NATURE IN REVERSE - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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NATURE IN REVERSE Methocel (Dow methylcellulose) is a n u n u s u a l synthetic gum t h a t gels when heated!

SEND FOR YOUR EXPERIMENTAL SAMPLE! The Dow Chemical Company D e p t . M E 3 - l A , M i d l a n d , Michigan

W i d e viscosity range of Methocel is a v a i l a b l e — please indicate use field

Other properties of Methocel make it valuable i n many different products a n d processes. Methocel is a synthetic g u m , a n d i t s manufacture is closely co xitrolled by Dow to give you a chemical of uniform quality. It is cold watersoluble, odorless, tasteless and inert. P e r h a p s you need an economical t h i c k e n e r — a two to three p e r cent solution of high viscosity Methocel will thicken water u n t i l it will hardly pour. If y o u are a manufacturer of cosmetics, latexes, water paints, paint removers o r textile printing pastes, you will find it especially useful.

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T h e tough, flexible film formed by Methocel makes an ideal material f o r capsules, greaseproof packaging a n d coatings. As a n emulsion stabilizer, Methocel acts as a protective colloid and minimizes t h e settling and caking of dispersed solids in aqueous systems.

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T h e g u m that "gels when heated"" is a true statement of fact a h o u t MethoceL^ (Dow methylcellulose) that may be extremely i m p o r t a n t to you. In the leather industry, for example, pastes made with Methocel gain maximum bondimg strength with heat to save time, m o n e y , a n d to improve the quality of hides being processed.


Give a searching look at this u n i q u e material . . . it m a y be time well spent. For further information or a free e x p e r i m e n t a l sample of Methocel, write to THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY, Midland, M i c h i g a n .

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