Natural and Synthetic Rubbers - ACS Publications - American

(162) Pleat, G. B.,Harley, J. H., and AYiberley, 8. .... (1950). (203) Wostmann, B., Chem. ...... The literature is reviewed by Hiñe and John (121) o...
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V O L U M E 2 4 , NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y 1 9 5 2 (160) I'esez, AI., d7rn. p h n r m . /'run$,, 8, 741;-50 (1950). (161) Pinchas, s., A N A L . (?HEMI.. 23, 201-2 (1951). (162) Pleat, G . R., Harley, J. H., and Wiberley. Y.E., J . Am. Phnrm. Assoc.. S c i . E d . . 40, 107-10 (1951). (163) Radley, J. d..J . S c i . F o d 3p., 1, 222-4 (1950). (164) Ridyard, H. N., A n n l y s t , 75, 63-1--.50(1950). (164.i) Roe, J. H., hIills, M.B., Oesterling, A I . J.. and Damron, C . AI., J . Biol. Chem., 174,201 (1948). iIli.5) Rosenkrantz, H., and Xlilhomt, d. T., J . Biol. Chcrri., 187,8390 11950). St. .John, C.!

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279 (183) Tanneiibauni. AI.. and Rricker, C. E.. .LS.,India R u h h w W o r l d , 125, 181-6 (1951). Havenhill, R. S.. Carlson. L. E., Emery, H . F.. and Rankin, J. ,J,, paper presented before Institution of the Rubber Industry, London, Englaiid, Sept. 28, 1951; abstract in IndiaRubber J . . 121, 551 (19511. Heinisch, K . F., Giimmi ii.Ashest, 4, 40-1 (1951). I b i d . , pp. 153-5. Heinisch, K . F., and B e . C.; J. van der, Indonesian Institute for Rubber Research, Roeor, Java. Rept. 4/51; abstract in I n d i a Rubber W o r l d , 124, 625 (1951). Heimans, P. H., A-olloid Z . , 120, 3-9 ,1951)

Hine, D . J . , and John, Y . B., J . Rubber Research, 19, 107-12 (1950). Hofmeier, H., Runststofe, 41, 179-80 (1951). Holowxhak. Joseph, and TVear, G. E. C., A N ~ L CHEM., . 23, 1404-7 (1951). Holroyd, L. V., Codrington, R. S., RIron-ea, €3. .&., and Guth, E., J . A p p l i e d Phys., 22, 696-705 (1951). Holroyd, L. V., N r o n c a , B. .I.,and Guth, E., Phys. Rec.. 79, 1026 (1950). Hopkins, I. L., Trans. A m . Soc. Mech. Erigrs., 73, 195-204 (1951); Rubber C'heni. and Trchnol., 24, 507-19 (1951). Hublin, R., Rea. gin. caoutchouc, 28, 223-7 (1931). Hurry, J. A , , Bolt, T. D., and French, W.E., India Rubber W o r l d , 124,689-95 (1951). India-Rubber J . , 120, 948, 950 (1951). Ibid., 121, 220, 222 (1951). I Ihzd., p. 592. 1 I n d i n Rubber W o r l d , 123, 328-9 (1950). Y.), 69, 354. 356 (133) Industrial Xucleonics Corp.. Rubber A g e (S. (1951); IndTa Rubber T o r l d , 124, 360 (1951). 1134) Institut Francais du Caoutchouc et Instltut des Recheiches sin le Caoutchouc en Indochine J . Ruhhcr Restarch I n s t . .~ .?f~Za,~a,12, 272-7 (1950). (135) Itistron Engineering Corp., I n d i a Rubher W o r l d , 125, 190 (1951). (136) Interiiational Rubber Research Board, Rer. gPn. cnontchouc, 28, 6 1 2 ~ ~ 1(1951). 3 , J . Erptl. Theoret. Ph)js. C.S,.S.R., 20, 371-7 ~~





