Bulletin 3-1 gives specifications and applications for the complete line of continuous production high vacuum stills. Dept. IEC, Roch­ ester Division, Consolidated Electro­ dynamics Corp., Rochester 3, Ν. Υ. 59

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CHEMICALS A N D MATERIALS Muriatic Acid. Basic reference book on muriatic acid is available in one vol­ ume. Dept. IEC, The Doio Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. 60

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Muriatic Acid. Comprehensive data on production, uses, properties, and handling of muriatic acid are given in new booklet. Dept. IEC, Staujfer Chemical Co., 380 Madison Ave., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 61

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Borohydrides. Comprehensive bibli­ ography on uses and applications of borohydrides in sugar and cellulose chemistry is available. Dept. IEC, Metal Hydrides, Inc., Beverly, Mass. 62

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S o d i u m Carboxymethylcellulose. Data sheet is available on CMC-CT, an efficient soil-suspending additive to de­ tergents and built soaps. Dept. IEC, Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington 99, Del. 63 Heat Transfer Cement. Thennon is said to eliminate the need for jacketing equipment. Bull. No. 800, Dept. IEC, Thennon Manufacturing Co., 1017 Rosine St., Houston 19, Tex. 64

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Here is an up-to-date description of National-U.S. facilities for designing and manufacturing shell and tube heat exchangers, and a summary of the most called-for types currently being built. It may suggest to you a number of different approaches to problems of heat transfer for petrochemicals and process reactions. 58-02

Heat Transfer




C O R P O R A T I O N 342 Madison Avenue · New York 17, New York Circle No. 83 on Readers' Service Card

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Recovery of Waste Chemicals. Two monographs are available to aid in de­ termining the amount of chemicals that can be recovered from plant waste water streams. Dept. IEC, Graver Water Conditioning Co., 216 West Ufth St., New York 11, Ν. Υ. 65 Cresylics. Folder lists specification for a wide range of phenolic and cresylic compounds. Aryl mercaptan reactions and specifications are briefly described. Dept. IEC, Pitt-Consol Chemical Co., 191 Doremus Ave., Newark 5, N. J. 6 6 Delrin. This tough thermoplastic is discussed in a new technical booklet which describes the development and application of the acetal resin. Dept. IEC, E. I. du Pont de Neynours & Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del. 67 Tolylene Diisocyanate. Safe handling practices for tolylene diisocyanate, used in preparation of foamed and molded plastics, are discussed. Chemical Safety Data Sheet SD-73, Manufacturing Chemist's Association, 1825 Connecticut Ave.. N.W., Washington 9, D. C. 6 8