Natural and Selected Synthetic Toxins - American Chemical Society

Aflatoxins (1) are a structurally coherent group of acetate-derived fungal metabolites with a core ... 8,9-position of the fiiran ring, giving rise to...
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Chapter 4

Anti-Aflatoxigenic Constituents of Pistacia and Juglans Species

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on September 24, 2012 | Publication Date: December 20, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2000-0745.ch004

Russell J. Molyneux, Noreen Mahoney, and Bruce C. Campbell Western Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 800 Buchanan Street, Albany, CA 94710

Tree nuts such as pistachios (Pistacia vera), almonds (Prunus dulcis) and walnuts (Juglans regla) are major crops in the state of California, with an aggregate annual value in excess of $1.4 billion. Under certain conditions these nuts may be infected by various strains of Aspergillusflavusand A. parasiticus, resulting inbiosynthesisandaccumulationofmycotoxinsdetrimentaltoqualifyandfoo safety. The carcinogenicity in animals of the primary metabolites, the aflatoxins, has resulted in establishment of tolerance levels. In the U. S. a maximum guidance level limit of 20 ng/g (20 ppb) for nuts intended for human consumption has been set by the Food and Drug Administration, while standards imposed by importing countries are 10 ng/g or less. Phytochemical constituents which are anti-aflatoxigenic have been isolated and identified from pistachios and walnuts, consisting of anacardic acids and naphthoquinones, respectively, and their possible mode of action is described.

Many crops are colonized under certain environmental conditions by the fun&Aspergillus flaws and Aspergillus parasiticus which are capable of producing the aflatoxins, a group of metabolites that are hepatotoxic and may be hepatocarcinogenic. As a consequence, the levels of aflatoxins in foods and feeds are highly regulated both in the United States and abroad. The occurrence of these mycotoxins in major crops such as corn, peanuts, cottonseed and tree nuts can therefore have a significant economic impact on these commodities for both domestic consumption and export markets. Considerable effort has been devoted to minimizing aflatoxin contamination by agronomic practices and postharvest sorting but as the analytical techniques for detecting aflatoxins have become exceptionally sensitive the potential for control by such methods has become increasingly difficult to attain and economically impractical. Current research efforts by our group have focused upon aflatoxin elimination through control of vectors of infection, especially insects, investigation ofpotential biocompetitive organisms such as saprophytic yeasts, and in particular, suppression of Aspergillus infection and aflatoxigenesis by phytochemical resistance factors naturally present in tree nuts such as almonds, pistachios and walnuts.

U.S. government work. Published 2000 American Chemical Society

In Natural and Selected Synthetic Toxins; Tu, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.



Structure and Toxicity of Anatoxins Aflatoxins (1) are a structurally coherent group of acetate-derived fungal metabolites with a core unit consisting of a coumarin unit, fused to a bisfiiran moiety, and bearing either afiiranone(B series) or pyranolactone (G series) substituent (Figure 1). A double bond is present in the terminalfiiranring of the major metabolites, aflatoxins B and Gj; in the minor metabolites, aflatoxins B and G , this double bond is saturated.


Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on September 24, 2012 | Publication Date: December 20, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2000-0745.ch004


Aflatoxin B


Aflatoxin G



Aflatoxin B /G : 8,9 = dihydro2


Figurel. Chemical structures of aflatoxin B (AFBj) and aflatoxin Q (AFQ^. The minor metabolites, aflatoxins B and are 8,9-dihydro-derivatives. x



The aflatoxins are known to be hepatotoxic and may also be hepatocarcinogenic but the toxicity is highly variable between animal species, probably as a consequence of metabolic transformations which lead to either deactivation, conjugation and/or elimination. Nevertheless, the primary mechanism of toxicity of these compounds at the cellular level is well established as cytochrome P450 epoxidation ofthe double bond at the 8,9-position of the fiiran ring, giving rise to potently electrophilic species which can alkylate nucleic acids and proteins. The situation with regard to human toxicity is quite controversial. A recent analysis of epidemiological data (2) has demonstrated that a highriskof liver cancer, as in Africa and Asia, is associated with significant exposure to aflatoxins via moldy foodstuffs together with a high endemic rate of hepatitis B infection. In contrast there is a lowriskof liver