(138) Kaercher, R. W., and Blum, G. TT., IwZ. Krcg. Chrnz.. 43, 188-93 (1951). (139) Iiainradl, P., Kautshnk it. Gummi, 3, 395-7 (1950). (140) I b i d . , 4, 132-3 (1951). (141) Iiendall, F. H., and Noakes, Ii. C. IT-., "Effect of Previous Stretching on lbrasion Resistance of Rubber," Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers, Rept. R352. (142) Keys, D. .A,, C a n . C'hern. &. Process I n d . , 35, 40-3 (1951). (143) Khoroshaya, E. S . , and -%viIov,A. A , , LcgIiayu Prorn., 11, No. 3, 41-2 (1951). (144) Kirstenbaum, A. D., Hoffman, C. IV., and Grosse, .I.V.,AXAL. CIIEM.,23, 1440-5 (1951). (145) Kirstev, IT., Mikrochonie, 35, 174-5 (1950). (146) Klaxon, Ltd., M a c h i n e r y (Loridon), (147) Kolthoff, I. hl., and Nedalia, A . I., (1951). (148) Iiopaczewski, W., "Physico-Chiniie du Latex," Paris, Dunod, 1951. (149) Kraal-, C;. AI., and Tempel, 11.van den, paper presented before Institution of the Rubber Industry, London, England, Srpt. 2 8 , 1951; abstract in Idirc-Rubber .I.,121, ,551 (1951). (150) Kress, K . E., ANL. CHEX. 23, 313-22 (1951). (151) Kreuter, Curt, Giunnzi 7 ~ .d s h c s t , 3, 122, 124, 151-2, 154, 181-2, 209-13, 211-3, 276-9, 308-9, 342-3 (1950); 4, 12-14, 47-50, ' 83-4, 118-21, 156, 168, 194-6, 236-7, 324, 400-1 (1951). (152) Kruse, ,J., K o / l o i d Z . , 122, 65-94 (1951). Zai,ods(153) Kul'berg, L. 31.,Blokh, G. A , , and Golubkova, E . .I.. k a y n L i b . , 15, 1034~4(1949). (154) Labbe, B. G , ,I n d i a Rubber W o r l d , 124,443-4 (1951). (155) Ladd, IT. .I.,and Ladd, 12. W.,I a d . Eng. Chetn., 43, 2664-8 (1951). (156) Le Bras, .Jean, Reo. g6n. caotdchouc, 28, 230-3 (1951). (157) Le Bras, ,Jean, et n l . , "Elenients de Science et de Techriologie du Caoutchouc," Institut F r a n p i s du Caoutchouc, Paris, Sor i M d'Editions Techniques Coloniales, 1951. (158) Lee, Samuel, Weiss, 31. TV.,and Hoffmann. Et.ik, Indiu Rubber World, 124, 58-61 (1951). (159) Leeds & Sorthrup C o . . Ruhhcr .lgc (.V. J'.). 69, 476 11951). (160) Lethersich, IT,, J . S r i . Instruments, 27, W 3 - 0 (1950). (161) Lichtman, ,J. Z., and Chatten, C. IC, paper presented before Division of Rubber Chemistry, .&XI. CHEII. S O P . , JTashington, D. C . , March 2 , 1951; abstracts in R ? i b h A g e ( S . Y . ) , 68, 568 (1951); IndiaRiihber W o r l d , 123,580 (1951). (162) Linnig, F. ,J,, Milliken, L. T.. and Cohen, R . I., ,I.Research S r r t l . B u r . S t a n d a r d s . 47, 135-8 (1951). (163) Lippman, S . A , , and Ferguson, IC. A , , E'lrctronics, 23, To. 11, 84-7 (1950). (164) London .ldvisory Committee for Ruhher Research (Ceylon and Malaya), Report of Committee for 1949 and 1950. J . Rubber Research, 20, 1-d (1951). (165) Limn, R. W., (166) Ibid., up. 5-8. (167) Ihid., pp. 49-61. (168) Lyons. K.J . , ANAL.CHEM.,23, 1255-9 (1951). (169) RIcColm, E. XI., J . Rubber Research Insf. M a l a y a , 12, 254-7 (1950\.

