Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products: Characterization

Aug 15, 2000 - 1 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, 700 Moreno Avenue, La Verne, CA 91750-3399. 2 Department of Civil, Environmental,...
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Chapter 1

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Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products: Characterization and Control in Drinking Water—An Overview 1


Sylvia E. Barrett , Stuart W. Krasner , and Gary L. A m y 1


Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, 700 Moreno Avenue, L a Verne, CA 91750-3399 Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder, Campus Box 428, Boulder, CO 80309-0421 2

This chapter presents an overview of past research on natural organic matter (NOM) characterization and its relationship to disinfection by-product (DBP) formation and control in drinking water. The drinking water industry is required to minimize DBP formation while ensuring adequate disinfection. A large body of occurrence, treatment, and health effects data exists for certain DBPs that are present i n drinking water, primarily for trihalomethanes and other chlorination by-products. This chapter provides background and a brief introduction to each section of the book, organized according to the book's five main topics: "Regulatory and Health Effects Background"; "NOM Charac­ terization and Reactivity"; "Formation of Chlorination DBPs"; "Chemistry of Alternative Disinfectants"; and " D B P Methods Development."

When presenting an overview of past research on natural organic matter (NOM) characterization and its relationship to disinfection by-product (DBP) formation and control i n drinking water, it is essential to refer to past conferences on the subject. The chlorination conferences of the 1970s and 1980s (1-7), more recent forums such as the American Chemical Society (ACS) symposia on N O M / D B P s i n water treatment (8, 9), an American Water Works Association Research Foundation ( A W W A R F ) workshop on N O M in drinking water (10), and an International Water Supply Association workshop on the influences of N O M characteristics on drinking water treatment and quality (11) provide an excellent background for this chapter and this book. The book's five main topics are "Regulatory and Health Effects Background," " N O M Characterization and Reactivity," "Formation of Chlorination 2

© 2000 American Chemical Society

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

3 DBPs," "Chemistry of Alternative Disinfectants," and " D B P Methods Development." These topics will be discussed to provide background and a brief introduction to each section of the book.

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Regulatory and Health Effects Background The drinking water industry is required to minimize D B P formation while ensuring adequate disinfection (72). Many complex issues arise when establishing D B P regulations (13). Not only is a balance between disinfection efficiency and D B P control necessary, but there may also be risk/risk tradeoff issues between by­ products of chlorination and those of alternative disinfectants (14), However, much work remains to be done to determine the potential risk of compounds that have been identified in drinking water as well as to assign priorities to research on newly identified (and yet to be identified) by-products. Initially, in the 1970s, Rook (15) in the Netherlands and researchers at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (16) demonstrated that trihalomethanes (THMs) were formed during the treatment process as a result of chlorination. Subse­ quently, the National Organics Reconnaissance Survey (17) and the National Organics Monitoring Survey (18) conducted by the U S E P A found and confirmed, respectively, that T H M s were present i n the drinking water of utilities that used free chlorine in their treatment processes. After assessing the occurrence of T H M s in drinking water, the U S E P A began investigations to determine the health effects of T H M s (19). Chloroform was shown to be a carcinogen i n animal studies (20-21). Also, epidemiological studies showed an association between chlorinated surface water and cancer (22-24), and suggested a human health risk (25). On November 29, 1979, because of the possibility of T H M s being human car­ cinogens, the T H M regulation was promulgated (26). In 1998, the U S E P A promul­ gated the Stage 1 Disinfectants/DBP (D/DBP) Rule, which included a more stringent regulation for T H M s and additional standards for other chlorination DBPs (i.e., haloacetic acids, or H A A s ) , a chlorine dioxide by-product (chlorite), an ozone by­ product (bromate), and the disinfectants themselves, as well as requirements (i.e., enhanced coagulation) for the removal of D B P precursors (i.e., N O M ) (12). During the rulemaking process in the 1990s, it was recognized that additional information was needed on how to balance the control of DBPs and the microbiological quality of the treated water. A n Information Collection Rule (ICR) (27) was established that required extensive monitoring of water through the treatment process to provide the U S E P A with occurrence data to evaluate which DBPs should be regulated under Stage 2 of the D / D B P Rule scheduled for promulgation by 2002.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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Monitoring requirements in the ICR included four T H M s , six to nine H A A s , four haloacetonitriles (HANs), two haloketones, chloral hydrate, chloropicrin, cyanogen chloride (CNC1), total organic halogen (TOX), seven aldehydes, chlorite, chlorate, and bromate. Analytical standards and methods for six H A A s have been available for routine monitoring (28). Analytical standards and methods for the remaining three H A A s have been recently introduced (29). Several laboratories were analyzing for nine H A A s at the time that ICR data were collected, so these data were submitted where possible. Data for the above compounds are currently being evaluated, and the rule-making process for Stage 2 began in December 1998. Potential health effects associated with DBPs include carcinogenicity, adverse reproductive and developmental effects, and immunotoxic and neurotoxic effects (30). Recently, Boorman and colleagues (57) reviewed the existing cancer data on DBPs and outlined an approach for cancer hazard assessment for DBPs i n drinking water. Because of the complexity of the problem, the U S E P A , the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and the U.S. Army are working together to develop a comprehensive biological and mechanistic D B P database (31). In addition, the U S E P A convened an expert panel to evaluate the recent epidemiology data on adverse reproductive and developmental effects and DBPs (32). Past toxicology studies have been useful in identifying potential health effects for various individual by-products, but little is known about the effects of mixtures in low concentrations such as those in drinking water to which a human being may be exposed. Chapters in the "Regulatory and Health Effects Background" section address the toxicology of DBPs and the need to understand risks at environmental exposure doses. In addition, another chapter shows how a better understanding of the occurrence of DBPs, their precursors, and the treatment process for controlling D B P formation provide for rule development based on sound science.