In Natural and Selected Synthetic Toxins; Tu, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on September 24, 2012 | Publication Date: December 20, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2000-0745.ch004


cancer in the U. S. and Europe and the occurrence ofthis disease correlates primarily with infection by hepatitis C, while exposure to aflatoxins is very limited. Ariskassessment for the U.S. indicates that halving the current 20 ppb aflatoxin standard would reduce the cases of liver cancer by 0.001 per 100,000 individuals, i.e. a reduction of approximately one case for the entire population. On the basis of this data it appears that the toxicity of aflatoxins is comparable with other natural hepatotoxins and may well be exceeded by the pyrrolidine alkaloids, which are not so stringently regulated. Nevertheless, the perception of the extreme hazards of aflatoxin has recently received supportfromnews reports that Iraq has admittedfillingballistic warheads and bombs with botulinum, anthrax and aflatoxin (3,4). Even if the human toxicity of aflatoxins is accepted, it is difficult to rationalize use of these compounds as an offensive tactical weapon, because the debilitating effects of human exposure would not be immediate and incapacitating. Possibly these missiles were intended as strategic weapons designed to disperse aflatoxins as a means of economic warfare through contamination of food crops that would then be non-consumable or unexportable. Economic and Trade Issues of Aflatoxins in Tree Nuts Economic Value. Almonds, pistachios and walnuts are major crops in California, with an aggregate value which has increased yearly and recently approached $1.5 billion (Table I) (5). As a comparison, this total value is equivalent to or exceeds that of wine grapes, another major agricultural commodity in the State. Essentially 100% of the commercial production of tree nuts is in California and a large proportion is exported annually (6), primarily to Europe and Japan. In 1996 the value of such exports was $1,274 million (7), so that these three nut crops are very important contributors to the agricultural trade balance of the U.S. Table L Economic value (S million) of tree nuts grown in California (1994-1997) and export percentage (1997). 1994




Exports (1997)
























In Natural and Selected Synthetic Toxins; Tu, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

46 Aflatoxin Regulatory Levels. Aflatoxins in foods and feeds are regulated at different levels, depending upon the specific item and the country in which it is to be consumed. In the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration has only issued a guidance level for nuts (shells included) of20 ppb (20ug/kg) total aflatoxins (8), whereas the Japanese regulations are 10 ppb for aflatoxin B^ In practice, the level in tree nuts never exceeds lOppb, except in cases of serious infection usually caused by improper post-harvest handling. In contrast, the European Community has proposed a regulatory level of 2 ppb aflatoxin B and 4 ppb total aflatoxins for the edible portion of the nut, based upon incremental sample sizes of300 grams rangingfrom10-100 samples depending upon the weight of the shipment. This regulation will take effect on 1 January 1999 (9). It is likely that a significant proportion of shipments would be unable to conform to a threshold level this low, since a survey of all foodstuffs subject to Aspergillus infection produced in the U.S. gave a median level of 4 ppb, with a range of 0-30 ppb (2). It is therefore imperative that practical means be found to control or eliminate aflatoxinsfromsuch crops.

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Natural Resistance of Tree Nuts to Aflatoxigenesis One approach to the elimination of aflatoxins in tree nuts is to exploit factors which confer natural resistance to colonization by Aspergillus species. The existence of such factors is implicit in the variable susceptibility of different varieties of almonds and walnuts to infection and aflatoxin contamination. Tree nuts can be considered to have four layers of protection against microbial infection, namely: (1) the hull, consisting of outer and inner layers (epicarp and mesocarp); (2) the shell (endocarp); (3) the seedcoat (pellicle); and, (4) the kernel. The latter two parts comprise the edible portion of the nut, although the seedcoat may be removed by blanching, especially in almonds. The shell is highly lignified and provides a protective barrier which is essentially physical in nature, whereas the hull, seedcoat and kernel are relatively soft and any protectionisprimarilyaconsequenceofphytochemical constituents. Nevertheless, this combination of physical and chemical barriers does not always confer the protection which might be expected because insects, such as the navel orangeworm and codling moth, can breach them through feeding damage, thus providing avenues for infection. Physical Barriers. Even when the shell is not penetrated by insect attack or physical damage during harvesting, kernels can become contaminated by aflatoxins. During normal development, the shell of pistachios dehiscesfromthe hull and splits open about a month prior to harvest. However, a significant proportion of the crop does not undergo natural splitting and these closed-shell pistachios must be manually processed and the product marketed as kernels rather than the in-shell product favored by the consumer and the industry. Such processing is generally performed overseas by water-soaking to soften the

In Natural and Selected Synthetic Toxins; Tu, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.


Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on September 24, 2012 | Publication Date: December 20, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2000-0745.ch004

Shells prior to artificial splitting and any nuts sequestering Aspergillus spores have the potential to contaminate the batch during this process. Experiments have shown thatfresh,uninoculated closed-shell pistachios do not show any evidence of aflatoxin contamination when incubated at 30°C for up to 6 days. In contrast, rehydrated closed-shell pistachios exhibit levels exceeding the FDA guidance level of 20 ppb after 2-3 days and reach exceptionally high levels after 6 days incubation (10). As shown in Table n, pistachios which were rehydrated by soaking for 3 hours in a bath not inoculated with spores had variable levels of aflatoxin B with one sample also showing the presence of high levels of aflatoxin G indicating that contamination must have arisen from an endemic strain of Aspergillus, since this aflatoxin is not biosynthesized by our laboratory strain. As might be expected, pistachios similarly rehydrated in a water-bath inoculated with 100 spores/mL ofAflavusWŒL 25347 showed levels of aflatoxin which increased steadily in relation to incubation time, ultimately reaching a level of87,500 ppb after 6 days. l9


Table IL Aflatoxin Content of Rehydrated Closed-Shell Pistachios. ppb Aflatoxin B


Incubation Period (Days)

Fresh Uninoculated

Rehydrated Uninoculated

Rehydrated Inoculated





















(also 350 ppb AFGj)









Additional experiments indicated that penetration of the shell by the fungus, and subsequent contamination of the kernel, appears to occur through the attachment point of the stem. This has been shown to be a relatively porous structure and vulnerable to penetration by the stylet-like mouth parts of various heteropteran pests ( 11), although such damage was not present in the closed-shell pistachios used in this study.

In Natural and Selected Synthetic Toxins; Tu, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on September 24, 2012 | Publication Date: December 20, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2000-0745.ch004

48 Phytochemical Barriers. The failure of the shell as a physical barrier to prevent contamination of the kernel by aflatcndgemc Aspergillus strains renders the discovery of phytochemical resistance factors more significant. Plant constituents which confer resistance to infection can be classified as phytoalexins or phytoanticipins (12). Phytoalexins are inducible metabolites, formed de novo after infection, either by gene derepression or activation of latent enzyme systems. Phytoanticipins are constitutive metabolites, present in situ, either in the active form or easily generatedfroma precursor. Inducible phytochemicals exhibit a lag-time in their formation, during which period aflatoxin biosynthesis may have already commenced. Also, since their levels may be influenced by the nature of the pathogen and localized to the site of infection, they are inherently less likely to be predictably enhanced by breeding. It therefore appeared more promising to identify, and subsequently manipulate, levels of constitutive factors that are naturally present in various parts of thefruitingbodies of the tree nut species of concern. Phenolic Lipids of Pistachio Hulls. Members of the plant family Anacardiaceae, to which the pistachio (Pistacia vera) belongs, are known to biosynthesize significant levels of phenolic lipids (13). These fall into two groups, cardols (alkyl and alkenyl derivatives of resorcinol) and the anacardic acids (analogous derivatives of salicylic acid) (Figure 2).



Anacardic Acids (n = 3-7) Figure 2. General Classes ofPhenolic Lipid Constituents ofthe Anacardiaceae. Positions of potential unsaturation are indicated by dotted lines.

In Natural and Selected Synthetic Toxins; Tu, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.