A N A L Y T I C A L CHEMISTRY McGavack, John, and Bevilacqua, E. >II n. d .,Eng. Chem., 43, 475-9 (1951). McKeown, C. B., and Williams, T. E., I n d i a Rubber World, 123, 683-5 (1951). XIcKinney, J. E., and Roth. F. L., I n d . Eng. Chem., 44, 159 (1952). hlalden. J. TT,. T r a m . I n s t . Rubber Ind.. 27. 175-8 119513. Jlandel; John, Steel, hL. N., and Stiehler, R. D:, I n d . Eng. Cheni., 43, 2901-8 (1951). Jfann, C . E. T., J . Rubber Research I n s t . M a l a y a , 12, 238-53 (1950). hlann, C. E. T., and Newton, R. G., India-Rubber J . , 119, 9569 (1950). Mann, J., “Quantitative .Inalysis of Infrared Spectroscopy,” Research Association for British Rubber Manufacturers, I . B. Circ. 332. Mann, J., Trans. Inst. Rubber I n d . , 27, 232-48 (1951). Martin, G., Rubber A g e and Synthetics, 32, 128, 132 (1951). Jfartinon, Pierre, Rea. gdn. caoutchouc, 27, 469-73 (1950). Rfarvin, R. S., I n d . E n g . Chem., in press; abstracts in Rubber A g e (S. Y.), 69, 324 (1951); I n d i a Rubber World, 124, 330 11951). Mau, K., “ d u s der Praxis des Gummi-fachwerkers,” 2nd ed., Stuttgart, Berliner Union, 1951. SIerlalia, A. I., and Kolthoff, I. Lf., J . Polymer Sci., 6, 433-55 (1951). SIelchor, J. L., Petrauskas, A. A, and Guth, E., paper presented before Division of Rubber Chemistry, 120th Meeting Am CHEY.SOC., New Torli; abstracts in Rubber A g e (-\’. Y . ) , 69,325 (1951); I n d i a Rubber T o r l d , 124, 330 (1951). Messenger, T. H., “Specifications for Rubber Goods, British,” Research Association for British Rubber Manufacturers, I . B . Circ. 160. (186) Messenger, T. H., Parris, R. JT., and Pinkney, P. E., J . Rubber Research, 20,19-35. (187) hfeyer, K. H., JYyli. -1.J. A. van der, and Gonon, TT., paper presented befo1.e X I I t h International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Sen- 1-ork, S . Y., September 1951; abstracts in,Indin Rirbber T o d d , 124, 586 (1951); Riihbcr A g e (S. Y.), 69, 583 (1951). (188) Miserentino, C. O., I n d . Eny. Chem. in press; abstracts in I n d i a Rubber W o d d , 124, 335 (1951); Rubber Age (S. Y.),69, 331 (1951). (189) Noakes, R. C., India-Rubber J . , 121, 719-22, 725 (1951). (190) Jlorley, J. F., and Scott, J. R., “Influence of Method of Cooling Test Samples after Vulcanization on Their Physical Properties,” Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers, Tech. A’ote 43. (191) Morris, R. E., and Hollister, J. V., Rubber Age (Ar. Y.), 70, 195-203 (1951). (192) RIorris, R. E., Hollister, J. W.,and Shew, F. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 43,2496-500 (1951). (193) Morris, R. E., James, R . R., and Snyder, H. L., Ibid., 43, 2540-7 (1951). (194) lfroivca, B. A , , Holroyd, L. V., and Guth, E., P h y s . Rcr., 79, 1026-7 (1950). (195) AIuller, F. H., 2. Elektrochem., 54, 204-10 (1950). (196) Mullins, L., ”Effect of Previous Stretching on Some Physical Properties of Rubbers,” Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers, Rcpt. R 342. (197) Mullins, L., “Xote on Measurement of Electrical Breakdown Strength,” Research Association of British Rubber hlanufacturers, Rept. R 323. (198) Mullins, L., “Tension Set. Causes of Set in Kormal Set Tests,” Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers, Rept. R 330. (199) Ibid., Rept. R 334. (200) Mullins, L., and Newton, R. G., “Effect of Previous Stretching on the Tensile Properties of Rubbers,” Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers, Rept. R 340. (201) &lullins, L., and Whorlow, R. TI’., Trans. I n s t . Rubber I n d . , 27, 55-74 (1951); Rubber Chem. and Technol., 24,232-49 (1951). (202) Munainger, W.XI.,k’unststoffe, 40, 359-60 (1950). (203) Murphy, E. .4., paper presented before Division of Rubber Chemistry, 120th Meeting. Bu. CHEM. Soc., New York; abstracts in India Rubber World, 124, 334 (1951); Rubber A g e (S.Y.), 69, 329 (1951). (204) Seef, J. C. de, J . Rubber Research I n s t . M a l a y a , 12, 263-4 (1950). (205) Newton, R. G., “Accuracy of Test Methods. Comparison of X’ominally Identical Abrasive Wheels When Used on Akron Abraders in Different Laboratories,” Research Association of British Rubber hlanufacturers, Rept. R 344. (206) Sewtan, R . G., India-Rubber J., 121, 263-4. (2p7) Kewton, R. G., “Studies on Flex-Cracking Resistance. Improvements in Rating the Flex-Cracking Resistance,” Re ~