NOM Characterization and Reactivity During drinking-water treatment, N O M can be removed intact (i.e., separation) during coagulation (33, 34), granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption (35, 36), membrane filtration (37, 38), or biological degradation (39, 40), or it can be transformed by oxidants such as ozone (40) or as part of an advanced oxidation process (41, 42). Characterization of N O M is essential in understanding how best to remove N O M (10). In addition, an understanding of N O M ' s reactivity with disinfectants is critical in minimizing the formation of DBPs and in identifying which fraction of the N O M is most important to remove. N O M characterization and reactivity testing of specific fractions with various disinfectants help optimize water treatment processes.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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To control the bacteriological quality of drinking water while minimizing the amount of DBPs formed, some utilities currently use a minimal amount of disinfectant, or they move the disinfection to a point i n the treatment process following the removal of a portion of the ΝΟΜ. Some utilities i n the U.S. are using alternative disinfectants (i.e., chloramines, ozone, and chlorine dioxide) (43). However, alternative disinfectants (e.g., ozone) also can react with N O M (44). Conventional coagulation removes a portion of the N O M . G A C , membranes, and enhanced coagulation can be used to improve the removal of N O M (45). The N O M typically found i n supplies used for drinking water has been classified as humic (nonpolar) and nonhumic (polar) material (46, 47). However, this definition of humic/nonhumic components of N O M has not been universally accepted. Humic and nonhumic N O M are functional definitions based on what is adsorbed (or not) on X A D resins (48). Indeed, hydrophilic ("nonhumic") fractions of N O M exhibit some of the properties typically observed for classic humic fractions. The humic N O M is most readily removed by conventional treatment, which consists of flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration (33, 46). The nonhumic N O M is more difficult to remove. In addition, inorganic constituents (e.g., bromide) can also affect D B P formation. Bromide passes conservatively through conventional treatment— coagulation or softening—and G A C adsorption and can lead to the formation of brominated DBPs (49, 50). Traditionally, N O M characterization at most water utilities has focused on surrogate or general organic matter measurements, e.g., total organic carbon (TOC). Over the last two decades, the research community has begun to recognize the importance of the size, structure, and functionality of ΝΟΜ. Elemental analysis helps characterize N O M (51), as does ultraviolet (UV) absorption analysis at 254 or 285 nanometers (nm) (47, 52). Moreover, the ratio of U V and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)—the specific U V absorbance (SUVA)—is a good indicator of the humic content of a water (53) and has been correlated with D B P formation (47). Reactivity with chlorine has been assessed through D B P formation potential (FP) tests (54, 55) and simulated distribution system (SDS) tests (56), and, more recently, uniform formation conditions (UFC) have been used (57). In addition, differential U V spectroscopy ( A U V A ) at 272 nm has been used to monitor D B P formation (58). Moreover, there have been developments in other N O M characterization techniques such as carbon 13 nuclear magnetic resonance ( C - N M R ) (59, 60), pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) (61), fluorescence spectroscopy (62), size exclusion chromatography for molecular weight and size determinations (59, 63), and on-line T O C measurements (64). 13

The laboratory isolation and fractionation protocol for the hydrophobic fraction (humic fraction) of N O M is well established (48). The isolation of the hydrophilic

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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(nonhumic) fraction is being developed (65, 66). The fractionation techniques that have traditionally been used to separate hurnic and nonhumic N O M are X A D resins (48). X A D - 8 resins do not adsorb polar N O M (67), whereas X A D - 4 resins isolate some of, but not all, the more polar N O M from inorganic matter (68-70). Newer techniques employ ultrafiltration membranes to recover and desalt collodial N O M (71). Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis recover most D O C (72, 73), but desalting the inorganic matrix remains a problem. Resin combinations (74) and selective precipitation are being used to isolate fractions of polar N O M (65). The " N O M Characterization and Reactivity" section i n the book elaborates on ways to characterize N O M , including new comprehensive isolation techniques. Some of these methods need further sophistication, improvements in efficiency, and eventially more standardization. A number of different techniques for N O M isolation are available rather than a single uniform protocol. This means that the selection of the proper method for N O M isolation might be quite challenging. Detection methods that have been used in conjunction with the above separation techniques include organic carbon analysis, U V and fluorescence spectroscopy (47, 70), elemental analysis (51), molecular size distributions (63), pyrolysis-GC/MS (61), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) (66), and C - N M R (60). Using a combination of these detection methods provides significantly more structural and functional group information than is provided with the use of a single method (47). 1 3