Ethyl acetate extraction ofpistachio hulls, ofthe Kerman variety grown in California, gave a mixture of these phenolic derivatives comprising approximately 5% of the dry weight. Analysis of the mixture by gas chromatography - mass spectrometiy (GC-MS) of the trimethylsilyl ether derivatives showed the presence of a single cardol, the A8,9 alkenyl isomer, together with five anacardic acids. The proportion of each of the individual anacardic acids was established from the GC-MS, with the saturated C isomer predominating at 51% of the total mixture (Figure 3). Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on September 24, 2012 | Publication Date: December 20, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2000-0745.ch004

1 3

Figure 3. Anacardic Acid Composition of Pistachio Hulls. The cardol and anacardic acidfractionscould be separated by suspension of the total extract in ether, in which the cardol was insoluble. Extraction ofthe ether-soluble fraction with aqueous sodium hydroxide, followed by acidification and re-extraction with ether, provided the purified anacardic acids. Evaluation of the effect of these twofractionsin vitro on aflatoxin production by A. flaws established that cardol had no significant inhibitory effect. In contrast, the presence of 0.8% anacardic acids in the medium, a

In Natural and Selected Synthetic Toxins; Tu, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

50 concentration approximately equivalent to that infreshpistachio hulls, reduced aflatoxin production by 67%, relative to controls. Analysis of pistachio varieties or cultivars with higher anacardic acid levels may therefore indicate potential breeding stock with enhanced resistance to aflatoxin biosynthesis. The mechanism of inhibition of aflatoxin production by these compounds is not established, but it is known that metal ions such as iron, copper and zinc are essential for aflatoxin biosynthesis. Moreover, anacardic acids have been shown to be ionophoric, forming lipophilic complexes with metal ions in the order Fe > Cu > Zn > M = Co =Mn (14). These anacardic acid:metal derivatives may be either 1:1 or 2:1 complexes, with binding occurring through the -OH and -C0 H groups of the salicyclic acid moiety (Figure 4). It is conceivable that this complexation as a lipophilic entity reduces the availability of metal ions in the essentially aqueous environment required for fungal growth and aflatoxin production. Additional experiments with media in which the metal ion content is carefully controlled should establish whether or not this is the mechanism of inhibition.

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2 +




Figure 4. Structure of Lipophilic 2:1 Complexes of Anacardic Acids with Metal Ions. Naphthoquinones of Walnut Hulls. Walnut hulls are known to contain a series of naphthoquinones (15). The best known of these, juglone (5-hydroxy-l,4naphthoquinone), has been shown to be responsible for the allelopathic effect of walnut trees towards other plants growing in the vicinity. Juglone has also been isolated from leaves of pecan (Ccaya illinoensis) and found to inhibit mycelial growth of the fungus Fusicladium effusum, which is responsible for pecan scab (16).

In Natural and Selected Synthetic Toxins; Tu, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on September 24, 2012 | Publication Date: December 20, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2000-0745.ch004


Evaluation of the antibiotic activity of juglone towards A. flams showed that at 100 ppm in agar, aflatoxin production was completely eliminated, although growth of the fungus was not inhibited. However, preliminary observations indicated that sporulation, which is necessary for initiation of aflatoxin biosynthesis, is significantly delayed. A more detailed evaluation of the inhibition of sporulation by juglone and three structural analogs which occur in walnut hulls showed distinct structure-activity relationships. Thus, 1,4naphthoquinone required a concentration (170 ppm), approximately twice that of juglone, whereas 2-methyl-naphthoquinone and plumbagin (5-hydroxy-2-methyl-naphthoquinone) were active at 50 ppm or less (Figure 5).



1,4 -Naphthoquinone


(170 ppm)

(100 ppm)




(40 ppm)

(50 ppm)

Figure 5.


NaphthoquinonesfromWalnutHulls: Concentration Inhibiting Germination of Aspergillus flavus.

Recent results have shown that the E D for germination inhibition by plumbagin and 2methyl naphthoquinone is about 30 ppm. However, at concentrations between 5-20 ppm S0

In Natural and Selected Synthetic Toxins; Tu, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

52 there appears to be a stimulatory effect upon aflatoxin production. Experiments are therefore planned to investigate whether or not these compounds directly affect regulatory genes within the aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway gene cluster (17). The levels of individual naphthoquinones will also be correlated with levels in the hulls of various walnut varieties in an attempt to define specific structural features required to prevent aflatoxigenesis. Constituents of Kernels. Preliminary in vitro experiments (18) have shown that the ground kernels of 34 cultivars and breeding lines of almonds (5% in agar), infected with a standardized number of A flams spores, produce levels of aflatoxin B ranging from 20-192 jig/plate. Under the same conditions, the levels for 20 walnut cultivars of English walnut (jugions regia) were