search Association of British Rubber hIanufacturers, Tech. Note 88. (208) Kewton, R. G., ”Technical Classification of Katural Rubber,” London, International Rubber Research Board, Vsers’ I n f o r m . Circ. 1 (1951). (209) Ibid., 2. (210) Kewton, R. G., “Technically Classified Satural Rubber,” S e w s Sheet 1. Iutroduction and General Explanation, International Rubber Research Board, London, 1951. (211) Sewton, R. G., Philpott, M.IT., Fairfield-Smith, H., and Wren, JV, G., I n d . E n g . Chem., 43, 329-34 (1951). (212) Xielsen, L. E., Buchdahl, Rolf, and Claver, G. C., Ibid., 43, 341-5 (1951). (213) Nielsen, L. E., Pollard, R. E., and AIcIntSre, Elizabeth, J . Polymer Sci., 6, 661-4 (1951). (214) Norman, R. H., Trans. Inst. Rubber I n d . , 27,276-89 (1951). (215) Oberto, Stefano, Ind. E n g . Chcm., 43, 393-8 (1951); Rubber C h e m and Technol., 24, 557-68 (1951). (216) O’Brien, H. C., paper presented before Institution of the Rubber Industry, London, England, Sept. 28, 1951; abstract in India-Rubber J., 121, 551 (1951). 1217) Okita. Tadao. Sakita. Juichi. and .\fieorruehi. Asakichi. Surnitorn; D e n k i ~ I h o(Research Rept. Sunigomo’Elec. Ind’, Lttl.), s o . 31,ll-15 (19.46). (218) Or, L. d’, and Kossler, I., I n d . chlni. Belge, 16, 133-7 (1951); Rep. gdn. caoutchoi~c,28,430 (1951). (219) Painter, C. IT., Ani. Soc. Testing Uaterials, Bull. 177, 46 7 (1951). (220) Parker, L. F. C., “Examination of Some lIethods for Identiiying Synthetic Rubbers,” Research -Issociation of British Rubber Manufacturers, Tech. S o l e 102. (221) Parks, C. R., Cole, J. O., and D’Ianni. J . D., I n d . Ehg, C ’ h c w . , 42, 2553-7 (1950). (222) Parris, R. IT., “Testing the Adhesiveness of Insulating Tape,” Research Association of British Rubher lIanufactul,et.s, I . B . Circ. 138. (223) Parry, J. T-. L., Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., 98, Pt. 111, 30:3-11 (1951). (221) Pechkovskaya, I-ark, S ,

3‘)S-40;3 (1951j . J . Applied (231) Schremp, I?. I\-,.Ferry, ,J, D., and Evans, IT.X.: I’Ay.s., 22, 711-17 (1951). (252) Schricker. G., Iinnststo$e, 41, 173-7 (1951). (253) dcott. J. R., “Influence of the Mechanical Pressure During T.ulcanization on the Properties of the Yulcanizate.” Research Assocation of British Rubber Manufacturers, Lab. Circ. 126. (254) Scott, J. R., “Influence of the Period Between Mixing and Vulcanizing on the Properties of the Vulcanisate,” Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers, Tech. S o t e 60. ( 2 5 5 ) Scott, J. E., J . Rubber Research, 19, 125-8 (1950). (256) Scott, J. R., Trans. I n s t . Rubber I n d . , 27, 249-63 (1951). (257) Scott. J. R., “Vse of Lubricant instead of Rotating Pulleys in Tensile Tests on Ring Specimens,” Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers, Tech. S o t e 73. (258) Scott Testers, Inc., Rubber Age (A\-. Y.), 70, 104-7 (1951); I n d i a Ricbbcr T o r l d , 125, 222 (1951). haw, F.. and Co. Ltd., India-Ruhber J . , 120, 924 (1951). haw. R. F., mid .idanis. 5 . R., .~X.%I.. CHElf., 23, 1649-52 (1951). (2131) Shelton. J. R., and Cox, JT. L., I n d . E n g . Ciiem., 43, 45-63 (195 1>’. ( 2 6 2 ) Siegfriedt. R. K., Kiberley, J. S., and Xoore, R. W., ASAL. C H E ~ I . 23, , inox-ii (1951). (263) Smith, 0 . I-I., Hernionat, \V. h.,Haso, H. E., and Ileyer, A. IT-., Ibid., 23, 322-7 (1951); Rzibbe/~Chem. and Technol., 24, 684-56 (1951). (21i4) Soden. -1.L., India-Rubber J . . 119, 1143-6. 1153-4, lt5778 (19501; 120, 13-16, 24, 26, 55-7, 63-4, 66, 92, 95-S, 137-9, 144, 173-6, 212, 215-18, 254-7, 292-4, 297, 332, 334, 34s (1951). (265) Soden, -1.L., J . Rubber Rcsrurch, 20, 46-8 (1951). (266) Soden. A. L., “Practical Alanual of Rubber Hardness Testing,” & Sons, Ltd., 1951. London, England. ~larlar~ett 1267) Sodeii. A. L.. and TVake. TI-.C.. Trans. Inst. Rubber I n d . . 27.

(269) Ibid., pp. 332-4. (27O) Ibld.. 4, 44-7 (1951). (271) Sperbcrg. L. It.. Pogp, G. E.. and Baird, C. C., Rubber -Age (-‘