Formation of Chlorination DBPs DBPs found during the chlorination process have been studied more than any other group of DBPs (i.e., those formed during the use of alternative disinfectants). The Jolley water chlorination conferences, previous A C S symposia, and other work include postulations on the formation mechanisms of THMs, H A A s , and other DBPs. The detailed literature reviews by Rice and Gomez-Taylor (75) and Richardson (76) describe organic and inorganic by-products that have been identified in water with chlorine, chlorine dioxide, chloramines, and ozone. In the presence of bromide, higher concentrations of brominated compounds are formed in comparison to the formation of chlorinated compounds (77, 78). However, less work has been done on identification of the brominated compounds and their health effects. The "Formation of Chlorination DBPs" section includes modeling chlorine decay and D B P formation, particularly in the treated-water distribution system.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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Chemistry of Alternative Disinfectants As alternative disinfectants are used to meet increasingly stringent regulations, a better understanding of NOM/disinfectant reactions—such as ozone and hydroxyl radical chemistry with NOM—aids in treatment decisions. Richardson (76) has published a comprehensive list of specific DBPs produced when humic material reacts with chlorine, ozone, chlorine dioxide, and chloramines or when these disinfectants are used in actual drinking-water treatment plants. To date, it is known that ozonation forms bromate (79), aldehydes (80), ketones, and carboxylic acids (81); chloramination forms H A A s plus CNC1 (82-84) and cyanogen bromide (CNBr); and chlorine dioxide reactions in water result i n the formation of chlorite and chlorate (85). In addition, chlorine dioxide has been shown to form organic by­ products (86). Heller-Grossman and colleagues (87) found that chloramination yielded less CNBr, THMs, and H A N s than chlorination of bromide-rich lake water, and chlorine dioxide yielded even less of these specific DBPs. However, Symons and colleagues (83) and Smith and colleagues (84) have shown that chloramination may form significant levels of dihalogenated compounds (e.g., dichloroacetic acid) compared to trihalogenated compounds (e.g., THMs, trichloroacetic acid). A W W A R F and U S E P A have sponsored research on by-products of ozonation (88), chlorine dioxide (86), chloramines (83), and U V disinfection (89). The "Chemistry of Alternative Disinfectants" section will discuss the application of radiation chemistry techniques to the study of D B P formation. In addition, one chapter compares D B P formation for four different disinfectants..

DBP Methods Development New analytical methods or modifications of existing methods are being developed for a full range of new DBPs to better characterize N O M and its reactivity with disinfectants. Liquid/liquid extraction is the classical solvent extraction approach, coupled with GC/electron capture (EC) or G C / M S to analyze for neutral chlorination by-products such as T H M s and H A N s (90). T H M s can also be analyzed by purge-and-trap extraction coupled with G C (16). Derivatization methods are used in conjunction with G C where direct extraction is not feasible or chromatography and/or detection of the underivatized compounds is poor. For example, aldehydes cannot be easily extracted from water, but with the formation of a fluorinated oxime they can be extracted, separated i n a G C , and detected with an E C detector (91). H A A s are derivatized (e.g., with diazomethane) to form methyl esters that are more readily chromatographable (55). The U S E P A sponsored some of this methods development as part of a 1988-89 study of 21 DBPs (92). Derivatization G C / M S and FTIR spectroscopy have been used to study organic by­ products of chlorine dioxide (86). Capillary electrophoresis has been used to study polar carbonyl (93) by-products of ozonation. Ion chromatography has been used to

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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study bromate (79, 88) and carboxylic acids (81), by-products of ozonation, as well as chlorite and chlorate, by-products of chlorine dioxide treatment. Flow injection analysis has been used to analyze for chlorite and chlorate (94). At a workshop of experts from diverse fields in 1998 (95), various needs related to D B P methods development were recognized, including a need for additional extraction and derivatization techniques, a need for higher concentration factors or improved instrumental sensitivity, and a need to explore other instrumental techniques. For example, there are methods of identifying nonhalogenated, nonvolatile DBPs by using liquid chromatography ( L Q / M S or M S / M S ("tandem MS"). It was also recognized that new biological and toxicological screening tools are needed to help guide D B P methods research and regulatory development. For example, since the workshop, the U S E P A has sponsored a study of 49 DBPs (95, 96). These DBPs, which had been tentatively or qualitatively identified in disinfected drinking water (76) were, in part, prioritized on the basis of structural activity relationships. The " D B P Methods Development" section discusses current information on L C / M S analysis for polar, nonvolatile organic compounds and other new techniques. It also discusses improvements to one of the derivatization methods for H A A analysis for all nine species.

Conclusion The characterization and control of N O M and DBPs in drinking water present a complex problem. A multidisciplinary effort is needed that brings together the expertise and collaboration of chemists, engineers, toxicologists, and representatives of other disciplines to continue to move forward in an effective manner.

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In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.




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